Strange goings on in month 11: I'm struggling... - No Smoking Day

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Strange goings on in month 11

nsd_user663_3633 profile image
11 Replies

I'm struggling a bit at the moment, but to be honest I have no idea if it's related to the quit or not - it could be, but on the other hand it's not like I'm having cravings or even having any thoughts of fags.

I've never been a stresshead - I worry about important things, but I never actually let it affect me.

But at the moment I am stressed to the point of exzema(sp) and sleeplessness - for no apparent reason.

Homelife is busy, 3 year old boy (!) - nothing new there and no reason to be stressed. Work is just as busy as always, nothing to get stressed over.... Nothing seems to have changed. But here I am on mild sleeping tablets, with the Doctor hoping that by catching up on sleep it will break the cycle and I will stop being stressed. I've never been through anything like this before and I'm struggling with this "weakness".

I suppose it could be to do with not smoking - but up until the last few weeks I have been much less stressed than normal due to quitting.... why would it suddenly change?

I've not had any craves or urges to smoke, I've certainly not been struggling to keep quit - I just don't understand it..... maybe this is just something I have to ride out?

Anyway, thanks for listening... I'm sure it will be fine :)

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nsd_user663_3633 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Stuart :D

Sorry to hear you're still struggling with bad sleeping

As I said before I think it's most probably nothing to do with the quit itself

But since you quit you've had a lot going on

You moved house just 2/3 weeks after quitting, suffered torn ligaments, had the house to sort out and the garden all of which is now finished and it looks great I must say

Plus several business trips away and all that on top off everyday life which can be stressful enough by itself

And remember it is hard work just keeping up with that adorable 3 year old of yours

Chin up it will be fine soon

I am so proud of everything you have achieved in the last few months


Mum xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3928 profile image

Hi Stu,

After reading you mums post I can honestly say I am not surprised you are feeling stressed maybe a long weekend away would do you some good time to relax. Take care.


nsd_user663_4197 profile image

Hi Stuart, sorry to hear you are feeling stressed out. Sometimes it creeps up on you when you feel you have sorted things out.

you feel you have coped and got through things that maybe you didnt see as being stressful but then when you have it all catches up on you and then you feel stressed about less stressful things. Like a delayed reaction type thing.

try bach's rescue remedy, available in boots at around £6.00 you have afew drops when you feel anxious or stressed and it really calms you down.

I had depression and anxiety afew years ago which came on quite a while after a series of stressful situations that I thought I had coped with and this really helped me.

Hope this helps

sam xxx

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Yes you do have to ride it out. Its usually those crazy moments where suddenly you'll just not be coping as you normally would and it gives you a little bit of doubt and worry. If it helps, write down whats bugging you at the moment and under each thing start to make a list of things you can do to help that and concentrate on those positive things.

As i'm sure you already know, cigarettes won't never be the answer anyway, and when you look at folk who have never smoked in their life ever, how would they cope under similar circumstances?

My dad said to me last year that even after 25 years of quitting smoking himself, he still now and again gets the odd craving which he can't explain.. he would never smoke now, but it does occur.

So roll with it, ignore the craving if it occurs but draw some inner strength and bolster your resolve. your too far in to go back now anyway.

Good luck.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hi Stu,

Its not the quit, true when you smoked it would have been all the reason you needed to smoke a bit more than usual, but the fact is that whatever the root of the problem is the quit is not it.

I know that you will not give in, and I know that things will ease (life is full of phases) but I also understand that life throws up situations and its easy to think of them as being related to quitting.

Personally I used to smoke more when I was tired, and currently I'm getting less sleep than I need which has resulted in me feeling tired and feeling like having a fag from time to time, its not a feeling I will act on but its a reminder that I have some pretty deep set association and even beyond a year still have some practising to do.

Chin up, get yourself out on the bike feel the wind in your face and get some adrenaline pumping, you'll feel better for it. (I know you are feeling drained but it is IMHO the best therapy for stress and the blues.)

Zolat profile image


I have to agree that I don't believe that the way you're feeling is an association with quitting smoking. Sometimes anyone can feel a "wee bit down". There doesn't have to be a reason, but it's natural to examine every aspect of our lives to try find one. If we can't find one, we tend to worry more, as we don't have the cause to blame and resolve. In these circumstances you have to go easy on yourself. I guarantee that if you check into this post in, say, 4 weeks, you will be back to your usual self. You will have a big smile on your face and be feeling just fine. Remember: it's not a "weakness". I'm sure you'll weather this storm just fine, just take it easy and give yourself a break!!!! x

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Thanks for the replies everyone - and I tend to agree that it's not quit related, and probably just life ebbing and flowing.... lol

Nic, good advice with the biking - I've not been out on it anywhere near enough recently with too much work to do, and when i have had time the weather has been awful! I must make time to get a few miles under the pedals again. That always helps me clear my head and get moving again. Why didn't I think of that?

Anyway, onwards and upwards and all that!

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Hi Stuart - first time I've seen this post and not read others' replies to it so apologies if any repetition here ..

There is nothing weak about being debilitated by lack of sleep - as a lifelong insomniac I can vouch for how much grief it can give you, day after day ..

I was prescribed sleeping tablets a while back - Diazepam - I didn't realise it, but that's Vallium!

After that I was prescribed Amitriptyline - again as a sleeping pill, but this time my doc said she'd be happy to prescribe this for the next ten years straight as it is completely non-addictive (unlike Vallium) ... it was only when I got my third repeat prescription, from a different doctor, that I was told these were first generation anti-depressants - out of favour nowadays, as newer anti-depressants are prescribed (probably more of a back-hander for the doctor). Reading the info with it, doses of 70mg are used for CHILDREN to control bed-wetting! - I was given 10mg dose, then 20mg, then 30mg ... recently, a most lovely correspondent on here pointed out that a side affect of these anti-depressants is .. depression! Great! So, I'm back to 10mg now and sleeping just as well and feeling better for it, though still 'not myself' ...

So, what's the point of this post?

1) Docs don't tell you everything

2) Read the side affects .. it's quite possible these pills are helping you sleep but also stressing you in other ways ..

Hopefully the afforementioned correspondent will PM you and let you know the side affects of what you're on, if any.



Thanks Jim, I did a lot of research on the tablets I am on before I took them - I always hated the idea of pills like that in the past and would never trust a 5 minute spiel from a GP. It was nearly a week after I picked them up that I took the first one. I still had the valium type of drug in my thoughts, and really didn't want to take anything like that. I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the pill at the moment (I will add it here if I remember later), but apparently it's one of the better ones to be taking.

I am slowly coming to terms with the position I am in at the moment, and the reason the word weakness is in quotes is because I already know it's not ;)

The tablets are definately helping with the sleep, so I'll finish the months supply and see how things are then. The Doctor seemed quite happy that it was going to be a relatively temporary situation.

Hopefully it won't go on for too long, but I'm sure I'll deal with it even if it does :)

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Hey Stuart,

Hope you feel better soon.... I agree with Nic, getting on your bike and go get some exercise will help you get back into balance..... making time for yourself (especially with a little one.... I have one, too!) is so important..... don't underestimate the importance!

As for pills, it is easy to say it is short term use BUT also easy to ask for another prescription, and then another..... I really think with some serious exercise/time alone/time you have to do anything but what you want to do will get your sleep patterns back on track...... sure you know all this but just fyi from a random internet source:

There are four main neurochemicals that affect mood. They are: Serotonin, Epinephrine, Dopamine, and Endorphin. Serotonin serves to elevate mood, increase feelings of satiety, and lift depression. We have all experienced a rise in serotonin at some point. It is that satisfied feeling we have after a long run, or a large plate of pasta. It is also that feeling of comfort we get from spending time with close friends, and/or family. Serotonin can become depleted with chronic stress or anxiety, starvation or a low carbohydrate diet, and inactivity, leaving you feeling depressed, irritable, moody, and exhausted. Conversely, serotonin is strongly elevated after a long run, or workout, even at moderate intensity levels.

Epinephrine is responsible for the “fight or flight” response that occurs when we get scared, or feel stressed. The effect epinephrine has on the body is to increase heart rate and blood pressure, elevate temperature, stimulate the sympathetic nervous system [used for voluntary muscle contraction], repress the parasympathetic nervous system [used for digestion, immune response, injury repair, and sleeping] and increase cortisol levels. In today’s fast-paced world, we all probably experience epinephrine on a daily basis. Chronically racing to get things done, being late, driving in rush hour traffic, juggling too many tasks at once, and starvation can all stimulate epinephrine. Epinephrine can become depleted with chronic stress or anxiety, leaving you feeling worn out, exhausted, mentally drained, and often depressed. Epinephrine is temporarily elevated when we exercise at very high intensity levels. Exercising at lower intensity levels, or performing intervals, [alternating intense exertion and rest] can lower epinephrine levels.

Dopamine is the neurochemical that is responsible for sleeping and waking cycles. While we may not recognize when dopamine is correctly balanced, we certainly know when our sleeping and waking cycles have been disrupted. Commonly described as “jet lag”, a disruption in our sleeping and waking cycle is caused by an imbalance in the dopamine level. Dopamine stores can become depleted with chronic stress, or anxiety, and intense trauma, starvation or low carbohydrate diets. Dopamine can also be affected by serotonin levels, becoming depleted when serotonin is depleted. Likewise, dopamine levels can be elevated by elevating the serotonin level. Therefore, performing long duration exercise at moderate intensity can elevate dopamine levels.

Endorphins are the neurochemicals that act as the body’s “natural painkillers”. Endorphins are responsible for the decrease in physical pain with exercise. Many runners will attest to the fact that chronic pains seem less noticeable during, and immediately after a run. Endorphins are also responsible for the ability to disregard, or perhaps not even notice pain, when engaged in a physical activity. This is why we can run, or play without noticing blisters on our feet, until after the run, or game. Endorphins can allow us to perform activities that would otherwise be stopped by pain. Endorphins are also partly responsible for the “runners high” that is often reported by devout runners. The endorphin response to exercise increases with frequency of the exercise. Interestingly, substance and alcohol abuse can deplete the endorphin response to exercise. However, all people, regardless of history, will experience a rise in endorphin levels with exercise of any kind.

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Really interesting post Bellablue

Have been wondering what's going on at the moment, feeling blue anyway, perhaps cutting out the carbs is only going to make it worse. Did say I'd try it for 7 - 10 days though.

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

I wasn't going to post anything up about this, but now I am really glad I did.

The information in this thread and the PM's I have received has been great, and the support even better. It's been and will be a great help!

You're a really great bunch of people, thanks a million :D

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