Off to a decent start.: Day 1 finally begins... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Off to a decent start.

nsd_user663_56564 profile image
18 Replies

Day 1 finally begins. :D

The cigarettes are gone and I will be bringing snacks to my college campus in case I need them. It feels nice not to inhale toxic waste into my lungs as soon as I wake up; although I would really like to. But, anyways, so far I am off to a good start :) Lets see where this goes.

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nsd_user663_56564 profile image
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18 Replies
nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

All the best

All the best Snickers - yes, you're off to a good start.

It is lovely not to inhale all of those toxic fumes - and it just gets better and better. It's OK to have many snacks at this stage - Whatever gets you through the quit - it's alright. :)

nsd_user663_56564 profile image

Thank you ^^ a large worry of mine is I am doing this cold turkey which has a very low success rate. But I have Nicorette in case I become desperate so I will not run out for a cigarette. This is probably my 6th time trying to quit. I generally smoke a lot daily so everything I do is a trigger for me. Nonetheless, I am going to be optimistic :)

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Thank you ^^ a large worry of mine is I am doing this cold turkey which has a very low success rate. But I have Nicorette in case I become desperate so I will not run out for a cigarette. This is probably my 6th time trying to quit. I generally smoke a lot daily so everything I do is a trigger for me. Nonetheless, I am going to be optimistic :)

Understand your worries completely, but you can so do this cold turkey. You just have to be positive in yourself and stay strong! Just remember that going cold turkey means that the first few days are really the worst it gets, whereas I spent my first three weeks constantly on and off (using patches, then going cold turkey, then trying gum etc). This meant that I hadn't even fought the nicotine demon fully until around four weeks in :eek: This is the same for anyone using NRT really. You're still relying on the thing that you need to kick.

Everyone quits in their own way. Just do what is comfortable for you, in order to NOT TOUCH ANOTHER CIGARETTE! :)

Well done for starting so positively! There are plenty of people on here to help you through the tough times, so don't forget to post if you feel the need!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Also, try not to worry about statistics. This is YOUR quit and you should do whatever it takes, whether that is going cold turkey or using NRT to help, to stay away from smoking. :D

nsd_user663_56564 profile image

Thank you :) That makes me feel a lot better about my chances!

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free


Hi Snickers

Don't believe the statistics that are bandied around for quitting using Cold Turkey as the method. Those statistics are for the general public which includes people who say they have quit yet haven't given it any effort at all.

The success rate for CT on this forum is the same as that for NRT - we found that out with the January quitters. The success rate for people on this forum was 33%.

Just tell yourself that YOUR success rate is 100% & keep motivated by reading everything you can from this forum - as austinlegro says - the key is changing the sub conscious to being a non smoker - you do that via educating yourself as to what tobacco is really about. It's all here on this forum. :)

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Just tell yourself that YOUR success rate is 100%

This is so true :)

Snickers, your chances are whatever you want them to be. Just remember to ask yourself key questions like "will having a cigarette make me feel better?" and "do I really need a cigarette right now?".

I have found 100% of the time, so far, that the answer to both questions is no.

Stay positive and read, read, read. Seeing the success of people on this forum has helped me so much with my quit :D

nsd_user663_56564 profile image

Thank you all :) I will be trying my best to succeed and I will be sure to post if I have any issues or worried. I am very appreciative. :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Good luck Snickers :D

By the way the success rate on this forum since January is higher than 33% probably more like 45% ;) maybe cos of Kat and Gemma Lou refusing to let people fail :)

Believe you can do this-because you CAN do it.

We don't let go!!

You're off to a great start Snickers, it's the hardest bit now - but you're going CT which means after a few days you'll be nicotine free - how good is that? :cool:

Keep posting, keep trying and remember smoking *never* makes anything better!!

I found that telling myself I'd have a smoke in 20 mins got me through craves - had no intention of actually doing it but it shut the crave up.

nsd_user663_56564 profile image

Thank you ^^ I am not having the best time right now. Feels like my body is battling against me.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thank you ^^ I am not having the best time right now. Feels like my body is battling against me.

You're right in the toughest part now Snickers, but it gets heaps better!!

You've been smoking for however long and your body's got used to that now suddenly you don't and it has to re-adjust!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Thank you ^^ I am not having the best time right now. Feels like my body is battling against me.

Your body isn't battling against you, as such, it's just repairing itself.

It might be best for you to think of it as a "healing process". We spend years and years inhaling thousands of chemicals into ourselves and, while our bodies will try to resist at first, we eventually adapt to this. You have literally poisoned yourself and your body will be in shock at the moment, wondering what the hell is going on!

Try and think of it as a positive transition if you can. You will feel the benefits in no time :)

nsd_user663_56025 profile image

You can do it! It does get easier. The first 3 days were the worst for me, as I did it cold turkey.

I have used an inhalator when I've been out for a drink. I tried to keep busy by walking to and from work and making food for the freezer. Made some bread - that was therapeutic!

Good luck and keep going!

nsd_user663_56564 profile image

I haven't had a cigarette yet, working hard on staying as far away from them as I can. I live with a smoker so whenever she goes to work, I am going to have to dispose of the cigarettes left in the ashtray everyday. Which, sadly, that is kinda tempting as well. But I am remaining strong. She said that if I do not smoke for a week then she will lay down cigarettes for good. So I have a goal for this week I am embarking. So far, so good. Just have to keep myself a little busy! Thank you all for your support.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hey Snickers,

Well done for starting and holding out, if it becomes too hard you can always use a substitute like e cigarettes, they feel the same but have none of the toxins and have alot of benefits. it helped my dad out.

Good luck with the rest of the days. :)

They're very addictive though, which kind of defeats the point of quitting smoking.

Ooh and benefits (quoting Allen Carr)

These are the benefits of smoking:

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

They're very addictive though, which kind of defeats the point of quitting smoking.

Ooh and benefits (quoting Allen Carr)

These are the benefits of smoking:

Bless you Gemma. You should be an Allen Carr salesperson! X

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Good luck!

Ha ha! the support on this forum eh? Snickers, let me be the latest to add my words of support - come on you cold turkey quitter!

Be prepared, your body and brain are gonna be a bit fudged up for a few days but it doesn't last, I can pretty much guarantee that. It's just withdrawing then healing, and nicotine (yep, let's characterise it although it has an IQ of...precisely nowt!) doesn't like it one bit. Stuff it, if you can do without from day 1 then good on ya!

Don't worry about being a werewolf for a while with the CT, I was, it's fun to acknowledge it every now and then and shout at people who can't hear you just because you can. It's ok to be a bit nuts too (I hope!!) :D

Stay strong, post here for us to share your journey, and above all be proud and beat that plant! :D :)

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


Can't add much to other posts, but you're past the first few days which IMO are by far the worst, so well done:)

Baby steps, and please try not to look too far ahead.


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