Entering the 3rd week and feel so depressed - No Smoking Day

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Entering the 3rd week and feel so depressed

nsd_user663_4734 profile image
7 Replies

Hi everyone

I am just entering the 3rd week of my quit and i feel so depressed and black. :(

It seems like nothing is a joy at the moment. I am sleeping most of the summer away, i try to get out but waves of tiredness overcome me and i have to go back home to sleep.

The cravings if anything are more and more intense. :(

I know it would be a BIG mistake to go back to cigarettes now, but i am wondering if i can ever enjoy things like playing my guitar again ( Which i haven't done since giving up smoking )

Just looking for a bit of solidarity here. :(

Peace and Light


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nsd_user663_4734 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_4680 profile image

Sorry to here you are having a hard time, from reading this forum it would seem everyones quit is different and personal to them (to me this is another indication that it is mostly in our heads, physical symptoms should be the same from quitter to quitter, the differences imply we are torturing ourselves to a greater or lesser degree). For me the month mark was when things seemed to get easier. Week 3 was particularly rubbish if I remember correctly, but try to tell yourself it will get easier if you remain quit.

At the end of the day it is very hard to quit and it is sometimes almost intolerable but the only way to avoid the horror of quitting is to smoke until it kills you, which isn't really an option in my opinion. This means we basically have to suck it up and get through the rough times to the nirvana of no smoking bliss that is waiting for us round the corner.

Good luck mate, I am sure you can do it ;)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Ian :)

I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a bad time at the moment feeling tired and depressed and as if there is no joy left

I promise these feeling will go away, lots of people find that after the third week things really do get so much easier to handle

So yes you will enjoy things again and play that guitar as well in fact everything will go back to normal for you only they'll be even better as you're smoke free OK

But as we're all different so are our quits and we all do it at our own pace and in our own way, a lot of this is down to the body healing itself after the abuse we've given them while smoking but heal it will


Marg xxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4610 profile image

Hi Ian,

I felt exactly the same on entering week 3 and on leaving week 3, think it's something to do with the 3's - or so I've read on here, I got through it, so will you - believe me it gets easier in week 4 - Saturday's are still quite bad for me tho but am sure that'll pass too. When you're feeling bad come on here it's such a boost and incentive to read that everyone on here is or was going through the same.

YOu can do it........:D xx

nsd_user663_4367 profile image

Doing so well

Come on Ian, U have gone this far, just get over the worst which is 3s Days Weeks and even 3 months. But by the time u meet 3 months u are so much more experienced and can handle it better..... Dont think u want to smoke again really and sure u wouldnt like to start at Day One again..... Things WILL get better.... Kaz :p

nsd_user663_4734 profile image

Thanks for the support you good people :)

Went to the park this afternoon and just chilled out. The tiredness did come over me again so i just had a little snooze under a tree.

I found it was really therapeutic to do that, so if the weather is as nice as it has been today i will do the same tomorrow and take my acoustic guitar with me this time :)

Isn't it strange how doing the simplest things can make you feel so much better

Peace and Light

Ian :)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Ian :D

I'm pleased to hear that you're feeling better now and had a walk in the park with a little snooze under that tree

I hope it will be nice tomorrow so that you can take your guitar


Marg xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3849 profile image

Hi Ian,

I fully understand what you mean about wondering if you'll ever enjoy some things ever again if you can't smoke, like playing your guitar.

I was really worried that things like a days fishing would never be so enjoyable without 20 Marlboros, sitting out on the patio with a bottle of wine - surely wouldn't be as good without a few ciggies.

BUT, although the first few times without a ciggie are hard, the end results are so much worth it!

I enjoy all those things more now because I know I'm not poisoning myself at the same time!

Stick with it and believe in yourself - and get that guitar out and get playing. Don't let those ciggies carry on dictating what you can and can't do!

Nicki x

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