weight is it not smoking or time of year - No Smoking Day

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weight is it not smoking or time of year

nsd_user663_6570 profile image
21 Replies

hey all 2 monthers

I guess we are all in pretty much the same state of stopping.

like all on here am a little concerned about weight gain. a little not a lots

1 month after quitting I was fine no gain. however in last 3 week up 6 lbs, erm is it time of year, I think so... not happy but coping...

how you all doing?

Julie E, jack tinker Vivienne, Margaret Bradders and all hope your all still smoke free xx

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nsd_user663_6570 profile image
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21 Replies
nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi :)

I think, can't be sure but think, my weight gain really began when I ended the patches..... but that's also when winter began and the winter has been pretty cold (and filled with pretty but now boring white stuff) and that could well be a part of any gain. Some due to the quit, some due to winter.

6lb gain is not to bad in the grand scheme of things I think. What, if, did you gain this time last year?

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

There is evidence that smoking increases the metabolism so when you stop your metabolism slows.

That combines with probably snacking more in the early stages mean we put on weight.

add to that winter and Chrsitmas and is it any wonder we are all asking the same question....


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hi Sue and Pol you know it's so nice for me to feel I know people on here now and they are not just a name anymore. I see you are both keeping going with your quit so am I and well done to all of us.

It may seem funny that someone with my stature could put on weight but I have put on 1 stone in the first few weeks now I seem to levelling out.

But I can understand the with women this seems to be more prominent. But listen, you girls are doing great with the stop smoking and are probably enjoying eating or indulging in the things you enjoy. So go ahead enjoy, once you have the nicodenon under control then you can sort out the weightdemon.

Anyway I'll still love you just as much:D:D

Love Jack :)

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Anyway I'll still love you just as much:D:DLove Jack :)

Thanks Jack.... good job someone does ;)

I always put some on during the winter but the quit has increased that amount but I'm strong and stable with my quit and now loosing the gain. I didn't worry and am not now, just dealing with it you know?

Pol (or is it?; silly name after all!)

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Not silly but where did the name come from, just nosey and interested.

Jack xx

Btw Lorna missed you as you posted while I was writting mine. You are included in the above.

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

It came from a character in a book by Eddings

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Very interesting, now you know the next question which book?

Btw if I disappear I get kicked of the computer at 10pm it's the boss. Actually I take that back

I'm the boss in my house my wife said I could be, Hmm?

Jack x

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Not 'which book' but 'which books'? There are a dozen or more, more - a few series actually, beginning with The Belgariad series

No ONE is the boss - equal partners and you take turns - all's fair in love...... and war

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

True but I keep losing:(well only sometimes)

I am going to have a look for these books because I do seem to recollect the name of the series.

Jack x

nsd_user663_5258 profile image

Referring to the concern about putting on weight, it is more likely to be an increase in snacking, than the metabolic changes caused by nicotine, I would suggest taking pro active action and start going for a run. Enjoy your new healthier body :-)

Mr V

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Not silly but where did the name come from, just nosey and interested.

Jack xx

Btw Lorna missed you as you posted while I was writting mine. You are included in the above.

Awe thanks Jack and it lovely to see a man who knows his place.....well done Mrs Jack...xx

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hi Sue and Pol you know it's so nice for me to feel I know people on here now and they are not just a name anymore. I see you are both keeping going with your quit so am I and well done to all of us.

It may seem funny that someone with my stature could put on weight but I have put on 1 stone in the first few weeks now I seem to levelling out.

But I can understand the with women this seems to be more prominent. But listen, you girls are doing great with the stop smoking and are probably enjoying eating or indulging in the things you enjoy. So go ahead enjoy, once you have the nicodenon under control then you can sort out the weightdemon.

Anyway I'll still love you just as much:D:D

Love Jack :)

Has anyone told you, you are a lovely lovely man Jack. xx

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

I would suggest taking pro active action and start going for a run. Enjoy your new healthier body :-)Mr V

I hoping to try my new healthier body out soon and have a little run, in the dark with a hat pulled down low.

Last time I tried jogging (outside of a gym) with two smoking friends was 20 years ago. I would run the 1 mile to 1 friends house. She was never ready so I'd sit and have a roll-up. She'd then come into the kitchen and pick up her baccy papers etc and off we would run the next mile to the other friends house who was not ready either. Myself and friend 1 would sit and smoke, friend 2 finally would be ready, pick up her baccy etc and off the three of us would run to my house where we would sit the rest of the evening smoking and drinking.

A 3 mile run, 3 times a week - not bad for three chimneys

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Referring to the concern about putting on weight, it is more likely to be an increase in snacking, than the metabolic changes caused by nicotine, I would suggest taking pro active action and start going for a run. Enjoy your new healthier body :-)

Mr V

Hi Mr V

As someone who has trained for the last 20 years, swim a mile daily, gym/spin/weights/classes 6 days a week and who has always been slim. It was a shock to still gain weight when I quit. Smoking suppresses the appetite so you do feel hunger a lot more in the first couple of months. Also women do have the habit of emotional eating, hence the reason why women gain more weight when quitting than men.

For the others - My advice to anyone would be get to grips with the quit first, then concentrate on the weight issue. I have only got around to the weight thing after quitting for 3 months and I have started to lose the weight. Small steps people, small steps.:)

nsd_user663_6810 profile image

The weight gain for me started after 6 weeks. Up until then I didn't put on a pound. But in 9 weeks I put on 1st 10lb :eek:

My weight has always been up and down and I had a few pounds to lose prior to stopping smoking. Ordinarily to help lose weight I would use coffee and cigs as my snacks - knowing I couldn't do that it's as if my subconscious mind said 'bugger the weight loss' - and I started eating - and just didn't stop.

I cant sit here and say that I cant work out why it has happened. I know full well why its happened, I am eating like a pig. I can not go out of the kitchen without something in my gob lol

I am now doing something about it because the gain was stopping me going out cos I felt terribly self concious and that's no good, so I have to do something. Its difficult tho cos I am starving. I am so used to stuffing all day I am finding it hard.

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

It really is a pain Jo

The metabolism issue is a fact, and also the chemicals in the cigs do act on our hormone levels which produce emotional responses especially in women and cause us to eat more, again a known fact.

I have always been very slim, actually thin is probably more accurate and my weight issues were always I needed to put some on. 3 years ago I had my ovaries removed and my hormone levels went into a tail spin....within 4 months, eating my normal diet I had put on 2 stone in weight. I took this off by dieting :eek: a completely novalty to me at 45, and exercise and my weight eventually balanced out.

Stopped smoking and again I have ballooned...1 stone in 3 months...but I have quit smoking and my eating, or should I say snacking habits, went into overdrive. 3 months down I now feel strong enough to tackle the weight.

Advise would be watch what you are doing but try not to sweat it too much. The quit is the most important thing.

Good luck my love and btw you are doing brilliant.

L xx

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Referring to the concern about putting on weight, it is more likely to be an increase in snacking, than the metabolic changes caused by nicotine, I would suggest taking pro active action and start going for a run. Enjoy your new healthier body :-)

Mr V

Thats all very well Mr V but us older ones who have maybe damaged our lungs by smoking for so many years are physically not able to go for a run, I would struggle, for instance to go for a brisk walk without getting out of breath. Although I'm booked in for training sessions to try to improve this situation in time.

Further, research shows there is a small change in our metabolism of approximately 5% (around 100 cals per day) when giving up smoking. This may even out over time.

I agree with the others, the quit is the most important thing initially, we can then tackle any weight issues afterwards. Maybe things are not always quite so boldly black and white? :)

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Thats all very well Mr V but us older ones who have maybe damaged our lungs by smoking for so many years are physically not able to go for a run, I would struggle, for instance to go for a brisk walk without getting out of breath.

Vivienne you are correct I am as you all probably know 63 and will be 64 come March. After smoking for 52 years the damage I have probably done to myself is more than overwhelming. I have tried to do things recently like digging away snow walking fast just simple things like going upstairs then talking to someone emediately after getting there. I am badly out of breath, if anything worse than I was when I was smoking. So you see for me to go for a run you would have to follow close behind with a wooden box and a big black car.

How are you today my lovely twin :cool::cool:xxx I will answer your mess later xxx and remember we must be very discreet :rolleyes: about our courtship I mean relationship ehem I meant friendship.

Love Jack xxx

nsd_user663_6570 profile image

hey Pol n jack

yes its like we are all friends on here... and the weight gain will get sorted... I think I put same on las year when I think about it..

so hows you doing? i am fine most of the time with the odd crave. this week seems to have been a difficult week though.

I cant get on here much at mo with being back at work and probs I have with my cat..... its got beyond medical intervention now and moved into behaviour modifacaion..... not easy with 3 cats. I am following the programme but it will be slow


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hey Sue keep the chin up and if we don't see you posting we'll understand and accuse you of all sorts of things:D.

What's wrong with the cat?

your friend Jack xx

Pol I will speak to you soon.

nsd_user663_6570 profile image

Hi Jack

cats got urine probs and crystals, keep getting infections and then blocked so he can wee.... hes has all the tests going and there is no medical reason. vets advised I contact a behaviourist,, the one off the TV Dr Sands.... he cam out on Wednesday and was brill. fulll report and a programme of modifacation to do with him and other cats. really facinating.... I am training him to respond to a clicker as a reward...Dr said he has feline OCD and seperation anxiety, over attachment to me and a bad reaction to a female who joined the house hold in May... its a long process but I will get there.... helps with the stop smoking as I have to keep rewarding them every time they do something posiive......

hows you Jack you sound like your doing well and have made quite a few buddies on here...:)

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