Three years and one month: Don't know if I've... - No Smoking Day

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Three years and one month

nsd_user663_4149 profile image
20 Replies

Don't know if I've ever posted in here before, but if I want to keep the peace with the beautiful Madam Cox I have to. While I was on holiday I passed my three year mark smokefree. Even in my wildest dreams I never would have expected this. When I went a full week I felt as if I'd won the world cup, now, I don't know how I feel really. One thing I do feel is gratitude towards the many people on this forum who have supported me through thick and thin throughout my quit, here on the forum and texts and e-mails too. I have had a few problems in the last eighteen months or so, but, due to the support received (and given I hope) I don't need an excuse to light up again, none of us need ever smoke again if we don't want to. Even those among us who are slipping and sliding can do it, it just takes some people longer than others. Twenty third of February 2009, 7.20am was when I had my last fag so that's about three years and one month. I'd love to say my health has never been better but I'd be a liar if I did. I do feel fine at the moment, just hungry :D. Never mind though, if I can give up smoking I can give up eating. Thanks once again for all the support you give and have given me. Love. David. xxx

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nsd_user663_4149 profile image
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_4625 profile image

That is a huge achievement David and a wonderful post for all those who feel they will never get there. You have shown that it can be done and that despite what has happened to you over the last eighteen months it is possible to get through things without picking up the fags again.

You are the kindest, most supportive person I have ever had the pleasure to 'meet' and an inspiration to many.

Food is overated anyway if you ask me :rolleyes:

Will reply to your email at the weekend but just wanted to post a quick and well deserved WELL DONE to you.


Gaynor xx

jackieinv profile image

I know I celebrated this with you in February but saying it twice makes it even better.

Well done my friend.


Jackie xx

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

CONGRATS DAVO! For all your support, jokes, and struggles you deserve a great big shout out... so Well done on your 3 plus years!

and who needs food anyways.... all you need is this :)

nsd_user663_18145 profile image


you have been such a great support to so many on here and to see you back here achieving over 3 years of being smoke free is brill

especially given how things have been for you with your health which im sure you will soon get back into into check

you are a star trooper and i just want to say a big


for the support and the daily jokes that have helped to lift the spirits of most of us

sending you virtual hugs and good vibes :)

Carol xx

nsd_user663_42755 profile image

All respect to you David. You are a real inspiration.

Good luck with your treatment, too.

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Congrats Davo

Following up behind you....remember in the early days feeling like you guys from Feb/March were so far ahead of me now years later it all seems to close.....

Onwards and upwards and eating meh.................

nsd_user663_32615 profile image

So good to see you back here again David. And a huge well done on passing that ultimate "three" in your quit!

You have been a real inspiration to everyone on here, and you know that we will all be thinking of you.

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Sorry this is a bit short, I was in the middle of a longer thank you post when I bloody well lost it. Do know what you mean M about time. Thanks to the rest of you for all the nice things you say about me. Food is bigged up a bit although I'm glad I can't be tempted into having a nibble, new tongue wont move. It is nice to have people thinking of me and rooting for me while having treatment. Thanks to you all. David xxx

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Hi Dave,

Well done on your three years quit!!! It's good to see you back again and although it's sad to hear what you've been through I truly believe that if anyone can show how determination to succeed prevails you are the poster child for the cause!

Oh, and I like your crappy jokes too!

Happy days,


nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Thanks Alex, I do try

nsd_user663_25112 profile image

:D:D:D Congratulation David on 3years quit.

All the best,


Quit Date: 10.2.12

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free


I don't think you ever knew how much of an influence you had on my quit, there were days that I had enough of being a grumpy bitch and I would come on to moan some more and one of your jokes would make me laugh, or more often than not groan lol. Its also been your show of true strength in the face of everything life threw your way. The way you made me see it was if you could cope with all that then I could cope with quitting smoking. There are a few guys on here that have had that impact on me and it gives me the greatest pleasure to be able to say to you ....

Massive Congrats on your 3 years my lovely

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Thanks Jacqui and Sian. How can I ever go back to being a smoker with the support I get here. If my wife were to read these posts she'd wonder who you lot were talking about. David

nsd_user663_4026 profile image


Sorry, been out of contact for a few days. So glad you posted on the penthouse thread. You deserve full recognition for the shit you have faced and the brilliant way you have coped. As others said, in the face of such adversity, if you can stay off the smokes, anyone can.

Well done my friend. I raise a glass of cola in your honour sir!!:cool:

fi xx

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Thanks for those kind words Fi. My longest smoke buddy and supporter. Token xx

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

The forum legend hits 3 years plus! :D

Awesome and an inspiration to one and all

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Thank you MHS and you too Capitan, it is good to be over three years smokefree but I'm not sure about the rest Capitan but thank you anyway. David

nsd_user663_18145 profile image


you are a legend ((and well deserved too))

and dont you forget it :p

im sure if we done a poll on it everyone would agree so take a bow and just accept it :)

hugs xxx

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Well done David ! :) ...... you are such a great inspiration to so many in here.:cool:

Regards Trev

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Thanks Trev. Two yellowbellies eh. David

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