Hi Im Jade: My name is Jade, and I am a... - No Smoking Day

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Hi Im Jade

nsd_user663_5349 profile image
15 Replies

My name is Jade, and I am a nicotine addict.

I have stopped nicotine for 1 day, 19 hours, 30 minutes and 7 seconds (1 days).

I've not smoked 36 Cigarettes, and saved £9.05.

I've saved 3 hours and 1 minute of my life.

Just looking for some much needed support! im literally killing for one and people keep telling me i can have just one but i think that'd make it harder. what do u guys think? im doing this cold turkey by the way.

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nsd_user663_5349 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_5310 profile image

Hi Jade welcome to the forum, you are so good to have got this far cold turkey, but please listen if you have just 1 cig you will have to go through it all again. Read as much as you can on our posts and ask as many questions as you want we are here for you. Keep it up


nsd_user663_5349 profile image

Hi Jade welcome to the forum, you are so good to have got this far cold turkey, but please listen if you have just 1 cig you will have to go through it all again. Read as much as you can on our posts and ask as many questions as you want we are here for you. Keep it up


well thats what i thought seeing as surely clearing ur body from nicotine completely has to be the easiest way. but so many ppl (mainly smokers to be fair) say oh it wont hurt to have one puff. but i refuse! besides that wud involve going to the shop and buying a pack and we all know where that leads! xx

nsd_user663_5295 profile image

hi Jade

you have done so well already, youve got guts going cold turkey.

keeep it up things will get easier

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

My name is Jade, and I am a nicotine addict.

I have stopped nicotine for 1 day, 19 hours, 30 minutes and 7 seconds (1 days).

I've not smoked 36 Cigarettes, and saved £9.05.

I've saved 3 hours and 1 minute of my life.

Just looking for some much needed support! im literally killing for one and people keep telling me i can have just one but i think that'd make it harder. what do u guys think? im doing this cold turkey by the way.

I reackon you should keep at it...whatever 'it' is...day to day. Tomorrow first and then...the next day.

Get busy with EVERYTHING...

nope...that doesn't include ciggies.

And if you get really bored then have a look at members' signature links...they lead to the key...which is educating yourself.

See you around.

Oh and well done so far :D

nsd_user663_5031 profile image

Jade, Great introduction post.

I would go one stage further in that post and admit your a nicotine addict, and you have an addiction problem. Once you truely admit that to yourself, you will know that you can never ever have another ciggie again because you can't have only one, same as all of us.

Good luck,


nsd_user663_5349 profile image

Jade, Great introduction post.

I would go one stage further in that post and admit your a nicotine addict, and you have an addiction problem. Once you truely admit that to yourself, you will know that you can never ever have another ciggie again because you can't have only one, same as all of us.

Good luck,


it does say im a nicotine addict lol

going strong still no ciggy!

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

it does say im a nicotine addict lol

Ooooo...... think I'm gonna like you ;)

Welcome to this forum! Hope being on here helps you as much as it has helped me! Great job getting through the second day! You can do this! We'll be here for you :)

nsd_user663_5349 profile image

Ooooo...... think I'm gonna like you ;)

Welcome to this forum! Hope being on here helps you as much as it has helped me! Great job getting through the second day! You can do this! We'll be here for you :)

my god im gna need it. ima single mum to a 20 month old horror of a little boy (hes lovely really :p) and im about to start a job caring for adults with learning disabilities. But i dont generally do things by halves so il just do it all at once!

For my 23rd bday August 1st i decided i wanted to do 3 things.

1.) stop biting my nails which i did first time and have lovely long nails now after having had a really bad habit for it all my life!

2.) find a job, wich i have done and i start soon!

3.) quit smoking. Im stubborn and determined so ima get the hat trick!

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

my god im gna need it. ima single mum to a 20 month old horror of a little boy (hes lovely really :p) and im about to start a job caring for adults with learning disabilities. But i dont generally do things by halves so il just do it all at once!

For my 23rd bday August 1st i decided i wanted to do 3 things.

1.) stop biting my nails which i did first time and have lovely long nails now after having had a really bad habit for it all my life!

2.) find a job, wich i have done and i start soon!

3.) quit smoking. Im stubborn and determined so ima get the hat trick!

You keep reading and posting, push through the hard days, and you'll easily check off goal #3 ;) Stubborn and determined will help but understanding will make your quit easier..... many members have links in their signatures..... go and read up, they are excellent resources! Don't be scared..... in just a few weeks things will look much different! See you ;)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Jade :)

Sorry missed this yesterday but well done you on day 2 now that's great

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off whyquit.com and woofmang.com Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of quitting


Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK


Marg xx

nsd_user663_5349 profile image

im not scared. im embracing it as a challenge. iv never been so determined to quit before as iv never rlly wanted to. Done it for partners sake or family etc.

Fingers crossed il keep going uphill and thanks guys for all ur help and support really does help me thru the day :)

nsd_user663_5031 profile image

it does say im a nicotine addict lol

going strong still no ciggy!

Jade, I do appologise, I must be going blind with age!!! lol

I found admiting that to myself helped. Another was a story of a guy I met when I was working on the cruise ships in the states. I was doing alcohol testing tables and a guy came upto the tables, and looked at the shots on the table. I said to him "would you like to try one sir?" and he replied "I would love to try one son, but im an alcoholic, and if I try one, i'll drink the whole table. I can never ever drink another alcoholic drink again in my life".

In the early part of my quit, that stuck with me, and I likened myself to him.

I see your only 23, and I remember at that age quitting was the last thing on my mind. I was young, fit, strong and healthy. Fast forward a few years to 37 years old, and although im in fairly good health, I noticed things were getting worse, like taking double the amount of time to get over a cold, breathing, coughing etc, and I honestly think if I didnt quit, I was heading to a heart attack!

Although us oldies go on a bit about quitting, I really sincerely hope that you do quit while you are young, and you will have done less damage to your lungs than I probably have done to mine.

Take a look at Margs links in here signature for some good pictures of smokers lungs.

Keep checking back to the forums, stay strong, you can do it!


nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Welcome and good luck on your quit.

nsd_user663_5349 profile image

Jade, I do appologise, I must be going blind with age!!! lol

I found admiting that to myself helped. Another was a story of a guy I met when I was working on the cruise ships in the states. I was doing alcohol testing tables and a guy came upto the tables, and looked at the shots on the table. I said to him "would you like to try one sir?" and he replied "I would love to try one son, but im an alcoholic, and if I try one, i'll drink the whole table. I can never ever drink another alcoholic drink again in my life".

In the early part of my quit, that stuck with me, and I likened myself to him.

I see your only 23, and I remember at that age quitting was the last thing on my mind. I was young, fit, strong and healthy. Fast forward a few years to 37 years old, and although im in fairly good health, I noticed things were getting worse, like taking double the amount of time to get over a cold, breathing, coughing etc, and I honestly think if I didnt quit, I was heading to a heart attack!

Although us oldies go on a bit about quitting, I really sincerely hope that you do quit while you are young, and you will have done less damage to your lungs than I probably have done to mine.

Take a look at Margs links in here signature for some good pictures of smokers lungs.

Keep checking back to the forums, stay strong, you can do it!


lol dont worry about it. i had to re read it to myself a couple of times to make sure and im only 23!

Ordinarily quitting would be the last thing on my mind if it werent for my little man hes only 20months old and im sure if i stop now hes less likely to smoke as he gets older? or at least i believe he is. Both my siblings and our parents smoke and i dont wanna pass on the 'smoking gene' as it were. so hes keeping me going. That and a supportive non smoking boyfriend who although he tells me he loves me smoker or not i know would be so so proud of me if i can go that extra mile and stop!

Quitting smoking is win!

nsd_user663_5342 profile image

Hi Jade

dont do it...just one cig will turn into another then another and before you know it you would have been smoking another 6 months and procrastinating when you next quit day is. I am on day 9 and must admit I feel pretty crappy - not so much cravings for a cig, but feeling sick as my body detoxes. I am so determined not to have to go through this again....its no turning back for me now. Keep going - they say the first 3 days is the hardest and then it gets easier from there.

Personally for me, I think that cold turkey is the best as you get over all the withdrawls and dependance on nicotine quicker. i know that if I was on patches, the moment the patch comes off I would be looking for a cig.

good luck to you and stay strong - you can do it.


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