Brief Year end thoughts: I'm just packing my... - No Smoking Day

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Brief Year end thoughts

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free
13 Replies

I'm just packing my bags and moving up to the penthouse.

I'm leaving these few comments as a reminder.

When I was a smoker I used to be convinced that it was going to somehow be the cause of my early demise.

I always intended to quit before I had kids. (Failed)

I intended to quit when my wife was pregnant. (Failed)

I intended to quit before I was 40. (Failed)

Dreadful thoughts used to occupy my mind regarding my son, who’s now nine, such as,

“I hope I live long enough for him to remember me.”

“I hope to see him graduate.”

“I hope I get to see him marry”

“I hope to become a grandparent”

… scary huh..?

I’m so pleased to say that since giving up not one of those morbid thought enter my mind and I have the sheer pleasure of fighting those constant battles with a delightful and energetic nine year old.

Similarly my life used to be ruled by the constant need to ensure an adequate supply of tobacco and those fretful times when packs were depleted and shops were shut and I took un-necessary detours to find 24 hour petrol stations and motorway services.

I remember times of panic when I couldn’t find my fags or even worse a downpour and bad location of fags resulting in a wet packet of un-smokeable ciggies and the following angst.

I still see smokers talk of the stress reducing qualities of the habit and how much they enjoy it but frankly there is just no comparison that can be made for me.

If I look at how I was then compared to how I am now the difference is stunning.

12 months on I’m a happier, healthier and slightly wealthier chappie. :)

Written by
austinlegro profile image
11 Years Smoke Free
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13 Replies
NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Well done Austin great words.

Thankfully I didn't dwell on morbid thoughts as a smoker, but that was mostly because I refused to let myself believe that it could finish me off.

I can, however,identify with your comments about a constant requirement for an adequate supply of tobacco.

I remember getting in the car at 2am to drive to a garage I thought was open only to found it shut, then thinking well I'm in the car already and ended up driving a further 12 miles to the next nearest garage I would expect to be open.

My biggest regret is that I didn't find out how to quit properly until now, these days I see smokers and think you are being conned, if only you knew and understood!

Congratulations on you impending move to the penthouse, and keep handing out the great advice it has certainly helped me along the way.

Best wishes


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Congratulations, theres nothing else to say really.

I can find truth for myself in nearly everything you say, especially the things relating to your son.

I used to stand outside in the rain (since Mrs StuartH became pregnant I never smoked indoors or in the car), pacing backwards and forwards wondering if I would be around when he grows up.... puffing away like a train and then light another one straight after because I was stressed :confused:

There was the one time that Mrs H was on the town and I ran out. I took the little fella (all of 4-5 months old at the time) out of his cot and strapped him in the car to get more supplies. All at around midnight. I never did dare tell the Mrs that I did that.

You're an awesome quitter and a great inspiration to us all.

PrudencePotts profile image

Well done Austin.

There seems to be a fair few November 2007 quitters still around - perhaps it was the right time to quit. We were over the worst by Christmas and therefore didn't need to make any New Year resolutions about not smoking!!

We were in Egypt for Christmas and New Year and cigarettes were £7.00 for 200. My husband thought I'd cave but I felt too smug to!! I was proud that I could resist a "bargain"!!

I can echo all your stories about going the extra mile to find a smoke. I always tried to have what I called "base reserve" i.e a couple of fags stuck in a drawer or a bit of baccy somewhere. I certainly went out before 6.00 a.m. to the local newsagent because the thought of having my first cup of tea without a smoke was simply untenable!!

Oh how glorious to be free:p

Polish the Penthouse, Austin!!!

Tomatpots profile image
Tomatpots10 Years Smoke Free

Well done Austin, how time flies.

I started smoking at 16, Im 41 now, and never a week went by where I did not think about giving up. Like you I also had very morbid thoughts during the latter years of smoking which have all but disappeared

When I stumbled upon this place I would never have stayed for as long as I have were it not for people like you and supervillan. You were on my wavelength and handing out sound advice. You recently quoted our ex headmistress

"you will have gone soon enough, I've seen people like you come and go but the thing is................ you always go"

I was also being refered to in that thread. We are still here and the only things that seem to have gone are the fags and the WI obviously;)

Austinlegro given up the fags (succeeded)

nsd_user663_3356 profile image

Austin, i take it from this thread that you either have , or are just about to, hit the ONE YEAR mark.

Well done on that, a great achievement.

I am glad you stuck to your guns and stayed on the forum as when i joined, it was good to read posts by people like yourself TPots and SV who had quit in a similar way to myself, (as well as others like catwoman, Cword etc who also gave great advice as well as giving the forum some humour).

I am glad you have made it this far but then i never had any doubts that you would.

Still, well done again!!!!

Hope48 profile image

Thats just fantastic, I just love these posts so positive ,well done:D

I cant wait until Im there:D

nsd_user663_3675 profile image

Fantastic!! I can relate to almost all of your thoughts, especially the trailing round shops at 2am in the morning or getting up with the lark and going to the shop/garage with my PJ's under my clothes cos I was too desparate to wait until I'd got washed and dressed!!:o

Very best wishes for your smoke-free future!

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Austin, i take it from this thread that you either have , or are just about to, hit the ONE YEAR mark.

Sunday morning, 9.05am will be exactly a year since my last smoke.

I'm not one for ticking off the days but there's no avoiding the fact that I know EXACTLY when 12 months is up..!!!

I also know that although not using this forum for personal support the simple fact that it's always been here if ever I needed it has been most comforting.

thank you all and respect to the fallen.

I sincerely hope they can brush themselves off and give it another try.


nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Well Done:)

nsd_user663_2497 profile image

Well done indeed austin.

As has already been mentioned you've always had a way with words on here, and have been pivotal for the forums collective psyche for some time now. NSD's Guru or Shaman I would say :D

From the beginning I believe we have shared the same views on smoking, nicotine and how to stop etc. Maybe theres something to be said for the whole 'get your head right' technique we so believe in. Look also at Tomatpots and TKD who as mentioned share our philosophy and are going very well. There's something in that I reckon.

Again, many congrats.

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Well done indeed austin.

As has already been mentioned you've always had a way with words on here, and have been pivotal for the forums collective psyche for some time now. NSD's Guru or Shaman I would say :D

From the beginning I believe we have shared the same views on smoking, nicotine and how to stop etc. Maybe theres something to be said for the whole 'get your head right' technique we so believe in. Look also at Tomatpots and TKD who as mentioned share our philosophy and are going very well. There's something in that I reckon.

Again, many congrats.

If it wasn't for this place and the people advocating the "getting your head straight" method, I would still be taking champix and would be finding it a heck of a lot harder than I am without.

Thank you all, and chalk up another member of the "education" method of quitting. It's a lot easier than the "hard work" method!

nsd_user663_3554 profile image

Congrats Austin........:D Open the bar I will be there soon......:cool:

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Congrats Austin........:D Open the bar I will be there soon......:cool:

There must have been summat in the air last November I reckon.... :D

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