Day 5 and not so good: Day 5 and feeling bl... - No Smoking Day

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Day 5 and not so good

nsd_user663_3881 profile image
44 Replies

Day 5 and feeling bl**dy awful today. Don't know if it is the nicotine withdrawal because I'm not using the patches any more. Feel like I have a chronic hangover (which I don't), sore throat, tired, irritable. 8.00pm last night could really have had a cigarette BUT I DIDN'T. Disturbed sleep but not sure whether that is withdrawal symptoms or just general stress. Going through a lot in my life at the moment and my doctor says possibly not the best time to stop smoking but its got to be done and I've started now and not going back. Feeling bit down because I can't see any benefits from not smoking for the last four days, last night I was trying to justify why one ciggie would hurt. Devil on one shoulder and Angel on the other. Angel won. Sorry, this is not a doctor's surgery - general moan over, it helps to write down your feelings.

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nsd_user663_3881 profile image
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44 Replies
nsd_user663_3899 profile image

Day 5 and feeling bl**dy awful today. Don't know if it is the nicotine withdrawal because I'm not using the patches any more. Feel like I have a chronic hangover (which I don't), sore throat, tired, irritable. 8.00pm last night could really have had a cigarette BUT I DIDN'T. Disturbed sleep but not sure whether that is withdrawal symptoms or just general stress. Going through a lot in my life at the moment and my doctor says possibly not the best time to stop smoking but its got to be done and I've started now and not going back. Feeling bit down because I can't see any benefits from not smoking for the last four days, last night I was trying to justify why one ciggie would hurt. Devil on one shoulder and Angel on the other. Angel won. Sorry, this is not a doctor's surgery - general moan over, it helps to write down your feelings.

Hi Biddy,

If it makes you feel any better having a moan they why not :D I felt fine yesterday until about 3:30pm then i got the same tired, irritable sypmtons you are describing, it was that bad at 6pm i went and bought 10 smokes - i felt disgusted with myself for doing this and ended up smoking one and then binned the packet. I felt even worse afterwards thinking that was it attempt number XX ruined again by my own stupid lack of willpower and not having the ability to get over the pangs. By the way it didnt make the blind bit of difference having that smoke, it didnt taste like i expected it would and having the smell back on my fingers and breath made me feel sick. You did the right thing not lighting one, WELL DONE !!

The tired and irritable symptons passed about 8pm. Day 5 today im almost tempted toreset my counter to day 1 as i feel ive ruined the last 4 days becuase of one crazy lack of control yesterday, but looking at my smoking stats ive not smoked 124 cigs since i decided to give up again and that in its own is a great achievement for me.


austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

A few things…

The nicotine leaving your system seems to produce a low-grade fever in many and waking up in the middle of the night and insomnia are quite “normal”

As you’re already on the road to recovery a smoke won’t make you feel better or help you sleep.

If you have a life full of stress smoking won’t relieve it although it will relieve the extra stress that it is directly causing, ie the stress of not having a fag. The thing is that’s just the same as repeatedly stabbing yourself in the thigh with a sharp knife just to enjoy the pleasure of stopping. A difficult argument to justify..!!

Sadly your GP, unless an ex-smoker, is not one of the best people to speak to about smoking cessation as they tend to follow policy and sadly there is never a good time to stop.

Education and understanding is the key. It takes a couple of weeks for the immediate symptoms of quitting to reduce so if you fail you’ve just got to go through it all again.

If you look at those even slightly further up the road they’ll say it does get a lot better.

Stay strong. :)

nsd_user663_3881 profile image


Thanks for your words of encouragement. Feel rotten today and can't stop thinking about fags and I really don't know why. Perhaps its the same as when people go on diets - you can't stop thinking about something you can't have but on diets you can have something in moderation - quit smoking and that's it - no fags full stop. Someone tell me this feeling will pass - need a kick up the backside!

Don't beat yourself up Kev - I'd just continue as day 5. Just a hiccup.

nsd_user663_1733 profile image


Sorry to hear you are having a bad day but Im sure its the nicotine leaving the body. Stay strong and in no time you will start to feel better Just dont smoke or you will undo all the last 5 days. light is just around the corner hang in there. it get better honest.xxxxxx

nsd_user663_3845 profile image

Biddy and Kev, it does get better, some days can be very difficult, I had no problems between day 3 and 12/13 but then had a couple of grim days, now on day 16 and I feel great, still think about fags sometimes but not at the same intensity, it's more of a niggling rather than the mind warping urges you two are probably getting.

I found this the best thing to read tyo knock the urges on the head:D

nsd_user663_3679 profile image

HI Biddy

i just answered a similar post to this on another thread..i should do my homework before posting :)

Will things get easier?..... things will not just start getting easier...things wil get better , there is so much to be gained from not smoking . You can read up on all the perks elsewhere and im sure you will find your own personal ones during your quit process.

To give up smoking is an all or nothing proposition cant start dabbling in the just one phase, will you ever be quit if you do this?

Harsh words but they need said i think....there should be no mindset that having just one will help you in any way , shape or form.

Good luck with today ...remember things do get easier


Fair play that you arent back on the smoking and you are continuing with your quit. Please be aware that you cannot play with your addiction , having that one will only lead to making your quit harder .

I know its not easy , and you probably feel rotten for having it........... but you have done the right thing and got right back on with your quit!

A lesson is learned..... like Kev said ...the thoughts are ....just one would be nice ... however , the reality is far more dangerous than the thought .

Stick with it Kev and Kick on from this.

Good luck :)

nsd_user663_3853 profile image

Biddy - like someone already mentioned, you're into the tough part, the nicotine has left your body now - however this is a good thing, remember! I understand it's probably hard to do seeing as you're feeling rubbish, but take that as a positive. It has left your body FOR GOOD. The forum is here for you to have a moan, a rant, a flare-up, whatever you want to do. We're here for ya!

I know there's someone on here (I think it's Lisa Oscar) is an advocate of meditation and relaxation techniques - have you tried anything like this to relieve your stress? Also, Google 'free chillout', there's some great music there that helps me wind down. Stick some on, wrap up in a blanket, grab a glass of wine, and feel the tension drain away... You're doing great so far hun, keep it up!

Kev - it is just a hiccup, but we still believe in you man! Check your PMs.

nsd_user663_3899 profile image

Thanks for all the encouragement.

It certainly helps to get things of your chest with fellow ex smokers. Nobody i work with smokes and those who did packed in a long time ago.

My partner also doesnt smoke - she thinks you can just stop, like eating chips or burgers it's that easy:D

By the way good read John ive printed that out:)

Thanks again

nsd_user663_3900 profile image

Hi Biddy,

I'm now on day 6. This morning coughed up so much crap it was scary !!

Day 5 was tough for me too, very sore and was like a bear with a sore arse.

Feel better today after this morning but still getting cravings but not as often as yesterday. Still have sore throat etc. but breathing is getting much better and can now sleep without the hot and cold syndrom !!

Hang in there Biddy we're all in the same boat but together we will win !!!!



nsd_user663_3881 profile image

Ah hot and cold syndrom - I'd forgotten to mention that!! Nearing the end of the working day - been tough today though, like a bear with a sore head and very weepy but not sure if that's not to do with tiredness. Tomorrow will be better. Keep up the good work everyone - you are all keeping me focused on the reason we are all doing this. x

nsd_user663_23291 profile image

it doesn't have to be difficult!

I have been a smoker and smoked for 15 years. After a few failed attempts at quitting left me feeling more and more like i was going to smoke for the rest of my life i went to see my doctor. He prescribed a course of NRT and this all seemed like it make complete sense but it didn't work and these are the reasons.

1. Smoking is an addiction, an addiction to nicotine so why would you replace one addiction with another?

2. Nicotine withdrawal is not actually very noticeable (compared to withdrawal from heroin or crack) it is actually the mental fear of stopping in our heads which makes us wound up and tense.

3. You don't actually deal with the addiction by using NRT, you are just delaying quitting.

I have now been free from smoking for 3 years and everyone i know who has successfully stopped (my boyfriend, my best friend, my housemate and my boss) have stopped using the alan carr easyway to stop smoking book. If anyone manages to stop any other way is in spite of these things not because of them. Reading this book changed my life, not only am i happy, not smoking and never ever even think about cigerettes but i actually ENJOYED quitting! I don't work for alan carr and i NEVER endorse products but this has totally changed my life and i am healthy. Please anyone reading this post having trouble stopping smoking go out and get a copy, its about 7 or 8 quid and its really the best money you'll ever spend (if you think i'm trying to sell you something why not just go to your local library and take it out for free) I am so happy not smoking and if my boyfriend hadn't said all this to me in the beginning i'd still be fagging away still. :rolleyes:;)

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Through the marvels of cut & paste I bring you...

If anyone manages to stop any other way is in spite of these things not because of them.

I find this sentence like your User ID...a bit abrasive.

*ooo...see what I done there* :)

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

or even?


Hey anyone else feeling a touch of deja vu? :eek:

Hey anyone else feeling a touch of deja vu? :eek:

*see what I did?*

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

I'm glad the angel won. On one of my recent failed attempts I went from 0 - 20 cigarettes in less than 24 hours. That is how quickly you get drawn back into the old ways.

There are definately more benefits to not smoking than there are to having a cigarette. I can't think of one positive I gained from lighting up when I gave in to that "is it worth it" feeling.

You are doing really well and there is proof on this forum that it really does get better. It is ingrained in my brain now (good advice from people who have been there) for my quit tomorrow that having a cigarette isn't going to change anything in my life, it will just add something else for me to feel regretful about.

You didn't give in and that is something to cheer about and loudly

Hey Karri,

One of the annoying habits of spammers is to get an ages old thread and post onto the end of that. There isn't generally any rhyme nor clear coherent reason....just resurrect and splat spam *. Biddy's post was from January 2009 and hopefully she has recently celebrated 2 years and one month quit.

*I'm not saying the Brillopad is a spammer, but I do think she's rubbing folk up the wrong way :\

Hey anyone else feeling a touch of deja vu? :eek:

*see what I did?*

I think I do :confused:

*ooo...see what I done there* :)

Yes, I do :)

Thank you. I got a bit of a paranoid moment then and thought Austin might have thought I was brillo or a spammer :(

Someone needs to sit me in a chair, slap me round a bit and tell me to get a grip :D

UPDATE: I think it's the wrong thread thats attached which is why I got confused :0)

I noticed that as well which is why I deleted my post as I thought it was me that was going mad for a minute!!! :o

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Thank you. I got a bit of a paranoid moment then and thought Austin might have thought I was brillo or a spammer :(

Someone needs to sit me in a chair, slap me round a bit and tell me to get a grip :D

UPDATE: I think it's the wrong thread thats attached which is why I got confused :0)

I think I'm busy on that chair awaiting a good slapping after trying to make sense of this thread now....even though I spotted that Brillopad posted the same post twice.

I noticed that as well which is why I deleted my post as I thought it was me that was going mad for a minute!!! deleted the post that Karri quoted....ah!!

As for Austin posting the link...I just thought he did because it was a discussion on AC and therefore a more rounded view than Brillopads exclusively evangelic stance.

Edit: Light bulb moment after re-reading and whilst Dr Feelgood blaring in my lug 'ole. Wish I could join in the drinking :(

Shit, my head hurts....but after all this brillo I'm thinking Lee Brilleaux :)

nsd_user663_21995 profile image

I'm going for a drink and making it a large one :)


Have you been reading my member status Karri? ;)

Marilyn :)

Good Lord - can you imagine us all after a few drinks if this is us sober :D

So let me get this straight Brillopad is not Brillo, Ausitn doesn't know whats going on, Cav got a headache, Karri's an alcholic and there is a chocolate cat on the loose!!

Have I missed anything out? :p

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Have I missed anything out? :p

Actually yes....where's the scrubber joke :confused:

Actually yes....where's the scrubber joke :confused:

Ah yes the scrubber joke!! Thought that went without saying!!:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_21995 profile image

Actually yes....where's the scrubber joke :confused:

And that's full circle back to Brillo, I think :confused:

nsd_user663_21995 profile image

So let me get this straight Brillopad is not Brillo, Ausitn doesn't know whats going on, Cav got a headache, Karri's an alcholic and there is a chocolate cat on the loose!!

Have I missed anything out? :p

I'm quite tame really, honest. But like all cats, I'll let you know when I'm ready to be stroked.

Marilyn :)

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

I'm quite tame really, honest. But like all cats, I'll let you know when I'm ready to be stroked.

Marilyn :)

Last time I was here it was scrubbers being talked about. Now we've moved onto when, where and with what degree of firmness stroking.

Where's that fekin' drink :(

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

... Ausitn doesn't know whats going on, ...

'scuse me. I know exactly what's going on.

I think..


nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Who knew this thread could turn out to be so funny :D:D


nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Bollox...more spamming :mad:

Have faith both my friends have done it, and if they can you and I can, I haven't taken the leap as yet, but I will do soon. both my friends stopped with Both reported very little withdrawl or pain, one stopped 8 months ago the other 6 months ago, as I have mentioned in other posts I'm not convinced as yet, but at least I'm thinking about it?

Hows about we discuss this over a sandwich?

I'll have a bacon with brown sauce..............I guess you'll be having spam? ;)

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Keep going both my friends have done it and one was smoking 60 a day, they are trying to encourage me to take the plunge, but I'n not convinced as yet, they both stopped with has anyone heard of this method?

Buzz off there's a good chap. We are not biting.

nsd_user663_23521 profile image

Hi, I agree I,m only on day seven but have felt a lot better today, day 5 was a dangerous time for me, I actually left my purse at home so I would not be tempted to go the shop, ha - but I'm thinking to myself now if I can go a week I can go forever and this site is great for support

Andrea x

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

... but I'm thinking to myself now if I can go a week I can go forever and this site is great for support

That's exactly the way it is.

If you've managed a week you can manage a fortnight. It's not like there's a part of you dying and getting worse by the day, it's the exact opposite in fact.

However, your subconscious will keep poking you for a fag and even start to make you think that having one might be fine idea. The hard work's over, have a smoke and relax now, that sort of thing.

Many call him the nicodemon although the nic part is a misnomer as he's nowt to do with nicotine. Call him what you want, the point is he'll mess with your head over the coming weeks and you will at times think that his suggestions sound attractive.

It's easy to be fooled so just remember to keep your guard up in case. :)

nsd_user663_23521 profile image

Done it, by midnight tonight Iv gone two weeks and I feel great, was a bit uncomfortable over the weekend not using any NT but thought it best to go CT over the weekend rather than in work but today Im feeling a lot more positive and confident that now I ve managed this far I can give up totaly, will just have to remember Im one of those people who cant even have one, coz I know I would be right back on them, and ur right they are like little demons try to tempt you,

have a good day


nsd_user663_55065 profile image

Hi my name is Sarah and I am new on here but I really need some support PLEASE!!!!

Day 5 - cold turkey. Why is this still so hard?????? I feel like I am going mad but I refuse to give in, I promised myself that after 25 years of smoking and my 5 year old son to look after that I would STOP! I knew someone who died of lung cancer and took her life within 7 weeks of been diagnosed and I swear I will do everything I can for that not to be me.

When is all this madness gonna stop???? I am finding it hard to even get on with anything.

nsd_user663_53437 profile image

Hi Mummy of Jack

You should go to day 1 on the forum, there is lots of advice aavilable and many new starters like yourself to help, moan with! And many experienced non-smokers to offer advice. why dont you introduce yourself there!! Its the best thing you have ever done, making that choice to quit!!


Hi all

First time on a forum of any kind ever!!! Lol. I'm just at the end of day 5.

Can I say firstly that to all my fellow day 5'ers WELL BLOODY DONE and keep it up!!!

I've not felt too bad today, yesterday however I was not so friendly, just a horrible twisty knotty feeling in my stomach. And what's with waking up 4 or 5 times a night??? I sleep like the dead normally so not sleeping is not what I like!!! Anyone have an idea how long this lasts?

P.s I don't even know if I written this in the right place, (first time) lol.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Welcome Joolz and huge congratulations on reaching Day 5 (you can introduce yourself in the Day 4 - 7 room if you like, copy & paste it in there so the newbies will see it that are at the same stage as you by selecting "New Topic" on the top left hand side).

Keep yourself busy for the next month, what you are experiencing at the moment is perfectly normal and should pass soon, stay close to the forum and post often, read up on what is happening now you have quit. Wishing you every success and I look forward to reading your progress.

Below is some withdrawal symptoms you may experience over the coming weeks:

Withdrawal in the First Two Weeks

Because the first two weeks are so critical in determining quitting failure rates, smokers should not be shy about seeking all the help they can during this period.

Withdrawal symptoms begin as soon as four hours after the last cigarette, generally peak in intensity at three to five days, and disappear after two weeks. They include both physical and mental symptoms.

Physical Symptoms.

During the quitting process people should consider the following physical symptoms of withdrawal as they were recuperating from a disease and treat them accordingly as they would any physical symptoms:

· Tingling in the hands and feet

· Sweating

· Intestinal disorders (cramps, nausea)

· Headache

· Cold symptoms as the lungs begin to clear (sore throats, coughing, and other signs of colds and respiratory problem)

The first few weeks after quitting smoking are usually the most difficult and it's safe to say that it normally takes at least 8-12 weeks before a person starts to feel comfortable with their new lifestyle change of being an ex-smoker. Withdrawal from nicotine, an addictive drug found in tobacco, is characterized by symptoms that include headache, anxiety, nausea and a craving for more tobacco. Nicotine creates a chemical dependency, so that the body develops a need for a certain level of nicotine at all times. Unless that level is maintained, the body will begin to go through withdrawal similar to alcohol addiction withdrawal. For tobacco users trying to quit, symptoms of withdrawal from nicotine are unpleasant and stressful, but only temporary. Most withdrawal symptoms peak 48 hours after you quit and are completely gone in six months. Mental and Emotional Symptoms.

Tension and craving build up during periods of withdrawal, sometimes to a nearly intolerable point. One European study found that the incidence of workplace accidents increases on No Smoking Day, a day in which up to 2 million smokers either reduce the amount they smoke or abstain altogether.

Nearly every moderate to heavy smoker experiences more than one of the following strong emotional and mental responses to withdrawal.

· Feelings of being an infant: temper tantrums, intense needs, feelings of dependency, a state of near paralysis.

· Insomnia

· Mental confusion

· Vagueness

· Irritability

· Anxiety

· Depression is common in the short and long term. In the short term it may mimic the feelings of grief felt when a loved one is lost. As foolish as it sounds, a smoker should plan on a period of actual mourning in order to get through the early withdrawal depression.

EBJKOK profile image
EBJKOK in reply to RoisinO1

Day 5 and I feel like I have the flu all 5 days , not sure am I quitting because of flu or if these are symptoms of quitting or both... never tried before , going Cold Turkey .... having a crack at the Allen Carr book also .... I feel that when I feel better I will want to smoke again....that first trip to the pub etc ....

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to EBJKOK

Welcome EBJKOK   and congratulations on Day 5, that is great!

I too gave up cold turkey 7 months ago and never looked back.   It is a roller coaster of journey and there is those few big triggers to overcome, wishing you strength and success, read up as much as possible and post often....

EBJKOK profile image
EBJKOK in reply to RoisinO1

Well done Roisin01 great to hear you are doing well...good encouragement 6 here we go....

Hi Joolz well done for signing up everyone is really supportive here and it doesn't really matter where you post it'll be seen by someone. Congrats on getting to day 5 I'm one day ahead and am struggling through but just ticked another day off! I was getting that stomach feeling but it's been easier today and I'm exactly the same when it comes to sleep. I'm just telling myself to keep going! Good luck and give me a shout if you need a boost!

To everyone here struggling, there are a couple things that help me....If I have a craving I automatically smell my ashtray (if I'm home), the smell alone keeps me from smoking!!!...If I am at work I close my eyes count from a 100-0, by the time I reach 0 the cravings are gone....Start working out, go on walks, go plays some sports with your friends, watch your favorite funny movie....DO ANYTHING TO GET OVER THESE CRAVINGS!!! Have faith, only you can change your life, I look at cigs like the devil on my right shoulder....I prefer the angel on my left =) GOOD LUCK!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to nsd_user663_64635

Great post smarg!

KTA123 profile image
KTA1231 Year Smoke Free

Day four. Quiting smoking cold turkey . I just want to crawl into a hole and cuss my butt off.

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