As I stated in previous posts, my husband 74 has been on dialysis just over 1 year. In the last 2-3 months his legs have really gotten weaker. We first thought it was because of poor circulation, then he had an MRI of his lower back and they found a pinch nerve at L4=L5 plus spinal stenosis. but not bad enough for surgery. So we set up for him to go to Physical Therapy. At first we thought it was helping but the therapy seem to stir up other issues with his kidneys, so he stopped therapy.
Also in the last week he has been having acid reflux every night. He sleeps with 2 pillows, Most all the over counter medicines are harmful for his kidneys. I don't know what to do. He also has diarrhea not everyday but quiet often. I figure it has to do with all the medicines he has to take. We told his Nephrologist but he just said that is really odd for him to have diarrhea so much.
He also has restless legs syndrome which his doctor put him on Ropinirole which didn't help his RLS at all, His doctor finally put him on a low dose of gabapentin which seems to be helping but I've notice since he's been on it he is having some memory issues.
I just don't know what to do for him. Are any of you experiencing these symptoms and what are you doing for it to help you? I'm sorry if I just went on and on but any info you can give me I deeply would appreciate it.