Day 4 - So Tired: Hi all, nearly at the end... - No Smoking Day

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Day 4 - So Tired

nsd_user663_2231 profile image
12 Replies

Hi all, nearly at the end of day 4 of not smoking assisted by champix. Got through the day okay, the odd little craving, but nothing major. Still have awful sickness, stomache ache and headaches which are getting me down a bit, also feel so tired and totally out of it! Food and also tea and coffee don't have the same appeal to me, neither does wine (or anything else for that matter). Me, a total fag and coffee addict, who thought anyone who actually enjoyed herbal tea was odd, has now taken a strange liking to lemon & ginger tea!!! Weird or what:confused: :confused:

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nsd_user663_2231 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_2233 profile image

Dear Anna

I'm starting day 4 tomorrow. I hope you feel better. Maybe you should go to the Doctors as your side effects sound horrible!!!! But well done for not smoking. Good luck.


nsd_user663_2231 profile image

Hi Debbie, when I went to the doctor yesterday, she said it was early days and my body was detoxifying, and it should get better soon. I really hope it does, cos I am just about functioning on a day to day basis. Thanks for your kind words

nsd_user663_2233 profile image

Hi Anna

How are you feeling?? I hope your ok. Day 4 for me and my partner has gone away for the weekend. I really hope i stay strong as there is no one to stop me lighting up!!!

Debbie xx

nsd_user663_2176 profile image

Debbie - this lot on here will stop you lighting up. Just remember if you feel tempted that we can see you, we really can (ok we can't but that's not as effective as a deterrent!)

Your partner will be so proud of you when he gets back and you're still smokefree and smelling gorgeous. xx

nsd_user663_2231 profile image

Hi Debbie not feeling to bad today thank you, still tired though. Well done you - stay strong and hang on in there! I have a wedding this weekend which will be a test. It will be strange not popping outside with the other smokers for a quick ciggie, but I am determined not to!!!

nsd_user663_2232 profile image

Hi ana

Enjoy the wedding and just quaff all the champers - you deserve it. Glad you're feeling better on the Champix, I don't seem to be suffering any real side effects yet (apart from escalation of madness and some serious trumps my boys are proud of!) and move up to 2 x 500mg tomorrow. Looking forward to quit day next thursday - have a busy day workwise whizzing around all over the place organising photo shoots which should help and am planning to get my car cleaned out/valeted on Wednesday evening which I think will help.

Stay strong and remind yourself of all the joys and benefits of not smoking and enjoy the nuptials.

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Hi Ana and congrats for making it to day 4.

Your feeling out of it because you are getting more oygen to your brain by not smoking. I had the same problem near my first few days and our lovely friends on the forum enlightened me to what it was. Sure enough it only lasted about 3-4 days and I was back to normal again.

As for not enjoying tea or coffee anymore ~ unfortunatley (i'm pretty sure) it's the champix doing that to you. The way champix stops you from smoking is by attacking the pleasure center in your brain. It shuts of the pleasure you feel when you smoke a ciggie so you get nothing out of it. Wellll....because it is effecting your pleasure your center - it is taking the joy out of coffee and tea too :rolleyes: I guess it doesn't effect everything you enjoy, but some of the things - it must pick and choose :confused: I am not a champix user but have learned all about it as my grandmother, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law are all taking it. Hey at least you are not smoking and herbal teas are better for you anyway :)

nsd_user663_2074 profile image

Hi Ana,

Hope you're feeling a little better now. I felt very sick and tired with Champix but now I take one without food and don't get the nausea I did in the beginning. The coffee and tea - weird or what?? :p I've got the same but also with wine. I wasn't a heavy drinker but liked a glass of wine with dinner - just don't want it any more!

I suppose, when you add the cost of wine, coffee, etc, etc, we're just quids-in, eh? ;)

Best wishes,


nsd_user663_2142 profile image


Hi Fagashlill,

Don't worry you will soon feel like your normal good ol' self again. It just takes a bit of time. Good job getting to day 4 :D Congrats and welcome to the site ;)

nsd_user663_1873 profile image

Hi Fag, Welcome. Give it about a week and you will start feeling like yourself again. Body is detoxing and brain is getting more oxygen. Things it hasn't done in many years. Must be quite a shock to the system don't you think?! Lots of water with lemon works for me.

Anna, I am glad you are feeling better. I am on the champix too and drink just as much coffee as ever. I do have to admit the taste is different and I can't drink just any brand anymore but still drinking it! Stay strong and be proud of yourself. This has been a hell of a week for you!

nsd_user663_2231 profile image

Hi all, the wedding was lovely, but it was a long day. Luckily we were staying in hotel where the wedding was held, so around 8.00 after a few glasses of wine and bit of dancing I had to nip upstairs for a little sleep. Family couldn't believe it, - me the one who loves to party till late having a little snooze!!! Well it gave them all a laugh. Annoying thing was that I didn't wake up tll midnight - missed a lot of the fun so hubby tells me, at least I had a nice rest.

Congrats to all!

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Hey ana congratulations on making it through a difficult day! You must have been so very tired poor thing - but what really counts tho' is that you DID NOT SMOKE, yay! :)

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