My Special Room for Days 28-31: I'm setting... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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My Special Room for Days 28-31

11 Replies

I'm setting up shop in a special room today. I have not smoked for 28 days, 9 hours, and 38 minutes.

That means I've completed four weeks without a puff, but still have the better part of 3 days to wait until I can enter Month 2. I can moan about it all I want, but that won't change the facts.

So I'm setting up this room. C'mon in and join me if you're eligible, or just visit if you're not. There's plenty of bottled water; the background music is a lovely jazzy collection, and there are large windows perfect for gazing out at the beautiful views of a forest and meadow. Birds are chirping, bees are buzzing, and you can even catch a glimpse of a March hare now and then if you're lucky.

Want to read? That whole wall is filled with books - the classics and the best of today.

Hungry? Over there's a kitchen and pantry, and if you can't find what you're looking for in there, it doesn't exist.

I've furnished the room with plush chairs, overstuffed sofas, and even a hammock over in that corner. Did someone ask about recessed lighting? Yep, got that.

In fact, pretty much everything you might imagine is here - except ashtrays. Ain't got none of those - 'cause I don't need 'em anymore!

So c'mon in, set a spell, have a glass of iced tea or a mint julep, and help me enjoy the three long days until I can pack my bag and wander over to the Month 2 room.

11 Replies
nsd_user663_1655 profile image


I just posted earlier today about the need for this special room! I'll be stopping in yours instead of creating mine in less than a weeks time haha.

Breathe easy DGee!


DGee .. Woopee, a sleepover until Friday .. and here was me thinking I'd have to camp up by the bus shelter outside month 1 and, what with the thunder and lightening that has started...

On my way with the sleeping bag - haven't tried julep before so will bring wine and some delicious freshly baked cake. Put Louis on for me!


nsd_user663_44157 profile image

Oh bad luck DGee, Vike...Suze is bringing the Liver cake. I'm gonna stay in my own room

Liver Cake???

Oh bad luck DGee, Vike...Suze is bringing the Liver cake. I'm gonna stay in my own room

I pride myself on my tolerance, and I've even discovered I have a fondness for broccoli, brussels sprouts, and curry (although not necessarily in the same recipe).

That said, liver cake sounds positively, um, let's just say "unique."

But as long as I don't have to eat said liver cake, I'm fine with Suze bringing it to the party.

Did I mention we all have to bring our PJ's?

nsd_user663_3282 profile image


*Runs in...

..laffs at Liver Cake...

...laffs more at Liver Cake:p

Flips Jazz off and bangs on Chinese Man crankin' up volume*

*Runs out wiv bottle of vino*

Congrats on your 4 week month, DGee :cool:

nsd_user663_45231 profile image

Mind if I Join You

Morning:D..mmm nice in here enit..mind if I join you...think I'll pass on the liver Cake thank you....

Day 28..... 4 full weeks for me 559 cigarettes not smoked £168 saved..whoppee!!:p:D:)

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

I'm moving in in less than 2 hours... As long as someone locks up that liver cake!

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

Four weeks... Woot woot... Chilling in here until the first month is truly over.

nsd_user663_45231 profile image

Yay..get us!!!! welcome

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Four weeks... Woot woot... Chilling in here until the first month is truly over.

Yay..get us!!!! welcome

Congrats to you both on avoiding the infamous Liver more importantly marking your 4 week month :cool:

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Congrats to you both on avoiding the infamous Liver Cake...

Tee hee :p :rolleyes:

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