My 3rd week: :confused: How did that happen... - No Smoking Day

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My 3rd week

nsd_user663_16723 profile image
23 Replies

:confused: How did that happen?!?

So here I am, 2 weeks free of nicotine. I'm feeling ok. I miss smoking and still fancy it, and sometimes I forget that I don't smoke anymore. I really can't wait for the day where I can go a whole day without thinking about it, but i'm thinking that that's a few weeks down the road yet. Maybe months.

I miss the smell, and I know that that's disgusting :D But I was never a smoker who hated smoking, i smoked outdoors so every one I had I really enjoyed, when someone walks past me smoking, it makes me stop and smell the air. I like the smell, but wish I could hate the smell. :rolleyes:

The cravings ARE getting less, it's more of a passing fancy, none of the mad cravings of the first week.

My MIL (who has emphysema) is currently in hospital, on permanant oxygen for a few days, she's in a ward with ladies who all have chest problems, some of them are quite young, which makes you think. She's awaiting an appointment with a spe******t on wednesday as she has an xray last week and there's been some changes since her last one. she also is having a CT scan in the morning. Everyone is thinking the worst (The big C) personally I'll wait until I know for definate what's wrong with her before I get upset. It could just be some changes. The ironic thing is, since she's been in hospital (saturday) she hasn't smoked, she'll be in till at least Friday so that's 6 days off the fags, but I know that as soon as she's out she'll be back to her 40 a day. which is awfully frustrating for her family. It makes me more determined to stay stopped.

My other half rewarded me for staying off them another week. a big box of belgian chocolate truffles, which lasted me about an hour :p

Anyway that's my update for today. I may delete the bit about my MIL as i don't like sharing so much personal stuff on an open forum, is there a private section here, where only members can read?

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nsd_user663_16723 profile image
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23 Replies
nsd_user663_16723 profile image

spe******t is in the swear filter? sp e cial ist

nsd_user663_17077 profile image

because it contains the word ****** (the drug) - probably caught by a spam filter

nsd_user663_17077 profile image

duh - c ial is - guess that proves it lol

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

I've never heard of it. Just looked it up and it's for erectile dysfunction. Not sure why that would trigger it :D

nsd_user663_16887 profile image

LOL Karen ... ;) (last post)

Here is to a determined week 3 for us!!

What a bummer about you MIL, shows you just HOW evil nicodemon can be, if not, why would she not stop if she is so ill already :(

Hope all goes well for you and her!

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hiya Karen sorry to here about your MIL - I hope all goes well. You can private message people on the forum if you need a bit of a private chat.

I think although not 100% sure that members public pages can only be read by forum members? :confused:

You're doing great with your quit! Reference the smell bit I know this may sound rank but if you have an old jam jar and can get hold of the contents of an ash tray then put that in the jam jar and add a bit of water. Put the lid on, then when you think it smells nice and have a craving, taking the lid off and have a sniff. Soon you will realise it actually smells disgusting! Just a suggestion that may help :)

Keep going and soon you'll be counting in months xx

nsd_user663_16713 profile image

Karen ! Get these thoughts outta your head hun:

I miss smoking and still fancy it

I miss the smell

i smoked outdoors so every one I had I really enjoyed, when someone walks past me smoking, it makes me stop and smell the air. I like the smell

I think the suggestion Tinkerbell has made is a really good one ( the jam jar)

If that doesn't put you off the smell not much will!! :)

Be strong Karen it would be criminal to throw all this good work we've done away!

I hope your MIL gets better too hun it must be really tough seeing someone like that but turn it to a positve for yourself and think about if you went back to smoking it will be your son/daughter who sees you in the hospital like that.

P.S : Sorry about the lecture , i'm not usually like that but I need to help my quit bud through to smoke free town x

nsd_user663_17057 profile image

"I miss smoking and still fancy it

I miss the smell

i smoked outdoors so every one I had I really enjoyed, when someone walks past me smoking, it makes me stop and smell the air. I like the smell"

Well Karen if you can have all those thoughts in your mind, and still not smoke you are there girl.

Although I secretly have to admit to similar thoughts:o

Don't tell anyone.

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Thanks Peeps.

Del I don't mind the lecture :P i'm just being honest. I love the smell of fags, Tinks I might try that with the jam jar.

Garry, glad there's someone else who feels the same. I do miss it, i liked it but I know I won't smoke anymore, i'm stubborn and won't buy any, i couldn't for definaate say that if i came across a ciggie in the house that i wouldn't smoke it, but it aint gonna happen as there is none. That's why I have so much respect for people like the lovely snowie, who have quit and still have smokers in the house.

nsd_user663_16713 profile image

hey Karen , did'nt mean to sound harsh earlier :(

I don't like the smell of cigs now so maybe that's why I was 'lecturing' but as a wise woman (my mum!) once told me : If everyone was the same the world would be a very boring place!

Stay strong hun, keep me posted about the 'jam jar' idea too!

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Thanks Peeps.

Del I don't mind the lecture :P i'm just being honest. I love the smell of fags, Tinks I might try that with the jam jar.

Garry, glad there's someone else who feels the same. I do miss it, i liked it but I know I won't smoke anymore, i'm stubborn and won't buy any, i couldn't for definaate say that if i came across a ciggie in the house that i wouldn't smoke it, but it aint gonna happen as there is none. That's why I have so much respect for people like the lovely snowie, who have quit and still have smokers in the house.

LOl @ you still liking the smell of fags!! Well i did to but it wasnt until today when i was out and about with a client that realised all the stinky people about :eek: People actually really smell awful after a smoke and it gave me great pleasure in saying it out loud to my client that i could really smell that person over there (and pointed) to who it was.

As i posted elsewhere on here tonight though.... i told my mum about it and she told me that i used to stink when i dropped little un off to her :eek:

Gone are those days thats for sure!!

Thanks for the nice words saying you respect me hun, you dont have to respect me... just feel damn sorry for me LMAO only joking ;)

Am ok this week, hubby now on nights so in bed when i get up then only about for a couple of hours before he starts again, so much easier!!

Anyways well done hunny, you are doing superbly , so very proud of you

Snowie xxx

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

hey Karen , did'nt mean to sound harsh earlier

I don't like the smell of cigs now so maybe that's why I was 'lecturing' but as a wise woman (my mum!) once told me : If everyone was the same the world would be a very boring place!

Stay strong hun, keep me posted about the 'jam jar' idea too!

You didn't sound harsh hon, i wish i didn't like the smell, it'd be a lot easier!

LOl @ you still liking the smell of fags!! Well i did to but it wasnt until today when i was out and about with a client that realised all the stinky people about :eek: People actually really smell awful after a smoke and it gave me great pleasure in saying it out loud to my client that i could really smell that person over there (and pointed) to who it was.

As i posted elsewhere on here tonight though.... i told my mum about it and she told me that i used to stink when i dropped little un off to her :eek:

Gone are those days thats for sure!!

Thanks for the nice words saying you respect me hun, you dont have to respect me... just feel damn sorry for me LMAO only joking ;)

Am ok this week, hubby now on nights so in bed when i get up then only about for a couple of hours before he starts again, so much easier!!

Anyways well done hunny, you are doing superbly , so very proud of you

Snowie xxx

you crack me up hun :D it's true though about clothes stinking. I never smoked indoors and i used to have a kid come for my oldest daughter years ago to walk to school and her parents smoked and she reaked of fags every morning.

Anyhoo last night I realised why yesterday I had so many urges to smoke (cause I had a fair few yesterday) going in the shower last night, i realised I had no patch on. I put it on at 7.15am yesterday morning, took my bed tshirt off at 8am and put a clean top on, and put my bed tshirt in the washer. Low and behold checked the washer last night and there's my tshirt with the patch stuck to it, so i'd had no patch on all day. No wonder I had a lozenger stuck to the inside of my cheek all day, and was thinking about fags all day. duh! made me realise though that I am nowhere near ready to come off the patches.

I'm off to see my no smoking lady today, it's my day 17/18, i wonder what my carbon manoxide reading will be, i'd love a big fat zero!

nsd_user663_16713 profile image

Hey Karen , come on don't keep us in suspense any longer ....................................what was the carbon monoxide reading!!!!

Your doing great Karen , really really chuffed for you , I think you've had a tough week but youv'e stuck to your guns big big pat on the back for you ! ;)

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Yeah!! Come on Karen. What's your golden number? :)

Ed xx

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Hey peeps!

My reading was 1, she said it's rare that people ever get a 0, with polution and stuff.

So Del boy we are almost ready to move up a forum. I can't believe that.. how fast has it gone?!?

I'm feeling good. One thing that I have noticed since quiting as I have no cough. I always cough.. morning noon and night, not a hacking cough, more of a clearing my throat cough, and can honestly say i haven't coughed once this week, i never realised it was the fags that made me cough, i always put it down to having a cold weeks ago. so that's great, and also my teeth are a shade lighter, they wern't a minging yellow, but they definately look whiter since I quit.

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Hey peeps!

My reading was 1, she said it's rare that people ever get a 0, with polution and stuff.

Brilliant hun :D Yes thats true what she said, mine said even though she was a non smoker, she has got down below 2!! :eek:

Talking about teeth, dont forget to make an appointment to see the dentist hun, apparently they reccomend you see them after you have quit.

I cant wait to see mine, will leave it for another few weeks yet ( maybe the 2 month mark) she was always nagging for me to give up, as my teeth stain really badly from the smoke as i lack calcium in them or something... (how embarrasing)

Have a great weekend

Snowie xx

nsd_user663_13507 profile image

I miss the smell, and I know that that's disgusting :D But I was never a smoker who hated smoking, i smoked outdoors so every one I had I really enjoyed, when someone walks past me smoking, it makes me stop and smell the air. I like the smell, but wish I could hate the smell. :rolleyes:


Isnt it strange, I take a walk every lunchtime and I can not believe how many people smoke, I can smell it a mile away and it is doing nothing for me at all, I find I am crossing the road to get away from the smell as it makes me almost gag.

Well done on the carbon reading Karen, that must give you such a boost.

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Yeah you notice the smell alot more. I got the bus into the town centre on Thursday, and as soon as I got off the bus i could smell it. My stop smoking lady told me the other day, she's been quit for 20 years and still likes the smell. Weird innit :D

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

innit :D

OOOooo goody someone has used another one of my sayings :p

I now know its safe to use without sounding too common :D

"innit chick" *giggles*

Snowie x

nsd_user663_16723 profile image


innit..such a lovely chavvy word ha ha ha! I'm as common as they come hun :p

nsd_user663_13507 profile image

I used to work in Amsterdam (legally LOL) and tried Cannabis many moons ago and decided it was not for me.

I knew back then I had an addictive habit forming personality, thumb sucking, nail biting, smoking.

Anyways, when in Dam I learned to LOVE the smell of cannabis and would follow someone down the street just to smell it.

I now work somewhere where it is an added bonus to be able to pick up the smell so easily ;);)

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Haha I'm dying to know what your job is :D

Today's been tough for me for some reason. I've had a lot of cravings. Strong cravings where my head seemed to be screaming out for a nicotine fix :confused: I've been checking my patch to make sure it's still on. You know the feeling when you're a smoker, when you've had a lovely meal, a cup of tea and you feel the urge to light up? I've had that feeling most of the afternoon. It's eased up now, but it was tough. I haven't felt like that in a week or so. I didn't cave in, but i'm sure if I'd been around anyone who smoked I'd have caved in :mad:

Anyhoo it'll be 3 weeks tomorrow, it's gotta start getting easier soon right? I want a day to go by where I don't think of smoking, hopefully it'll be soon.

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Evening hunny :)

Sorry to hear you have a tough day today! but well done on staying strong and not giving in ((hugs))

Im the same after a meal, especially when your so stuffed.. so what i have been doing is eating some then having a break so i dont get that "stuffed" feeling and it seems to be working. Yeah me din dins get s abit cold, but i would rather that then fight the urge for that after dinner smoke.

Hope you have a better day tomorrow babe

Snowie x

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