i had a dream...: i just woke up from a... - No Smoking Day

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i had a dream...

nsd_user663_14771 profile image
16 Replies

i just woke up from a nightmare... in the dream there had been an accident, a truck had crashed into a sidewalk and people were hurt, i needed to call an ambulance and did, after a while fortunatlely i woke up...

took me a while to settle down, and only realy managed to return to thinking straight by reasoning that it was the giving up smoking that was causing the dream and that i should just relax and ignore it...

so i did, and did the usual tricks set out in these wonderful forum pages of thinking of all the health benefits i was seeing from not smoking and i started to get calm and ready for sleep again, all was good...

.. then i smelt the smoke! i opened the door and the hall was choked with smoke, my flatmate had returned late, put some food on and forgotten about it! there was no fire just a lot of happily burning chilli on the cooker!

ain't that the way it goes? we so often jump in to 'blame' the things that are trying to help us! my new non-smoker sense of smell broke into my dreams and saved me from fire and i 'blame' the dream on the quit!

all is well now for those that might worry ;) my flatmate has cleaned the pan, the fire alarm taken down for failing its duty! the chilli is inedible - at least by non-smokers! and finally i am feeling even more positive about this quit!!


i 'found' the following text on tales from the quit today, it's so inspiring i would like to share it with you, do go read the rest

'If I could do it all over again, I would jump into Day One screaming and cheering with banners and ribbons flowing from my arms. And I would wear a big hat that proudly stated "DAY ONE" on it! Because something happened that I never bargained for. Facing the fear and allowing Day One to enter my life was the first of many more wonderful challenges. And it was as if somebody handed me a key (a master key!) and said "Here, this opens more doors, discover yourself!"

Welcome to Hell. It is the most wonderful place! Because past this lies Freedom.'

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nsd_user663_14771 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_15147 profile image

wow 5mol<er, that mustave been really scary!

But like you said, just more proof that quitting is actually good for you! anything to re-inforce the quit :)

I had a dream last night that I had 'just one puff' - it was terrifying! What's strange is that in the beginning I quite liked these dreams, because the smoking was so real it seemed like in my dreams I was allowed to smoke (finally!)... but now the though of that scares me to death! That's my re-assuring dream... I think my brain is starting to understand that smoking isn't good for me (took long enough!)

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Of course we worry :) ...

I feel a song coming on:

I have a dream, a song to sing, to help me cope with anything...

X factor here I come!

Ok I've lost the plot but it is crunchie day - that's my excuse.

Now going back to your post - yes I have had very strange dreams since quitting but hey dreaming about smoking isn't actually smoking so it's ok I guess so long as we don't actually smoke. At the end of the day we all dream to win the lottery but it happens to very few :D

I think this is a lost the plot reply to you instead of a sensible answer - sorry 5mol<er. I will try and put my sensible hat back on and come back later...too many e numbers today

nsd_user663_15147 profile image

No, no sensible hats please :) its Friday (Crunchie Friday for you!)... we don't want to be sensible.

Besides, I think you would be great in Xfactor! Enthusiasm alone should get you straight to the Live Shows... look at Wagner, it worked for him!

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

:eek: please no, no, no do not compare me to him agghhh, ewww

I would like to think I have cheryl's looks, simon's brains and a good singers voice...I can dream :D

nsd_user663_15147 profile image

hehe, I really don't understand how people have wanted to keep him in!

Lets see, I think all of those qualities would probably make you maybe ... ummm.. Leona Lewis...

..omg, Leona, is that you posing as Tinkerbell?!

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

oh no you've sussed me out :D

so you watch the X factor in Luxembourg then? I think this years contestants are a mixed bag at least there not all going to be belting out ballards!

Probably have a night in tomorrow watching it while quaffing . My new word for the day. My vocabulalry isn't the broadest (go on say it 'you don't say...') so I like it when I learn new words, then I can impress people :D

nsd_user663_15147 profile image

I just googled quaffing and I'm stealing it :D

I like this year's contestants too, I think quite a few of them could release an album that people would buy (Mary, Matt, Aiden, and annoyingly Cher and Katie, maybe even 1 direction)... lots of gd stuff going on. My boyfriend is from Manchester and I live with his cousin who's also from Manchester... so Sky tv is really not an option - its a requirement!

There is not other way to watch Xfactor - bottle of wine and takeaway with friends :)

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Me - I likes Cher because she is a local lass.

I had to google the word too when I heard it :D I don't wann seem too dumb and ask what it meant so I remembered it then googled it.

Right I'm on the next plane for an x factor night in - mines a chicken curry with rice but no peas, yuk peas. Any wine will do so long as we can do some quaffing :D

nsd_user663_15147 profile image

I quite like her voice and style, but I think she might be too young... they also gave her totally the wrong song on Saturday! Would like to see her mature a bit and then I wouldn't mind her winning.

Hehe, alright then! Flight over it is! I normally go for chinese but wouldnt mind some good old tikka masala right now... it must be the nicotene munchies talking (I blame everything on them these days!). I take it you don't like peas Tinks??? :)

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Oh no I don't eat a curry from an indian they are too hot. My curry is from the chinese :confused: weird I know.

Peas no peas are evil whoever invented peas well yuk. Oh I do like mushy peas with fish and chips.

Food yes I eat rather a lot of late. I joined slimming world and do OK but then what I lost I put back on. Everyday I start my diet well then have something naughty then say I'll start my diet tomorrow :o Today started good then had a chocolate muffin the ones with runny chocolate in the middle Mmmmmm then later I had a pan au chocolate thingy (not sure on the spelling). As you can see I have a bit of a chocolate theme going :)

nsd_user663_15147 profile image

haha, well, having lived in the UK for 3 years I actually know exactly what you mean about the chinese curry! just like getting curry sauce and cheese on your chips walking home from a night out (though I prefer gravy myself...)

I've been quite good with exersise (gym 4 times a week) but I go totally overboard with food as well... actually my food intake today sounds a lot like yours! Apart from the basic meals I've had a pain au chocolat, kinder bueno and butter croissant! YUM! ... even seeing all my excess written out I just can't find it in me to feel guilty... I love eating too much :D

btw, that runny chocolate muffin sounds like heaven *drools*

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

oh yeah it's lush. I'll send you one over :D

Oh sausage, chips and gravy Mmmmm delicious :)

When I've had a nite out - I generally fall into the kebab shop on the way home - not very lady like or fairy like - I know :)

nsd_user663_14771 profile image

lol look what happened to this thread!! the nasty dreams are long gone and we are in the kebab shops :rolleyes: i'll take that as a good omen, dream time is almost with me again, i would like to dream of wine and marshmallows please dream fairy :)

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

5mol<er sorry for hijacking the thread but hey at least we did a full circle and ended back on dream :D

You want wine and marshmallows - I have sprinkled my fairy dust and waved my wand and wine an marshmallows you shall dream :)

Happy dreaming ;)

nsd_user663_14771 profile image

tinks what was in that fairy dust, i slept like a baby :) only problem is i can't motivate myself to get out of bed now!!

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

5mol<er rule number 1 never ask a fairy what's in her fairy dust :D

Glad you never had any more nightmares!:)


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