What do people do during HD session? I try to sleep at least an hour, resulting in 2 or 3 more remaining hours. Is there anything I can do besides watching movies? I suppose I could bring books if I don't mind the weight.
What to do during hemodialysis sessions? - Kidney Dialysis
What to do during hemodialysis sessions?

I play cards.... and I meditate. I cannot really sleep since I have to watch monitors and do my BP
yes, books and movies are great for passing time during the session. I carry my ipad and binge watch on movies. I also listen to music on it if sometime I like to close my eyes and dream a bit.
The nurses at my dialysis center hated it when people fell asleep. It put them on edge thinking a patient had passed out for reasons other than a need for a few more winks first thing in the morning.
My tablet was a constant companion during my time on the machines. And, too many Tom Clancy / John Grisham novels.
I listen to audio books I have a chest port not a fistula or graft yet so I have crochet also
I used to watch TV, listen to music with headphones, or sleep. Those nurses need to chill!