GFR Fluctuating suddenly. : Hi I just joined... - Kidney Disease

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GFR Fluctuating suddenly.

Dakot profile image
26 Replies

Hi I just joined, I look forward to learning and maybe unraveling some worry and confusion. I am a pretty healthy 70 yrs old. This all started last year. That year my GFR was 69, I started taking Glucosimine. Next blood test my GFR suddenly dropped to 56. I am on three meds lisipronol 20 mg, lovastatin 10 mg, and Lorezapam 1 mg. So I get blood test every 3 months. My blood pressure and Cholesterol has been low and stable for many years on the meds.

I was not real selective about the Glusosimine because it was free from my Insurance Company. After taking it for 3 months I had the first drop in GFR. Up until that point my GFR was consistent and in the high 60’s. 68, 69

Spoke to my Doctor told her about the concern in taking that supplement. I stopped immediately went to Davita changed my eating habits. Watched and counted everything Drank water 74 ounces a day, paid attention to all labels and ate well. Boring but well.

Over the year my GFR continued to go up a couple of points at a time. Feburary it was at 70 I was over joyed. I was told to take Vitamin D, but not how much. I started taking 2,000 mg everyday. And I hate to say it and a homeopathic remedy, I keep careful track now of any new additions. So GFR great in Feb, start the supplements and then the May blood test GFR tanks.

So I do my blood test 3 weeks ago and Bam my GFR is suddenly at 50 from 70???

I Spoke to my Doctor immediately she had no idea but thought it strange. With all the Covid-19 testing going on could there had there been a mishanding in the Lab we thought?? So she said lets wait two weeks and do another blood test. That was last week. My GFR went up to 57, up 7 points in 18 days.

She wants me just as a precaution to see a Specialist which I will do.

My creatinine 3 weeks ago was 1.12 it also went down to 1.00, with the current test last week. no protein in urine, bun 16.

Could supplements do this? After the Glucosamine thing everything continued to go up and level off at GFR 70, until I added the two supplements right after my February Test.

Thank you, appreciate thoughts. I am so worried and confused. I feel like I am doing every thing right as far as diet and keeping track of my health.

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26 Replies

As a rule, no supplements should be taken without the okay from the physicians on your Care Team. As to lab errors, I recently had my PCP run blood and urine labs. The blood labs came out where I expected but the urine labs were about 1,000 points off. Obviously, something was wrong. I asked the PCP about it seeking an explanation and she was unable to explain the results. I asked fora re-draw and she declined to order it. I fired her, went to another doctor on my Care Team, showed the results and they took a sample. Two days later I had results that were all normal. I have a new PCP who will not test me on anything without providing a reason, explanation of results and abide my wishes if the numbers are so far off and re-draw is necessary.

Finally, just because something is free, especially from an insurance company is no reason to take a pill. Best of luck to you.

Dakot profile image
Dakot in reply to

Thank you for your reply, yes I learned about FREE the hard way. It was so unlike me. But that was a lesson for sure. My PCP is good she always listens.

When the Blood test came back 3 weeks ago I actually thought they weren’t mine. But last weeks were closer. The vitamin D was suggested by my PCP but I neglected to find out how much. I usually do alot of research and all that I read said 2,000 mg was good. Then I dug deeper and found that it should by 800 mg. I have not talked to my PCP about the Vitamin D yet because I just thought of it in racking my brain about the sudden drop.

Thank you for your reply.

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41NKF Ambassador in reply to Dakot

I am 79 years old and take Vitamin D3 in prescribed amount (2000IU) by my PD. Maybe check with PD for amount and which brand/type is best for you.

Dakot profile image
Dakot in reply to orangecity41

Thank you will do.

KidneyCoach profile image
KidneyCoachNKF Ambassador

I read an article some 25 years ago which stated at that time 20-30% of lab tests are wrong or have been processed incorrectly. If you see something that "off", definitely request a retest to verify or rule out errors. Blessings

Dakot profile image
Dakot in reply to KidneyCoach

Thank you for taking the time to reply we actually did a retest 18 days from the May 14th test which was worse. I wasn’t sure if 18 days was enough of a wait. So May 14th GFR went down from 70 to 50, the retest 18 days later gained 7 points GFR 57 in 18 days . I have to wonder if we waited longer to give my kidneys a chance to recover from what ever happen more function would recover. It is a mystery why the sudden drop except for a new Vitamin D and a larger dosage.

Dakot profile image
Dakot in reply to Dakot

Sorry I also meant to write that I did research on a possible error or mishandling and the possibility or error was pretty high. And with all the Covid testing going on I wonder what kind of hurried environment the labs might be in.

Celtic profile image

As far as taking Vit D (Cholecalciferol) is concerned , my renal consultant only advises me to take 1,000 iu daily for the 3 months of winter and then to rely on getting Vit D from the sun during the summer months. His reasoning is that when we take a Vit D3 supplement it enables more calcium from diet to be absorbed into the body. Too much calcium building up can be a possibility when the kidneys are low functioning and therefore slow to rid the body of toxins etc. Excess calcium can lead to crystals forming and possible kidney stones. Monitoring of calcium levels via blood tests, particularly when taking high doses of Vit D3, is a way to prevent excess calcium building up (hypercalcaemia).

Dakot profile image
Dakot in reply to Celtic

Thank you. Actually I live in Florida and when I was advised a few years ago to take Vit D I thought it strange but my blood work at that time showed low Vit. D. Since that time I have a new PCP. I should have checked this but when I switched 2 years ago all my meds and supplements were listed. I am going to ask for a vit. D test to be included in my next blood test it could even be that I dont need it any longer. Thank you for the info everything helps to understand this mystery that has me so upset.

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41NKF Ambassador in reply to Celtic

Good point about calcium and D3. I live in FL and PD said to also get 15 minutes of direct sun a day. I take 2000iu D3. I get blood tests for calcium levels and will watch the results.

Celtic profile image
Celtic in reply to orangecity41

Sounds like an on- the-ball PD. We’re advised at least bare arms and no sunscreen for that 15-20 mins.

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41NKF Ambassador in reply to Celtic

Same here, no sun screen for those 15 minutes. Most days easy to get 15 minutes of sun in FL

Celtic profile image
Celtic in reply to orangecity41

Lucky lucky you with your lovely weather in Florida - it’s been cold, windy and wet here in the U.K. for the last few days. My hands are freezing and painful - beta blockers don’t help in that direction, not to mention too much use of the iPhone whilst in lockdown!

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41NKF Ambassador in reply to Celtic

We are on restrictions here too, living in a retirement community. It has been hotter than usual here. I was stationed in Central France for 3 years and remember the short mild summers and cold days. Take care

Celtic profile image
Celtic in reply to orangecity41

We’re promised warmer weather tomorrow but with the threat of more rain on the way. At least with our U.K. weather we are never short of conversation!!

Dakot profile image
Dakot in reply to orangecity41

I am a little confused about the amount of Vit D3 I read some articles that said 800 iu. Like you I have been taking 2000 iu I wondered if that was too much. I think the next step for me is to find out where my Vit D levels are then speak to my Doc about what I should be taking and next step is to buy from a reliable source. My calcium level is in normal range.

As far as natural Vit D I am outside 20 times a day. I have 3 dogs LOL and it is hot here in Fl.

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41NKF Ambassador in reply to Dakot

Yes best to ask your Doctor, as amount might be based on your vitamin d level and maybe other factors. Yes agree we do get a lot of sunny days in FL.

Dakot profile image
Dakot in reply to orangecity41

Thank you so much, I am so appreciative to have found this group, I feel you can learn more than you can from your doctors. I have an appointment 8 weeks from now it is hard getting appointments because of the Covid 19 thing and here in florida we are on the upswing again. I am going to check everything very carefully in my next blood test.

Celtic profile image

Yes you would expect everyone living in sunny Florida to have good Vit D levels from the sun but some people could have a problem with absorbing it. Check all your meds, especially Lorazapam for any possible negative effects on your kidney function.

Dakot profile image

Thank you I did check all my meds, like so many meds they all come with side effects. Sometimes I feel like do you have to choose between your blood pressure, heart or kidneys. Which do you want to keep healthier.

It was just crazy that between two blood test just 90 days apart a drop of 20 points in GFR.

Thank you for your reply.

Celtic profile image
Celtic in reply to Dakot

Yes, I do agree. It sometimes feels like it’s about the kidney versus the heart versus the high blood pressures. I have to keep looking at dietary lists too. One food might be good for the kidney whilst it might be a no-no for the heart, the hbp or the gout! At least we are aware of our conditions and can remain alert - some poor souls are not so aware and simply find out by accident that they have had reduced kidney function for some years. Cross fingers for good news following your next eGFR test.

Dakot profile image
Dakot in reply to Celtic

Thank you so much, your very kind. I did do that recheck 18 days later and gained 7 points in 18 days 50 to 57. Waiting to hear from my doctor for the next step or just do another blood test in 60 days as planned things did go up. Thank you againn

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41NKF Ambassador in reply to Celtic

So true Celtic. We have to be proactive .

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41NKF Ambassador

Here is a link to article about Vitamin D and CKD.

Dakot profile image

Thank you so much, article suggest Vit D is needed. I will speak to my Doctor also need to know how much to take. I will also include Vit D on my next blood test. I read some articles about 90% of all vitamins coming from China and there being problems with the quality. Some have tested with heavy metals, toxins. So that is a scary thing.

Allank profile image

our lack of vitamin D has more to do with our ability to absorb the Vit D from the sun , our skin being compromised by too many hot showers , baths etc

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