10 weeks and off the patches: The title says... - No Smoking Day

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10 weeks and off the patches

nsd_user663_2484 profile image
41 Replies

The title says it all, I'm 10 weeks off from stopping smoking and today is the first day without a patch.

I must admit I was concerned it was too soon but have told myself if it gets too bad I will go and buy another pack of patches and do a couple of more weeks. I do want to try it as per the course though.;)

So far today, it has not been too bad, like others have said I feel as though I have dropped a patch size.

Must admit it was nice having a shower this morning and not worrying whether my patch might drop off.:D

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nsd_user663_2484 profile image
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41 Replies
nsd_user663_5028 profile image

The title says it all, I'm 10 weeks off from stopping smoking and today is the first day without a patch.

I must admit I was concerned it was too soon but have told myself if it gets too bad I will go and buy another pack of patches and do a couple of more weeks. I do want to try it as per the course though.;)

So far today, it has not been too bad, like others have said I feel as though I have dropped a patch size.

Must admit it was nice having a shower this morning and not worrying whether my patch might drop off.:D

hi Wendyann

Congratulations on your 10 weeks quit, bet you felt really proud of yourself when you took that patch off for the last time :) you sound really upbeat and positive and long may that feeling last as you continue your road to freedom :)

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Hi Wendyann , 10 weeks is a great time to come off the patches if you feel ready , and as you rightly say ....you can always buy more patches if you need to.

I was anxious when I stopped wearing patches , thinking that I was venturing into unchartered territory without my trusty support that I had come to rely on .

Anyway I found that if I didn't dwell on it I was ok after the first day and what a relief it was to at last be free from the last shackles of nicotine dependancy.:)

I am sure you will be fine :D

Trev x

20 a day for 30 years :eek:

Quit 28th april 09

3 months patches

9 months C.T

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Brilliant wendy ann

You sound so happy..10 weeks & nicotine free .. you a star . well done :)

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Coming off the patches is a big event in your quit you've been weaning off the patches using the step downs for a number of weeks now, and here you are.. first day off them.

I found the first few days to be fine.. day 3&4 you will need to work harder though as the last of the nicotine supply of that final patch leaves your system, but trust me.. no matter how tough it seems.. once you are then used to no nicotine at all after this point the difference is amazing, and the sense of achievement is even better again.

Keep this up, and post as much as you need to during day 3/4 .. just be ready for it.

nsd_user663_2484 profile image

Thanks for the replies and good wishes everyone.

Also, thanks for the "heads up" Jase. I had not thought about in a couple of days, forewarned is forearmed eh.;)

I'm not finding this a doddle but one way or another I'm going to win.

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

when i was where you are now i said to a fellow quitter that i found it much like the early days of my quit where day 3 and 4 were more intense cravings wise.. so be ready, but once you are through it, i promise it does subside very quickly.. and becomes so very much easier.

I carried a patch just in case for the 5 days that followed stopping patches and i threw that patch away some 4 months later still unused.. but be ready.. best you can do. :)

nsd_user663_2484 profile image

when i was where you are now i said to a fellow quitter that i found it much like the early days of my quit where day 3 and 4 were more intense cravings wise.. so be ready, but once you are through it, i promise it does subside very quickly.. and becomes so very much easier.

I carried a patch just in case for the 5 days that followed stopping patches and i threw that patch away some 4 months later still unused.. but be ready.. best you can do. :)

Thanks Jase, I do have half a patch saved.lol

Can't really tell how it has been today, I've been busy looking after my two grandchildren. I do feel a little "down", don't know what that is about.

Must admit I'm looking forward to the easier days.:)

nsd_user663_2484 profile image

Thanks Chrissie, I'm jumping believe me.:D

Definately getting the cravings today which is day 3. You were so right Jase.:D

I have already been for a walk today to take my mind off things.

I feel all "twitchy".:(

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Well done WA. I step down to stage 3 next week so 4 more weeks for me then I am done with them :D You'll be fine once your body gets used to it, just keep on truckin' :D

G xx

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

The title says it all, I'm 10 weeks off from stopping smoking and today is the first day without a patch.

I must admit I was concerned it was too soon but have told myself if it gets too bad I will go and buy another pack of patches and do a couple of more weeks. I do want to try it as per the course though.;)

So far today, it has not been too bad, like others have said I feel as though I have dropped a patch size.

Must admit it was nice having a shower this morning and not worrying whether my patch might drop off.:D

That is great news wendyann and you are doing great. I will be Champix free on Tuesday and I'm looking forward to feeling free :D

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

It's nice to be without any nicotine though isn't it? I was on patches for about a year and half. Because i couldn't properly give up and kept smoking now and again. But now I'm proper quit at 5 months and it's so much easier now. It's like going from smoking five a day with the mini patches i think.

nsd_user663_2484 profile image

Thanks for the replies everyone.

I have got to "dig" the ashtray out today.:eek: I got a call yesterday to say my inlaws are coming this afternoon and staying until Monday. When I last saw my SIL 10 weeks ago she had stopped smoking, not sure if she is still not smoking or has started again. BIL smokes, though at the moment is on antibiotics but assume he is still smoking. This will be a real test for me.

Good luck for tuesday Steph, though I'm sure you won't need it.

G, you are so nearly there.:)

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Thanks Wendyann

I know you will stay strong whatever happens - have a good weekend.

You could put the ashtray down the bottom of the garden :D

nsd_user663_2484 profile image

Thanks Wendyann

I know you will stay strong whatever happens - have a good weekend.

You could put the ashtray down the bottom of the garden :D

I got a phone call this morning to say BIL is quite poorly so they won't be coming up this weekend, it is likely to be next weekend instead.

Actually they are both quite good, they do smoke outside though BIL often stands at the back door not realising it wafts all the way through the house.;) It's strange how I feel today, one minute think I'm fine and the next thinking I'll never manage it.:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

I got a phone call this morning to say BIL is quite poorly so they won't be coming up this weekend, it is likely to be next weekend instead.

Actually they are both quite good, they do smoke outside though BIL often stands at the back door not realising it wafts all the way through the house.;) It's strange how I feel today, one minute think I'm fine and the next thinking I'll never manage it.:rolleyes:

We have faith in you Wendyann :D

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hi WA,

You'll just have to boot BIL out the door a little, with a smile of course :D I am sure he will understand.

Don't even think about lighting up, you have come so far & done so well. I have picked up my the first of my last step patches today. Can't wait to be free of them for good :D

Gaynor x

nsd_user663_8222 profile image

ya id deff kick him out the door or at least ask him to shut the door to keep the (heat) in ;p

i always have to be around people that smoke and now and again i think hmm that smelt nice for a split second but i know never to go back to bein a smoker!!!!

makes my throat close up n feel all ughh like wheni used to smoke when im in the same house as someone smoking, its gross ;/

nsd_user663_2484 profile image

Thanks everyone.

It's still hard but I'm coping. Watching my weight has gone out of the window, I think I must have put 3 or 4 lbs on but at the moment am not bothered.

nsd_user663_2484 profile image

Not quite sure how I feel today. The cravings aren't bad, just don't feel right, wishing my life away.:confused:

nsd_user663_10472 profile image

Hi Wendyann glad u said that i am not craving as sutch but i dont feel right and cannot say why .

nsd_user663_2484 profile image

Hi Wendyann glad u said that i am not craving as sutch but i dont feel right and cannot say why .

Yes, it's a strange feeling. I'm not going to cave in and have a cig but I definately feel "lost". It's also frightening to think I no longer have a "crutch". I have read and reread Alan Carr and I still can't seem able to change how I think.:confused: I do feel so much better, my breathing is tons better, no longer wheezy at night.:) Guess it's just time I need now.:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_4990 profile image


it is a time thing i'm certain of it. Your quit is an ongoing thing that you work on daily, you will have up days and perhaps some down days too, but lets be honest? aint that just life?

You'll cope wendy, just keep the smoking in the past, and keep looking forwards, life will throw challenges at you and you will overcome them.. just believe in yourself.


nsd_user663_2484 profile image


it is a time thing i'm certain of it. Your quit is an ongoing thing that you work on daily, you will have up days and perhaps some down days too, but lets be honest? aint that just life?

You'll cope wendy, just keep the smoking in the past, and keep looking forwards, life will throw challenges at you and you will overcome them.. just believe in yourself.


Thanks Jase, much appreciated. Thats probably why I keep wishing my life away, wanting to be a few more months ahead.;)

Today seems to be a much better day. For some strange reason I always am at my best and most settled on a night time. Probably because that is when I used to smoke the least.

nsd_user663_7503 profile image

It WILl get better

Hi Wendyann,

I could have written this thread a few weeks ago. I finished up with the patches just over 5 weeks ago and that horrible feeling lasted a few weeks for me too. I felt totally lost, really quite down and really didn't know what to do with myself. I also stopped watching my weight and put a few pounds on.

I think its step 2 of our quit. We had a crutch and our body was still getting nicotine. So in effect you have recently gone cold turkey which is bound to have an effect. Also I think it almost feels like an anti climax. I've had a fair few days of sat drumming my fingers thinking, erm what now........ And everyone around me is so over congratulating me and I still want the pat on the back cos its still blinking hard!!!

For me this step 2 part is getting better now. Its been a rough few weeks but it is manageable and it does get easier. I feel calmer and am making plans for new things to fill my time with. I took advice from Jase and started talking to my family and friends about how I was feeling and that helped too.

You are doing brilliantly and you WILL get there.


nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Glad the advice was useful deb, families are the closest and most dear support you can get, and sometimes just that little bit of closeby encouragement, or even just a 'well done.. keep going'.. can be just enough to get you through a day.

Thing with families, is that unless they've quit smoking themselves they won't fully understand what you are actually going through, sure they can see you may be struggling, perhaps a bit tempered too, but they probably don't see the inner struggle between you and the fabled demon.

I was fortunate in that my OH did some reading aswell this time and has been marvellous support for me on this quit, but if you can calmly pass knowledge on to them then that will help them understand enough to be able to assist/help you when you seem to be struggling, or perhaps getting overly moody.

I think its step 2 of our quit. We had a crutch and our body was still getting nicotine. So in effect you have recently gone cold turkey which is bound to have an effect. Also I think it almost feels like an anti climax. I've had a fair few days of sat drumming my fingers thinking, erm what now........ And everyone around me is so over congratulating me and I still want the pat on the back cos its still blinking hard!!!

I can't fault that statement there Deb, thank heavens for forums and folk who understand... but sometimes we want to hear it verbally. I've been very fortunate at my work there is a lady here who always asks every month around the 11th of the month if i'm still going.. and she's so supportive with her words of encouragement that I've bought her 3 boxes of chocs in the last 4 months. so i know precisely what you mean by that :)

That said though, there is also loads of people who do start off congratulating you and you feel great on that, but then if you tell them you are now.. 6.. 7.. or 8+ months quit .. the response you suddenly start getting is more like 'yeah ok whatever' :)... and thats when you feel a little deflated.. especially if you are so pleased you want to tell the world :)

So well done wendy.. seriously well done.. and also to you deb.. this is an ongoing thing we are doing, we are relearning how to cope with life and once practiced and perfected then things seem so much more manageable and happier times abound :)

Keep going both.

nsd_user663_2484 profile image

Thank you Debs and Jase for the replies. It takes an ex smoker to understand.:)

My husband stopped smoking many years ago, before I met him. He is supportive but just lately seems to think everything is fine with me now.:( I have had to remind him it is still a struggle, I do get a bit argumentitive and stroppy with him.:D

Not doing too bad today,I do realise there will be lots of up and down days.

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Wendyann - you are doing fantastic and don't you forget it :D

My husband gave up years ago CT and I don't think he understands either how hard it can be. Today is my last day of Champix (down to half a tab) and I really wanted a cigarette this morning. OK now though. :cool:

We WILL do this :D

nsd_user663_2484 profile image

Am absolutely full of cold again, my throat is very painful.:(

Feeling a bit down but managing whatever craves I do get.;)

Today is my last day of Champix (down to half a tab) and I really wanted a cigarette this morning.

Hope everything goes well Steph. You sound very determined so I am sure you will be fine.:)

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

well done wendy ann ure doing brilliant xxx hope ure feeling better soon xxx:)

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

The constantly change of temparature isn't helping, going from cold to warm to cold and back again isn't helping, so to get a cold is more likely.

As i write this i still have the remnants of the cold i have now had for over a week or so.. but my OH has had a cold for nearly 4 weeks and can't shake it.

You'll cope, but treat the symptoms of the cold as you would normally.

nsd_user663_2484 profile image

My throat is very sore and feels like I have a golf ball stuck. This morning I was coughing up "gunk". One good thing I would normally be very wheezy now and it hasn't happened.:)

As regards "craves" I just keep plodding on, putting one foot in front of the other.;)

nsd_user663_2484 profile image

Still not feeling too good but am a bit better.:)

90% of the time I am fine but then I will start thinking I could just fancy a cig.:( I'm not going to do it though.:)

nsd_user663_2484 profile image

Still not feeling brill, still have a sore throat and now my ear is hurting. I'm nearly at the 12 weeks stage, can't really believe it. There are many temptations though, I can't seem to rid myself of this "fancying" a cigarette.:confused: I'm not going to do it but boy am I having a battle with myself.:D

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

You'll get there.. you are in the bit where you are not receiving any nicotine now and this cold you've got just puts you on a low ebb for a bit.. once you are through that you will feel tons better about everything.. quit included :)

nsd_user663_2484 profile image

I had to have a wisdom tooth extracted this morning.:( I've known about this for a couple of weeks and have been really fretting about it. On the plus side although many times I wanted to I coped without reaching for the cigs.:) If I can go through that stress and keep strong I'm pretty hopeful of the future.:)

Still feel pretty rough though.;)

Thank you for the kind words Jase, yes I am at a bit of a low ebb but hopefully in a week or so it is full steam ahead.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

The one thing you will notice if this is the first dental work you have had done since quitting is how fast it will heal, and a little known fact is the reason they advice you not to smoke before or after having extraction is that the nic and all the chemicals go straight into the blood stream and get to the heart faster and stronger, thats the reason my son gave up dentist scared the %^£$ out of him so he hasnt smoked since 8 months ago.

You are only human to keep thinking about them and you are at a weak spot or it was for me and lasted about 10 days but its gone now and I think things will get better and better from now on, think about the positive things ie how you are breathing better and walking further, I dont know realy how you feel but you have got to feel better, u are doing so well and will continue to do so I am sure, going for a treat for yourself and say couldnt afford this before.

As for the bad throat etc I have one at the mo but its just a summer cold I think would have been worse if I smoked though.

nsd_user663_2484 profile image

Thanks for the replies.

Still don't feel too good, very difficult to swallow. I was going to go to the doctors tomorrow but we have to go and visit relatives out of town. If I'm no better I will go to the doctors on thursday, think I have tonsilitis.

On the plus side, I'm not craving much.:D

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

The main thing is, treat the symptoms, we always try and associate everything to smoking i think just so we know its 'normal', but if you are ever in doubt, consult your pharmacy and/or doctor.

nsd_user663_2484 profile image

The main thing is, treat the symptoms, we always try and associate everything to smoking i think just so we know its 'normal', but if you are ever in doubt, consult your pharmacy and/or doctor.

I was going to go to the doctors today but got a phone call early this morning from my daughter to say my grandaughter has chicken pox. So, she is here with me now.:rolleyes: I think my throat is a little better, still hurting though.

I'm too busy to think of smoking.:D

nsd_user663_2484 profile image

Getting better slowly. I was going to go to the doctors yesterday but as I saidI had to look after my grandaughter. What's the betting my grandson comes down with chicken pox next week.

I don't crave cigarettes now but still "fancy" them. After lunch today I really fancied one, shall be glad when these feelings pass.

Went to my inlaws on wednesday and SIL has started smoking again, she had stopped for 2 months. So both BIL and SIL were smoking, they did go outside and that was in their own home. It was weird me not going out with them.:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_9067 profile image

Hi Wendy,

Never spoken to you before but I've followed your threads. Just to say you are doing amazing, I like your honesty, you are finding it hard but you have real grit and determination and your success is an inspiration.

Think your grandkids are the key to your quit, they are keeping you majorly busy and bet they love the new, healthy granny


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