And she's off...............: .......... on... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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And she's off...............

nsd_user663_4625 profile image
33 Replies

.......... on day 1 :D

I bought a peak flow meter yesterday & took a reading just after my last ciggie. The reading was 220. Anybody know what this means? I am guessing it is rather poor so am hoping it will improve as my quit goes on. Can't get any worse :rolleyes:

Happy Mothers Day everyone :D

Gaynor x

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nsd_user663_4625 profile image
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33 Replies
nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Yippee! Well done my lovely and I look forward to cheering you on each day!:D

Not a clue on the peak flow meter reading, but I know there are different sorts so it depends! Natch they don't all use the same scale for results!:o

Keep cheerful, keep posting and keep nico-free


nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Hey Gaynor. Congrats on leaving the starting blocks....coming round the bend half way through day one and she's still going strong!!

Erm, I've checked some peak flow meter stuff and, unless you are a midget, which you may be and there's nothing wrong with that, erm....your score isn't on the chart.

Check it out here

Keep going love, keep going, You've already denied the government even more of your hard earned and helping those lungs of yours into the mix. Bit of a win/win if you ask me.

Well done, see ya tomorrow


Edit to add, I just did mine and it was 320. I'm only just on the chart and that would be a cool score.....if I was 80 :(

Think we are really going to have to do this. I'll push you, you pull me, o.k?

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Take heart G you are still breathing :D I got a PFM of my MIL when I first quit and it was about 420 which shocked and stunned me as that was quite good but I had been quit about 2 months and it can depend on the time of day, if you are tired how tall you are etc etc, I know I shouldnt laugh but Looper your post struck me funny but laughing expands the lungs.

Dont do it too often either and definately not just after eating.

I am so glad you are back on the horse and if you feel it trying to buck:rolleyes: you off remember what its like when you hit the floor, it bloody hurts.

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Well done Gaynor, nice to 'see' you back on board :) Hope all goes well for you this time xx

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Hiya, so glad you're starting the quit again!

There's a chart here to determine average normal peak flow.:

Obviously if you have lung problems your peak flow won't necessarily match what's on the chart, but it's something to compare against.

I recommend making a chart like the one on this page:

To see whether things improve as your quit progresses.

Yay for you Gaynor !!!


H x

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

I bought a peak flow meter yesterday & took a reading just after my last ciggie. The reading was 220. Anybody know what this means?

I think it means your piston rings are worn or there's a little blow-by on the head gasket. :confused:

nsd_user663_22968 profile image

Hope the day has gone ok for you :)

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

......and fell flat on her face

Thanks for all your lovely messages. Austins made me laugh :D

Well, got through to this morning, woke in an absolute panic.

Woke up yesterday ready for the challenge ahead. Had my shower & the water seemed to wash any strength & resolution from me. I know it sounds odd but I came down feeling absolutley empty inside. Had a lovely mothers day, started my quit but something was not right. As I say, woke up this morning in a complete & utter panic which did not go away. This was the start of my non smoking, dieting, healthy life & everything had left me.

Cannot tell you how p****d off with myself I am. Went to work & didn't even have the energy to talk. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me.

I cannot afford to smoke & just not from the financial point of view.

Sorry to rant but I am yet again embarrased by a non starter quit. Will I ever get my life in gear. I know no one can answer that for me but just seems like an impossibe challenge at the mo & I hate myself for being so weak when I know I can be so strong. :mad:

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

OK G, so today didnt go quite to plan but do you think maybe you are exspecting too much of yourself and every time you put yourself up their ready to quit it is just too much for you and as you said takes away the momentum, I think we can spend to long getting ready for the quit that maybe it all is just too contrived, would you be better to just forget about it completely for a few days and then try to do it on the spur of the moment type of quit, at least that way you would do it when you are ready and then you could quit each day and just see how it goes, it is no detriment to you that you are struggling and the more you beat yourself up the harder it will be.

You are a nice person whether you smoke or not and you should keep reminding yourself of that.

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

I cannot afford to smoke & just not from the financial point of view.

Very true words, Gaynor :(

Use that anger and direct it to a positive position. Use it wisely .... it could help you get even. Remember, your in charge.

Don't give up on yourself. You've some wonderful reasons to keep trying.

Pol xx

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

awww, thanks Jamangie. I know for me when a good quit is going to start I feel very strongly, even excited about it but didn't have that this time. I am so aware of my bad health smoking wise & being heavier than I should be. trouble with me is I want to do it all at once lol. Still gettingover the depression I have had over the last 5 years & although the new job is far better the recovery from that is not done or cheived over night. Always wanna run before I can walk. xxx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

As you have said you are trying to run before you can walk and I think you have to sit down and decide what your priorities are and to me they have to be in order of merit, depression needs to be first as you cannot get a quit going well if you are struggling with that, what does your Doc think and are you being treated for it, if not that has got to be your first port of call and when that is under control you will be in a lot better place to start your quit from I promise you that.

Forget the weight issues we all have them whether it be a stone or ten stone its is irrelevant and you can lose that after you have managed to be quit for at least a year which you will manage when the depression is manageable, you will also feel physically better when these issues are dealt with.

We are all here for you and if you need to chat then PM any one of us we will be there for you as you know we will.

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

You're doing fcukin' amazing, Gaynor :cool:


*Who said that?*

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

You are right Jamangie. Getting the depression more under control will make anything else easier to deal with. I know that. It's just in my head I have that (to a lesser extent now) the serious worry of my health smoking, being overweight (for me, who is the fat cow in the mirror :O) I guess I know how good it feels to be in control of your body, not smoking, fit, happy and I want it back all at once. I am NOT good at being kind to myself I have to say.

I am just so dissapointed in me. Think I need to lock myself away & give myself a good shake. Someone else doing it would be better, any offers lol????

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

You're doing fcukin' amazing, Gaynor :cool:


*Who said that?*

Awwwwwwwww, wish I was, wish I was.

Just being amazing at......................nothing me thinks :mad:

This is not an attentionseeking post I would like to say. Just a good old honest WTF is going on with me post :eek:

Made me smile Cav, made me smile xxxx

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Very true words, Gaynor :(

Use that anger and direct it to a positive position. Use it wisely .... it could help you get even. Remember, your in charge.

Don't give up on yourself. You've some wonderful reasons to keep trying.

Pol xx

Your right Pol, I am in charge. That can work to the best advantage obviously but sometimes like now, knowing all the good & bad things to make a quit happen just don't do it. I know my health is suffering really badly from smoking....confirmed. I have the best hubby, the most precious children who have given me even more precious granchildren. Can't think of more reasons to quit than that. Just couldn't do it for me today. How *ffin* sad is that, criminal even. What is wrong with me. Fed up, screwed up :rolleyes: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr, where is the good strong old me. :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Oh Gaynor I'm so sorry. As you have said perhaps you're trying to do too much all at once?

Have you had a chat with your Doctor? I'm certain that any last vestiges of Depression have to go before you start with the quit. Trying to deal with that, a new job, healthy eating and not smoking???? Is your real name Superwoman?!!

As for being weak. Tosh. Complete tosh. It is far from weak to try. It is far from weak to come on here and admit to not making it through the day - whilst posting on others threads and encouraging them.

When you're ready, it will happen.

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hi Gaynor, just a thought. Is it possible that your depression is partly due to you wanting and needing to stop smoking and finding it very difficult but you feel or know you really need to?

I did not tell my self I was stopping smoking I just decided to see how long I could go without one. I set targets of a few hours then another few hours and soon it turned into days. As your username says neverstoptrying.


nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Oh Gaynor I'm so sorry. As you have said perhaps you're trying to do too much all at once?

Have you had a chat with your Doctor? I'm certain that any last vestiges of Depression have to go before you start with the quit. Trying to deal with that, a new job, healthy eating and not smoking???? Is your real name Superwoman?!!

As for being weak. Tosh. Complete tosh. It is far from weak to try. It is far from weak to come on here and admit to not making it through the day - whilst posting on others threads and encouraging them.

When you're ready, it will happen.

Ohhhhh my lovely, me & my GP have lots of convo's on this subject! Thing is with me I know what I have to do to make ME feel good about myself. Stop smoking is the biggest because it is having a hugely detrimental effect on my life. The losing weight is a personal, feel good about yourself thing I know. The beating depression is a very, very hard thing that you have little control over. The effort involved in bringing yourself out of that is monumental. Having said that, I am doing that now thanks to my new job, but I am still wanting to run before I can walk I know. At least each of my two stewps forward, 3 steps back are becoming less ;ol.

*All* I want to do is stop smoking, lose weight, be happy, be in control. I know I can do this, I have before. Just have to keep trying & finding the way.

G xxx

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hi Gaynor, just a thought. Is it possible that your depression is partly due to you wanting and needing to stop smoking and finding it very difficult but you feel or know you really need to?

I did not tell my self I was stopping smoking I just decided to see how long I could go without one. I set targets of a few hours then another few hours and soon it turned into days. As your username says neverstoptrying.


Hi Jack, my need to stop smoking over the years has changed from just 'not wanting to smoke' to REALLY needing not to smoke. I always thought that if I was told health wise I needed to stop I would do it...........hmmmmmmmmmmmm not so easy. For me anyway. When I was told I had cancer (15 years ago) I had been quit for a year, exercised every day, didn't drink, was young (ish). It just did not compute lol. What I am saying is I could do it then, still did not start smoking through that. Still did not smoke through divorces other crap lol. Why is it you can find the strength to do (or not do) something but at other times not. Question directed at me lol. Bugger (sorry mods) I is well confussed. ( meant to spell it like that, thought I might sound cool lol) xxx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

The point is Gaynor you are a very brave person to keep trying. Many would have given up, I think I was lucky and somehow picked the right time. I do believe there is a right and wrong time. I'm sure the right time will come but as you said one thing at a time.


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Bugger (sorry mods) I is well confussed. ( meant to spell it like that, thought I might sound cool lol) xxx

I think it's cool :D:D

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

After my many attempts I think (feel) there is a right & wrong time if you can put it like that as well. My best attempts have found me full of strength, wanting and even excitement. Those have been the easiest but sadly I have fallen at some point. At least I have got going & with hindsight, with more of a push & a shout for help I could have gone longer & may even be still on one of them.

Grrrrrr, I could so slap myself:(

Anyone feeling the need to slap someone????? I think I need one :eek:

Please, I hope no one feels I am attention seeking. I am a silly old bugger who is & will continue to keep quitting till I do. Embarressed by my first day quits that get harder to post but one day I WILL past my last. I WILL not be beaten.


nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Dear Silly Old Bugger

No I don't want to slap you, but I bet the boys will all come along queuing for the privilege in a mo!

Another silly old bugger:D

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Dear Silly Old Bugger

No I don't want to slap you, but I bet the boys will all come along queuing for the privilege in a mo!

Another silly old bugger:D

Lol, funny. Can u bring your puppies if you do decide to slap me lol :D


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

When I was told I had cancer (15 years ago) I had been quit for a year, exercised every day, didn't drink, was young (ish). It just did not compute lol. What I am saying is I could do it then, still did not start smoking through that. Still did not smoke through divorces other crap lol.

Why is it you can find the strength to do (or not do) something but at other times not.

Depression, maybe? You know your worth it, but you also have to beleive it.


nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Depression, maybe? You know your worth it, but you also have to beleive it.


????? Confused ie don't get it lol

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hmmm, oh bloody hell. Why don't you get it?

Does that mean I have to explain it now? :p Or try to ;)

You mention depression and then talk about digging down for strength that you know you have, strength to help get you started and to keep quit.

You also asked why at times you could find that strength ... ie when battling cancer, divorce etc, whilst other times, you can't find it. Like now... when your life is at threat.

I wondered if maybe depression is stopping you. Depression makes a person feel less valued, esp to themselves. If you feel that, and you may not .. I may be talking from outer bleedin' space, but if you do feel that then maybe that's why your finding it hard at the moment.

Whilst you know your worth quitting for, maybe depression is stopping you believing it. Knowing and believing can be two different things.

Phew, clearer, any? :p

Wish I were more succinct at times like this.

Ps ... to think I came on here to avoid doing some late night mileage maths :s :-)

Pol xx

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hmmm, oh bloody hell. Why don't you get it?

Does that mean I have to explain it now? :p Or ty too you mention depression and then talk about digging down for strength that you know you have, strength to help get you started and to keep quit.

You also asked why at times you could find that strength ... ie when battling cancer, divorce etc, whilst other times, you can't find it. Like now... when your life is at threat.

I wondered if maybe depression is stopping you. Depression makes a person feel less valued, esp to themselves. If you feel that, and you may not .. I may be talking from outer bleedin' space, but if you do feel that then maybe that's why your finding it hard at the moment.

Whilst you know your worth quitting for, maybe depression is stopping you believing it. Knowing and believing can be two different things.

Phe clearer, any? :p

Wish I were more succinct at times like this.

Ps ... to think I came on here to avoid doing some late night milage maths :s :-)

Pol xx

Bless, u ok hun????

Depression....for me means finding the utmost strength to even get out of bed & get yourself to work & function. Once u have done that you swith off. Not willingly, but you do. Having said that have achieved some of my longest quits :rolleyes:

See why I am confues with 'me' now?

Maybe looking fdr someting that is not there - or is past now. Maybe I should focus on who I am now, how I can deal with it now. As I read, maybe on here, you can't change the past, can't know the future so act on the here & now. But, you can learn from the past, so what am I missing.................see I am confused again:cool:

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

I know the answer :cool:

You stand there .... I'll slap you :p

Much quicker :D

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Wow, thanks Pol, I am fixed now & off to bed ;)


nsd_user663_4625 profile image

ps that was a funny reply not sarcastic :D

jackieinv profile image

Gaynor, where are you, Pol has spanked you but I can't find you?

Jackie x

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