Day 1 .....AGAIN: Hi Folks think some of you... - No Smoking Day

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Day 1 .....AGAIN

nsd_user663_4991 profile image
31 Replies

Hi Folks think some of you may remember me .

After being smoke free for 17 months...... I screwed up .

Thought that as I was off work with a lower back injury and a trapped femural nerve in my right thigh and a constant desire to rip my leg off and throw it in the nearest skip ....just one fag might ease the pain / will not hurt... WRONG :mad:.

As predicted one led to a second , then a third and Mr Nicodemon was fully emerged from his period of hibernation and cordially invited to wreak havoc with my life once again .

That was in July last year and since then I have been a light smoker ...less than 10 a day but a smoker is a smoker and one a day is too many.

Last cig was at 10.00 pm last night in the peace and quiet of my garden reflecting on how much fitter and more energetic I was as a non smoker.

Now 13 hours into my quit , 14 mg patch has just been strategically placed on my back .....GAME ON !:p

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nsd_user663_4991 profile image
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31 Replies
nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Hi Bladeflyer,

Sorry to hear you had to come back again!

Good luck with the quit.


nsd_user663_27261 profile image

Wow - 17 months ? ? ?

Sorry to hear about your back and it just goes to show that weak moments can strike at any time, even so long after a quit.

Good luck blade, I wish you well

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi Bladeflyer

Sorry to hear that after all that time you ended up being lurred back in by Mr Nic but at the same time well done on starting the journey again. As mentioned it just goes to show you can never be complacent and never ever try just that "1".

Anyhow here's to a better quit this time. Good luck

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Hi Bladeflyer,

So sorry you're having to start this journey over again, but at least you know it can be done and how much better you will feel eventually. And this time, you won't make the mistake of having just the one. I can totally see how it can have happened though. Pain has a way of skewing our sanity.

What a lesson to us all not to be complacent. My demons aren't dead, just sleeping. I have to keep reminding myself that I can never afford to wake them again.

Best of luck with the quit.

Helen x

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Hi Blade,

good to hear you

so sorry for whats happened...but you know you can do it...bloody hell amazing! and im sure you will get to that again and beyond:)

Good luck

nsd_user663_24042 profile image

Wishing you all the very best with your new quit. I'm sure you'll be fine. Hey, if you can do 17 months you know you're strong and are more than capable!!!

nsd_user663_4991 profile image


Thanx Alex, Horse, NuttyNurse , Helen, Juliee for all your kind words of support and its a pleasure to make your acquaintances on here:D . I did however mistype ...was stopped 15 months and not 17 as I posted.

Thanx KK ....lovely to hear from you again:)

It is easy to fall in the trap .....but I should have known better , still if my mistake helps just one person to re inforce their quit then it wont have been totally in vain.

Nice to be back in here and looking forward to taking the challenge again. This is a really great forum with some great people and without it I wouldn't have done so well last time.

Best wishes .


nsd_user663_27121 profile image

you do know you can do it so i reckon that is half the battle won.

It is worth remembering, for us fairly newbies, that you can never be off your guard and you can never get complacent :(

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Glad to see you back on the forum (not glad for the reason though) I am sure it want be long before you are back in the swing of being a quitter, you now are better able to give us all some good advice on how not to be tricked into smoking again by that evil blighter Mr Nico whatsit.

You were doing so well but it can happen to any one of us and it only takes one Puff to be come a full time smoker again.

Keep your pecker up and keep smiling, hows the flying going.

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Thanx Cindy , you are right ....I know what to expect and will get back on track again , will feel more comfortable after day 3 and then its a matter of keeping my head down for a few months lol. Good luck to you too.

Hi Jamangie , great to see you again and the flying is going well thanx. I am pleased to see that you are still doing so well in your quit ...Who has got my old room in the penthouse ....anyone I know ?:p

Trev x

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

NO ONE has your room we couldnt get rid of the smell LMAO sorry I think I am funny ;)

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Well I am glad you think so lol, well 24 hrs and 28 mins since my last poison stick means I made it to day 2:cool:

Been a strange evening , went for a 6 mile walk then made a nice healthy salad for tea watched TV and played on the laptop. Cravings are frequent but suppressed thanks to my patch , time for bed and lets see what day 2 brings :confused:



nsd_user663_27261 profile image

blade - sounds like you're doing very well !

Though just a word of warning, trying to give up smoking is tough enough, the long walks is a goo didea because it's healthy and it keeps you active, and whilst the healthy eating plan is a great idea it could be this is the first thing to suffer.

I entered my quit with big ideas of exercise, chewing on celery and carrots etc, sometimes (rarely thankfully) when the cravings hit hard I just need a load up and that's when I bury anything in sight.

I don't feel guilty because I know a pound or two of weight is still better than smoking, but it sounds like you will be doing plenty of exercise so you're unlikely to have to worry about weight as others.

Good luck !

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Hi Horse thanx for that , .....although the 6 mile walk is nothing new for me as I have been doing it consistently for the last 4 years between 40 to 50 miles a week.

The salad was more to do with the fact that I had bugger all else in the fridge worth eating :(. When I quit last time for 15 months I managed to avoid gaining weight by joining a gym and going regularly both counteract the cravings and burn off the excess calories.

I have to say that since I started smoking again desire to go to the gym had fallen by the wayside and apart from a few gentle workouts and a bit of a swim during my only 2 visits this month , I wasn't achieving the desired results anymore. Anyway the plan is to ease back into the gym gently and regularly but not do too much strenuous stuff for at least a month ...possibly two depending on how I feel lol.

Regards Trev

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Trev, sorry to hear you left the Penthouse! I know we can be a bit rowdy at times but I do hope you find your way back to us!! Best of luck to you for this quit, hope it's a smooth ride for you..... will be waiting at the Penthouse hot tub for ya ;) bella x

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Than Bella ....lovely to hear from you again after all this time and glad that you are still making the most of the Penthouse hot tub x

I didn't have a problem with the rowdiness as it usually quietened down around 01.30 after the last marmite bun fight. My biggest concern was with my next door neighbour Jamangie .....the noises coming from her room :eek:.....geez that woman was a loud snorer !.:p

Glad you are still in here Bella and doing such a good job in control of your quit.:)

Regards Trev x

nsd_user663_24707 profile image

Good for you, that's the spirit. You must have chosen last night to restart your quit because you knew this was the right time. It's easily done to get back to smoking after an unexpected or out of the ordinary incident takes place but now you've regained your focus to get yourself back on course. I messed up a after a month and since then I've been really struggling with the evil cravings so 17 months I'm in awe. Keep it going and best of luck!

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Hi Foozle , thanx a lot .....actually I am into day 5 of my quit now and it is getting easier and I am more confident as each day passes.

Also when I go to bed , before I sleep i say to myself " well done for not smoking today I am proud of you" goes a long way.

Good luck with your quit too !.:cool:

Regards Trev

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

. My biggest concern was with my next door neighbour Jamangie .....the noises coming from her room :eek:.....geez that woman was a loud snorer !.:p

Ha Ha Ha you are so not funny, you wait till you get back in the Penthouse I will be throwing you off the top and see if you are laughing then, or drowning you in the hot tub xx

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Hi Karri , I guess I have been doing the same thing really as I have quit about 5 times now in last 5 years. My last quit was the most successful and if I hadn't cracked I would now be in year 3.

While I am disappointed about slipping up , on the plus side it serves a constant reminder to me that dropping my guard is no longer an option and that there is no such thing as just one fag .:confused:


nsd_user663_26699 profile image

I find stress and alcohol big stumbling blocks for me.

Especially alcohol, I have to agree. It just eats you up, doesn't it?

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Would agree on stress and alcohol being triggers to want a smoke . I don't drink a lot these days maybe 3 or 4 pints a week at the most so for me personally it i not a major issue .

I read somewhere that smoking doesn't relieve stress it actually creates it and I can relate to that....I do seem more relaxed and more amicable when I am not smoking , having said that I have been guilty of escaping for a fag when the pressure starts to rise esp at work.

I used to say a lot on my previous posts that I find exercise to be very helpful in the quit.......nothing drastic , just a nice long walk taking in the scenery , relaxing and taking lots of deep breaths ......does it for me EVERY TIME.:)

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hiya Trev, sorry to hear about your quit.

Still b****y amazing though it has to be said. You know what to do and how to do it so am just going to wish you well, one step at a time and just keep going. I started again ( a long time ago) after a 2 year quit. Beating myself up about it does no good, chanelling that energy into a new, succesful quit is far better :D My 2 year quit ended 14 years ago and have not managed more than 3-4 months since then so don't do the same as me, ok ;)

Gaynor x

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Hi Gaynor :D, thanx for that ...... right here goes lol ......I stopped in 1984 for just over a year and countless other times on the way before getting to my last "serious quit". I expected all my previous quits would fail as deep down I enjoyed smoking and even thought it made me look cool and was wallowing in confidence as a result of all of these factors.

Now I am the wrong side of 40 ....well 51 a few days ago actually I have come to realise that I must stop , its not an option - I enjoy my life and don't want to throw it all away over an actually not cool but VERY stupid habit that costs a lot of money and ruins so many lives.

Sooooooo that is what will make this quit more successful than all of the others, I wish you well in your quit too long is it now ?

Trev x

Thanx Karri , lol a babe magnet ? not me hun , I have a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp....but my lungs are getting clearer:) xx

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Now I am the wrong side of 40 ....well 51 a few days ago actually I have come to realise that I must stop , its not an option - I enjoy my life and don't want to throw it all away over an actually not cool but VERY stupid habit that costs a lot of money and ruins so many lives.

That so made me laugh. I am the wrong side of 40 too (51 in August) so know exactly how you feel. I was so happy at being 50 last year, I told everyone that would listen lol. Then, i just had this thought, god, it's down hill now and do I want tomake the ride quicker by smoking :eek: But I still am Grrrrrrr

G x

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Lol Gaynor ..grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... I can just feel the frustration , my blip in between my last quit and this one was just 10 lil months lmao, don't think it was long enuff for people to notice I was a smoker again:p.

I am sure you will get there :)

Bedtime for me .....been sleeping really crap the last few nights :mad: night xx

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Night bladeflyer, I think non smokers are just too polite to say but THEY KNOW. They are sneaky like that, must be something to do with the god damn awfull smell :eek: Quitting and not sleeping, thinking about quitting and not sleeping, all have the same effect I found :(

G xx

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Hi Gaynor , I did sleep better last night ....probably because I went to bed so late and was really tired anyway due to only having about 4 hours the night before.

Into day 9 now , gonna treat myself with a microlight flight this evening and a pint afterwards ......but NO FAGS ! :D

Trev x

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Thanx Karri :) xx

nsd_user663_9987 profile image

The Post I wanted To Read!

So Interesting to read this particular post......This is where this forum helps..LEARNING FROM OTHERS and ones own mistakes....Just out of interest Trevor,like me you continued to smoke for a year or so......Like me you decided AFTER a year to quit again........Was it an inner voice?

nsd_user663_9987 profile image

Hi Gaynor :D, thanx for that ...... right here goes lol ......I stopped in 1984 for just over a year and countless other times on the way before getting to my last "serious quit". I expected all my previous quits would fail as deep down I enjoyed smoking and even thought it made me look cool and was wallowing in confidence as a result of all of these factors.

Now I am the wrong side of 40 ....well 51 a few days ago actually I have come to realise that I must stop , its not an option - I enjoy my life and don't want to throw it all away over an actually not cool but VERY stupid habit that costs a lot of money and ruins so many lives.

Sooooooo that is what will make this quit more successful than all of the others, I wish you well in your quit too long is it now ?

Trev x

Thanx Karri , lol a babe magnet ? not me hun , I have a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp....but my lungs are getting clearer:) xx

I think this answers my question...I'm 55 and feel the same way-but why I smoked again for a year I just dont know!!!!

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