started week 4: Started week 4 yesterday... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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started week 4

nsd_user663_4214 profile image
24 Replies

Started week 4 yesterday. getting easier with only a few "real" urges.

Still having side effects i.e. headaches, spaced out, concentration problems. Sometimes more than at other times. But when you think what we have been pumping into our bodies for years!

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nsd_user663_4214 profile image
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24 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Freshstart :D

On week 4 now thats'great well done and so pleased it's getting easier those side effects will soon start to diminish but as you say when you think of all that crap we fed ourselves for years it's not to be wondered at that we get these problems when we suddenly stop doing it



nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Good to see another feb quitter! Well done on four weeks! xxx

nsd_user663_4119 profile image


I am also on the start of week 4!

I am now counting in weeks and cant wait to start counting in months!

nsd_user663_4166 profile image


Week 4 who would of thought it. Feeling alot better today.

Freshstart well done, you should join our team. Its for all the members who quit in Feburary. We haven't got a name yet but I am well used to "ToBeConfirmed" ....LOLOL

Well done to you too Dragon, Yep its great counting in weeks. :D



nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Great stuff Freshstart,

Seems like you are doing well with your quit and recognise that it's not immediately going to get better. For years we have been pumping so much poison into our systems - it's a wonder our bodies do seem able to clean up a lot of that cack!!

Freshstart well done, you should join our team. Its for all the members who quit in Feburary. We haven't got a name yet but I am well used to "ToBeConfirmed" ....LOLOL

What happened to "Norfolk n' Good"? I thought that was a winner :D


nsd_user663_4312 profile image

Lots of us week 4 I see! Me too.

Quit 20th feb 09. Pain in the **se ever since!


nsd_user663_4214 profile image

Today I am feeling sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. I cannot remember feeling this good for a long time, and that includes when I was smoking.

I feel fresh, clean, no headache, no spaced out. I AM ALIVE.

No doubt, there are bad days to come, but I have today had a feel of what is to come more and more.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Freshstart :D

Glad you feel good that's wonderful and yes feeling like that does make you glad to be alive

At least if/when you get bad days you know that you will feel like this again which should make it easier for you



nsd_user663_4016 profile image

Congratulation , Freshstart, Bluedog, eileen, & nogard on week 4! Keep going!!

Quit: Jan. 18, 2009

Method: CT

nsd_user663_4214 profile image

Thanks for the support. I do find that I have high's and deep low's, and when I'm in a low I tend to snap at people.

nsd_user663_4119 profile image

Thanks for the support. I do find that I have high's and deep low's, and when I'm in a low I tend to snap at people.

I am far snappier. My team at work have really noticed that my tolerance level is zero. I am also a bit of a nightmare at home which isnt helped by the fact my husband has quit as well!!! Ha Ha! However, seeing my daughters happy face when I tell her its another day smoke free reminds me that smoking does not make me a happy person!!!

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

seeing my daughters happy face when I tell her its another day smoke free

As the token bloke in the team, I feel obliged to say, "That's lovely" David

nsd_user663_4291 profile image

week 4

hi all,

starting week 4 feeling good today praying this feeling stays been up and down but feels easy today cant work out how to put my quit day and method in left hand corner can anyone help, thanks speak soon x

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Nannacarol :D

You can put in your signature [the bit at the bottom] by going into UserCP top left of page then click on Edit your Signature and you will be able to put in what you want also if you want to change under your user name from Junior Member to something of your joice in the same panel you will find Edit Your Details and can change that as well OK

Well done you starting week 4 already you will have these up and down feelings for a little while but they will change and become much better and you'll have more good than bad I promise but glad today is a good day for you



nsd_user663_4291 profile image

thanks marg

hi marg not that good on computor but will get there this forum really does help cos people understand what you are going through speak later x

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Nannacarol :D

See you managed it OK easy wasn't it I'm not brilliant either but play around with it you can't go far wrong as if you do something wrong the computer will ask are you sure if you're not just click in the NO box and it will go back to where you were have fun enjoy yourself



nsd_user663_4291 profile image

thanks marg for your help x

nsd_user663_4119 profile image

Had to laugh at this !!!

Have a fag - start a March team .. (or, just lie about the fag... but, come on, feeling obliged to say 'that's lovely' !!?? - LOL !!)

Women have got an awful lot to answer for.

No offence, women.

But, you have.

... see what I mean?



*senses the initiation of a contentious few posts*

PMSL - actually I am a nightmare 24/7 with or without cigs!!

You iz a funny geezer at timez BB, pls note I hav put lots of errs in this to makes u feel angrier ;)

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

You haven't got Lorraine on your team nogarD, come on woman, pull yourself together. David

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Token bloke. Get back in your box. Is only the wimmin who may nag.

BB is trying to turn you away from force of the wimmin.

BB please note: "he is not the token bloke you are looking for".

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Please forgive me mistress, I prostrate myself before thee, now I must call the bingo out for these fine people here. David

nsd_user663_4119 profile image

You haven't got Lorraine on your team nogarD, come on woman, pull yourself together. David

And you appear to have missed nanna carol! ;)

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

And you appear to have missed nanna carol! ;)

Wondered when someone would spot it, bet you copied yours from mine, because I put 69 after Lorraine and you have too lol nobody has noticed. David

nsd_user663_4119 profile image

Wondered when someone would spot it, bet you copied yours from mine, because I put 69 after Lorraine and you have too lol nobody has noticed. David

I havent a clue what you are on about ! ;)

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