Day 4 not going so well: Can anyone help me... - No Smoking Day

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Day 4 not going so well

nsd_user663_26151 profile image
26 Replies

Can anyone help me, im on day 4 and the cravings have become really bad. any ideas what i can do to get rid of them?

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nsd_user663_26151 profile image
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26 Replies
nsd_user663_26151 profile image

ive got some music on and im sucking alot of spearmints, theyve helped me alot for the past few days but today nothing is working as well as it has been :(

nsd_user663_26151 profile image

It is gettin me down abit. Im getting through it though slowly. I just keep saying to myself, there are plenty of benefits from not smoking, but none from smoking ur advice has helped me abit aswell. Im on a computer game at the moment and it is helping me alot but the cravings are still quite bad. Thanks for the support and advice it means alot to know that someone cares :)

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Hi Dave

Not sure what works for blokes but my OH goes to the garage and bashes innocent bits of wood around! Or does DIY projects that don't really need doing but...!

Spicy food seems to help him too, and extra strong mints.

I think the worst thing for anyone, male or female, is sitting around doing nothing so computer games definitely help (well they do for me).

Can you get to a gym and punch the hell out of a punch bag?

Stick with it. You are so right, there are no benefits to smoking and tons to not smoking. It does get easier, it really does.

nsd_user663_25997 profile image

Hi, I'm on day 3 and having a rough one as well. I've done the mints and lollipops all day. Also got one of those little stress balls. Keep squeezing it and it has helped, it's something to do with the hands. Keep it up, every day is different so hopefully tomorrow you won't have the same symptons..

Part of the cycle, what poison we've put into our body that our body is going into shock now, but will be grateful when the poison is totally gone!

Have a good night.

nsd_user663_24569 profile image

here is what works for me. hope something helps!

bombay mix, mini milk ice lollies, cross stitch, wurthers original, pretzels, bashing hell out of defenceless inanimate objects, cleaning, onion rings, and finally picking a fight with someone who loves you and understands what you are dealing with and will forgive you when you calm down and get over the latest attack of the demon nic.

really do hope you get thru this. its worth it.

i just had day 5 similar to what you are on. i cleaned all day long.

just remember tomorrow can be totally different.

good luck


nsd_user663_17919 profile image

Hi Dave

sorry to hear you are having a bad day. This previous message is good for anyone wanting to light up

nsd_user663_22968 profile image

Hope the day has got better for you. I always find word games on the computer help as it keeps both my hands busy typing as well.

nsd_user663_26151 profile image

I managed to drag myself through yesterday hoping today would be better but it hasnt really worked out that way. Today the cravings havent been as often but when i do get them they are alot worse :(

nsd_user663_25997 profile image

I managed to drag myself through yesterday hoping today would be better but it hasnt really worked out that way. Today the cravings havent been as often but when i do get them they are alot worse :(

Hi Dave, whatever you do, don't give up! Think of the days that have passed already! This one will pass too, get up and go for a brisk walk, do something anything to keep your mind and body occupied.

May I ask, are you doing it cold turkey or taking something?

Hope you're doing better by the time you read this.


nsd_user663_26151 profile image

im going cold turkey lol. Its the best option i think

nsd_user663_25997 profile image

Great if you can do it, I know I couldn't :(

Feeling any better?

nsd_user663_26151 profile image

yep thanks. Im just going through a hell of alot of mints, they seem to help me but im gunna have none left soon :)

nsd_user663_25997 profile image

yep thanks. Im just going through a hell of alot of mints, they seem to help me but im gunna have none left soon :)

Run to the store and stock up. I'm going through lots of mints, gum and chocolate. (will have to replace the easter chocolate for the grandkids, LOL)

Hang in there and come here and rant when you need to. Everyone is great it's helped me alot.

nsd_user663_26151 profile image

haha. Thanks for the advice and showing you care :)

nsd_user663_25997 profile image

haha. Thanks for the advice and showing you care :)

No prob at all. One way or another we are all in the same boat. Keep it up!! Start yourslef a day 5 thread, you've made it through day 4 when you though you wouldn't have, didn't you... YAY!!!

Wanna laugh? I was in such a rush to start my new thread I missed a day, instead of starting a day 4 I started a day 5, getting a bit ahead of myself, LOL

nsd_user663_26092 profile image

Hi Dave

hope you managed to get through day 4 no probs in teh end.

I've been pulling my hair out the last hour or so, am on my way out for drinks with friends and can already see myself stopping @ corner stop and up to my old tricks - oh god, I already know tommorow will be my DAY1 again.:mad:

Stay strong - i'm loving everyones positivity here, just bit sad that once again I am failing within the 1st week

nsd_user663_26092 profile image

Hi Karri

Just had a teary moment :o caved and went to the shop - urrrrgggghhhhhhhh knowing knowing knowing knowing knowing knowing that it was all in my head

now I have a full box in front of me minus one (couldn't even smoke it -was disgusting_) am now on my way out and know it will be empty by midnight :mad: it's CRAZY I stink can smell it all over me like never before.

I guess will just be revisiting day one again in the morning - gutted thought i was finally the point where I was ready and prepared to deal with the mind battle... Oh well, roll on tommorow!

nsd_user663_26092 profile image


nsd_user663_26151 profile image

I ran out of mints earlier which have been getting me through all the cravings. At first i was struggling to cope but now ive distacted my mind by playing computer games and im coping without the mints until tomorrow :). I do keep getting tempted to have a smoke coz everyone around me smokes but im staying strong and keep thinkin all the cravings are in my head, they have no physical control over me :)

nsd_user663_26151 profile image

i cant clean my teeth all day though lol :). And yep at the moment im feeling amazing no cravings at all, i think alot of it is down to the support and some of the things people have posted on this site. They truely make you undestand that what your doing is worth all the struggle.

nsd_user663_25997 profile image

Glad you're doing better Dave. The next time you're struggling, just remember those tough times and that you got through them!

Hope you have an easier day today!! :)

nsd_user663_26151 profile image

haha yer my breath would be amazingly fresh. And today is going perfect thanks valian. No cravings as of yet but ive only been awake for the past 2 and a half hours lol :)

nsd_user663_9130 profile image

Going for a walk, can help as well or some exercise takes your mind off smoking.

Keep up the good work, dont stop now!!!

nsd_user663_25997 profile image

How are you doing today Dave? Hope you're having better days!:)


nsd_user663_3839 profile image


on day 3 so behind you but my advice would be

Computer games, chewing gum, i installed a app for my phone that shows your progress calculates money and time saved as well as health benefits (like a constant positive reminder).

Also what i do is when i get a craving i say out loud to friends or work collogues is "that i want to smoke" (they know im quitting) so say positive things. Seams to help me

last thing is its one day or even one craving you need to beat at a time just keep beating them. Just keep notching up little victories.

Best of luck


nsd_user663_22436 profile image

keep going

hi dave. it's moody here, just a quick note to say that you are doing great, everyone is different and find different stages of this journey difficult. i have slipped up at many stages, my first quit i thought i could have just one but i went back to smoking 10 a day pretty quickly. i quit a few days ago, had a slip up and thought 'no', this is not what i want so i have to go through the first week again which is probably the most difficult, well for me it is, i hope you get through this craving soon, all you need is a whole load of 'pma', positive mental attitude, i repeat it to myself and say, today i am gonna be happy today without the need for a cig..:)

end of the day soon and you will be on your next day, keep going mate, you can do it, plus you have so many friends on this forum, everyone is so nice that you dont feel lonely, are you asleep yet???? haha:D:D

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