Lack of Sleep and Smoking Urges: Hi All... - No Smoking Day

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Lack of Sleep and Smoking Urges

nsd_user663_4821 profile image
12 Replies

Hi All,

Last night I didn't get alot of sleep. Lack of sleep alone I can usually cope with but I'm also working ridiculous hours and it's all starting to catch up with me a bit these past few months. I feel exhausted, emotional and I keep thinking about smoking. I reckon the urges for cigarettes have got something to do with the tiredness - I'm used to using 20 or so nicotine stimulant sticks every day to keep me going. Anyone else here crave more when tired?

I guess the solution would be to get more sleep, but I really do spend all of my time doing work of some description and there isn't alot of time left for sleep. Anyway, lack of sleep hasn't seemed to have affected my quit up to now so why all of a sudden am I craving the smokes?

I'm hoping there will be some Mums on here or anyone else that's going for the quit while dealing with the effects of lack of sleep. How are you coping? I only need to get through to June and then the workload will start to ease up a bit. Short of surviving on caffine and chocolate I'm all out of ideas!

I'm not going to give in - I'm too damn stubborn! Just needed a rant I guess - hope you don't mind!



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nsd_user663_4821 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Anyone else here crave more when tired?

Hi Angie,

I think that when you are tired, your defenses are down, and you become more susceptible to cravings.

The thing to do is, keep busy. In the beginning, when l first gave up, l used to do jigsaws online, and spend most of my day on here. I didn't get much housework done LOL, but what the hell, l wasn't thinking about cigs when l was doing something else.

I seem to remember that l didn't sleep very well at the start either, and l also used to have very strange/weird dreams.

Josie XXX

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Cat naps really help, if you can fit them in.

I am an *expert* catnapper. I could lay my head down on my desk right here right now and be instantly asleep. But I won't, because I'm at work, and I would look very silly and drooly. But if you can manage it...

And yes, I crave more when I'm tired. That might explain my excessive need for sugar in the first few weeks. Weaning myself off the werthers now...

nsd_user663_15752 profile image

What are nicotine stimulant sticks?

bbbreezy profile image

Hello Angie,

I sympathise with you; my youngest literally never slept. I remember one nite counting 18 times that she awoke. In those days if anyone ever asked me how I was the answer was always "tired".

I find that my quit exhausts me and I am always in a state that I could fall asleep. Energy levels have not increased yet, but hopefully will soon. I rely on coffee and chocolate and other sweets to keep me alert.

Angie, even if you do not have time for a sleep, take a minute or two, shut your eyes; breathe deeply, blank out or try positive thinking; try and get a bit of walking in, especially on sunny days. Try drinking a full glass of water (sometimes helps perk me up) have a bath, do knee bends in the shower. Angie, you have to carve a few minutes out of each day, for Angie.


nsd_user663_15752 profile image

Ah, I just relised you meant cigs, DOH! I thought that was some new fancy kind of NRT, lol.

nsd_user663_4821 profile image

Thanks for the advice guys. I'm will try keep as busy as I can and will definately have a go at catnapping between jobs. The rubix cube has been helping to take my mind off the craving this afternoon.

Dave - I meant cigarettes but was trying to put it in such a way that explained that it was the stimulant effects of the nicotine that kept me going. Description fail :)



nsd_user663_14771 profile image

dang, rubix cube! now there is a fine idea for getting over a crave!! but where to buy one these days!!!!

i didn't sleep much last night either, and since quitting have been working a lot just to keep my mind of the cigs, which seems to work for me, except on mondays! how do i cope? well not sure that i do :) but i find talking to long time non-smokers helps, they seem to have loads of strategies for dealing with life's ups and downs...

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Rubix cube? That would be, for me, the fastest possible route to throwing the towel in and inhaling six fags in one go. I can't STAND those things, they drive me to quivering rage.

I have never been able to do puzzles like that, even those little slide-tiles-around-a-tray ones you got as a kid. I just can't do them. And yet other types of puzzles, like anagrams, I can just see quick as winking. It's funny how the brain works isn't it?

Anyhoo, sorry, that was off topic.

Hope you get some sleep soon!

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

I didn't sleep much last night either but that was because my husband snores so loud it sounds like a chain saw going off. Even when I de-camp to the sofa I can still hear him.

I'm thinking of sacking him...

...oh and yes, I've always found tiredeness makes everything difficult, when I'm dieting I find I crave for naughty food more too. I think it's the brains way of trying to find things to stimulate it.

Only option is to sleep better, easier said than done I know.

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

I didn't sleep much last night either but that was because my husband snores so loud it sounds like a chain saw going off. Even when I de-camp to the sofa I can still hear him.


oooh I've got one like that too! I thought he'd get better when he stopped smoking, but he's getting worse aaaargh Or maybe I'm not sleeping as well. I actually dreamt about this forum last night SAD!

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

oooh I've got one like that too! I thought he'd get better when he stopped smoking, but he's getting worse aaaargh Or maybe I'm not sleeping as well. I actually dreamt about this forum last night SAD!

Yeah, me too. I think mines put on weight and that hasn't helped although I do think I'm sleeping lighter than usual so it's getting to me more.

I'm thinking about getting environmental health round to check the decibles and then serve him with an ASBO :D

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Yeah, me too. I think mines put on weight and that hasn't helped although I do think I'm sleeping lighter than usual so it's getting to me more.

I'm thinking about getting environmental health round to check the decibles and then serve him with an ASBO :D

Top idea!! :D :D

I tried to record mine on my mobile once. But it didn't really have the same impact and the b****rd just laughed. grrr

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