Putting on weight: I read it on the news this... - No Smoking Day

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Putting on weight

nsd_user663_49196 profile image
11 Replies

I read it on the news this morning that on average, people who quit smoking put on 5kg.

When I read that I felt really down.

I'm feeling bloated at the moment and have put on 5lb in only 5 weeks.

The last time I quit about 6 years ago, it was for about 6 weeks, and I started smoking again because I put weight on:(

I don't want to put weight on and walk round looking like a barrel!

People have said I need to put some weight on because I look skinny, but they don't know how I feel about putting weight on!

I'm only 4ft 10.5inch and will not look or feel right if I get any fatter:(

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nsd_user663_49196 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Quit the smokes first, the weight comes next. Whenever we take something away we replace it with something else and during a quit food is the most common replacement. It's because we are so vulnerable and food is often something comforting. To add stress into the early stage of a quit by focusing your thoughts on something negative such as 'I need to lose weight' can be detrimental to your quit. Once you got a strong quit going you can make some choices such as exercise or eliminating the worst offenders from your diet such as sugar and processed foods. Be easy on yourself just now though, the weight you put on right now will come off very fast once you make the right changes. Of course your name 'cakecorner' indicates you may not like the changes you might have to make once you're ready to shed those pounds ;)

nsd_user663_49196 profile image

Of course your name 'cakecorner' indicates you may not like the changes you might have to make once you're ready to shed those pounds ;)

I actually make wedding and celebration cakes (have my own website) but don't really eat them, nor do I have sugar in coffee or anything else.

Although having said that, before quitting smoking I could eat anything I wanted, whenever I wanted, such as chocolate and cream, and not even have to think about it, and my weight would stay the same, however things are different now and I'm feeling a bit low about it:(

nsd_user663_48461 profile image

Cake - as per Bellas' advice - quit the fags first, keep that as your primary focus. If you can quit smoking, you can do anything else that requires a bit of determination! And a couple of extra pounds is better than the filth and disease caused by smoking! Your metabolism will have changed, but rest assured, it will level. You won't keep putting a pound on every week for infinity and beyond. ;)

I'm about 10 lbs heavier at the 3 month point, and I didn't over-eat a lot - just the odd days where I knew I was eating too much or the wrong things. So it's been mainly metabolic changes, but there has been some extra wine! :eek: But I've just returned from holiday, which is solely responsible for 3 of those 10 lbs, so I'd say the net gain is around half a stone in 3 months. I'm just now feeling that I'm over the brow of that very steep hill, and ready to think about a few tweaks to (1) not gain any more and (2) shift what I have gained!

Keep up your good work. Remember, if you can do this, you can do anything! :D


nsd_user663_34768 profile image

Hi Cakecorner, believe me I now where you are coming from. I would say feel comfortable with your quit though before you start tackling the weight issue. I have been quit now for nearly 10 months and have gained almost 2 stone, but I do seem to have had never ending holidays and birthday meals etc. I, like you, have never had to think about my weight before and even though people keep telling me I don't look like I have gained much I know otherwise lol.

Have to say this is the worst part of the quit for me but I am now doing wii fit everyday and have downloaded 'my fitness pal' onto my ipad to keep track of my exercise and everything I eat so will see what happens.

nsd_user663_45204 profile image

I've put on over 2 stone in less than 4 months. I've always had trouble with my weight. In fact i find it harder to keep the weight off then smoking - it's true.

nsd_user663_49645 profile image

I saw the same article on MFP. In a way it made me feel better that I'm not just a greedy cow, it's metabolic lol.

I just wrote on my thread that I felt like I was 'missing' something, although didn;t feel the need to smoke. I think we fill that strange void with tasty food to take the feeling of deprivation away. Doesn;t work, mind you. It just makes us fat and rots our teeth.

I've joined My Fitness Pal over the last few days and because you can see what's going on at aglance with everything you eat and everything you do, it really inspires you. SInce I've joined, I've got into a great exercise routine. If I don;t exercise, I have to stick to 1350 calories a day. I simply can;t do this, so I exercise to 'earn' calories to eat more. ;)

nsd_user663_48461 profile image

My Fitness Pal seems to be popular amongst the quitters now ready abd wanting to do something about their post quit weight gain. I'd better have a look.

Cakecorner - hope you're feeling a bit better and reassured now?

BW, Shazza :D

nsd_user663_49196 profile image

Thanks for your replies.

Feeling better today, must have just been on a downer the other day.

Although I feel I need to loose a couple of pound, all the weight for height charts say I'm well within range, but if I don't watch what I'm eating, the weight will soon go up.

Had a look at My Fitness Pal and joined.

I need to start some exercising, which should help.

I don't have the time or money to go to a gym, so maybe I should get my daughter to show me how to use the Wii fit. She could do it with me as she says she needs to lose a couple of stone.

nsd_user663_34768 profile image

hi cakecorner, I try to do 30 minutes on the wii fit every day and really enjoy it, combined with 'my fitness pal' I feel I am finally getting somewhere. If I want more to eat then I know I have to get on the wii fit for another 30 minutes :D Just been to the pub for tea though and been very good and had a chicken salad where I would normally have had scampi or steak and chips. Have to say I really enjoyed it, suppose it was because someone else had prepared it :D

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

Thanks for your replies.

Feeling better today, must have just been on a downer the other day.

Although I feel I need to loose a couple of pound, all the weight for height charts say I'm well within range, but if I don't watch what I'm eating, the weight will soon go up.

Had a look at My Fitness Pal and joined.

I need to start some exercising, which should help.

I don't have the time or money to go to a gym, so maybe I should get my daughter to show me how to use the Wii fit. She could do it with me as she says she needs to lose a couple of stone.

I love my wii fit.. I also use Zumba fitness as well.. I always think u don't need expensive gyms. Iv been a member of them myself and always quit after a few months. The money u spent on a gym can be saved for a home gym. I got a multi gym a x trainer the wii and the bored and stuff by saving the gym money. I also love to walk as much as I can too.

nsd_user663_11875 profile image

Well thats me at 7 weeks, I stopped taking the champix last week too as I kept forgetting to take them :o I had weighed myself before my quit as I was on the skinny side 5' 6.8" and 8st3lb one of the main reasons I quit is that I could not no matter what I did put weight on.................weighed myself today...... Ive put 9lb on in 7 weeks :eek: LMAO! I must be the only person high fiving my kids in Boots as I have gained weight lol what a freak! Im gonna let myself get to 9st (2 more lbs) before I start weight training again.

Train at home if you can its easier to fit 30 mins in if you dont have to physically get to a class etc. Most important though is the weight gain will level out so try not to worry about it you will shift it, your quit is more important that anything else just now and your doing fab, theres loads of programmes for the wii fit now as well as some good dvds about.

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