Me and my weight/eating.: Ok - this thought... - No Smoking Day

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Me and my weight/eating.

nsd_user663_17388 profile image
31 Replies

Ok - this thought is just forming which is why I'm putting it down here. Hopefully by putting it in writing it'll help the thought come to fruition.

I've put on a bit of weight :( this is bothering me. I put on weight after spending 3 weeks with the in-laws over last summer (who wouldn't comfort eat in that scenario right?) Actually they're cool in a kind of 'in-law' way.

Anyway, since quitting I've put on more weight and I've found myself recently thinking that maybe I can smoke now and lose the weight and then quit when I can afford to put on again.

I know that's not right - bear with me....

I have replaced a certain amount of smoking with food and need to curb that. However, I also think it's possible I'm eating in an attempt to sabotage my quit. By getting 'fat' I can reasonably say I tried, it didn't work, I can't handle being *whatever weight, I'm not telling* and I need to smoke to help me regarding my food consumption.

When in actual fact I would love, love, love to be a healthy, slim, non-smoker. Why does it have to be one or the other?

So, I'm going to believe that and believe that I'm worth it. I shouldn't be eating all this crap and it's bad for my body, it doesn't like it and it lets me know that. I can be a slim, healthy non-smoker...

I'm going to be a slim, healthy non-smoker.

It isn't 'either/or', it's whatever I want it to be.

I'm not going to try, I'm going to do....wish me luck :)

Red red wine, you are so fine....

but I just can't partake of you for a while - this is au revoir, not goodbye...Thanks for all the laughs and the good times, I'll see you as soon as I'm a size 10 :D

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nsd_user663_17388 profile image
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31 Replies
nsd_user663_15147 profile image

I've started declining the glasses of wine at un-eventful (and even some eventful times!). I realised that food is like cigarettes, but BETTER because there IS an inbetween point (not like with cigs where you either smoke or you don't).

Start out by telling yourself everytime you crave a certain food/drink that if you really still want it tomorrow then you'll have it then (which is what I do with cig craves). Slowly after a few weeks of doing that you'll start to realise which food craves are the real ones and which ones are the ones replacing cigarettes. Then you can eat 'whatever you like' because you won't be wanting to eat food that your body doesn't need, you'll only want to eat when does need nutrition :)

Also, to be honest, now that I'm not having, cakes, croissants, lasagna, pizza and crisps everyday it's really nice when I do have those things because they've become 'treats' again rather than the norm.

At least that's what happened to me! Took a while but I got there and it's not really that much of an effort to keep healthy eating up anymore.

nsd_user663_15147 profile image

oh, and P.S. Good luck :) Remember that if you can quit smoking you can most definately go on a mini diet!

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hey, I completely understand what you are saying, the whole weight thing was massive contributing factor why I've relapsed on many occasions. BUT I didn't suddenly drop back to my size 10 when I smoked so it is definitely no magic cure.

I've come to terms with the fact that yep I'm a lot fatter in fact 4.5 stone fatter but that's because I substitute smokes with food so still feeding that addiction and needing that crutch. I'm eating better now & exercising more and like you I will be that slim, healthy and thin non smoker.

Good luck to you & what great attitude you have got

Tinks (aka fatty bum bum) xx

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

SLB - voice of reason :) I was going to starve myself and then fail miserably and blame it all on not smoking.....and sadly there is not one ounce of sarcasm in that sentence at all.

Putting things off untill tomorrow....simple, but it might work, thank you (genuinely). Like right now I'm going to put off - a glass (pint) of red wine, a cream egg and maybe some sweet and sour prawn balls - untill tomorrow...

It's working. :D

This is where I go wrong I think, I get all emotional and come up with a plan that clearly won't work....and then wonder why it isn't working.

Tink, me too. I lasted a week a little while ago and managed to gain a pound every day. After one week and 1/2 stone up I went running back to the fags. Then I was trying again with the help of the pharmacist and I spoke about weight loss and she was like "Well you will put on weight, look at me...." I did and she was ROUND and I don't mean A bit round I mean ROUND - my face was like :eek: and I wen't running back to the menthols again :(

I really hope it's possible to do both.

I'm really going to try.

I'm going to give it my best also to try and teach some smokers that it is possible. They've all just accepted my weight gain as a not smoking thing and reinforces their excuses for why they shouldn't give up....I don't want to give them that ammo.

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Hi Loops,

Since I have quit I am, quite literally, eating myself silly. Cake after chocolate bar after doughnut after curry after another cake... I *never* eat like this, I don't know what's come over me. I am insatiable.

It can't go on, I do realise this. Even though (please don't shoot me) I don't gain weight that easily, it's still really unhealthy and not a great idea to replace one addiction with another.

Fortunately, while I absolutely cannot be an 'occasional' smoker I can be an occasional eater of shite. So... I am weaning myself off. Admittedly slowly, because it's still early days for me and I do kind of need the crutch. I've had four treats today. One scone, one viennese whirl, one curly wurly, one packet of fruitella. BUT I did walk three miles home (the fruitella was to sustain me on my trek :D). And any other snack impulses have been satisfied with satsumas.

As of next week, the treats are down to three per day. After that, two. After that, we'll see ;)

And I am trying to get a good few hours of exercise into my week, to compensate for the gargantuan calorie intake.

I'm sure you can slow down the foodage without driving yourself back into the waiting arms of mr nicotene. You've shown you are more than capable of self control. God knows if we can kick the fags we can do anything. Now you are going to show all those choking smokers that you can be fag free and also slender and gorgeous. Oh yes, you are.

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Oh yes... and a glass of wine :rolleyes:

So that would be five.

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Hiya looper

Don't beat yourself up over putting on a bit of weight. I've also become a bit lardy, and it's all on my tum. Unfortunately this has led to rather a lot of 'when's it due' and 'oh, did you give up cos you're expecting' :eek::eek: (I'm not thanks, no more for 18 year old, 13 year old & 6 year old are more than enough, and as my mother in law says, I've done my bit for queen & country). It nearly led to me smacking one of our best clients in the mouth after he asked when my maternity leave was starting :D. So, anyway we're still relatively early on in our quits, so I'm going to continue stuffing my face with everything within my reach until 15th Feb. That will be 3 calendar months quit for me. Then I will tackle this weight, and start eating less crap. I may even take up jogging, which if you knew me well,you would find almost as hysterical as I do.

See you over on the weight loss forum :p

Rachel xx

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

OK, and I just had a mars bar.:eek:

I would say ignore all my sage advice above, except that I've been hit with big style PMT, so I have slightly exonerating circumstances. I actually need chocolate in order not to savagely murder innocent people.

nsd_user663_15147 profile image

Glad what I said made a little bit of sense at least.

Right now I'm congratulating myself for not savagely attacking the croissants that someone brought into work this morning.

Rachel - A client asked you if you were expecting?! I hope you told them what's what (in a polite supplier-client relationship sort of way of course!)

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

SLB, Congrats on avoiding the Croissants :D I unfortunately did not avoid the fish and chip lunch or the bread rolls with REAL butter on :(

neither am I able to avoid this bottle of red.

It slammed me to the floor and forced me to drink it when I got home. Bad bottle.

I don't know - guess I'm also gonna be a fatty bum bum too. Took my Mum for three hour memory clinic appointment this morning. I was late and had to get her to take a cab because of a really nasty accident. I am not squeamish at all but passing the wreckage actually made me feel sick it was that bad. Poor, poor people....

Only in a memory clinic do people turn up, sit down and then wonder what the hell they are doing there.

She then had to see the medics as her BP was so dangerously high she was at quite a major risk.

I guess I'm saying all this because I need to care for my quit at times like this, because it would be easy to smoke. It would be easy to cadge a fag off her, let's face it, she wouldn't remember me having one...

So fish and chips will do and I will be mindful at other times as SLB has said.

I just wish I could have it all.

Oh and Rach, do you really need the custom? Because if not you should have punched him hard, in goolies. Although I...have....made ....that mistake ...too, once :o

This woman who's son went to the same swimming club as my eldest used to. For a whole term I studied that bump and was certain it was no flabbery, it was indeed a pregnancy. But wasn't sure so didn't say anything. After a three week break we resumed and bump was noticibly bigger. It was all up front, a proper round belly, not so much on the arms and legs, so I dived in. I congratulated her and asked when it was due...

I felt so embarassed but probably not as embarassed as her.

Hels, Cheers to the Mars Bar *dull gooey thud as Mars Bars knock together*. The chocolatey, caramel salve that has mended many a sad heart (or PMT).

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

I just keep my mouth shut until I see them with a baby :D

Looper, you can have it all, just not all right now, quite yet. Your quit has to come first, and you have plenty to deal with without worrying about denying yourself the odd mars bar. Do you have any help with looking after your mum - any sibs or anything? If not you might want to start looking into avenues of support sooner rather than later. Sorry if I'm teaching grandma to suck eggs. I'm just worried about you :(

Today I have eaten:

1 scone with large pat of real butter

1 plain chocolate club

1 tracker bar

1 chicken sandwich

2 satsumas

1 doughnut

2 huge helpings of salmon and asparagus risotto

A viennese whirl.

2 glasses of red wine.

A pretty light day, food wise!! But I'm sure I can fit in a bit more before bedtime.

What the hell. I haven't smoked. That's all that matters.

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

I just keep my mouth shut until I see them with a baby :D

Looper, you can have it all, just not all right now, quite yet. Your quit has to come first, and you have plenty to deal with without worrying about denying yourself the odd mars bar. Do you have any help with looking after your mum - any sibs or anything? If not you might want to start looking into avenues of support sooner rather than later. Sorry if I'm teaching grandma to suck eggs. I'm just worried about you :(

Today I have eaten:

1 scone with large pat of real butter

1 plain chocolate club

1 tracker bar

1 chicken sandwich

2 satsumas

1 doughnut

2 huge helpings of salmon and asparagus risotto

A viennese whirl.

2 glasses of red wine.

A pretty light day, food wise!! But I'm sure I can fit in a bit more before bedtime.

What the hell. I haven't smoked. That's all that matters.

:D I shall obviously wait for the babe to be in arms in future - that was an embarassing, cringe inducing lesson.

Ok, for me....

Skipped breakfast as had no time

Fish and chips with peas and tartare sauce

Three white rolls and Enid Blyton style 'lashings of butter'

A salad bowl with not much salad. More non salad and sauces.

A full fat, fully leaded coffee

Two glases of wine

Currently creating a Paella with everything a paella should have...

....and if oh comes back from tescos without more wine and a key lime pie there will be sanctions...

It's been a toughie you say....WE HAVE NOT SMOKED... and that certainly is what matters. :)

I have a sibling and I did ask for help today but they backed out.

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

He came home, with wine....and key lime pie.

I love him - it may be cupboard love but it's love all the same :D

In all seriousness, I have to get a grip. It's been a hard day, but enough is enough.

Tomorrow is a new day..

I love him - it may be cupboard love but it's love all the same :D

Calm down............................thats the booze talking ;)

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Ah ha

Today I have had:

1 piece butter HM toast

1 pear

Lunch: Barbecue ribs (huge not like at harvesters), curly fries, coleslaw, salad, onion rings

2 Milky ways (you can eat them between meals without ruining your appetite :p)

1 smallish toblerone bar (39p...was a bargain...had to have it :D)

Tea: Chicken in white wine sauce with rice & a pitta bread

About 4 pints of lager :D

Lots of pear drops

Was asked again today if I was pregnant, wonder why :eek:

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Oh and a chocolate mousse :D

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Calm down............................thats the booze talking ;)

Actually I think it was the sugar rush from the key lime pie :D

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Rachel...that's not too bad love. The other day I pretty much went and hoovered up the kids treat cupboard.

I confessed when OH came home.

Him: 'I didn't think there was much chocolate in the cupboard anyway.'

Me: 'Well there isn't now.'


Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Him: 'I didn't think there was much chocolate in the cupboard anyway.'

Me: 'Well there isn't now.'

thats so funny :D:D:D

Yesterday I ate

3 slices of toast with lemon curd

packet of flamming hot monster munch

3/4 packet chocolate hob knobs

packet of galaxy counters

bag of doritos BBQ (the middle big one 99p size)

chicken fried rice, prawn crackers with sweet and sour sauce


Thats soooo bad. Not a normal day anymore but being ill and fed up I raided the local shop for crap.

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

People need to keep posting what they're eating, it's making me feel much better!!!

People need to keep posting what they're eating, it's making me feel much better!!!

Noooooo people need to stop this nonsense immediately :mad:........its making me feel hungry!! :eek:

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

I've had two packets of crisps and a cream egg for breakfast.

Healthy, balanced and nutritious.

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

I've had two packets of crisps and a cream egg for breakfast.

Healthy, balanced and nutritious.

Eggs are good for you :p

Will have to go and do some baking in a minute, as I have no junk in the cupboards to eat :mad:

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Four slices of buttered toast so far today. Is that all? I need to buck up my ideas!

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

so far today -

4 chocolate hob knobs (would have been more but they ran out :D)

think I am going to make a lemon tart later, well its got lots of fruit in it :p one of my 5 a day lol

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

so far today -

4 chocolate hob knobs (would have been more but they ran out :D)

think I am going to make a lemon tart later, well its got lots of fruit in it :p one of my 5 a day lol

I love Hob Knobs - way more than Digestives :p

nsd_user663_15147 profile image

Going down the baking road is sooo dangerous! I did that before xmas and was eating so much of the sugar-filled batter! was also making trays and trays of muffins and cake and eating them all myself :eek:

It's also especially dangerous for me cos I love baking and cooking in general :) I found a way around it... get my co-workers fat! muahahaha! If they're fat then I won't feel fat :)

nsd_user663_17388 profile image
nsd_user663_17388, now. We are going to have to reign this in and for breakfast today I'm having a....banana :(

And for lunch I'm having a brown roll with ham (woo - set the world on fire).

Then for dinner - pasta, peas and leeks in stock and philadelphia light sauce.

My life is over

nsd_user663_15147 profile image

Ooo, never diss leeks and philadephia light with pasta!!! That's what I'm having today for lunch :) Had to cook the pasta in stock tho... not much flavour when I tried it the other day.

A banana tho? wow, really reigning it in! I find coffee is a great appetite supressor... I don't really like it much anymore but when I'm feeling dizzy with the desire for a Kinder Bueno I get a coffee instead and seems to work :)

nsd_user663_20978 profile image

i eat loads of cereals, cereals for breakfast and lunch then proper meal at teatime and walk walk walk everyday, kids think there buggy is there new home lol they have a tandem buggy so real heavy and gives me an extra workout, bought some decent walking boots with money saved of cigarettes so far lost 11lbs. have a look at it will give u something to walk for its like a treasure hunt keeps u occupied, and gives u a reason to walk alot u need a phone with gps. geocaching is my new addiction at least it a healthy one this time

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

i eat loads of cereals, cereals for breakfast and lunch then proper meal at teatime and walk walk walk everyday, kids think there buggy is there new home lol they have a tandem buggy so real heavy and gives me an extra workout, bought some decent walking boots with money saved of cigarettes so far lost 11lbs. have a look at it will give u something to walk for its like a treasure hunt keeps u occupied, and gives u a reason to walk alot u need a phone with gps. geocaching is my new addiction at least it a healthy one this time

Cheers Boo, but I don't think I have a GPS phone or whatever. I do walk a lot though and always have. When faced with a load of mums all driving stupid around the school roads and stuff I get in and out quicker if I walk.:D

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