Beginning of week 4...: Had my first out of... - No Smoking Day

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Beginning of week 4...

nsd_user663_5598 profile image
13 Replies

Had my first out of control temper tantrum yesterday :eek: Hubby hid the chocolates he'd bought me earlier in the day so that there were some left for later :mad:

He left for South Africa this morning for 2 weeks...let's just say he's lucky to still have a head on his shoulders!!!

Apart from that, still going good although feeling a bit down today. Could be cos I was up at 3am to drive to heathrow, back to bed at 7am and up at 11am. Not good for the body clock!

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nsd_user663_5598 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi JJ :D

Well done getting to week 4 that's great keep it going

Forget about the temper tantrum it happens to most of us at times and emptions are all over the place early in a quit



nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Oh dear, he hid your chocs????? :eek: Silly silly man. When he's back, hide the remote control :D

Well done on reaching into 4 weeks and all the best with today given it's been a shaky start with times etc.


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi Martin

I've felt some of what your feeling now last week whilst coming from week 2 into week 3 - for me it's getting better.

I tried cold turkey for the first 2 days but was to angry, wound up, tense etc etc, so went and got some patches. They helped calm things down a bit. Some folk seem to do alright going cold turkey but it wasn't for me. I wish I could as I really don't want any more nicotine in my body (30 years of it is enough) even from patches.

You say your only trying this (quit) to see if you could. What plan did you have if you could? Or did you not think you could and therefor made no plan for that possibility?

I too loved smoking.... nearly every fag I had in those 30 years was wanted and enjoyed. I too smoked rollies and over the years honestly believed they were less harmful than tailor-mades . Yes, I miss them on some level 19 days after stopping. But I miss the ritual more than the inhaling/blowing, stubbing out, washing out ashtrays, airing rooms, finding that little bit of baccy that shot to the back of my mouth as the pckt begins to dry. Yes, were not saving that much a week spends wise but we are doing our health and that of our kids esp a world of good.

That black cloud will go pretty soon and you will feel better - on some level you may always miss smoking but surely it's better to not smoke than to go backwards and smoke again. I know I don't want to and I'm loving the fact that my kids are seeing me not smoke now. They hated it and I did not want them smoking. They deserve better and so do I and so do you :)

Keep it going......... it will be worth it


nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Had my first out of control temper tantrum yesterday

Apart from that, still going good although feeling a bit down today. Could be cos I was up at 3am to drive to heathrow, back to bed at 7am and up at 11am. Not good for the body clock!

No worries about the tantrum, JJ ;) Being tired sure makes me grumpy.... get some good rest and you'll feel more like yourself. Well done getting to week 4!

I honestly felt better a smoker. I loved smoking and only quit to see if I could.

Martin, what to say to you?!! Firstly, welcome to the forum! I know you may not yet agree with this but the only reason you felt better as a smoker is because when you were in withdrawal you could feed your addiction......... and now you can't........ so you feel like shit. The reason you smoked was to feed your addiction....... that's it. Not because it was fun, not because it did anything magic for you. What you are experiencing just now is normal...... it's called healing and yes, it comes with some initial discomfort.

Don't worry how you feel right now.... first month I felt like crap and I had the worst attitude, too but then something lifted and all of a sudden I saw what there was to gain........ a life free from addiction, not being controlled by them fags....... I never saw how they controlled me until that moment I felt lighter. I can't quite put it in the right words. Its a moment worth pursuing, trust me.

You wanted to see if you could? Well I challenge you to stick it out until you get that special moment of realization that your life is better without them. You'll get that moment..... you just be patient and see.

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Had my first out of control temper tantrum yesterday :eek: Hubby hid the chocolates he'd bought me earlier in the day so that there were some left for later :mad:

He left for South Africa this morning for 2 weeks...let's just say he's lucky to still have a head on his shoulders!!!

Apart from that, still going good although feeling a bit down today. Could be cos I was up at 3am to drive to heathrow, back to bed at 7am and up at 11am. Not good for the body clock!

Hello my lovely, well done on week 4 fantastic. I understand about the hubby thing, I've kicked mine all week-end for no reason really. Can I just say to the girls Champix and PMT really are not meant to go with each other (neither is the quitting and PMT!!). I honestly beleive Champix makes our hormones worse (as if we need that).

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Today is the beginning of week 4 for me and my temper appears to be getting worse. I dont mean to be narky but I am curt with everyone - wife, kids, work colleagues, friends, shop assistants etc etc. I really dont like what Ive become. There seems to be a huge black cloud over my home. Before I quit I was pro-active, energetic, use to train every night of the week, was fit as a fiddle and was never ill. I laughed , smiled and was happy. Now I have no motivation, lack concentration and focus and just want to sleep all the time. Im constantly bloated and full of wind and only go to the toliet 2 / 3 times a week. I haven't laughed or smiled in a month and spend most of the hours at work staring into nothingness.

I honestly felt better a smoker. I loved smoking and only quit to see if I could.

[20 rollups a day for 25 years, quit cold turkey]

SNAP! Sorry people. In fairness I was never ill with smoking, I have trained for the last 20 years at least 5 days a week, I was very fit, very outgoing, good sense of humour and now my training has declined (can't be bothered attitude), I'm putting on weight due to this endless hunger AND I am in fact a walking hormone who growls at everyone!!

HOWEVER I gave up because of the big picture, I was sick of being controlled by cigarettes and I truly believe in another 10 years I would see a decline in my health, hence the reason I've stopped now. Anyway started training again yesterday and started a diet and I feel better even though I'm still a walking hormone.

Good luck Martin, I truly understand how you feel.

nsd_user663_6090 profile image

Hi Martin

I really know how you feel- I started my quit thinking well Ill just see how long it lasts...BUT then I found this site and it completely changed the way I look at my habit. Must admit that weekends can be tougher but I keep reading this site and all the links and remind myself that I m free to go out and buy a packet anytime as long as I accept that I LL be back on close to two packs within days- thats not freedom ! I can see that now.Stick with it slowly the cloud lifts..

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

Hello my lovely, well done on week 4 fantastic. I understand about the hubby thing, I've kicked mine all week-end for no reason really. Can I just say to the girls Champix and PMT really are not meant to go with each other (neither is the quitting and PMT!!). I honestly beleive Champix makes our hormones worse (as if we need that).

Oh dear, my hormones went AWOL about seven years ago but they seem to have made an appearance again...especially on the boob area!!! :eek: Is this normal???

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Oh dear, my hormones went AWOL about seven years ago but they seem to have made an appearance again...especially on the boob area!!! :eek: Is this normal???

I have no idea what normal is anymore, I just know I'm 42 and I'm going through puberty (again), spots, temper tantrums, raging hormones AND very sore boobs!! Hey but I'm an ex smoker! I wish I’d never bloody started smoking so I would not be going through this.:mad:

Is it too early for wine??:)

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

I know Christine....if I'd have known about the raging hormones when you quit smoking I'd never have started in the first place! :D

Sod the wine...I've got some Cadbury's Clusters, Giant Buttons and Galaxy Minstrels...and I don't mean whimp size bags either! The lollies just aren't hitting the spot today!

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

Well today has been the first day I've experienced the nearest thing to a crave :(

For some reason, since quitting, my brain hasn't let me dwell on not smoking...I've just had the odd thought of wanting one for a split second, just the normal habitual thoughts but nothing like a crave. I know that's the champix working there.

This morning I've thought about smoking almost non-stop...wondering if I would enjoy smoking still, imagining smoking one and deciding that I probably would enjoy it, but realising if I did I'd be right back on 20 a day!

I'm trying to work out why all of a sudden this has happened? It's quite uncomfortable but I realise what it is, just nic playing games...well I'm not bloody well playing his game so he can go and do one!!!

nsd_user663_5401 profile image


Were you bored?? Not being flippant or anything but I start to crave when I have nothing to do (does that make sense?).

I did the most amazing thing this morning, I have breakfast in the office (I swim before work and then go straight to work), when I finished I washed up then wandered outside for a smoke! It did not register until I walked out that I quit!! How bizarre was that?

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

Actually I think it was because I had lots to do...I kept getting that prompt...'I'll just have a fag and then I'll do blah blah'.

So that's it....I shall have to just sit here and do bugger all now!

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