fisrt 24 hours: I quit 3 weeks ago for three... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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fisrt 24 hours

nsd_user663_12734 profile image
7 Replies

I quit 3 weeks ago for three weeks. Have smoked for 30 years. That was the FIRST time I'd ever said, I want to quit smoking. Even I can't believe that sad fact. I'm a workout nut, run, I was really being dishonest with how it is affecting my life in my health. Like I was invincible to cancer or lung disease all because I excersise. So I must be healthy right? As my user name says overit, I'm over it.

Strangely, for about 3 weeks I was using creative visualization, seeing myself smiling happy because I didn't smell smoke residue on clothes in hamper, (don't smoke in house), just started smoking in car last year, YUK, and then finally the reality of the physical side hit me after the first week of my first quit. I actually was sleeping better, waking up more refreshed, physically my eyes felt better, clean mouth all the time, love brushing my teeth. I did feel nicotine withdrawals for the first time of my life too. They felt like waves of anxiety. Rode them out. And, I notice, might sound crazy, clearer thinking. Got stressed, started smoking again 3 weeks ago again.

Yes, I started getting less cravings the first go around. It became easier to ride them out and they were at less intervals.-So now I have a measure. (It feels harder this time though.) As I type this, all of that is what I am fresh in remembering, because, quite frankly, I can't believe I started to lose cravings, because my cravings are so strong again. This has shown me in a nut shell how powerful nicotine addiction is. What have I been doing. Terrible. So, had a cig at 4 am. And just threw my pack in the dumpster outside. Have also noticed, my sleeping is worse now that I am back on. And shorter. Smoking sucks. I'm up for the life saving challenge. Doing it cold turkey style. Wish me luck, I'll keep you posted. Overit!

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nsd_user663_12734 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_8876 profile image

Hi overit and welcome to the forum. 30 years is a long time so quite an addiction you got there. It takes a really strong mind and to really want to do it. Going cold turkey was the way for me, i came to terms with the fact i was going to quit before i quit, read loads on cold turkey and the horrible side effects etc and just strapped myself in and dealt with it. It gets easier as time passes. Appreciating the benefits is a good help too.

Keep it up. :)

nsd_user663_12734 profile image

Thanks for the advice Chrissie, yeah, I just started to read some of the stff here and Not good. Needed to finally read it and I'm very squeamish, had to see the truth. How did you quit Chrissie?

Fallen Angel, seeing "30 years" that you typed in your response to me just hit home. Seeing it in black and white. I'm glad I joined this forum for support. Oh, and you cold turkey'd too huh? I just feel if I don't use the patch or something, I'll get the initial nicotine out and just deal with the cravings until they become less and less. How long until you really started notice, you didn't have cravings?

Thanks very much to both of you. I'm going for a run, then studying for a test. Day ! is in affect. No smoking day. Teresa :)

nsd_user663_8876 profile image

Hi again. Good on you running, your definetly going to get a whole lot better at that now lol. There is quite a few of us on here that enjoy running, it's like a welcome celebration for our beautiful new lungs and newfound energy, it's great stuff :D. With regards to what you asked, yes i did go cold turkey because that way there is no half measures ( in my mind) and it gets you 'overit' quicker and let's face it who would want to go through that suffering for longer than they had to! Ok, looking back at ct i'd say, 5 days were rough physiclly and mentally, i seem to remember getting to 2 weeks and missing it but not needing/craving it, so i think i can safely say 6 weeks and i ws over it.

Take a look through some of my early posts and it's easy to see how i progressed, there were tricky times but they DO pass quickly. Hope i've been of some help and good luck you can do it. Keep posting.

nsd_user663_12734 profile image

Thanks for replying again Chrissie and Fallen Angel. Well, I am going to look over your posts FA. Good idea coming to the internet to quit smoking for me. Easier when I have support. And, I wish I would have done it this way the first time. I'd have known what to look at specifically timeline wise in withdrawal from nicotine etc. To maneuver it, know what to expect a little you know. I guess when one is finally ready inwardly, consciously, we research. As I said, I remember my cravings being less a month ago, however, I forgot how hard the initial few days are. And you said it FA. Today I am really agitated, kinda sad, all at the same time. And craving is huge. Which is getting overided of course! I'm going to read your early post since you c/t'd too. And congradulations to both of you for quitting! Chrissie, don't beat yourself up, you know what it's all about now and you quit! Now................I'm next with some smoke free time, one day at a time!

You know, I read somewhere in the last couple of days that hit home. Smoke free or live your life in constant withdrawal. Perpetual withdrawal. Spot on you know, if we're smoking. In between cigarrettes, have a nick fit and can't wait to get to the store to buy some and lite up. Everything in our life being gaged by getting that fix of nicotine, not even realizing, how truly addicted we are and it runs huge time increments in our life. And we're always in withdrawal until we get that next fix. Sick huh. And that's how tobacco companies make money and CEO's buy new houses and boats. We die and/or live in withdrawal between fixes, they get rich. It's weird when you just start thinking about it huh, why did it take me so long? So riding out my second day. It sucks. I'm going for a swim to do laps right now girls. Teresa xo

nsd_user663_12734 profile image

Well Fallen, I looked over your old posts. Yip, sounds like day two was rough. You talked about insomnia, and feelin a bit down early on as well. Then it just stopped. I couldn't find you talk about cravings except where you could have rolled one but didn't, and you're talking about running etc. So, I 've got a gage. Sifted through a few more threads as well.

So thanks. Gonna keep going. You know, I noticed this once the first time I quit, and yesterday,(and now my conviction is sooooooooo strong. this is really a big deal thing in stone you know. i'm not coming in here with a maybe i'll quit attitude. i'm coming in with a, rats, i have to ride out withdrawal, and fight cravings till they're gone attitude. kinda makes me wish I never started huh?), back to what I noticed and again yesterday, groups of people smoking. If you're a smoker, the group doesn't stick out in a way. It's normal. Once I quit smoking, I see this group as a bunch of addicts getting a fix on their lunch break. That's what the staff was doing, I was shopping at a grocery store and they had an area. No judgement on them, however, I have to hold these kind of things really close to me early out for affirmation until my physical craving is gone. And then, it will surely come in handy when I get an emotional/habit craving. Really makes me see things differently. I'll post next time in the appropriate section guys. Teresa xo

nsd_user663_8876 profile image

Proud of you and loving your strong attitude towards this quit. I've got a good feeling you can do it :D so i'm really excited for you. I just can't stress enough just how much better your gonna feel, trust me i craved, in fact i was evil, snappy, moody, fell out with people, resented it for a short WAS rough but you know what? So what, rise to the challenge, people quit all the time. I had a load of 'things' going on around me wheen i quit that really should have tipped me over the edge but because i understood that the 'addiction of nicotine' will convince me to light up and take over at the first sign of weakness i was prepared for all it's nasty little tricks and yes, i survived and damn glad i did. You will do the same too. Just go for it, fight it n forget it. ;)


pleased you fread through the threads, there was some tough times in there but some positive ones too. There is a cold turkey social group on here too.

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

I am totally new to talking on a computer! Gave up on the 4th June cold turkey after 36 years in the end 25 per day if i did not have a drink 50 if i did. Still finding it difficult i am extremely tired, waking up at various times during the night. Good luck with you going again

Hello alpal

Well done you for quitting such a long time smoking, always found I smoked loads more when I drinking too. Also found it best not to overindulge whilst in the earlier stages of the quit.

Stick around and post more about your experience it will help others and its helpful to you too, as it reinforces your quit.


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