day 4 and not sleeping well: I've been smoke... - No Smoking Day

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day 4 and not sleeping well

nsd_user663_41857 profile image
27 Replies

I've been smoke free for 3 days this is my 4th day now and I'm finding it hard to sleep. I'm not craving or anything at night but just don't seem to be relaxing and its getting me down. I can be laid there for about 3 hours before I drift off. And the slightest thing will wake me up. I'm not used to this, I've always been able to drift off to sleep within an hour!! Anything to help me with this? I could get some nightol or something. I don't like the taste of horlicks. And I don't want to get addicted to kalms even though they might help? I don't want to get to a point where I can't sleep without having a kalms first!

Also, I'm not getting the withdrawls as I'm on patches, which I will experiment at the weekend of going without, but I'm getting real bad cravings that seem to come over me in a wave then last for ages!! When will these go away?

Loads of questions but this is my first time of quitting, and I want it to be the last and only time I quit. Don't want to fail and start back up again, that's a fear

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nsd_user663_41857 profile image
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27 Replies
nsd_user663_40384 profile image

Hi Rochelle

I'm on day 7, normally a good sleeper, but like you am very wakeful at night . awake until 3.30 this morning. But, i know it will work through and should be a lot better after a couple of weeks. Try not to get too worked up about it. I find taking herbal valerian from the health food shop helpful. The one night i remembered to take it before i went to bed (rather than 3 am!) i slept well, but still woke up on and off in the night.

It might help to have a look at Alan Carrs book "how to stop smoking the easy way" to understand the mental thing behind cravings. I used this many years ago when i stopped for 13 years. I've been dumb enough to start again 18 months ago, and been trying and failing to give up (mainly with hypo) ever since, also with the book. I would stop for half a day then start again.

This time, i re read the book and was ready to deal with my mind set again, far so good.

you're doing really well

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Thanks hun, helpful to know someone is going through the same!! I will try some herbal stuff. I must have only had about 5 hours sleep last night. Now usually I would be half dead from that, but I don't feel tired at all. Its weird! I get really ratty when I'm tired too so I am worried about that too. Just trying to ride it out!

Can I ask, why after 13 years did you start again? Just curious as I don't want this to happen to me and I hope once I'm through this I never feel the urge again but right now, I can't see me ever not feeling that urge!! God, its such a rollercoaster of emotions. Hopefully when I get back to work tomorrow, I'm too busy to be attacked by cravings

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Sleeping is a bit confused in the early days, as Hilary's mentioned. Other than the helpful advice re herbal teas try to ensure that you cut back on caffeine loaded drinks such as coffee, coke and the like. You could also try having a soothing bath in the evening. There's some more suggestions below which could help also.

In regards to the Craves I've posted this before which is a straight lift from the internet on the subject:

"When you get the 'crazies'

Cravings are real – they’re not just your imagination. When you feel the 'crazies' you may also notice that your mood changes, and your heart rate and blood pressure may go up. Try these tips to get through these times, and hang in there – the cravings will get better:

[*]Keep substitutes handy that you can suck or chew on, such as carrots, pickles, apples, celery, raisins, or sugar-free gum or hard candy.

[*]Know that anger, frustration, anxiety, irritability, and even depression are normal after quitting and will get better with time. See your doctor if these feelings last for more than a month.

[*]Take 10 deep breaths, and hold the last one while lighting a match. Exhale slowly and blow out the match. Pretend it is a cigarette and put it out in an ashtray.

[*]Go for a walk. Exercise can improve your mood and relieve stress.

[*]Take a shower or bath.

[*]Learn to relax quickly and deeply. Make yourself go limp. Think about a soothing, pleasing situation, and imagine yourself there. Get away from it all for a moment. Focus on that peaceful image and nothing else.

[*]Light incense or a candle instead of a cigarette.

[*]Tell yourself 'no.' Say it out loud. Practice doing this a few times, and listen to yourself. Some other things you can say to yourself might be, “I’m too strong to give in to smoking,” “I’m not a smoker now,” or “I don’t want to let my friends and family down.”

[*]Never allow yourself to think that “one cigarette won’t hurt,” because it very likely will.

[*]Wear a rubber band around your wrist. Whenever you have a thought about smoking, snap it against your wrist to remind yourself of all the unpleasant reasons that made you want to quit in the first place. Then remember that you will not always need a rubber band to help you stay in line with your plans to quit."

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Thanks. All of those will help me.

Going to buy tomorrow, some relaxing bubble bath, herbal teas (although I have green tea in the cupboard so could drink that for now) I have been going for extra dog walks that does ease the cravings. But to be honest the cravings are small in comparison to the sleep thing lol suppose its got all of you down in the early days

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

But to be honest the cravings are small in comparison to the sleep thing lol suppose its got all of you down in the early days

Totally understand, Rochelle.

I'm an insomniac even in normal times. But add that to my early quit and life was utterly miserable for 5 1/2 months...some nights only getting 20 mins. And sods law always dictated it was the immediate 20 mins before the alarm rang...:D:(

But as I say, I had a pre-existing insomnia issue and therefore more the exception rather than the rule. 4 years down the road and mostly my insomnia has disappeared. Just another positive by-product of stopping steeping oneself in a poison on a daily basis ;)

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Totally understand, Rochelle.

I'm an insomniac even in normal times. But add that to my early quit and life was utterly miserable for 5 1/2 months...some nights only getting 20 mins. And sods law always dictated it was the immediate 20 mins before the alarm rang...:D:(

But as I say, I had a pre-existing insomnia issue and therefore more the exception rather than the rule. 4 years down the road and mostly my insomnia has disappeared. Just another positive by-product of stopping steeping oneself in a poison on a daily basis ;)

I've never suffered with severe insomnia, so hopefully it will pass quickly. It must have been hell for you. I can't imagine coupling stopping smoking with the frustration u get from being exhausted.

nsd_user663_40384 profile image

Hi Rochelle

weeeell...i started again (having gone through lots of big big life stresses in those 13 years and not even thought about cigarettes) because i fell in lurve with someone i used to know when i was 18, when we were all hippies and smoked coincided with all the stress winding up, and triggered a ridiculous 18 yr old irresponsibility button (a bit daft when you are fifty!)... and i asked him for a drag of a roll up one evening when we were hanging out and having a beer.

Beware the "just one for fun"....within 3 months i was back on a 20 a day habit. That was just under two years ago.'ll be fine as long as you remember what all the advice/people/non smoking gurus are always telling can never....never...ever....

have just one.x

ps i too am not tired despite the temporary insomnia stuff...good hey

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Hi Rochelle

weeeell...i started again (having gone through lots of big big life stresses in those 13 years and not even thought about cigarettes) because i fell in lurve with someone i used to know when i was 18, when we were all hippies and smoked coincided with all the stress winding up, and triggered a ridiculous 18 yr old irresponsibility button (a bit daft when you are fifty!)... and i asked him for a drag of a roll up one evening when we were hanging out and having a beer.

Beware the "just one for fun"....within 3 months i was back on a 20 a day habit. That was just under two years ago.'ll be fine as long as you remember what all the advice/people/non smoking gurus are always telling can never....never...ever....

have just one.x

ps i too am not tired despite the temporary insomnia stuff...good hey

Well I'm seeing that like being an alcoholic at the min, an alcoholic can't just have one drink for old times sake, they have just one and they're hooked again. So I'm thinking it will be the same sort of thing for us. It makes sense when I look at it like that.

Someone I know is quitting too, and is on day 12. So we're sort of egging each other on :) work tomorrow, that won't be too much of a test as there is only one smoker at work and I've got supplies for lunches so I won't have to go out with her to the sandwhich shop :) always be prepared!

So is the second quit easier as you know what to expect more??

nsd_user663_40384 profile image

Hi Rochelle

It's so long ago since the first proper long quit (1997), that i can't remember much about it! can't have been too bad. And, getting it in proportion, this isn't either really. I recognise this level of determination i had about it. That it really was "over" between me and cigarettes.

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Hi there - and well done with your quit.

Are you wearing the patches at night? It could be that you're getting too much nicotene, which acts as a stimulant and keeps you awake? I'm not an NRT expert but maybe someone else on here might know.

Hope it settles down soon. Don't let the insomnia beat down your resolve!

Helen x

nsd_user663_41599 profile image

Just thought I'd add - I know how you feel! It's been really hard to drag myself out of bed for work some days after only 1-2 hours sleep.

However, I'm just about cresting the three week mark, and while my sleep pattern hasn't returned to "normal", I'm noticing something else, I don't even need that much sleep!

I'm currently sleeping about 4-5 hours a night, and waking up full of beans. Before I quit, I could do the full 8 hours and still be a grouch in the morning and feel like I'd just been beaten up. I even went for a run this morning at 6am - pretty much unheard of for the last four years (both the run and the 6am bit:))

Hang on in there, this sleep business can't last for ever. You're doing great.

nsd_user663_4558 profile image

Lets face it, do we really need sleep? I think its over-rated and ....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :D

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Hi Rochelle

It's so long ago since the first proper long quit (1997), that i can't remember much about it! can't have been too bad. And, getting it in proportion, this isn't either really. I recognise this level of determination i had about it. That it really was "over" between me and cigarettes.

Yeah, it really is over for me, I didn't even enjoy them, and they aggravated my ocd. I'd have to have them at the same time every single night after night. I have ocd of checking things and doing things in routine or I'm frightened everything will mess up, but I'm pleased to report although the bed time checking hasn't gone, all other aspects of it are, and I'm happy. Enjoying being relaxed and being able to just sit and read a book without having to get up and have my fix, I don't need my fix. Its not my fix anymore! Changing my routine was hard the first two days but now its becoming normal after 5 days. Was nice not to have to go out in the cold to get a fag and a sarnie at work today. I just made my beans on toast and sat there toasty and warm:)

Well done for getting back on it hun, must make you really determined to succeed after you fell back into it after so long. Life went on without cigs for 13 years right? Xx

Hi there - and well done with your quit.

Are you wearing the patches at night? It could be that you're getting too much nicotene, which acts as a stimulant and keeps you awake? I'm not an NRT expert but maybe someone else on here might know.

Hope it settles down soon. Don't let the insomnia beat down your resolve!

Helen x

Nah, no patches at night. I never ever got up during the night for a smoke, so didn't think I'd need the 24 hour ones. At the weekend I'm gonna not put one on first thing and see what I'm like. After all, I went the first day with no patches so I can do this. I'm gonna be strong lol :)don't want to be dependant on patches and nicotene gum

Just thought I'd add - I know how you feel! It's been really hard to drag myself out of bed for work some days after only 1-2 hours sleep.

However, I'm just about cresting the three week mark, and while my sleep pattern hasn't returned to "normal", I'm noticing something else, I don't even need that much sleep!

I'm currently sleeping about 4-5 hours a night, and waking up full of beans. Before I quit, I could do the full 8 hours and still be a grouch in the morning and feel like I'd just been beaten up. I even went for a run this morning at 6am - pretty much unheard of for the last four years (both the run and the 6am bit:))

Hang on in there, this sleep business can't last for ever. You're doing great.

Oh my god, I could do 10 to 12 hours before the quit! Don't know how I got so lethargic and exhausted!! Didn't expect it to be from fags, but we don't do we? Its probably to do with having decreased oxygen from the tobacco. I am really wanting to get into some excersise, just dunno what to do. I don't enjoy running. Maybe I could do zumba classes, I already go for walks as I have two dogs. Good luck with the 6am runs! Bet you are feeling and looking fantastic!

Lets face it, do we really need sleep? I think its over-rated and ....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :D

Ha I actually LOVE sleep. Well I did. Maybe I will again, who knows lol but we need it to survive. Think it will be good if I can manage on less than I did before. I won't feel so lazy all the time anyway

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Lets face it, do we really need sleep? I think its over-rated and ....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :D

Just noticed your from durham I'm from bishop auckland :)

nsd_user663_42018 profile image

Hi, i'm so glad i stumbled upon this site, i'm just coming to the end of day 7 and having terrible trouble sleeping and terrible mouth ulcers thrown in! glad to know i'm not alone, it can only get better and soon i hope :(


nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Hi, i'm so glad i stumbled upon this site, i'm just coming to the end of day 7 and having terrible trouble sleeping and terrible mouth ulcers thrown in! glad to know i'm not alone, it can only get better and soon i hope :(


I havnt had any mouth ulcers yet lol never suffered from them before. The sleeping is getting to me but I actually got to sleep ok last night. Maybe took me an hour! Ill not get too confident though lol

nsd_user663_4558 profile image

Well hello there fellow durhamite. I am over in sunny seaham harbour but work over your way so know the area well. I packed in on december 9th with a blip on boxing day after a few drinks in the pub. I am not counting the blip as that's all it was.

Nice to see you on the site and keep in touch re your quit. :)

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Well hello there fellow durhamite. I am over in sunny seaham harbour but work over your way so know the area well. I packed in on december 9th with a blip on boxing day after a few drinks in the pub. I am not counting the blip as that's all it was.

Nice to see you on the site and keep in touch re your quit. :)

Well done for getting back on it and not falling back into the trap. I'm determined not to have a blip I'm terrified of falling back in lol quite enjoying my life as a non smoker to be honest though.

Oooh so u work near bishop. Crappy little town really but its home to me lol

nsd_user663_42155 profile image

Hi Rochelle,

I had some major insomnia for the first two nights of my quit, and every past attempt at quitting I also had insomnia.. That took weeks to really recover from.

I tried one thing new this time a tea, called Tension Tamer, made by Celestial Seasonings. I swear the stuff works wonders, its a bit strong in flavor so if you're not a fan of tea, sweeten it up for sure. But I drank three cups yesterday, two at work and one around 11 p.m, and I was asleep by 12 and slept for 9 hours last night! Fist time I have done that since before I quit, so I recommend it if you're still suffering. :) Good luck!

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Trouble sleeping

Hi Rochelle

I have trouble sleeping too!! Been up since about 3:30am & I'm waiting for daylight to go for a walk.

P.S. I'm a former "Durhamite" too. I was born in Hartlepool.

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Hi Rochelle,

I had some major insomnia for the first two nights of my quit, and every past attempt at quitting I also had insomnia.. That took weeks to really recover from.

I tried one thing new this time a tea, called Tension Tamer, made by Celestial Seasonings. I swear the stuff works wonders, its a bit strong in flavor so if you're not a fan of tea, sweeten it up for sure. But I drank three cups yesterday, two at work and one around 11 p.m, and I was asleep by 12 and slept for 9 hours last night! Fist time I have done that since before I quit, so I recommend it if you're still suffering. :) Good luck!

Where can I buy some? I'm lying there for at least 2 or 3 hours before I sleep, and even then I'm easily woken. :( got nytol tabs but they did nothing for me last night

Hi Rochelle

I have trouble sleeping too!! Been up since about 3:30am & I'm waiting for daylight to go for a walk.

P.S. I'm a former "Durhamite" too. I was born in Hartlepool.

I just don't know what to do with all the energy lol I do feel a bit tired tonight, so fingers crossed!!

Quite a few people on here that are close to where I live. :)

nsd_user663_42155 profile image

I've found the tea at Walmart, but Ive noticed they have a different selection at everyone I have been to. But try Walmart, Foodlion or Whole Foods. Its also good for any anxiety, but if you want some that puts me to sleep like a baby, try catnip tea! I cant believe I forgot to mention that. I always drink it when Im having trouble drifting off, if you have cats, lock them out of the room. Mine try to pull the cup away from me. :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

I've found the tea at Walmart, but Ive noticed they have a different selection at everyone I have been to. But try Walmart, Foodlion or Whole Foods. Its also good for any anxiety, but if you want some that puts me to sleep like a baby, try catnip tea! I cant believe I forgot to mention that. I always drink it when Im having trouble drifting off, if you have cats, lock them out of the room. Mine try to pull the cup away from me. :rolleyes:

Oh I'm in england hun, ill still search for it though online.

I don't have cats, I have two dogs :) x

nsd_user663_42155 profile image

Ohh, I'm sorry I didn't think to ask where you were from! Here is the link to the website, you can buy it online or they have store locators.

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Thanks I will try some x

nsd_user663_6426 profile image

Have some alcohol....nite zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Oh god no, I remember than insatiable urge of wanting a cig as soon as a sip of alcohol went down. Lol I didn't drink anyway hun, couple of times a year I would have one or two, so I won't be having any of that.

I did sleep last night though ;) had a effing awesome nights sleep! Hope it continues :) day 8 now woweeee!!! Can move on to the next stage of forum :p

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