As you may have read in my previous posts, I gained bout 5kg after I quit. I felt horrible about the weight gain but nothing can compare to the positive feeling of being able to quit for almost a year now.
It was really hard to lose the weight that I gained and it seems like I just kept on adding weight every month. It was frustrating because I was losing 1kg but then I gained it back again in just a few days, it's like nothing is happening. It is really hard work to lose all the weight. I just kept on doing the normal body weight exercises that I do and after how many months of trying to lose that weight, I noticed that my weight was slowly coming down the last 2 months. Last year I was 72kg and now I am 68kg, already 4kg down. Looking forward to lose that 1kg, but still aiming to go down to 60kg to make sure my weight is okay for my height.
I don't want to discourage those who are trying to quit (although I admit, weight gain was one of the reasons why it took me a long time to quit), but hey, it is part of the journey and you just have to go through it and do something about it. Weight will not come down by itself, it needs self- discipline and the choice of food matters a lot. I'm still munching on those doritos after meals but it is getting less and less everytime. I just try my best to eat healthy on week days and eat whatever I want on weekends and incorporate exercise at least 2-3 times a week. It works.
If I can do it, you can do it too!