4 weeks done, but struggling: 4 weeks done... - No Smoking Day

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4 weeks done, but struggling

nsd_user663_16474 profile image
22 Replies

4 weeks done!!

It feels like the terrain's getting steeper uphill though. This damn lethargy/brain fog's starting to really get me down :(. When I was a smoker, I could function well and take periodic time-outs to have a cig. Now it seems I'm on a permanent time-out!! I keep telling myself that it's worth the effort and that I'll get through this but I'm ashamed to say that doubt is starting to creep in. I can hold off for a while yet I think, but not indefinitely :eek:.

Sorry to be on such a downer on what should be a celebratory landmark, but I can feel my quit wavering just now.

Thanks for listening.

Ed xx


4w 0h 18m smoke-free, 756 cigs not smoked, £253.26 saved, 2d 15h 0m life saved

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nsd_user663_16474 profile image
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22 Replies
nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Oh no Ed, please, please, please dont give in. That nicodemon is just working his magic on you and you really do have to be strong and not let him in. :(

Here is a couple of links i have found, maybe they can help you Ed as you have done so well, so please dont go back now.



Ed, stay strong my friend, we are here for you. What your feeling is totally normal, your body repairing itself, if you falter now yes you may feel better for a moment but you will kick yourself for giving in. You dont want to go back to the old ways, thats your old life and thats not for you anymore, remember your not a smoker anymore.

Take care :)

nsd_user663_17734 profile image

Come on buddy - you can make it through this!!!

Do it for yourself, do it for all those who are days and weeks behind you.

Have you changed anything about your quit recently? have you changed patches, forgotten to wear one. Is it the 'urge to smoke' that is difficult for you right now, or do you need to get away from your desk for 5 minutes, some other trigger?

Could you use gum or lozenges for a quick boost at the worst times?

Your stats are brilliant - over 750 fags not smoked - probably 7500 puffs at least. £250 saved. Big numbers aren't they?

If you don't stay with your quit, I'd bet you find you'll have spent £30k in ten years time - now that's a very big number!!

nsd_user663_5119 profile image

Mr Ed....don't quit quitting now, however hard it may seem. I think there must be something in the air, as there are a lot of people who feel the same as you at the moment who have posted. I personally think the lethargy and miserableness is nothing to do with the quits, but to do with the fact that all of a sudden we have been plunged into cold, wet, dark weather and that's enough to make anyone feel down.

Please, please stick with it...you are one of the people who have been looking up to and hoping I can make it as long as you have. It takes guts to stick this out, and I know you have them, or you wouldn't have signed up on here in the first place (to take crap from strangers...lol) :D

Just keep writing and we'll keep helping......

Big hand of support ready to pull you up :D


nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Hi Ed,

Sorry your feeling low at the moment. I agree with Embo I think at lot of the feeling low has to do with the dark nights, cold weather etc. If you were still a smoker you would be feeling down anyway, this is the monster been very clever and trying to trick you in to thinking that nicotine will make you feel better when in fact it will make everything worse.

Stay strong, this feeling will pass, and you will be all the stronger for coming through it.

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Thank you for all your support.

I really don't want to ditch this quit as I'm come so far. I'm just feeling a bit low and vulnerable right now.

When I quit for 9 months before I don't recall anything like this lethargy I've got at the moment. That was a February quit so the days were getting progessively longer. Maybe that's the difference?

I'm feeling a bit more optimistic after reading your messages. You really are the greatest and I love you all :).

I'll have an early night and hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Ed xx

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Thank you for all your support.

I really don't want to ditch this quit as I'm come so far. I'm just feeling a bit low and vulnerable right now.When I quit for 9 months before I don't recall anything like this lethargy I've got at the moment. That was a February quit so the days were getting progessively longer. Maybe that's the difference?

I'm feeling a bit more optimistic after reading your messages. You really are the greatest and I love you all :).

I'll have an early night and hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Ed xx

Hi Ed,

sorry to hear you are also struggling right now. You are feeling low and vulnerable, so you must be extra careful- the nicodemon LOVES it when you feel like this as he knows its easier for him to get his paws on you. DONT LET HIM!!

We all go through easy bits, harder bits and blinkin' miserable bits of our quits, but thats ok, because its worth it!


nsd_user663_16530 profile image

Thank you for all your support.

I really don't want to ditch this quit as I'm come so far. I'm just feeling a bit low and vulnerable right now.

When I quit for 9 months before I don't recall anything like this lethargy I've got at the moment. That was a February quit so the days were getting progessively longer. Maybe that's the difference?

I'm feeling a bit more optimistic after reading your messages. You really are the greatest and I love you all :).

I'll have an early night and hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Ed xx

Come on ED,

Don't pack up now,just been out for the day so only just seen your post and can really feel for you.

I have been feeling like this and trying to talk myself into smoking again.The trick is to say to yourself WHAT DIFFERANCE TO YOUR SITUATION WILL A CIG MAKE,answer NONE it won't change your mood in fact I think it will make you feel worst.Go to be d and you will be ok.

Take care terri

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Thank you for all your support.

I really don't want to ditch this quit as I'm come so far. I'm just feeling a bit low and vulnerable right now.

When I quit for 9 months before I don't recall anything like this lethargy I've got at the moment. That was a February quit so the days were getting progessively longer. Maybe that's the difference?

I'm feeling a bit more optimistic after reading your messages. You really are the greatest and I love you all :).

I'll have an early night and hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Ed xx

I know exactly how you are feeling. But after my post earlier and the replys I got I have been having a think and I do think it is just the time of year and it being cold and wet and we would be feeling like this smoking or not.

We can both get through this. I am not prepared to let you go down without a fight Captain, this ship isn't sinking and we are not going with it !!!

Get a good nights sleep and tomorrow will be a brighter day.

Sian xx

nsd_user663_17077 profile image

Dont know if this helps or not


Hope it does

nsd_user663_13507 profile image

Hi Ed,

I am totally with you on the tirdness, my get up and go has f****d off and left me, my work is suffering badly, I want to smoke.

But I am not going to, its the goverment doing it (ok a bit of paranoia too) :rolleyes:

They just want you to go and buy some fags, then they can sit back and rub their hands with glee, they would have you in their grasp again and making a fortune out of you. And then when you get ill with smoking they will turn their backs on you!!

So, slightly over the top, but all the same, replace goverment with nicodemon and realise they are out to get you and you are so much stronger than him.

Feel the love from the folks on here.

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

You're all wonderful supportive people. As tough as this quitting business is, it'd be ten times harder without you. Thank you!! :).

I'm *NOT* going to let this damn plant beat me.

I don't want to go back to sucking on tubes of burning leaves.

I don't want to be forced out into the cold and rain to satisfy an addiction.

I don't want to stink to high heaven.

I don't want my fingers and teeth stained.

I don't want to increase my risk of lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, and many other smoking-related ailments.

I don't want £200+ a month to go up in smoke.

Ed xx

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Hi Ed

Hope you are feeling better this morning. Just seen your post and know you are....

The lethargy and feeling a bit down are normal responces....you have removed a big part of your life. Dont know if this helps but I turned the corner and stopped feeling down when I realised I was still living the same smokers life just without the cigs, so naturally I felt something was missing and therefor I got down and depressed. E.G....watching TV without a cig, sitting in the garden without a cig, have a cup of tea after a household chore and not rewarding myself with a cig

As soon as I realised that and started to change my life to my new non smokers one...took up some exercise, changd my eating habits to try new foods, drank coffee and water instead of tea at home....things started to make more sense and I no longer felt something was missing and started to enjoy the new smoke free life...

Dont know if that helps any but the feeling low and fed up is part of the process, most people go through it and when you come out the other side it is truely worth every moment.

If you got through yesterday you can get through today and tomorrow as well....one step at a time.

Stay strong....x

nsd_user663_17057 profile image

Hi Ed

Your list of reasons for NOT smoking should be stuck on the side of every fridge.

I hope today brings with it renewed vigor, and strength.

Hang in there mate.

We are all here for you.

nsd_user663_16530 profile image

You're all wonderful supportive people. As tough as this quitting business is, it'd be ten times harder without you. Thank you!! :).

I'm *NOT* going to let this damn plant beat me.

I don't want to go back to sucking on tubes of burning leaves.

I don't want to be forced out into the cold and rain to satisfy an addiction.

I don't want to stink to high heaven.

I don't want my fingers and teeth stained.

I don't want to increase my risk of lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, and many other smoking-related ailments.

I don't want £200+ a month to go up in smoke.

Ed xx

Dear Ed.

Thats great come out fighting and It is just a blip,You know that nothing will have changed if you smoke and don;t think giving up somthing e.g. cigs,thinl yes,i feel better now i have made a good choice.Glad your back on board as we are relient on you to take your turn at the helm.I say don't we get poetic.


nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Thanks Lorna, Garry and Terri :).

I'm feeling a lot stronger today. I know that having a cig won't solve anything and will only make me feel worse about myself. Plus I'd have to come back and face you lot!! :p. Believe me, I definitely don't want to do that!!

It's scary how a low mood can really cause your guard to drop. I strongly urge everyone to be especially vigilant at those times when you least feel like resisting. That's where the main danger of slipping is.

Smoking does absolutely nothing for you except make you want more!! You don't need or want it!!!

Stay strong everyone. Together we can all beat this.

Ed xx

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Well done for staying strong Ed. I knew you wouldn't give in. You have a strong mental attitude and although that demon might sneak up on you, you will always knock it back, i have faith in you.Keep strong hun.

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Ed - sorry you've been having a tough time of it. But you know that giving in to the monster will not change things or help in the long term.

Keep strong and reward you acheivement so far. Be proud - it's a wonderful thing we are all doing :)

Tinks xx

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

4 weeks done!!

It feels like the terrain's getting steeper uphill though. This damn lethargy/brain fog's starting to really get me down :(. When I was a smoker, I could function well and take periodic time-outs to have a cig. Now it seems I'm on a permanent time-out!! I keep telling myself that it's worth the effort and that I'll get through this but I'm ashamed to say that doubt is starting to creep in. I can hold off for a while yet I think, but not indefinitely :eek:.

Sorry to be on such a downer on what should be a celebratory landmark, but I can feel my quit wavering just now.

Thanks for listening.

Ed xx


4w 0h 18m smoke-free, 756 cigs not smoked, £253.26 saved, 2d 15h 0m life saved


I am so so sorry that i have not been here for you this week, i feel so awful after all the support you have given me! I have had no internet and have only just got it back this morning :o

So glad everyone came to your rescue and that you are feeling much stronger now!!

Stay strong and stay positive and sorry once again

HRH ;) xx

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Thanks Karen, Tinks, and Your Royal Highness ;),

I'm so grateful for everyone's support. Each and every one of you is worth your weight in gold to me!!

I'm back on my stubborn track to conquer this addiction. This little wobble of mine has made me even more determined not to be beaten. I'm now *very* aware of how easy it can be to falter when I'm feeling down and I'm *not* going to be that person!!

Snowie - no need to apologise sweetheart. I don't expect you to be there 24/7 for me :p. Your retrospective support was very welcome!!

Once again, thank you all. You're all the greatest!!!

Ed xx

nsd_user663_3117 profile image

Hey Cap'n

I too am sorry I missed this and hope you don't think I was too wrapped up in my own misery :o

You sound much better now, crikey this quitting business is the pits but we HAVE to do it - not sure if you've seen the vid Claire posted - if not have a rummage for it - it's really reaffirmed my quit at the toughest of times! (But it's not a pleasant watch)

Much respect to you for fighting that demon!

Jane x

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Thanks Jane,

This quitting business really is a rollercoaster of ups and downs. I'm finding the ups far outweigh the downs, but the downs can be quite extreme and that's when we're at our most vulnerable and need to be most vigilant. I've had two really bad patches during my 4 weeks. I've got through them without smoking and I'm still alive and kicking!! That proves to me that I *can* do it if I stay focussed. It will get easier with time, but we all have to be alert for when we're caught unawares. Tobacco won't solve a thing and will only make us feel worse that we've blown a quit no matter how long it was.

I know you're going through a very stressful time with your leaking roof, so I really appreciate you taking time to offer me support :). I hope your roof gets fixed soon. Remember, a cig won't fix it :p.

With the support of the amazing people here we can all kick this poisonous habit.

Take care,

Ed xx

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

I'm so grateful for everyone's support. Each and every one of you is worth your weight in gold to me!!

Snowie - no need to apologise sweetheart. I don't expect you to be there 24/7 for me :p. Your retrospective support was very welcome!!

Same here Mr Ed, everyone is so blooming fantastic!!!

No Mr Ed, i had to apologise, thats just me :p oh and i always have the last say ok :D:p

S x

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