Heading into week 2 woo hoo: Well today is... - No Smoking Day

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Heading into week 2 woo hoo

nsd_user663_57918 profile image
19 Replies

Well today is day 8 and so here I am in the 2 week section, big pat on the back for me. Have thrown myself headfirst into some gardening and thinking of renaming our home as Fuchsia paradise, they are beautiful flowers.

1st week for me got off to a very good start as I had phych'd myself up and was very positive. Day 6 was crap for most of the day but it did lift the following day. From previous quits I am aware the 1st 4 weeks can be tricky especially the 1st 10 days for me and so I am looking forward to getting the 1st month out the way. Our brains have a common sense human side (the one that keeps us grounded) it full of logic and very sensible ideas. We also have a naughty side that runs purely on emotion. hunches and beliefs Its our naughty side that is trying to lure us back to smoking so I find its best to listen to what your naughty side has to say and let him chat away for a few mins and then use our human side to answer all his ridiculous questions one by one and answer in a non condescending way, pacifying a little but answering with factual answers and let the naughty side know things are not going to be tough for very long.

Back to my fuchsias xx:)

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nsd_user663_57918 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

YAY for your first week :D :D

You're so right about the different sides to us - it really is an inner child, lol.

It definitely sounds like you're in the right frame of mind to make this quit stick :cool:

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

Thanks guys x:)

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

Been having a read thru older posts on the forum this morning and came across a link that has sooo lifted me and so I've posted it below.

Its a good incentive to ex smokers to know we can reverse much of the damage we have inflicted on ourselves. The 5 year stroke risk really helped me today

I will say my breathing is already much better and I am starting to do lots of little jobs which involve bending down and it seems easier already. My stained moustache (yukki for a woman) has gone hip hip hooray. I no longer stink. My palpatations are almost gone, usually get them daily and have only had 1 all week. I had developed a wheezy whistle noise especially noticable at bedtime, have had it 3 months and this has gone completely.

In 20 minutes, your heart rate drops to a normal resting count.

In 12 hours, carbon monoxide, a toxic gas that stops your blood from carrying oxygen, drops to normal.

In two to three months, your heart attack risk begins to drop, your lungs are working more efficiently and your skin also looks better.

In one to nine months, your coughing and shortness of breath are improving and your lungs start to function properly, lowering your risk of a chest infection.

In one year, your risk of heart disease is half that of a smoker.

In five years, your risk of having a stroke is the same as someone who doesn't smoke.

In 15 years, your risk of heart disease is now the same as someone who doesn't smoke.

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

hadn't noticed!!

Thank for that Getri- I used to get that wheezy thing at bedtime and a (difficult to describe) a sort of tightness in my chest and both of them have stopped. Hadn't actually noticed but they have. So glad you brought it to my attention :D:D

*goes to write on list of benefits of quitting- this list is getting VERY long :D*

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

these lists of benefits are great trea and good to ponder over again and again especially when mood dips xx :)

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Well today is day 8 and so here I am in the 2 week section, big pat on the back for me. Have thrown myself headfirst into some gardening and thinking of renaming our home as Fuchsia paradise, they are beautiful flowers.

1st week for me got off to a very good start as I had phych'd myself up and was very positive. Day 6 was crap for most of the day but it did lift the following day. From previous quits I am aware the 1st 4 weeks can be tricky especially the 1st 10 days for me and so I am looking forward to getting the 1st month out the way. Our brains have a common sense human side (the one that keeps us grounded) it full of logic and very sensible ideas. We also have a naughty side that runs purely on emotion. hunches and beliefs Its our naughty side that is trying to lure us back to smoking so I find its best to listen to what your naughty side has to say and let him chat away for a few mins and then use our human side to answer all his ridiculous questions one by one and answer in a non condescending way, pacifying a little but answering with factual answers and let the naughty side know things are not going to be tough for very long.

Back to my fuchsias xx:)

Well done Gerti! :D

Sounds like you're doing brilliantly so far. Keep up the hard worK! x

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

thanks sarah lou xxx

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

woke up craving today (day 10) and this is what I am saying to myself, " these craves happen maybe once a day. Some have disapeared ater a few mins, some take 10-15 mins to die away and 1 took a whole 30 mins but then died off. When they die off I then spend the rest of my day fairly happy. The craves are not nice feelings they make you feel edgy and very very needy but they die away so why on earth would I light another fag cos by lighting a fag I would be craving all day long, I'd be craving after each and every fag I smoked and the cravings would be a permenent part of my life again. Each fag smoked only relieves the craving caused by the previous fag. Fags have a delayed reaction and after 20 mins-1 hour they trigger craving, make you irritated and anxious. This only happens 20 MINS + AFTER smoking and is a delayed delayed delayed reaction and is the reason we have smoked all these years. All these years of thinking it calms us down !! oh boy did i get it wrong.

I have been down this road before and I know when quitting that the craves reduce to 1 a week, 1 a month, 1 a year which is an awful lot better than 20 times a day. I have been down this road before but I didnt actually know how nicotine works. I now know the facts and a light bulb has lit. "

Sorry for rambling but I just needed to say it xxx :)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

woke up craving today (day 10) and this is what I am saying to myself, " these craves happen maybe once a day. Some have disapeared ater a few mins, some take 10-15 mins to die away and 1 took a whole 30 mins but then died off. When they die off I then spend the rest of my day fairly happy. The craves are not nice feelings they make you feel edgy and very very needy but they die away so why on earth would I light another fag cos by lighting a fag I would be craving all day long, I'd be craving after each and every fag I smoked and the cravings would be a permenent part of my life again. Each fag smoked only relieves the craving caused by the previous fag. Fags have a delayed reaction and after 20 mins-1 hour they trigger craving, make you irritated and anxious. This only happens 20 MINS + AFTER smoking and is a delayed delayed delayed reaction and is the reason we have smoked all these years. All these years of thinking it calms us down !! oh boy did i get it wrong.

I have been down this road before and I know when quitting that the craves reduce to 1 a week, 1 a month, 1 a year which is an awful lot better than 20 times a day. I have been down this road before but I didnt actually know how nicotine works. I now know the facts and a light bulb has lit. "

Sorry for rambling but I just needed to say it xxx :)

That's the whole point of this forum - to say what you want when you want! You are doing fantastically and you certainly have the right attitude! Well done you!

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

Thank you x :)

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

Thank you Kat x

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

Had a fair few nights since quitting where I'm waking in the night and have to get up and have a wee (sorry people) but its just been the once a night but last night was horrendous, I fell asleep 20 mins later I was up again needing a wee and got back in bed and still needed a wee!!! it was madness and I felt soo uptight but I can vaguely remember this happening on previous quits and I feel its definately to do with the nervous system. If I remember rightly it is just one nasty nasty night and then it fades and im hoping last night was the night as it was awful.

Yesterday morning I was craving but this morning there is not a crave in sight. Daytime went fabulously yesterday, getting lots of jobs done and today, after reading another quitters bog I am digging out my sons skipping rope xxx

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

well i was right as last night i slept right thru and never woke once. Mouth ulcers are an issue and I swear this one is a foot long arghhhhh it hurts so much, am using salt mouth washes and hoping it does one, soon.

week 2 has been even easier than week 1 and week 1 wasnt too dire on the whole. Been a bit tearful this morning after receiving a message from an old friend but i would have felt like that whether or not i was smoking. Got an mri scan on the weekend and am claustaphobic so shall go along and try to get thru it best i can. Looking forward to going into week 3 xxx

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Glad to hear you are doing so well and good luck for the scan. I don't think they are too bad so just close your eyes and relax while it happens. Imagine you are somewhere else - time travel if you like.... At least it doesn't hurt at all.

Hope our ulcers go soon - ouch!


nsd_user663_57918 profile image

Thanks Sarah xx:)

nsd_user663_40088 profile image

Well done Gerti :D feels great to rack up those days like HA gutted little demon you didnt get your fix today either! :D

Keep at it the way your doing it, sounds like your on to a winner hun xxx

nsd_user663_57605 profile image

My mouth was tore up a couple of weeks after I quit smoking too. Strange.... It got better though. I chaulked it up to all of the sunflower seeds I have been eating. How did the jump roping go? Have you given it a try yet?

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

Mouth is still sore and have had to postpone dentist for the moment. Jump rope was hilarious. I havent done it for 35 years !!! thought i was superwoman and glad i was on my own when i tried as it was a mess. I did however eventually manage 20 skips !!! lol but will keep at it as its so easy to pick it up and go. xx

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

Thanks Nikki xxx

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