Very Final attempt at quit-day 1: Well here I... - No Smoking Day

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Very Final attempt at quit-day 1

nsd_user663_10024 profile image
38 Replies

Well here I am back again. To cut a very long story short, I am at my wits end! First I used patches, then cut them down too fast to lesser dosage and then attempted CT straight afterwards only to fail at the first social event that involved alcohol! The day after I didn’t smoke, then I did, then I didn’t for a week then I did for one day! What the!!!…..its like a tug of war with the nicotine monster and its winning :( (for around two months now). I am such a failure I am so annoyed with myself! It’s pathetic! :mad:

So today (again) is day one. On patches, (step 2) going to follow the proper route and cut down when I am supposed to, to Step 3 regardless of side affects whilst on them. Its not the quitting I found hard it’s the staying quit. I can even handle the cravings they are hardly here nor there. My thinking is at least hopefully the patches will help me in social events so when the time for CT finally arrives I won’t cave in. I really genuine hope to god I can do this, the fags knock me sick, anyone who is having a hard day please PLEASE don’t light one up, you know you will regret it, you are not missing out on anything I am so sick of being a slave to this drug addiction!

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nsd_user663_10024 profile image
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38 Replies
nsd_user663_9067 profile image

Hi Tryingmybest,

I wondered where you had gone as I'd replied to one of your posts the other week and you seemed to be doing good!

At least you really want to do it, that surely is half the battle, the other half is the battle with your mind and resisting the cigs at all times.

I really hope you succeed, Good luck

Shelly xx

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

Thank you!

I disappeared just like I did last time because I felt like I had let people down and most of all myself. I felt embarrassed to and a little ashamed. I have just got to get my head round it. I am going to stay away from alcohol. I will still get together with friends but I wont drink and therefore hopefully will avoid the trigger. I just want to succeed so badly! I hate smoking, hate the control it has over me. Going to try my very best to stay focused! Fingers crossed x

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Hi trying my best

what a shame .......I get you a bit ....I kept doing wot you did smoking for bit stopping for a day ...bla de bla.......Bet you dont feel very nice right messed with my head...........i know people say this a lot but its so true ..quitting is the easy part its staying quit thats hard..........Your doing well ..keep going ...your stronger then you think ..i started on step 2 ..Im 16 weeks quit tomorrow ........& not on NRT anymore .......hope that inspires you a bit ..its not a race..however you do it ....& im not for one minute saying my quit is done ..just i get the feeling your not completely happy about using the patches & was just letting you know that you wont be using them forever type thing :)xxx

good luck keep posting xx

nsd_user663_8999 profile image

Hi T

I think, and this is just my own personal opinion, it is important to replace smoking with something you find positive and rewarding. I got through the first few days eating for britain and chomping normal chewing gum furiously whever I wasn't troughing! I then went a bit shopping mad for the next few weeks. I finally woke up and realised I needed something I could do long term, something I would have laughed at when I was a smoker EXCERCISE! :eek:

I am running my first 10k in just under 6 weeks and am running 5k every other day. I now have something that I really enjoy that I don't want to relinquish. Its stress busting and gives me far more enjoyment than smoking ever did. Most importantly, if I get back on the smokes I would have to give it up. I couldn't run 100m without keeling over when I was a smoker! It does't have to be excercise; paint, knit whatever you enjoy - just keep yourself and your hands busy!

Best of luck with bashing that nicotine demon once and for all - I hope you find something that gets you through the first few hours and days. Hate the nicotine demon not yourself and DON'T GIVE IT WHAT IT WANTS :D ;)

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Hi tryingmybest

Good for you for giving it another go :)

I'll cross everything and mum says if she can do it after 60 years of smoking - so can you :D

Keep posting

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

Hi trying my best

what a shame .......I get you a bit ....I kept doing wot you did smoking for bit stopping for a day ...bla de bla.......Bet you dont feel very nice right messed with my head...........i know people say this a lot but its so true ..quitting is the easy part its staying quit thats hard..........Your doing well ..keep going ...your stronger then you think ..i started on step 2 ..Im 16 weeks quit tomorrow ........& not on NRT anymore .......hope that inspires you a bit ..its not a race..however you do it ....& im not for one minute saying my quit is done ..just i get the feeling your not completely happy about using the patches & was just letting you know that you wont be using them forever type thing :)xxx

good luck keep posting xx

Hi you! I know such a shame isnt it. I am fed up, I am also peeved that I am wallowing in self-pity and self-loating!! I need to get a grip!! The positive thinking has gone at the min and you're right, it did mess with my head. I mean, I dont want to smoke and dont enjoy it, so there is my reason straight off...its not like I am a smoker in denial!Well done you though, thats brilliant, it really is, I envy you guys. I am just scared with the patches, I hope I can manage it and then dont fail when its CT time. But I need to take one day at a time i know that.

I feel like a broken record! x

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

Thanks Steph,

Thats the thing, if your mum can do it I dont see what my problem is!! :confused: grrr its frustrating! x

Well done to your mum :)


nsd_user663_10024 profile image

Hi T

I think, and this is just my own personal opinion, it is important to replace smoking with something you find positive and rewarding. I got through the first few days eating for britain and chomping normal chewing gum furiously whever I wasn't troughing! I then went a bit shopping mad for the next few weeks. I finally woke up and realised I needed something I could do long term, something I would have laughed at when I was a smoker EXCERCISE! :eek:

I am running my first 10k in just under 6 weeks and am running 5k every other day. I now have something that I really enjoy that I don't want to relinquish. Its stress busting and gives me far more enjoyment than smoking ever did. Most importantly, if I get back on the smokes I would have to give it up. I couldn't run 100m without keeling over when I was a smoker! It does't have to be excercise; paint, knit whatever you enjoy - just keep yourself and your hands busy!

Best of luck with bashing that nicotine demon once and for all - I hope you find something that gets you through the first few hours and days. Hate the nicotine demon not yourself and DON'T GIVE IT WHAT IT WANTS :D ;)

Good post and thanks. I am such a hypocrite though, I did the half marathon night time walk for cancer research in Manchester about 4/5 weeks ago. It killed us but we raised £1,000 and it was worth every penny. (i was quit at the time) I pay money into Cancer Research every month because its such a worthy cause. I hate the cigs that much yet seem to go back to them every time. My diet is good (lost over a stone in the last year) and I am quite active (could be more active to be fair). I get married next year and am so desperate to be fag free by then and before we start a family! I dont want the stress of quitting then, can you imagine!

I actually imagine the nicotine as a monster of some sort I really do because that helps, it is like a being that is in control and it drives me insane, I hate it x

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Ok So you have let yourself down no one else at the moment but you now need to put it all behind you and move on, dont say this is the final attempt as you put yourself under too much pressure just do it day by day the same as I did, set yourself a goal I did 2 weeks and then another untill I got too 8 weeks then a month at a time and now I want to reach 6 months and I will be happy.

I am sorry you are giving yourself such a hard time because there is no need really and you know that but you make it seem ok if you shout at your self.

Well heres the crunch line its not ok and no matter how much you bemoan yourself you are still only letting yourself down but from today onwards you will be letting more than your self down you will be letting me and kitty kat down because we are your new quit buddies and you know the rules, are you ready for it say no if your not.

So this is the first alcohol free first month at quitting xxxxx

nsd_user663_9175 profile image


I just want to reiterate what a couple of the others have said really.

I quit 11 weeks ago with patches and the inhalator - started on step 3, and actually finished on Saturday. Now patch free for 3 days and really starting to feel great, so like KitKat said there is light at the end of the tunnel and if CT isn't for you then use the support available to you, why wouldn't you??:confused:

And I couldn't agree with Vesper more - taking up a hobby (such as running) which is nigh on impossible as a smoker is such an incentive. I've also started running, and although I'm not on Vesper's level yet I am loving it and know that if my quit does fail I would lose out in more ways than one. It's a great incentive.

I really hope you can stay strong this time, as you don't want to have to go through all this again when you want to start a family, trust me

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

Ok So you have let yourself down no one else at the moment but you now need to put it all behind you and move on, dont say this is the final attempt as you put yourself under too much pressure just do it day by day the same as I did, set yourself a goal I did 2 weeks and then another untill I got too 8 weeks then a month at a time and now I want to reach 6 months and I will be happy.

I am sorry you are giving yourself such a hard time because there is no need really and you know that but you make it seem ok if you shout at your self.

Well heres the crunch line its not ok and no matter how much you bemoan yourself you are still only letting yourself down but from today onwards you will be letting more than your self down you will be letting me and kitty kat down because we are your new quit buddies and you know the rules, are you ready for it say no if your not.

So this is the first alcohol free first month at quitting xxxxx

Hi Jamangie,

Definately ready and thanks. Having you both as quit buddies really will help me! I am not going to drink this month either. I am going to pick myself up, dust myself off and give it my all x x :)

And well done to you again, I think you guys are brill x

nsd_user663_10024 profile image


I just want to reiterate what a couple of the others have said really.

I quit 11 weeks ago with patches and the inhalator - started on step 3, and actually finished on Saturday. Now patch free for 3 days and really starting to feel great, so like KitKat said there is light at the end of the tunnel and if CT isn't for you then use the support available to you, why wouldn't you??:confused:

And I couldn't agree with Vesper more - taking up a hobby (such as running) which is nigh on impossible as a smoker is such an incentive. I've also started running, and although I'm not on Vesper's level yet I am loving it and know that if my quit does fail I would lose out in more ways than one. It's a great incentive.

I really hope you can stay strong this time, as you don't want to have to go through all this again when you want to start a family, trust me

Congratulations first off! Well done.

Yeah thats what I said in a previous post, I really dont want to be going through this when trying for a baby. (which is next summer after our wedding). I am going to try harder than I ever have before. Its been a learning curve for me the past couple of months and I am determined to crack it!


nsd_user663_7469 profile image

You must also post every day to show you are committed, and also dont have ciggies round you, were do you get them from, come on tell all now x

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

I got one off a friend! I dont have cigs around me, I work in an office and am busy all day anyway. At lunch I am busy running errands or doing my lunch etc. I wont buy any and my partner doesnt smoke, never has. I will definately post every day, anywhere in particular? Do you mean to confirm I am still quit or just any random post? x

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

I got one off a friend! I dont have cigs around me, I work in an office and am busy all day anyway. At lunch I am busy running errands or doing my lunch etc. I wont buy any and my partner doesnt smoke, never has. I will definately post every day, anywhere in particular? Do you mean to confirm I am still quit or just any random post? x

No you can come on and send PM and I will know you are doing ok and you can email me if you havent got time to come on here, it is something you have to be committed to doing I love being a none smoker but if you are young its a matter of you thinking its safe to smoke and you can quit when you are older but it gets harder to make the initial quit, I have always thought I wouldnt manage to do this but I find it easier by the week, take care speak later x

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

urm i didnt say anything about no alcohol :confused: did i miss something? xxx

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

lol surely it doesnt only apply to me :p x

nsd_user663_5325 profile image

Just my 2 opinion

First off trying to quit sucks and is the toughest thing I have EVER had to do, To be successful to be ready to deal with wanting something you can not have and be strong. A key to my quit was I quit drinking for 6 months,,,, yes I did not drink and it made a BIG difference for me. I went CT and am on my 3rd attempt and am near 9 months without a smoke, there's a lot of helpful and really nice people on this site and I would not be where I am without these people. That said I'm a little more straight forward then most and well some people can go out and drink and be around people and actually keep their quit going. It's my opinion that anyone who thinks they can keep a quit on and drink enough to get a buzz is nutz or a really strong person. Quitting is hard enough with out drinking. Its like putting 5 bullets in a six shooter and playing Russian Roulette. My point is if quitting is important to the person trying to do why would you do it? Give the time needed then pick it up again. Thats my story and I'm stickin to it!!!

Talk at yas later.....

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Hey twiste good point

everyones different i guess....however opinions can differ ...i just think people should carry on with there life as normal as they can while on quit .......i too agree with you that its not easy with alcohol..& i too was stressing the first time i had a beer & went out But why should we become recluses & build up a big thing in our head about socialsing & smoking of which I claim to have done on previous quits & just started to resent the fact id packed in smoking coz the quit had seem to have taken everything else away ........I have not replaced fags for beer btw:o I just will go out socially & will drink at weekends.........For me a crave is a crave can be equally tough seeing someone smoking in the street walking by...........or getting stressed coz ure hairs gone wrong.........:eek:

No offence meant ...just my view :)

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hey twiste good point

everyones different i guess....however opinions can differ ...i just think people should carry on with there life as normal as they can while on quit .......i too agree with you that its not easy with alcohol..& i too was stressing the first time i had a beer & went out But why should we become recluses & build up a big thing in our head about socialsing & smoking of which I claim to have done on previous quits & just started to resent the fact id packed in smoking coz the quit had seem to have taken everything else away ........I have not replaced fags for beer btw:o I just will go out socially & will drink at weekends.........For me a crave is a crave can be equally tough seeing someone smoking in the street walking by...........or getting stressed coz ure hairs gone wrong.........:eek:

No offence meant ...just my view :)

Cause at the moment my ittle quit buddy although you dont realise it you are stronger than you think and for some the temptation after a drink they are to vunerable and will smoke if the cigs are there so I am afraid no drink at all for tryingmybest, sorry I am a bossy boots am I not but we will have a none smoker soon who can have a drink.

You are ok with that for the moment arent you trying my best, me and thee kitty kat can still get ratzed LOL :D

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

Cause at the moment my ittle quit buddy although you dont realise it you are stronger than you think and for some the temptation after a drink they are to vunerable and will smoke if the cigs are there so I am afraid no drink at all for tryingmybest, sorry I am a bossy boots am I not but we will have a none smoker soon who can have a drink.

You are ok with that for the moment arent you trying my best, me and thee kitty kat can still get ratzed LOL :D

haha of course, you guys there and can deal with it. Me on the otherhand am a long way off but hey its only day 2 but I feel good about this. Plus Jamangie you have scared me into smoking now that you are my quit buddy, you would probably hunt me down or something lol we cant be having that can we!

Drink doesn't bother me anyway, I can take it or leave it so I will leave it for a while thats all, no biggy :) xx

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Cause at the moment my ittle quit buddy although you dont realise it you are stronger than you think and for some the temptation after a drink they are to vunerable and will smoke if the cigs are there so I am afraid no drink at all for tryingmybest, sorry I am a bossy boots am I not but we will have a none smoker soon who can have a drink.

You are ok with that for the moment arent you trying my best, me and thee kitty kat can still get ratzed LOL :D

I wasnt telling tryingmybest wot to do? im sure she knows wots for the best in her own heart ...........I was just saying wot i thought about drinking & smoking ....urm how come other members are allowed too make points & views & I get bossy booted for it J.........seeing this is tryingmybests thread I wont be making more of this................

GOOD LUCK TRYINGMYBEST........What day are we on now? :)

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

I wasnt telling tryingmybest wot to do? im sure she knows wots for the best in her own heart ...........I was just saying wot i thought about drinking & smoking ....urm how come other members are allowed too make points & views & I get bossy booted for it J.........seeing this is tryingmybests thread I wont be making more of this................

GOOD LUCK TRYINGMYBEST........What day are we on now? :)

I think Jamangie was implying she herself was the bossy boots, no?

Its day two wah hooo! :D lol I feel great, going getting new supply of patches tomorrow. Going to do it properly this time no short cuts etc. Not even bothered about cigs to be honest, the patches really do help me, just will have to ignore the side affects. It feels so good not to smoke xx

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

I think Jamangie was implying she herself was the bossy boots, no?

Its day two wah hooo! :D lol I feel great, going getting new supply of patches tomorrow. Going to do it properly this time no short cuts etc. Not even bothered about cigs to be honest, the patches really do help me, just will have to ignore the side affects. It feels so good not to smoke xx

well done 2 days brilliant ....patches helped me too xx made up for you x

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Trust me it is me thats the bossy boots and KK couldnt if she wanted she is not made that way at all, she is to easy going and sensitive arent you, I went to get a skipping rope yesterday and brought a mop and a line that swings, dont ask how that happened OH was gobsmacked and I didnt drink for about 3 weeks when I quit I dont think cant really remember now how soon does it fade wierd xx

nsd_user663_4522 profile image

(Sigh)....thats what nicotine wants...conflict...excuses to take a drag!!...try and use the forum positively and it will help, use it negativly and you will be back smoking 20 a day before you know it

nsd_user663_9175 profile image

hello TMB - well done on day 2 and on going with the patches - they really can make all the difference for some people

Well done you:)

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

hello TMB - well done on day 2 and on going with the patches - they really can make all the difference for some people

Well done you:)

Thank you- I think for me personally patches are the only way to go, tried CT, read Allen Carr done endless research, but fail as soon as I have a drink! So no drink and proper course of the patches and I reckon by the time I come off them I shall be fine. Shame we cant stay on the patches for like...a year or something ;)

nsd_user663_1658 profile image


i read allen carr & attempted cold turkey for just 2 days last year ..i found it awful & was like a zombie.............coming off patches is a breeze to that feeling honestly so dont worry about that..just go with the flow ..dont worry too much about tomorrow ..things happen by chance & you mite end up going out next week & drinking & be fine ...or you mite stay in for the next 3 months or come off patches in 6 months ....wotever is meant to be ....good luck :)

nsd_user663_10024 profile image


i read allen carr & attempted cold turkey for just 2 days last year ..i found it awful & was like a zombie.............coming off patches is a breeze to that feeling honestly so dont worry about that..just go with the flow ..dont worry too much about tomorrow ..things happen by chance & you mite end up going out next week & drinking & be fine ...or you mite stay in for the next 3 months or come off patches in 6 months ....wotever is meant to be ....good luck :)

Well the strange thing is CT was working ok for me, until I went out. Now if I had stayed on the patches that wouldnt have happened because previously on patches I had been out and not I didnt feel the need to, also didnt feel like I was missing out on anything.

Funny you should say that Kitkat I was just wondering long can I stay on patches for which is healthy and safe? My patches say step 2 for 6 weeks and step 3 for 2 or 3 weeks and then nothing... :confused: Is it ok to carry on with the lesser dosage if at the time you dont feel ready to come off them? Saying that i wont know when I am ready will i until i do it lol - oh i dont know... lol x

nsd_user663_9175 profile image

I agree with KitKat - I've just come off the patches at 11 weeks but still using an inhalator (one a day) but a friend of mine is at 17 weeks and she only came off the patches 2 weeks ago and is using an inhalator. As long as you are not smoking you can wean yourself off the NRT in your own good time.

Baby steps TMB:)

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

I agree with KitKat - I've just come off the patches at 11 weeks but still using an inhalator (one a day) but a friend of mine is at 17 weeks and she only came off the patches 2 weeks ago and is using an inhalator. As long as you are not smoking you can wean yourself off the NRT in your own good time.

Baby steps TMB:)

haha I like that, baby steps! Yeah that makes me feel so much better, i mean its early days yet, i am not trying to run before I can walk, I have at least 6 weeks on step 2, but its good knowing that if I have to/need to/want to that I can stay on step 3 for a little while longer x

nsd_user663_9175 profile image

:DI believe the max is 9 months - so don't worry!!

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Hi Naomi ,

Hard isn't it ? ................. not wanting to say I told you so but I did say in an earlier post to you that by cutting patches down too soon it makes things harder for you .

I used patches as recommended for 3 months and gradually weaned myself off them , ( stage 2 for 2 months , stage 3 for 1 month ). I know that had I not stuck to a patch programme I would definitely have struggled and probably failed. While others may have succeeded to stop cold turkey..... I have tried several times in the past and for ME personally it didn't work.

I know that you are determined and you WILL get there , just give the patches a proper try this time and let me know how you feel after just 1 month :)

If i can stop ...SO CAN YOU !:cool:

Best wishes

Trev x

nsd_user663_8400 profile image

So this is the first alcohol free first month at quitting xxxxx

that sounds like a challenge..... It certainly would help me too.

It's also been a rollercoaster of stop/start again palava for over 4 months for me..

every relapse has involved alcohol intoxication and a moment of weakness.

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

[QUOTE that sounds like a challenge..... It certainly would help me too.

It's also been a rollercoaster of stop/start again palava for over 4 months for me..

every relapse has involved alcohol intoxication and a moment of weakness.

Yeah I have been back and forth for about 2 months now...irritating isnt it. I am getting together with friends at weekend, bbq, sun, beer....but I wont drink, this quit means too much to me and lets face it, there will be other bbqs and fun times, and I will be stronger then.

So have you decided to go drink free for the first few weeks? Its a good idea and like you said every relapse has involved drink, so would make sense to cut it out. If we can quit the cigs forever we can stop drinking for a short while x x Good luck with it x

nsd_user663_8400 profile image

alcohol free?


I am alcohol free and intending to stay so.

I am slowly realising that addiction is part of a genetic make up of a person.

You will find out that chances are if a person drinks, they probably smoke too, and maybe are even subject to other addictions as well (sex, drugs, gambling etc...). which makes me believe that if I have an addictive gene in me, I have more than one addiction at different level.

whilst tobacco does not alter one's judgement, alcohol and other intoxicating substances do.

I have tried to quit tobacco for a long time with varying levels of success. as mentionned relapses always involved a night out on the razzz with other smokers/drinkers/revellers.

hence my decision to quit drinking before tacling tobacco once more.

so I am still smoking but I am planning my quit date and getting prepared for it....

2 years ago I stopped drinking, smoking, caffeine etc... for 10 months

my circle of friends, my outtings, my interests, my moods everything changed for the best (after a few weeks/months of adaptation). I curse the day (my birthday) I got roped into a drink then a fag.. I woudnot be posting this if it wasnot for that moment of bad judgement from myself and bad advice from my friends....

I am on the road again.

nsd_user663_5325 profile image

Good for you and the best of luck!!!

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