I'm getting a bike: .....and I can't flamin... - No Smoking Day

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I'm getting a bike

Dippy_Egg profile image
23 Replies

.....and I can't flamin' wait for it to arrive. :)

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Dippy_Egg profile image
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23 Replies
nsd_user663_46317 profile image

Woo hoo look at you:eek: go girl;)

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

.....and I can't flamin' wait for it to arrive. :)

There is no stopping you now! :) You have definitely embraced the quitting experience! Good for you you are brill!:)

nsd_user663_47108 profile image

How fab is that my ickle runny one! :) x

I'm looking at starting the Couch to 5K so I can keep up with the missus (who loves running). If someone had suggested that to me just a couple of months ago that I would even be considering this I would have just laughed in their face...

We rock! :cool:

Dippy_Egg profile image

Running. Pah!

What you want it is bike Pappy :)

There you'll be labouring along the road, sweat pouring from your weary brow....when your ickle runny friend will come whizzing past on her bike with a picnic in her panniers, tinkling her bell as she disappears off into the distance shouting heeellllooooooooooo :D

Only joking. Yeah Pappy. We rock.....and, like you, I still cant quite believe it. And Haze...you are brill too. Every last man jack of us on here that succeeds, or keeps trying to succeed......is absolutely brill.

nsd_user663_45204 profile image

Wow i have been thinking of getting a new bike(mountain) also for weeks now.

I'm delaying the idea for a little while longer to see if the novelty of it will wear off. I have a habit of rushing into buying things which end up packed away for years.

I haven't had my own bike now for about 25 years. I do really want one though.

Dippy_Egg profile image

Get a bike Rogue :)

You know you want to :D

You'll be so jealous when mine arrives and i'm on here bragging about it. heh heh

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Did it arrive? Is it shiny?

Dippy_Egg profile image

It arrived :D

But no-one was in :(

Its arriving again on Friday 13th :eek:

I bet its shiney though. Its really quite painful knowing its in town and I cant get near it. Its in the hands of delivery people called Yodel. I think they're called that coz I would have had as much success trying to get hold of my lovely new bike if I stood on a hill and yodelled at them, as i've had using the channels their little green card recommends. Its actually arrived twice at my house so far. But Yodel are very cunning. They hide round the corner and wait till you go out so they can run up like little cackling elf-goblins and flick the green card through the letter box with their twisty little fingers.

nsd_user663_48461 profile image

Hey Dippy


I'm sure it will be shiny, and don't leave the house tomorrow else those cackling elf-goblins won't be back till at least Monday!

Well done on the ongoing quit and the decision to get some exercise. Me, I'm still thinking about the exercise, but it's the thought that counts! :eek:

BW, Shazza :D

Dippy_Egg profile image


My she's lovely. She's called Sylvie. Mademoiselle Sylvie Monique Renee to be precise.......coz I knew from the first moment I Saw her that she must be french. So elegant. So classy. Such understated, muted, matt silver glamour. Then poor Sylvie has ME as her best friend. Daft Dippy. But, you know, we seem to get on well enough. Really well infact. In the end the Goblins fetched her on thursday......and though its only just sunday, me and she have already swooped and swooshed over half the city. A city that, for once, in this monsoon summer has been bathed in sunshine. Riding her has just been a joy. I'm so unseasoned and out of bike-riding practise that my legs....thighs in particular....have been like jelly, but already I can tell that they'll soon be up to walnut-cracking standard :)

I bought a cracking set of panniers (argos £19.99).....and you should've seen the stuff I managed to fetch home on my bike yesterday, including 2 litres of milk, 2 litres of fruit juice, 8 cans of lager...mince, chicken, ham, beans, bacon, eggs, salad, tomatoes........etc etc etc. When I got home these marvellous multi-pocket panniers were like Mary Poppin's bag. Could hardly believe myself how much stuff I kept pulling out of them. Was fully expecting to pull out the hat stand.

Anyway.....the real news here is this. I dont smoke. I really and truly dont smoke. I was out for a meal last night and was one of only two of us who dont smoke. I sat sipping wine in a garden so pretty its worthy of national trust status........in air so warm and sweet and clean that the VERY last thing on my mind would have been to join the smokers in spoiling it. I think last month I might have still envied the smokers a bit. Still missed being in the gang. Its gone though. All the last shreds of the monsters hold over me are falling away like dusty old cobwebs.......and at the moment....the only thing pressing and nagging and niggling away and constantly on my mind is how much I love my bike, and wondering where I can go next on it....and knowing that I need my lungs clear and free so that bad health can't steal away my ability to ride it. Its nuts. Its wonderful. Its just such a stonkingly better life to live than I was living.

Obviously I'm going to turn into a bit of a geek....and i'll try not to bore you too constantly about it...but....i'm deffo having one of those bike computer things....and someone told me about an mp3 player that fits on your handle bars........and......and ........ and.........:D

PS Hey Shazza. Get a bike :)

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Once again a fantastic post you put me to shame! I am gonna get my bike out you have made it sound like great fun. What are the things you goy from Argos! Are they shopping bags that you wear round your body? Anyway you have really embraced this quitting experience I want to feel like you do and most of the time I am ok but I want to be as happy as you sound!

There is something I am going to do though that I cant wait for. My daughter lives in Australia and I am going to visit her and she will see me for the first time in years as a non smoker she is so happy I dont smoke anymore and the money I have saved from not smoking will pay for the ticket! Cant be bad eh?

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

What great news dippy egg you and your bike are so happy. i remember when i quit for the first time ever, i went for a bike ride and just couldnt stop, i ended up in lIverpool all the way from Manchester, haha. i too love stuffing my panniers with everything, i even carry a spade when i go to the allotment. im quit now for 9mths and my lung capacity has massively improved,i think nothing of crossing my city and stopping when i feel like it just to stand and stare or smell the coffee. i dont know how i cycled all those years and smoked... great post really lifted my spirits.

Mash x

nsd_user663_46317 profile image

Great post Dippy you're like a breath of fresh air you really are:)

I can just see you peddling along on your lovely shiny bike, sitting up proud and straight with a big smile on your face. Makes me want to go out and get one too.

Trouble is, where I live, you can't go anywhere without encountering a massive hill:eek: Need a few more weeks/months under my belt before I consider taking on that challenge.

Enjoy your new found freedom xxx

Dippy_Egg profile image

i remember when i quit for the first time ever, i went for a bike ride and just couldnt stop, i ended up in lIverpool all the way from Manchester, haha

Fantastic Mash. Love it. Also love the spade in the panniers heh heh. I once cycled home with a willow tree in mine. Granted it was a small willow tree......but a willow tree none the less. An allotment. Hmmmm.......now there's an idea for the future. Delighted to have cheered your spirits.........

.........and all of you have cheered mine too.

Haze....panniers. Bags that fix onto the rack at the back of your bike so that you can take out with you or fetch back loads of stuff :) The secret to being happy Haze is to do things that make you happy. Like cycling, stopping smoking and visiting daughters in Australia (wow). You always sound very happy to me lass.

Mags......love ya, as always. So glad you're still here. I say that especially as our little woot wooting one has slipped off the wagon :(


Dippy_Egg profile image

Una-G. Thankyou.

Apart from the small matter of a year....you and I share a quit date :)

5th May. What a wondrously marvellous date :D

nsd_user663_46317 profile image

No wayyyyy!!!! How did I miss that one:confused

Too whit too whoo we are calling you Zoe :eek:

Quick Dippy ride past and pick her up on your handlebars :eek:

nsd_user663_44204 profile image

Can I ride tandem

Good for you dippy egg, I'm afraid I never learnt how to ride a bike and now having had two knee replcements I never will, but you go for it girl, have you put a lot of weight on??? I do go swimming though twice a week. Do you find that you have more motivation now to go and do things, I do anyway and a lot more energy xxx

Dippy_Egg profile image

Honestly for me it has been a struggle but I recognise (hopefully) in you the same bloody stubborness that means you wont give in. Good luck and keep on cheering us up!:):)

Una...your instincts are good. I'm as stubborn as a mule. Stubborn is my middle name and stubborness is my absolute worst character trait (normally) :) You and I havent spoken before, but i've read everything ever written on this forum heh heh.....and am well aware of your struggles. I've been very lucky and found it 'fairly' easy.....hence its easier to sound a lot more cheerful. You deserve a medal for how you've battled your way to that penthouse. When I get there....which I will coz i'm VERY stubborn tee hee......i'm gonna seek you out and the drinks and anything else you want are on me. People like you have been totally inspirational to people like me.....maybe especially so because of the struggle you had.....and the not being beaten by it. I'm not one of those who thinks there is a right or a wrong way to do this. I'm one of those who thinks whatever works for you is the right way.....and as long as we don't stick a lambert and butler in our gob and light it we are all winners. Hooooo bloomin raaaaah :)

Lills. I'll just give you a backy heh heh. Yeah I put on weight. Course I did. Didnt everyone? Its settling now though....and I must say that the bike has much more to do with fun and happiness and health than weight loss. Hope there's decent bike sheds at that penthouse. Dont want to lose mlle Sylvie. Heh heh

Unah profile image

There has been much debate on the forum as to whether us longer term quitters should say how wonderful we feel to inspire newbies...or admit to awful struggles and risk putting newer members off!!!

I think both are important. It really helps to know that others are struggling with the same things. On the other hand, knowing there is a light at the end of the tunnel can keep us focused on winning through.

nsd_user663_44204 profile image

I'm afraid I'm like Una, it's been a long hard struggle for me and I still think of a ciggie at least once a Day, but then it just disappears, God forbid that I never ever smoke again but it's a fine line between smoking and not smoking. I am now around 5 and a half months and very proud of myself, having smoked for 50 years. Keep going everyone xxxxx

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

I'm afraid I'm like Una, it's been a long hard struggle for me and I still think of a ciggie at least once a Day, but then it just disappears, God forbid that I never ever smoke again but it's a fine line between smoking and not smoking. I am now around 5 and a half months and very proud of myself, having smoked for 50 years. Keep going everyone xxxxx

Lills, Una, Una-g, dippy and everyone else who has quit WE ARE ALL WINNERS we have all done brilliantly! I haven't found it easy and the weight issue is really bloody annoying! But we are all quit......... that sends out a very strong message to newbies that people who have smoked for most of their lives CAN GIVE UP! Even if sometimes they find it a struggle!:D Nothing worth having in this life comes easy!:D

Dippy_Egg profile image

Una G. When I'm a hundred....... Which I clearly one day will be now I've stopped smoking. :) I expect to still be able to come on here moaning if I'm struggling. This forum is about getting help and support if we need it as much as its about giving it where we can...........no matter how long or how short a time we've been quit. We're all needy ex smokers here. Its a special thing we've all done. A special bond we have between us. A particularly particular shared struggle. It makes us proper bessy mates. Its the reason if I really do live to be a hundred i'm sure i'll still come here to rejoice at the day, with your help, I saved my own life.

On a lighter note......i've ordered bike lights and a bike computer.......:D

On an even lighter note....Haze...you really truly are a cheery little blossom chops :)

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Oh my god! Bike lights and bike computer. You really love that bike don't you. Good for you we,:) have to treat ourselves we deserve it!

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