Hi. I am a CKD5 patient on dialysis. I am suffering from itching. My doctor says my
potassium levels are high. What should I do for this?.
Hi. I am a CKD5 patient on dialysis. I am suffering from itching. My doctor says my
potassium levels are high. What should I do for this?.
You might look at your diet and ease back on dairy, yogurt, custard, apricots, bananas, orange and prune juice, kiwi, oranges, nectarines, nuts, seeds, whole grains, bran cereals, sports drinks, artichokes, avocado, fresh beets, Brussel sprouts, dried beans and peas, greens and spinach, okra, potatoes (leech them first), pumpkin, and tomatoes, and tomato products.
Check with the dietitian at the Dialysis center you send your paperwork to and see if they can look at your labs for more specific ways to cut back on potassium.
It might also be that you overdid the potassium on the days prior to the labs. Design a better menu and schedule for meals, especially before labs to not overload your kidneys at any peak time. Spread the potassium. You do need some potassium, just not in quantity.
Hi did your doctor prescribe binders? I used Tums 1 +1000mg with evert meal try that for a month might nee 2 per meal💪🙏😝
We do not nor should not attempt to prescribe here. We are not doctors or dietitians. I know you're only trying to help. I would only add "I was told to take tums to lower my phosphorus. Have you asked your healthcare team about this as it may help you?" Thanks
Itching at stage 5 is usually caused by higher phosphorus levels *not* high potassium. Have you clarified with your healthcare team which one (or both) is high? If it's your potassium then limiting foods like oranges, cantaloupe, dried fruit, meat, dairy, potatoes would be important. IF it is phosphorus you MAY need a binder. A binder is a medication like tums or Renvela. When you take it with your meals it acts like a magnet and collects or binds the phosphorus to it and releases it through the stool, thus lowering the amount of phosphorus absorbed in the body. You can also help lower phosphorus by limiting foods like dairy, nuts, hot dogs, biscuits, pancakes, waffles, creamed soups, chocolate, chili and more. Your dietitian will have lists of food to limit (not Eliminate) for both potassium and phosphorus as well as guide you or have Dr. prescribe the proper binder if any is needed. We are not doctors here but do have our personal experiences. I hope this helps. Blessings
I agree with the above but would add checking with a skin doctor( DERM) as I had itching while in kidney failure which was managed with ammonium lactate cream.....