Ending day 2: Hello all.... This is a... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Ending day 2

nsd_user663_8572 profile image
13 Replies

Hello all....

This is a fantastic site, like many of you I have been a heavy smoker, since the age of 14, and I will be 50 this year...I am almost at the end of my 2nd day, and have been taking the lozengers...had a couple of scary moments...but have tried to stay strong, and had a lozenger, which do help...I just wish I could get the damn fags off me mind...

This is my umptinth attempt at stopping, so I am just taking it a day at a time...

smoked since the age of 14

25 to 30 a day

numerous attempts at stopping

hoping to quit with lozengers...will power and this forum...:)

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nsd_user663_8572 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Hello all....

This is a fantastic site, like many of you I have been a heavy smoker, since the age of 14, and I will be 50 this year...I am almost at the end of my 2nd day, and have been taking the lozengers...had a couple of scary moments...but have tried to stay strong, and had a lozenger, which do help...I just wish I could get the damn fags off me mind...

This is my umptinth attempt at stopping, so I am just taking it a day at a time...

smoked since the age of 14

25 to 30 a day

numerous attempts at stopping

hoping to quit with lozengers...will power and this forum...:)

Hi Lindylou

Welcome to the forum on behalf of us all ..... you say this is your umpteenth time well to me thats shows everyone how determined you are to quit this horrible addiction....So two days down be sure to drink lots and lots of water get that nicotine flushed out sooner the better, and your craves will get less frequent, then you can stop stressing and you can then start planning on what you are going to do with all that money you have saved, plan what you are going to do with that nice healthy body you will have as the weeks and months go by. so Lindy huge well done another thing you could do is read some of the peoples signatures they contain some great advise and information to help you, come and post everyday doesn't matter how good or bad or grumpy or happy you are come and share we are all in the same boat speak soon good luck:)

nsd_user663_8572 profile image

Hi Bradders...thanks for ur reply...I love this site..and will be spending a lot of time on it me thinks...

Well it will be day 3 tomorrow...ummm, how long did it take you before you actually stopped thinking about them...just can't seem to get them off my mind...thanks..

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi, Welcome

I quit with the help of patches, this forum and some mad great people who quit around the same time (Octoquitters). I believe there's a February quit group and being part of a group really can help and assist in even more support.

Stay strong, already nearing the end of Day 2 is great going and you've almost cracked the hardest first three days.

Look at for the links in peoples sigs. Read and read and check ahead to see what may be in store for you. Forewarned, forearmed and all that... really helps to be prepared and face it.

It may help to avoid certain places that you associate with smokes for a few days, think it through ahead. You may feel strong enough and you'll have to face those places, people soon enough anyway. Not always, but sometimes, quitting can leave a vacant big gap kind of feeling. Replace that negative gap with something fun, positive, useful even and that may help too.

Stay strong, be determined and make the quit yours.


nsd_user663_8492 profile image

Well it will be day 3 tomorrow...ummm, how long did it take you before you actually stopped thinking about them...just can't seem to get them off my mind...thanks..


everyone is different for how long you keep thinking about them...the first few days are by far the worst! Days 1 and 2 are especially bad so really well done on getting that far!!! This link contains loads of useful info on quitting and also near the bottom a chart on how many cravings you get in a day!


i remember thinking it would never go down like that...but it does!!! Just stay strong, stay focussed and the number of times you think about cigarettes will go down! jsut like the chart says!:)

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Hi lindylou

well done you..day 3 tomorrow your doing so well, You know you can do this..youve done it before from reading your posting..this ones for keeps im sure..just remember your just not smoking for today..little steps

thinking of you

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Hi Bradders...thanks for ur reply...I love this site..and will be spending a lot of time on it me thinks...

Well it will be day 3 tomorrow...ummm, how long did it take you before you actually stopped thinking about them...just can't seem to get them off my mind...thanks..

Takes a few days to be honest Lindy well i found that anyway....... most important thing is, is to keep yourself busy at work at play or just generally not doing much, the craves only last three minutes Lindy if you can feel one coming on just throw your self into something ...paint your nails, wash your hair do some work (nah forget that lol) i found sipping cold water and eating dried fruit helped. Drinking water flushes the nicotine out of your body then its a case of changing a habit of a lifetime and thats easy change your old habits for new ones ....... make sure you come and post everyday ....there seems to be a few new quitters around why dont you create your own little support group together that way you can look out for each other support each other....

if you click the User CP button above this box in there you will find on the right social groups click that and you will find a list of groups i am sure there is a February quitters group who will always welcome a fellow new quitter .......:)

nsd_user663_5349 profile image

Hiya and welcome, will send you an invite to join the fabfeb quitters grp :)

Congratulations on your decision to make the one of the best decisions of your life and i hope being here as part of the no smoking family gives you as much of a positive outlook on quitting smoking as it did me. Enough to quit for good :)

I must say i felt the first few days rlly good and not as stressful as it was made out to be but others find it rlly hard so every one is different. Im just starting to miss them now more than i did at the beginning of the week. But by the endf of week one you've come so far all ready it would be a shame to give up. Same if you're on day 2 or 3 or 4 etc. You've come this far all ready, keep going!!!!!!

-Jade xxx

nsd_user663_8577 profile image

this is my second day too im using patches and an inhalator was quite a heavy smoker just worried im not getting the nicotine out my system quick enough using this method been thinking of trying tomorrow with no patch on but dont want to fail hope to quit for good this time !:confused:

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

this is my second day too im using patches and an inhalator was quite a heavy smoker just worried im not getting the nicotine out my system quick enough using this method been thinking of trying tomorrow with no patch on but dont want to fail hope to quit for good this time !:confused:

Hi Linz

the important thing is you choose what is best for you ... if you feel like taking the patch off and going Cold turkey well then you must try it ....you can always put them back on if it gets too much for you ,,,,,, remember if you do drink and drink abnd drink loads of water ..sip it through the craves and it will soon be out of your system ...good luck Linz :) let us know how you got on ..

nsd_user663_8219 profile image

this is my second day too im using patches and an inhalator was quite a heavy smoker just worried im not getting the nicotine out my system quick enough using this method been thinking of trying tomorrow with no patch on but dont want to fail hope to quit for good this time !:confused:

Hi Linz

I had the same concerns as you about the nicotine patches, but came to the conclusion that even though it will take me a bit longer to get totally nicotine free, at least I am not smoking and inhaling all the other nasty chemicals:eek: Well done on your decision to quit no matter which road you take, they all lead to the same smoke free destination. ;)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Lindylou :)

Day 3 is great well done you It's normal just now to think about them but you'll soon find they are in your thoughts less and less

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathising with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off whyquit.com and woofmang.com Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of quitting whyquit.com/whyquit/A_Sympt...

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK



nsd_user663_5349 profile image

welcome linz and i agree, patches and nicotine patches win hands down over fags. Think of the better health ul have and more money too! Just keep going however u feel comfortable and come off the nicotine in your own time, everyones different!

good luck!!!!

-Jade xxx

nsd_user663_8577 profile image

hey cheers everyone ive been ok up to now with my patches so put a new one on and this is my third day now never thought i would ever have a serious go at quitting but i really want to so fingers crossed gl to everyone else !! i joined this forum was meant to have a friend stopping at the same time for support never seen her in 3 days i fear the worst lol

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