Bad start to day 5: Got up this morning to go... - No Smoking Day

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Bad start to day 5

nsd_user663_34321 profile image
16 Replies

Got up this morning to go back to work after a week off and found that only one pair of trousers fit :( - (the others being too tight you understand). Can I really have put that much weight on in a week!!!! I have been munching a lot -but still!!!!

I put on weight last time I quit and had to buy new clothes. I really can't afford to buy any more clothes. I am trying to SAVE money. I hate that when you quit you also have to diet which I am hopeless at and just ends up with me miserable and frustrated although I really am much too overweight :(

But eating sensibly doesn't help me loose and when I've tried stricter diets I end up ill.

Sorry for the rant but its the way I feel today (and please don't anyone post that its better to gain a bit of weight than smoke).

On the other hand I would appreciate any diet advice...?

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nsd_user663_34321 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_35351 profile image

Got up this morning to go back to work after a week off and found that only one pair of trousers fit :( - (the others being too tight you understand). Can I really have put that much weight on in a week!!!! I have been munching a lot -but still!!!!

I put on weight last time I quit and had to buy new clothes. I really can't afford to buy any more clothes. I am trying to SAVE money. I hate that when you quit you also have to diet which I am hopeless at and just ends up with me miserable and frustrated although I really am much too overweight :(

But eating sensibly doesn't help me loose and when I've tried stricter diets I end up ill.

Sorry for the rant but its the way I feel today (and please don't anyone post that its better to gain a bit of weight than smoke).

On the other hand I would appreciate any diet advice...?

20 - 30 mins exercise a day should do the trick.

nsd_user663_6426 profile image

ha ha ha francob....I'm still working on that one. Motivation - one thing I haven't got at the moment. Better find it quick though as I don't want to go up a dress size. I'm teetering on the edge :)

nsd_user663_44795 profile image

Ditto Joc,

I'm self Employed and work is very slow at the moment so its not just my work clothes that are getting tight

I even tried to blame the Mrs by asking her if she had put them through a boil wash and made them shrink.

On week 8 now and put on a stone already.

I try to joke/make fun of it but it really does make the quitting twice as hard when you've got the belly wobble to worry about as well.

Dunno about you but i seriously have thought about whether i would be happier being a slimmer smoker or a fatter non smoker :(

nsd_user663_34321 profile image

20 -30 minutes exercise a day - Really??!!! Duh! Why have I never thought of exercise before :rolleyes:

I was just venting steam this morning about one of the difficulties (for me) in quitting - (although any genuine advice would have been appreciated too).

Crispo - I have no answer to the weight problem as yet, though there is a room for diet and fitness etc on here which may be helpful. One thing I DO know from past experience is that starting smoking again will not make you lose weight - you will stay the same as your weight now and then if you want to quit again (which you probably will) you will put MORE weight on! I have quit 3 times now and each time I went up a dress size :(

Anyhoo, on a positive note I have had no craves today despite work stresses and weight misery....

nsd_user663_7529 profile image

One thing I DO know from past experience is that starting smoking again will not make you lose weight - you will stay the same as your weight now and then if you want to quit again (which you probably will) you will put MORE weight on!

.......ain't this the absolute total truth!

I've gone 6 months or longer three times in the past 4 years. Each time I stopped I put on about 1/2 a stone and didn't lose it again. For the first few months I was effectively having a bag of crisps or a sausage roll instead of a cigarette.

I've been doing weight watchers since about september last year. It's really helped me get into some good eating habits before I quit again. The vending machine at work is still my sworn enemy in these early stages, but I find knowing that I'm going to eat properly at breakfast/lunch/dinner (or breakie/dinner/tea if you're not so posh like me!) helps. It's just one less thing to worry about.

Not sure how this helps you JoC, but I definately sympathise!

nsd_user663_37391 profile image

Francob....bugger, that's where I've been going wrong "thinking" doesn't burn any calories :D

Seriously Joc, it is a nightmare because food as everyone knows when you don't smoke tastes soooo much better and we enjoy it more without worrying about finishing it and having a fag.

Francob is right though as we know, exercise and healthy diet is the key, boring...but works. Walking and swimming for me has helped and weekends no dieting. Keep going you are doing so well.

Take care


nsd_user663_6426 profile image

Yeah we all know deep down Francob is right and I agree totally with him...and yes folks there is a but........BUT....

I already feel boring giving up fags and only having the odd drink now and again. I just can't bring myself to be the totally boring, safe, healthy sod just yet so I'm gonna shove another naughty, sexy eclair into my gob, thankyou very much. Mmmm mmmmm....and for round two...the irresistable creme egg.

Next stop.....I'm going to boringsville next week where the residents exercise and eat healthily and dream about lettuce.

Lisa x

nsd_user663_34321 profile image

Francob: Surprisingly I know that exercise and diet are a strategy to for losing weight :rolleyes:

Where did I say that I never do any exercise?

Like I said I was venting my feelings and when I asked for advice I meant genuine helpful advice not silly, faceitous comments.

And no I am not lazy thank you very much - I have a full time job as well as looking after a house and family.

I don't know why you feel the need to be irritating and/or insulting to people who are unhappy for some reason (and yes I've seen you do it before) but I won't put up with it and if you continue to post rubbish/abuse I'm going to complain to mods.

Please desist

nsd_user663_35351 profile image

Francob: Surprisingly I know that exercise and diet are a strategy to for losing weight :rolleyes:

Where did I say that I never do any exercise?

Like I said I was venting my feelings and when I asked for advice I meant genuine helpful advice not silly, faceitous comments.

And no I am not lazy thank you very much - I have a full time job as well as looking after a house and family.

I don't know why you feel the need to be irritating and/or insulting to people who are unhappy for some reason (and yes I've seen you do it before) but I won't put up with it and if you continue to post rubbish/abuse I'm going to complain to mods.

Please desist

You asked for genuine advice and I gave it you. Eat healthier and exercise more, that was my advise.

You didn't actually specify that you were not excercising but you did ask for diet advise, I was simply stating that the two go hand in hand.

It is my opinion, feel free to complain.

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Francob: Surprisingly I know that exercise and diet are a strategy to for losing weight :rolleyes:

Where did I say that I never do any exercise?

Like I said I was venting my feelings and when I asked for advice I meant genuine helpful advice not silly, faceitous comments.

And no I am not lazy thank you very much - I have a full time job as well as looking after a house and family.

I don't know why you feel the need to be irritating and/or insulting to people who are unhappy for some reason (and yes I've seen you do it before) but I won't put up with it and if you continue to post rubbish/abuse I'm going to complain to mods.

Please desist

I doubt the mods will be interested in you getting wound up about nothing. I see absolutely nothing wrong with Francob's comment, and even if it might be obvious to you that exercise is great way to lose weight, it might not be obvious to everybody, especially when qualified with a recommended time limit. I also don't see any reference to him calling you lazy. I think you need to lighten up a bit, thanks.


I also don't see any reference to him calling you lazy. I think you need to lighten up a bit, thanks.


Is there a post missing from this thread?

nsd_user663_34321 profile image

The offensive post has been removed by mods so no the thread won't make sense anymore.

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

The offensive post has been removed by mods so no the thread won't make sense anymore.

Fair enough.


nsd_user663_35351 profile image

It wasn't offensive.

It just said something along the lines of " I don't understand people who moan about their weight when they quit smoking, eat healthier and do some exercise"

What is wrong with that mods? I cannot remember exactly what I wrote but I would be interested in discussing this. Please feel free to PM Mr/Mrs moderator and explain why you feel my conduct is against your rules.


nsd_user663_22353 profile image

Absolutely nothing wrong with the 'offending' post, i read it last night. Anyone who genuinely found that offensive needs to have a word with themselves.

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

I feel a Monty Python sketch coming along.... Like the one about the Dead Parrot... :D:D:D

Mr. Praline: Look, matey, I know a dead parrot when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now.

Owner: No no he's not dead, he's, he's restin'! Remarkable bird, the Norwegian Blue, idn'it, ay? Beautiful plumage!

Mr. Praline: The plumage don't enter into it. It's stone dead.

Owner: Nononono, no, no! 'E's resting!

Mr. Praline: All right then, if he's restin', I'll wake him up! (shouting at the cage) 'Ello, Mister Polly Parrot! I've got a lovely fresh cuttle fish for you...


Full script here:


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