Not needing so much sleep?: Hi there, Just... - No Smoking Day

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Not needing so much sleep?

nsd_user663_6596 profile image
18 Replies

Hi there,

Just a note, but has anyone else noticed that they don’t need quite so much sleep?

I'm in my 11th week of quit, moods have stabilised, constipations all sorted, not craving badly and they are totally manageable,

I no longer want to decapiate my boyfriend with a blunt spoon. RESULT!

I used to go to bed as a smoker especially in Winter at about 10pm, feeling generally really quite knackered, and these days midnight is just as good, 2 hours less sleep, and I'm feeling a little tierd but fine....

I'm wondering if all of the horrid chemicals in ciggies, despite being a stimulant, actually wear you out, I guess your body needs more sleep to repair from the damage that has been inflicted upon it.

Does anybody else have similar?

Happy Boings xxxx

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nsd_user663_6596 profile image
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18 Replies
nsd_user663_4990 profile image

I've gone the other way, I'm finding i need more .. but i'm certain that is more to do with me getting a little older or something :)..

If i don't get 6-8 hours sleep now i don't function well at all, this week i've been getting about 5 hours sleep a night, and after a sustained period of time, it exhausts me.

If you can, look after your sleep... i sure need to with my sleep :)

nsd_user663_6673 profile image

yes thats exactly the same for me,though the stress started to take its toll and i felt more tired from that after a while,geberally i need less sleep definately,i dont wake up quite so exhausted either which is a nice feeling,still a mental though,mine hasnt settled yet

Atomicguy profile image


Hi there - I'm with Jase on this. I've gone the other way.

Everything about my quit now seems quite stable - except the sleep. I used to go to bed at midnight - jump out of bed at 5:20 (admittedly to have a fag) - in the gym for 6:40. In work for 7:45.

Now I'm in bed by 11 - and alarm goes off at 7 - and I struggle to get out of bed.

But I must say once out of bed I'm really awake and buzzing - and sharp as a razor in work - much more than I was as a smoker.

nsd_user663_7957 profile image

I have had some trouble getting to sleep so I listen to a relaxation tape on my ipod and then I sleep fine. I have been getting less sleep and feeling good on it. I have noticed I get upo as soon as my alarm goes off whereas before I would struggle to get up.

nsd_user663_6734 profile image


Since I stopped smoking I find I need more sleep. I think it's because I'm stroppy and stressed out with my quitting.

And I think I agree with Jase, age got something to do with it aswell!!

I go to bed about 10 ish. Listen to 5 live for about 5 - 10 minutes and I'm asleep. Didn't used to be like this.

Still never mind you can't get to much sleep.:)

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

Procrastination Station Zzzzzz *thud*

Its quite interesting from the responses that we appear to be a mixed bag of both ways...... needing more or less sleep... no one yet has said that the sleep patterns after quitting is the same...

To start with i slept for England, The UK, and was practicing for Europe and further afield too.....;)

Shows thus far that it does have a marked effect... maybe i'm in a wakey phase... what ever though i'm not knocking it... The main thing is the nicotine free bit.... hurraaah!

Nicotine Free Hugs for all


Sat in the Procrastination Station :)

nsd_user663_6596 profile image








ok maybe insomnia is striking.... ahem!!!

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

hey you can sleep when your dead right?!

bellablue will be along soon on her night shift to keep you company miss pogo stick :p

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Zozie :D

I need a bit less sleep but find I'm sleeping much better than I did and feel better for it

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Sleep did anyone say sleep?

I love sleeping. I have never been a morning person always waitied to the very last possible milli second to get up.

Now I've quit smoking well not much has changed in fact I need even more sleep.

Hope one day I will be able to get up when my alarm goes off in the morning instead of just putting my alarm clock in bed with me when it goes off and then pressing snooze button for 5 times and now that I the 6th time I have to get up. How sad is that...


nsd_user663_4754 profile image

i'm hearing you tinks - My snooze record is 4 hours :o

nsd_user663_6734 profile image

Hi Tinks.

My snooze button pressing is 3 times!!.

Yeah we are sad aren't we!!:):):

Ju x

nsd_user663_7469 profile image


Sorry was I snoring

Sleep who needs more sleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Sorry trying to stay awake zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Less sleep needed here

I don't need as much sleep nowadays , not sure if its just down to the quit alone OR to do with the fact that I have turned into a bit of a keep fit fanatic / gym bunny and eating a healthier diet.

Maybe things are functioning with less effort and not draining the energy bank / reserves so much these days.

K I am off to bed now ....getting tired here ( just kidding )off to gym really :).


quit 28th april 09

20 a day 30 years :eek:

3 months patches

6 months cold turkey:cool:

nsd_user663_6991 profile image

At the beginning of my quit I was falling asleep in front of the telly at 9.30pm then off to bed. I would wake at 4am then 6am feeling really anxious and constantly thinking about cigs until I finally got up and busied myself to take my mind off it.

At 4+ months I have levelled off and I go to bed around 10.30-11pm and sleep very happily until 6-7am and then dont want to get out. That probably down to the cold dark mornings though!

My understanding is/was that sleep patterns will right themselves to whatever is right for you and that probably happened for me at around 2-3 months.

nsd_user663_8876 profile image

A late post to this thread but i wanted to add to it :p:pI quit cold turkey and apart from the evil moods it was the sleep that disturbed me the most.

First night crashed by 8pm. Horrific dreams, very confused as to who and where i was. Kept waking up really scared and missing a fag. (Had much nicer nights sleep) then finally woke at 6am all bright eyed as if i'd has a wonderful night. :rolleyes:

2nd n 3rd nights in bed very early again (im usually up very late) woke a few times but not scared. Again early waking up.

It seems like since i've stopped smoking my body has been in some form of shock and depression and has wanted to take me to bed early as away of shutting it all out, only this doesn't really work. The waking up early is lush though, i hope i can keep waking early. Hearing those birds singing is just gorgeous first thing. Yet when i was a smoker i would have ...'ahem'...cursed those birds for waking me lol.

So i guess I need less sleep but the quality is so much DEEPER. I love sleeping especially on a sunday morning but will i ever do that again?! lol.

nsd_user663_10082 profile image


Iv not had a fag for about 2 months. Since iv stopped smoking im tired All the time. I sleep for more than 15 hours a day and am still nakerd wen i wake up.

Food has lost its taste. everything tastes bland and uhh...

When i have a fag craving i get heart pains and become very ill.

Im pissy with everyone and yeh i dont get horney any more.. the opportunity for sex comes up and im like... u no wat'd be real nice right now.. a fag.

iv also no longer got any form of memory... which is y i cant remember y im writing this..

who knows.

God i need a fag!

nsd_user663_10082 profile image


Yeh so i cant have a fag so im muching..

and u no im munching on food that i no longer really like the taste of.

everytime i get a fag craving i eat a whole tub of nutella with a spoon.

im size 8 but im gonna pile it on!!

2000+ Calories a tub. about 3 tubs a day pluss it while im hungry....

im gonna get SOOO Fat!

I dont really no wat this has to do with Sleep-ness tho it is 4 in the morning.

Ahh iv been guilt-tripped into quitting smoking and it ****ING SUCKS!!!!!!

I need a fag :'(

Ahhhh! So people who want to quit. wat do u do wen u really need a fag.... and ur eating food that is like stodgy and is making ur heart stuggle. which originally would disappear after a few puffs of a fag....

i should probablly get that looked at....

but i think that smoking has stopped me from having long expected heartattacks.

smoking ->>.. no heart pain

stop smoking ->>.. lots of heart pain

for instance right now.. Really need a fag! and heart Really hurts....

uhhhhhhhh im bablling.

yep quitting smoking has turned me into some sort of weirdo....

coz i would of EVer written on a forum before....

uhh im bored with this.


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