Hi i am a 67 year old male. Had a blood test told my gfr was 53. Had ultrasound ok. 4 months later gfr gone down to 44. Told to cut my beer down by half. Drink more water. Cut out salt and coffee. Got blood test in another month should my grf go up?
gfr: Hi i am a 67 year old male. Had a blood... - Kidney Disease

Your physician could have served you better by giving you more information. Your GFR is just a snapshot of the times the labs were drawn. Getting on a kidney-friendly meal plan, staying hydrated (not with alcohol), exercising, and watching your medications is the way to slow the progression of CKD.
Ask for a referral to see a nephrologist, and have the kidney specialist provide you with a referral for a Renal Dietitian.
You have to get in control of this illness immediately. There is no more time to delay.
It should. They said it’s a static number subject to change at any moment

HI wetface,
No...it probably will not go up much if at all just from cutting beer consumption in half. Beer is high in purines which creates uric acid which is very harmful for the kidneys. There is a whole science to what we eat and the fact that your GFR drop almost 10 points means what ever you are eating and drinking is not good for the kidneys. Its up to you to decide what is more important. Beer or not going on dialysis.
Kidney disease is progressive, which means that there is a decline in function over time. The idea is to slow down that decline with our diet. So learn what is good for kidney health and start practicing it.
The reality of it is you are stage 3b on your way to stage 4 if you keep drinking. I am putting a link that explains a lot and will provide you with classes and diet information. But I recommend you see a nephrologist and a renal dietician and try to save what function you have.
I can't see a specialist til my gfr is >30. That's stage 4! I'm asking to see a dietitian anyway. We'll see. But it's said in documents online that you can't see a specialist til then.
I've asked the doc for a referral. I'm in the USA. documentation online? here and national kidney foundation. google. Just looking.
Right now my cat is in emergency....thyroid disease so we're getting ready to go to the vet hospital. Good luck.