Day 31: Hi all Last night i had a crave for... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 31

nsd_user663_1931 profile image
20 Replies

Hi all

Last night i had a crave for a cig, came from nowhere:confused: .

It lasted for about 30 mins.I really fancied having a cig.I didnt give in though.

I havn`t thought about cigs for ages ( about 7 days ) so i dont know where that came from. I hope that doesn`t happen very often.It just goes to show it can hit you in the face at anytime.

Going to cessation lady today. She said about dropping to 14mg patch but i think i might stay on 21mg for another week and see how things go.

Hope everyone is well and keeping up with their quits.

Barb x

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nsd_user663_1931 profile image
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Well done Barb on not giving in to the craving.

It creeps up on all of us! I can go days without thinking about it and then WHALLOP! out of nowhere a severe craving. Just keep riding it out.

Off to see my cessation nurse aswell today. Checking my Carbon Monoxide reading today and will mention about maybe changing to a 16 hour patch as I keep taking off the 24hr patch at night because of the crazy dreams. Not as if I need the nicotine while i'm asleep.

Keep up the good work!:D


nsd_user663_1931 profile image

Hi Barney


I use the 24hr patch and also remove it at night.

When i first had my carbon monoxide measured it was 19. Since then, every week its been 2.Thats a good boost to see that.

Well done to you on day 10 isnt it ?.:cool:

We all need a pat on the back for what we have achieved.:D

Keep going.

Barb x

nsd_user663_1931 profile image

Barney---Just read your signature. You ARE on day 10.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Well Done Barb 1Month today :eek:

As Linda said before, you need a big reward for that! be sure to treat yourself!! we will be asking you questions later to make sure! :D

And Barney! double figures!! i think your due a splurge too!!

I reckon roughly around day 3 week 3 and month 3 i got a wallop! it feels a bit panicky to me 'cos i feel like oh my god this shouldn't happen still!!

But it does pass and isn't anywhere as near as intent as in the beginning when i think about it! and is so infrequent! I wasn't aware of when the feeling passes as it kind of slipped away which makes me realise it couldn't been as bad as thought! it's just that wee panic feeling :D

Stay strong x x x well done to yous both x x ~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

ahh Buffy, Thanks for that!

The other forum on Click 2 quit website is back online but I think i'll stay here as you've all been so supportive and besides all of the posts on there this morning are people moaning about how their forum has changed.

I felt very welcome here and you should be awarded for your efforts on this forum. Well done!:D Can't imagine what this forum would be like without a Buffy!


P.S. Checked out your myspace.... very good. I'm on there too!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Aw your a charmer you are!! *blush* thanks

Oh! that quit site! i did have an account there but not used it since i quit last january! I did a forum study thing for them ages n ages ago!!

had a quick look it has changed a lot looks older than it did before!! just as well i don't use that site anymore!

Cheers :D half my playlist isn't working because my host site is playing with it's servers :rolleyes: hey ho!

Oh add me if you like, then i can have a butchers at yours too!

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Ah! so I wasn't imagining it. Must of seen a few posts of yours on there which is why I recognised you.

Anyhoo. have added you but when you view it, please try to ignore the few pics of me with a fag in my mouth/hand. That was the old me!!!


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Nah just popped by, i am registered user but need to register separate for the discussion board of which i am not !! lol :confused: soz forget the whole other site thing, my name there is Buffyc think the posts are from an impostor hehehe

Just going to log in myspace and check out this naughty *smoking* person :rolleyes: tutz

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Aw Barney! you have a beautiful family you lucky lucky man !!!

Loving your father Ted clip lol i too can recognise the clink of a Jacobs creek chardonnay from 50 paces :D

And of course the legendary .....

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Thanks Buffy!:D

Going offline now as am off to see my cessation nurse to get my next pescription of patches!

See you all later!!!


nsd_user663_1931 profile image

Got my patches. 14mg ones. Weman said i should be all right on them , i have chewing gum aswell.Told her about my big crave yesterday and she put it down to withdrawal symptoms from giving pepsi and coke up. I stopped drinking coke about 4 days ago.

Carbon monoxide level was 0. wwwaaaaaahhhhhhooooooooooooooooooo.

How did you do Barney?.

Barb x

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

wow 0!!!!

Way to go lol! you must live in a good green area to get that low! if she says going down is good then sure she's right x x you got your gum too as back up :D well done

~ Taking a look at BB8 Ch4 forum in a mo, i did join up last time so don't need to register again hehe :D i heard that BB told bri that pooh is a fake! Can't imagine him keeping a secret! lol ~

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Hello Barb,

Was only in with the nurse for 10mins. She said I may aswell stay on the 24hr 21mg patch and just take it off at night like I've been doing. My Carbon Monoxide level was 2 which I expected. Well done on the 0 reading on yours Barb.


nsd_user663_1931 profile image

Well done Barney

Mine was 2 for a few weeks. Woman i see at Tesco`s said that just by walking through their carpark can put your carbon monoxide level up by 2-3 with the car fumes:eek:

Starting my 14mg 2morrow.

Buffy---Saw them tell Brian about poo on BBLB. It was hilarious.I think they are telling HMs tonight about poo. I thought it was a secret until Friday.My name on BBforum is Bj2005.

Barb x

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

I live in central London and I was told it won't go below 2.

I got 3 at best. anything in that green area is excellent x x orange and red is :rolleyes: yes dear of course you quit :p i can't remember the exact figures now, i had cessation january 2006! lol but i was 2 in red i think it was 25? when i first attended, then got down to 3 which he was chuffed with.

I was told about the streets main roads etc lol traffic fumes count for some but when you see the difference it puts shame to those who argue smokings cool cos the car fumes are just as likely to kill :rolleyes: think i used that one once, when i was like 16! :p

~ I reckon they will tell each HM one by one to keep hush, lol tis panning out to be funny, I am BuffyC73 not posted yet though hehehe just looking! ~

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1933 profile image

Barb I was exactly the same last week. Had one day where I would have killed for a cigarette. I dreamt about cigarettes the night before (Jerry from Big Brother was forcing me to smoke one cig after another - I hadn't eaten cheese before I went to bed!), I got up the next morning and all i could think about was smoking and it lasted the whole day. When i packed in smoking I also went on a diet - thought I'd get all the pain over and done with at once - so that day when I craved a cigarette I treated myself to lots of lovely things to eat (maltesers, cheesecake, beef and chicken pani the list goes on) then I went on a long cycle ride to take my mind off the guitl from eating so much and off cigarettes. It worked as haven't wanted a cig since and the best thing is, if the cravings happen again I know what I will do to handle it. I've quit for over 30 days now so don't know why it hit me so suddenly but it did and I handled it - lesson learnt!

Quick questions - how do u change your member status to junior, senior etc?


nsd_user663_1931 profile image

Hi Chantelle

Well done to you. You are a star.

Keep posting posting posting. 50 posts= member

100 posts=senior

You can get old very quickly on here.:D

Barb x

nsd_user663_1933 profile image

Never thought I'd say it Barb but I'm enjoying getting old!

Well done to you on ur stopping smoking - 20 a day for over 30 years a hard habit to break but not an unbreakable habit thank goodness.

You know what I have found wonderful recently? Going to the hospital and being truthful on the admission form! I previously said I smoked about 10 a day - lie, more like 25/30 a day however this time ticking the box 'non-smoker' was the most amazing feeling. Silly things like that make the initial pain so worthwhile. :) I LOVE BEING A NON SMOKER!!!!



nsd_user663_1931 profile image

Hi Chantelle

Thats good that you say a non-smoker. I still say i`m a smoker giving up.

By the way, you have a brilliant name. My daughter Kyra who`s having the baby , her middle name is chantelle.

Barb x

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

hehehe yes it is a lovely name but barb is obviously biased :p hehhe

ooooh charleys 'fakely' out ttfn x x x x

W0ot :p

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