Day 4 - so close but didn't break! - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 4 - so close but didn't break!

nsd_user663_8501 profile image
12 Replies


What a HARD was stressful and uber busy, I drove home and was fine but got through the front door, had a coffee and could've killed for a ciggie. I didn't break and got past the craving but it was the worst yet. I got so close to breaking down and giving in....should I get an inhilator tomorrow and use this with the patches?

I would rather use that as a quick fix than have a constant supply going into my bloodstream but I don't want to take a backward step.

I hope all this makes sense.....maybe you can tell I'm having a tough time tonight. :eek:

But never fear there's no way I'm going to give in to a real one!

Thanks for reading my moan......:o


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nsd_user663_8501 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_7673 profile image

Hi Jacqui,

Well done for getting through it today, sounds like it was a tough one.

I think you'd be safe enough using the inhalator with your patches. What strength are you on? And I'm not being funny but have you tried lollipops?! Honestly, I got a bag in for this quit and they're great when I get a strong craving. By the time I've finished the lolly, the craving is long gone!

Stay strong,

Jenni :)

nsd_user663_8501 profile image

Hi Jenny, I'm on 21mg patches. Never thought about lollipops - have to be sugar free ones or I'll end up like a whale! :p

nsd_user663_7957 profile image

That's great that you have done 4 days. Can't help on the inhalator, but maybe you can give it a try.

nsd_user663_7673 profile image

Hi Jenny, I'm on 21mg patches. Never thought about lollipops - have to be sugar free ones or I'll end up like a whale! :p

When I used both together I only had on a 10mg patch, perhaps you could cut a corner off your patch if you want to use the inhalator too? It's just too much nicotine can make you feel really rough. You can always try it and if it's not for you, go stock up on the lollipops!:D It's still got to be better for you than smoking:)

Let us know how you get on.


nsd_user663_8492 profile image

Hi Jacqui

The get home from work and chill out with a coffee and a smoke was a major issue for me at the start.

I soon realised that although I thought my first cigarette of the day was my was this one all along! Night after night I would come home have coffee and really crave a cigarette...sometimes for the rest of the evening.

But after around 10 days I noticed I was coming home, putting the kettle on and not even thinking about a cigarette. It may occasionally pop into my mind, but its not a 'craving' anymore, just a thought that 'I used to have a cigarette at this point'.

The craving at the start is so intense because its a habit for you to have a coffee and a smoke. After a few days of not having a smoke with the3 coffee this habit will start to break and become less intense. This is definately a psychological withdrawal craving rather than a Nicotine withdrawal craving though...which may help your decision regarding the NRT

Hang in there...your doing great!

nsd_user663_8501 profile image
nsd_user663_8501 guys are just the best support ever.

Eddco - thanks a million, you've given me real hope that this will pass and you're right, I thought the morning craving would be worse but it hasn't been at all. The psychological aspect is more intense than I realised and you're right, it's not the nicotine that's the problem it's controlling my mind.

I did an 8 week course in Mindfulness last year which did wonders for me - it's probably the perfect time to get back into it. ;)

Jenny - I'm stocking up on lollipops tomorrow. :D


nsd_user663_8492 profile image

anytime Jacqui! :)

remember quitting smoking is 99% all in your head! The nicotine makes your head do funny things...true. But even though nicotine is strong and the withdrawl effects are unpleasant...your will is stronger!!!

You must remain positive! That is Essential!

So whenever your not feeling positive...I can assure you will get the coffee & a smoke craving again! but...just come on this post again...and the craving will disappear!! Keep doing that day after day and it gets easier and easier!!!

Another habit broken and another step to being an non smoker!


nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Jaquif hello & congraulations on day 4

I have attempted to quit a few times & I always found DAY 4 awful for some not sure of..think its the readjustment to the nicotine in the patch because all the nicotine will have gone from smoking.. thats how i figure it.? Im no expert mind..:D

Dont know much about the inhalor.. all i know is that if you feel it will help.. then i dont see a problem with using one at tough crave times just to help you throught the early day.....However i promise that when youve done a week you will feel different & after 2 weeks..different again..I too am on patches like yourself & just tend to use normal chewing just helps me sometimes.(an idea maybe?)

Wotever you decide to do...just go with your will know in your heart whats best for you..

hope your okay

keep posting

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

loads of folk say .. get through the first 3 days and you'll be fine.

I have never agreed with this personally but only because i've had enough quit attempts now to know my day 4 has been my make or break day. So with that in mind i always say to folk get to day 5 and you are doing well.

So i would say your troubled day 4 is not to be unexpected but i can tell you that the days that follow will be easier.. perhaps a little jumpy on day 6 and 7, but not like day 3/4.

stay strong of mind, and be determined enough to stand up to the mind games of the quit right now, you'll reap reward, you just need to roll with the punches right now.


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Jacqui :D

Sorry to hear yesterday was so tough for you to get through and hope today is much better for you

Many here have a inhalor and use it when it's really tough whatever gets you through is great


marg xx

nsd_user663_5349 profile image

i also agree that day 4/5 are harder than day 1-3 in my opinion. Im always filled with positivity in the first few days then it just gets harder to retain the positivity lol. But im on day 8 now and doing fantastically so if i can do it anyone can! Keep being strong and come here for a bit of a pick me up to keep you on track when needs be. Trust me it helps!

nsd_user663_2484 profile image


What a HARD was stressful and uber busy, I drove home and was fine but got through the front door, had a coffee and could've killed for a ciggie. I didn't break and got past the craving but it was the worst yet. I got so close to breaking down and giving in....should I get an inhilator tomorrow and use this with the patches?

I would rather use that as a quick fix than have a constant supply going into my bloodstream but I don't want to take a backward step.

I hope all this makes sense.....maybe you can tell I'm having a tough time tonight. :eek:

But never fear there's no way I'm going to give in to a real one!

Thanks for reading my moan......:o


Hi Jacqui

I am using patches 21mg and also have an inhalator. One cartridge usually lasts me 2 or 3 days. I've just looked at the box and it says one cartridge is the equivalent of 2 to 3 standard cigarettes and has a "puffing" time of about 20 minutes. I do resort to using this a couple of times a day, you don't really get much satisfaction but it does seem to help me. I would say give it a try, the amount of extra nicotine is not much at all.

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