Woo im winning: Day 3 now and the cravings... - No Smoking Day

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Woo im winning

nsd_user663_5349 profile image
22 Replies

Day 3 now and the cravings are actually just melting away im not getting them often. Going cold turkey seems to be working fine for me thus far and im managing to stay away from the temptations! Joels library really helped, encouraging me to go cold turkey after every1 else iv spoken says its the worst way and also proving me right about how 1 cigarette WONT be 'fine' and god do i like being right!

Originally began this with one of my friends for moral support but shes caved twice already by day 3 and hasnt actually been one day without smoking. Just spoke to her and she told me 'il start again 2mrw, no point doing it now iv aloready smoked 2day' those arent the words of a quitter!

Just thought id post an update. hows every1 else coping?

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nsd_user663_5349 profile image
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22 Replies
nsd_user663_5310 profile image

Well done Jade

You seem to have a good attitude and doing the right thing reading and joining us lot.

Keep hanging in there and thanks for asking, Im doing fine on day 10.


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Jade :D

Well done you day 3 and you're doing great keep it going

Glad the craves aren't to bad for you as well



nsd_user663_4990 profile image

regards your friend.

You can start a quit from the very point you smoke any cigarette, the problem with the smoker-mindset is that you figure every quit has to start from the beginning of a day. I've found that if you are determined enough, you should be able to stub out a cigarette and quit then and there.

What you need to do now is prove to yourself and your friend that you can do this, and you will then be able to help your friend more because you will be the voice of experience.. your friend should be able to see the difference in you and you will definitely want for your friend to succeed too.. you want this good feeling to be shared.. and why not eh! :)

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Hey you lil fearless quitter, you! Nice job.... great attitude! Sounds to me like you are doing this the easy way!! What a smarty thing you are ;) Keep it up and keep posting! :)

nsd_user663_5338 profile image

Well done Jade your doing great!

Lilac x

nsd_user663_5349 profile image

i really had to keep reminding myself of that today. Spent the day with smokers! i forgot how many of my friends smoked. and was a bit hurt and upset at the lack of support from friends. who just kept offering me a fag thinking they're being helpful not realising how much harder that is. The old 'no1 will know!'

Id know and thats enough for me to refuse wich i did so im so so proud of myself tonight. ^.^

Cheers for support and nice words people. been really helpful =)

nsd_user663_5031 profile image

Hi Jade,

answered your reply in day 2.

Yea, don't worry about your pals not offering their full support, they don't really understand what you are doing. However, here, people will be watching for your progress, and be dissapointed if you do slip, so im confident you won't as your'll have to come in here, post your slip and go back to day 1 again, and im sure you wont want to do that, I didnt.

Incedentially, when me and the missus quit, initially, she kept asking me to have a fag so that we could get back to normal, go for our sneaky fag, etc etc. I refused, and shes now smoking 3/day.

I know she is glad ive quit, who wouldent be, but she does miss the cup of tea and fag in the garden together, but she never ever waved a fag in front of me or anything like that.

nsd_user663_5349 profile image

ugh whats happening to me! its only like 1 hr since i last posted and iv cried and everything in that time. feeling rlly low and crappy and want a fag. im just feeling rlly drained and its taking all iv got in me not to go and have just one ciggy to pick me up. Sigh whys this so hard >.<

nsd_user663_5031 profile image

Hang in there, sometimes it is minute by minute, second by second, it will pass.

3 days to get rid of the nicotine, then it gets far easier I promise!!!

I could have ripped peoples heads off in the early days for the slighest of reasons, it part of the nicotine withdrawal phase.

Remember though, what your feeliing is 1/100th that of a heroin addict quitting, so think yourself lucky there.

Finally, read the links in Margs signature regarding blackened crisp packet lungs, leg amputations and the like to help stiffen that resolve!

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

ugh whats happening to me! its only like 1 hr since i last posted and iv cried and everything in that time. feeling rlly low and crappy and want a fag. im just feeling rlly drained and its taking all iv got in me not to go and have just one ciggy to pick me up. Sigh whys this so hard >.<

It's normal feelings you are experiencing..... get through it and tomorrow is a new day..... stick with it, stay strong and let the emotions wash over you...... each day you get through is a quit day you will never ever have to go through again...... go ahead and have a good cry.... it'll help. Keep reading! xxx

nsd_user663_5349 profile image

It's normal feelings you are experiencing..... get through it and tomorrow is a new day..... stick with it, stay strong and let the emotions wash over you...... each day you get through is a quit day you will never ever have to go through again...... go ahead and have a good cry.... it'll help. Keep reading! xxx

can it really be that normal to break down in tears coz i cant have a fag! lol i feel so stupid.

I was so focusing on hitting 72 hrs that when i got there 50mins ago it was just like... such a let down. I dunno what i expected to happen lol.

I just feel like i know having a fag will make me feel loads better but if i do il be so disappointed with myself and il have to go thru it all again in 3 days from now.

Might even go to bed! sleep it off lol x

Thanks people. i know im going on a bit and must be boring u to bits! sorries <3

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Don't worry about 'going on a bit'...we know what it's like back then.

Just keep posting whenever you feel you need to. Before you know it you'll not need that anymore and be well into your quit.

But until then we will be your support. :)

nsd_user663_5031 profile image

lol Jade, don't be silly about going on a bit, were all here to help.

Also about the crying, I know women like a good cry, but there are posts on here about blokes crying when there quitting, it is all normal!!!

nsd_user663_5349 profile image

aye i know i just feel a tit lol. its like i know when i posted i was feeling rlly low! and now i feel fine after a bit of singing! (to myself =D lol)

Human mind is a confusing thing dammit!

3days and going strong wooooooo! ^.^ xxxx

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

...but there are posts on here about blokes crying when there quitting, it is all normal!!!

Not me...no sirree...it was easy for me :o

3days and going strong wooooooo! ^.^ xxxx

Don't you know it, Girl :D

nsd_user663_5349 profile image

keep going pet, you can do it, let the cravings pass they will you know.

We are here for you, and know what you are going though in the early days.

It will get easier. Joan XXX

thank you xx Dont think id have gotten this far without the people on this forum x

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Jade :)

You're doing really well Just hang in there

Everything you're feeling is absolutely normal this early in a quit Promies

It does get better and better the firther you go we're all here for you so keep posting

Have a rant, moan, scream whatever it takes just don't smoke


Marg xxxx

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

How is it going today, Jade?

nsd_user663_5349 profile image

How is it going today, Jade?

good thank you :D no cravings today altho my entire family seem to smoke but i didnt let it get in the way and very proud of myself :)

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Excellent!! I am most impressed... well done! Your family is going to so envy you. Most smokers hate smoking and desperately want to quit..... but are too scared to do it. You however are doing it :) xxx

nsd_user663_5352 profile image

Nooo, your doing great, keep it up, tomoro will be better, just think if you have another cigarette you will have to go through it all again. You are doing fantastic, n if nobody has said it to you today - Im proud of you!

Keep it up

Cat xx

nsd_user663_3810 profile image

Bet you have calmed down since that last post? these emotions will come and go-accept them for what they are-withdrawls and keep yourself busy to ride the wave-and you will wonder what all the fuss about!!!

sorry you have had a bad 'moment' but you can beat this xxxxx

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