Please Join Us for a Monday Group Weig... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Us for a Monday Group Weigh-in (25th January 2016) Afternoon/Evening Session.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
190 Replies

Hi everyone,

This is the 'Afternoon/Evening Session' of the Fab 5'ers Monday weigh-in group, so please post in this thread if you're weighing in with us this afternoon and/or this evening!

The Morning session has gone really well, and please have a look at the thread if you want to catch up with how everyone is doing there:

To all you Afternoon and/or Evening Monday Group weighers - I wish you an enjoyable weigh-in. One of the Fab 5'ers (Prin, Suzybenj, Ruth_Canal_Runner, Moreless and myself, Lowcal) will ensure we respond to you. But please be patient with us, as we do have other commitments and might not be able to reply straight away. By the end of the day, everyone will have received a response from one or more of us.

Ruth_Canal_Runner (our lovely fab 5'er and stats woman) has compiled our stats from last Monday's thread, which makes great reading:

Total people posting on last Monday's thread: 122.

Total overall weight lost: 137 pounds (62.2 kilos).

Total people who lost weight: 75 (154.2 pounds lost) (70 kilos).

Total people who gained weight: 13 (17.2 pounds gained) (7.8 kilos).

Total people who maintained their weight: 21.

Total people starting out on their weight loss journey/plan: 8.

Total people who didn't disclose their weight gain/loss: 5.

Personally I gained 0.2 pound this week, and it's on occasions like that when I wish I didn't have such accurate scales! But it is a miniscule amount, so I'm quite happy! I hope to lose 1 pound next week, all being well, and get back to the gym. I had a minor routine operation on Tuesday with a general anaesthetic, so it took me a short while to recover, but I'm absolutely fine now and hoping to get back to the gym on Wednesday, all being well. :-)

How did you do this week? We're looking forward to hearing from you.

Wishing everyone a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Written by
Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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190 Replies

No change. Not worried because I would have thought I had gained.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

That's a fabulous result then Pilpala! :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024

I am bouncing up and down with delight - I lost 3lbs this week, which makes my total weight loss an amazing 50lbs!!

(still got a way to go though, sigh)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toLessToLose

Woohoo LtL, I'm bouncing up and down with you!! What a fantastic achievement, WTG you!! :)

But just think of all the fun you'll have along the way! :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply tomoreless

Thanks Moreless - I am also so pleased with your result this week - amazing!

I agree about the fun, the lighter I get, the more I can do!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toLessToLose

Thanks LtL :)

We'll both be cavorting about all over the place soon :)

in reply toLessToLose

:-D Congratulations !!

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to

Thanks Lucca!

vickster5 profile image
vickster5 in reply toLessToLose

amazing well done you!

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply tovickster5

Thanks Vickster!

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toLessToLose

Wowee - really impressed :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply tosuzybenj

Thanks Suzy!

Tinkle72 profile image
Tinkle72 in reply toLessToLose

Well done! Brilliant loss in one week and wow you've done really well so far.

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply toTinkle72

Thanks Tinkle!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply toLessToLose

Oh no! We will have to get another crown 👑 as Moreless has lost about the same more smiles for today's posts very motivational ( don't forget interim wardrobe clear out and treat yourself to something new- by order of the management 😜)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply toPrin

Thanks Prin, me and Moreless are twins. Hmmm, shopping for new stuff sounds great. I did buy some new trainers yesterday and looked at jackets. Soon I will buy a new one, soon.

in reply toLessToLose

That is fantastic- well done 😊😊

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to

Thanks FizzyLiz!

alejandra profile image

I was doubting as to writing today because I have not lost any weight. But have decide to write and keep on trying. Hopefully I will make it work this week. My motivation is up!!!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toalejandra

Oh well done alejandra! The way to get the most out of this group is to share all your experiences, good, bad, or ugly! :)

Please read through this morning's thread, because there are so many posts from members that were struggling, but kept going and they've now had fabulous results!

Never give up, your patience will be rewarded :)

alejandra profile image
alejandra in reply tomoreless

Thanks for the encouragement. Really hope this week is better. Can't wait tosee if next Monday is better!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toalejandra

I'm sure it will be :)

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply toalejandra

I think you do right...I stuck last week and only half a pound down this week, but by weighing in each week you will get lots of encouragement to help you keep going. Stick with it and hopefully you will see results next week. And at least you haven't gone up...a maintain is better than a gain!

Tinkle72 profile image
Tinkle72 in reply toalejandra

Keep on trying! I had 3 weeks in a row where I maintained and lost nothing. Suddenly I started losing again - a lb or 2 at a time.

Louise_h81 profile image

2 and a quarter pounds off this week. Happy with that!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toLouise_h81

And so you should be Louise, that's a fantastic loss! :)

I hope this week is just as successful for you :)

WeightWarrior profile image

Hi Lowcal, I hope you are doing ok after your op. It sounds like such a tiny gain is actually a huge success given the week you've had!

As for me, well, it's not the biggest, but it's down by half a pound, so I guess a pack of butter is not to be sniffed at. I just hoped I might see a bit more than that given the fact that I stuck last week. Oh well, it's the right direction and I've had some good ideas given to me about changing foods round a bit so I might give that a go this week, see if I can fool the body into shedding a little bit more! Fingers crossed for a better result next week...

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toWeightWarrior

Hi WeightWarrior,

Thanks for your kind words. I am feeling a lot better thanks.

I am really pleased to hear you've lost 0.5 pounds, and you're right, a pack of butter is not to be sniffed at, it is a great loss to have on the scales. I know you were hoping for a bit more, but try to stay as positive as you can, and I know that can be hard sometimes, but it will be worth the wait. You've had some good ideas passed on to you regarding changing your foods around, and so you can try that out this week, and see how you get on.

I will cross everything for you WeightWarrior, and hope you have a great week ahead. But remember, this week was also a good one for you - you lost the equivalent of a pack of butter, and that is fantastic!

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toWeightWarrior

Oh well done WW, you've got over the hump and hopefully things should get moving properly for you again :)

I hope your juggling has the desired effect and we see a humungous loss next monday. I shall keep everything crossed for you :)

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply tomoreless

Lol yes, got over the hump as opposed to just straight "got the hump"! :-D

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toWeightWarrior


in reply toWeightWarrior

I'm so pleased WW that you've seen a bit of a weight loss this week. Hopefully you can work out what's happening this week :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

12.15pm Just to say that the Afternoon and Evening Session is now live, and so please post in that thread if you're weighing with us for the Afternoon and/or Evening, here is the link to that thread:

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the morning weigh-in - it's a great session.

Here's to a great thread for the afternoon/evening too.

Lowcal :-)

By the way, I thought I was in the morning thread when I wrote this, not sure what happened to me, I got very confused! This IS the Afternoon/Evening thread, just incase I'm confusing anyone else with this post... Sorry - no confusion meant.

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply toZest

This is that thread - I think? :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toFitforit75

It certainly is Kate :)

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply tomoreless

Thought I'd entered the twilight zone ;)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toFitforit75

LOL! :)

Fitforit75 profile image

Hi all. Lowcal, I'm glad your op went well and you're happy with the small weight gain - I'm sure it will disappear as soon as you're back to normal exercising.

I've stayed the same at 17st9&1/4 again this week. Bit fed up but have a dreadful chesty cough and cold so haven't been doing c25k since last Tues, and am due on which a) makes me feel BLAH!!! and b) I'm certain causes water retention.. So this week I'll actually be happy if I stay the same :D

Have a happy healthy week all.

Kate :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toFitforit75

Hi Kate,

Yes, you've joined the Morning session - the afternoon one is now running.

(Editing this now - I was confused myself earlier, this is actually the Afternoon/Evning thread, so you're in exactly the right place.)

But I will come back after my lunch to respond to your post - so you don't need to repeat it, it's just I need to have my lunch - it's boiling on the oven top as we speak - some soup...!

I'll be back after lunch and will respond to your post then.

Will look forward to reading it then.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toZest

Oops! Sorry I got confused as to which thread I was in, courtesy of the site refreshing me to the wrong place! How very odd! :0

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toZest

Nope! Just checked and this IS the afternoon thread!! :D

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply tomoreless

Hi Moreless,

I was very confused myself, because I could have sworn I was in the 'morning thread' when I was talking to Kate (just before I went to lunch), but now I realise it's the afternoon thread - it felt like a bizarre 'twilight' zone to me too - oh my... Never mind, I am properly orientated now.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toZest

It's easily done Lowcal, I do it all the time with the Around the world challenge, because we quite often have 3 threads on the go and I'm easily confused! :D

in reply tomoreless

I don't know about Around the World - but I think Lowcal's gone around the bend :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

LOL!! :D

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

lol Phahahahahahaha - as T1 would say! :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toFitforit75

Kate, sort your health out first, then get back to the weight loss. A chesty cough and cold is no joke and needs TLC to fix.

Fingers crossed for a maintain, at worst, for this coming week :)

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply toFitforit75

Hey don't worry, it didn't go up, and I am 100% in agreement that Mother Nature causes water retention, she can throw a huge spanner in the works, for sure! Good luck for next week, keep going :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toFitforit75

Hi again Kate,

Sorry for contributing to confusion earlier - I felt like I was in a twilight zone. It's a bit of a rush to get the thread changed over for midday, but thankfully it seems to work ok - and I'm orientated again now, so hope not to add to further confusion. :-)

I agree with what Moreless said regarding focusing on your health and forgetting about the weight stuff at such times - keep hydrated and warm, and look after yourself.

Wishing you a speedy recovery and hope you feel better very soon.

Lowcal :-)

slimjan profile image

Hi Lowcal

It's not easy with this rubbish weather but as long as your pretty much staying the same that's not bad. I have stayed the same again this week, so not too dissapointed need to cut out puds as have been tempted this week. I have my sons 40th Birthday today so all out for a nice meal and Birthday cake so will have to get down to it tomorrow.

Good Luck everyone on a good week ahead.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toslimjan

As long as you're maintaining and not gaining slimjan, all's well with the world :)

Happy birthday to your son and I hope you all have a lovely meal and birthday cake :)

Tomorrow is another day :)

slimjan profile image
slimjan in reply tomoreless

Many thanks, hope you have a good week x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

12.20pm I am just having my lunch, but will be back later!

Lowcal :-)

Afternoon everyone :-)

Sounds like you've done very well, Lowcal, to pretty much maintain with everything that you've had going on last week :-)

I've not had a chance to look through this mornings thread, but hope everyone else had some good results.

I've lost 1.8lbs this week, which I'm pleased about. I've been struggling a bit trying to balance eating more because of doing lots of running, and not eating too much because I don't want the weight loss to stop. So at the moment it seems as though I am winning the battle - but just have to be careful !! I'm so close now to getting to 11 and a half stone !! Whoopee !!

Good luck everyone for this week and I look forward to reading about your last week on the other thread (once I've taken the dog for a walk :-( ) :-)

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to

Congrats on your loss! It's a fine balance to keep isn't it, you seem to be really doing well at keeping control - congrats on that too!

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to

Woo-hoo! You are doing brilliantly - soon you will be smashing through the 11 and a half!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Lucca, a 1.8lb loss is fantastic given you're so close to goal now. You worked hard for it and you deserve it :)

Let's hope you reach that 11.5st marker really, really quickly :)

Now you know how much yo love walking the dog! ;)

Foody profile image

Ive lost 2lbs (i think! The scale kept flitting)

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply toFoody

I'd take that loss all day long, don't argue with the scale if it says you are down 2 pounds lol - wtg!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toFoody

I tend to agree with WW, Foody, but maybe it would be worth investing in a new set of digital scales :)

Very well done! :)

Diana profile image
Diana in reply toFoody

Go digital if you can, no lying or fliting

Maxine5555 profile image

Wow well done on only putting on 0.2 of a pound. I'm a wuss as you know and would have put on weight as soon as I'd woken up through comfort eating! This week my goal was to get to today as I still had the dreaded lurgy and pony still had a dreaded abscess. But I was going to try not eating/drinking after 8pm. And even though I've been naughty food wise before 8pm every day, I have lost 0.6 pound. So not snacking late at night has worked a treat!! This week my goal is to will cut out the naughty choccie/cake/biccies as I am getting better and coughing less. Am not exercising though - I've not even ridden our other pony - I've been so ill!! People think I'm milking it now so I feel I need to sit down and have a word with myself! Here's to a good week with less coughing, abscess bandaging and then I have no excuse to be a good girl :-)

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply toMaxine5555

You've lost weight despite all the stuff you have going on, very well done indeed! Good luck for next week too, just keep at it, you're doing great in the face of adversity!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toMaxine5555

Well done for still losing Maxine :)

Unfortunately, these things mend in their own time, no matter how much we want them sorted. Get yourself and your pony back to fighting fitness, then the two of you can get back to galloping over the fields, or whatever it is that you do :D

Good afternoon Lowcal and everyone. I missed the boat this morning - got up too late and the morning post was chocka block - I couldn't get my weigh-in to post :(

But here it is now... Hopefully...!

Congrats on maintaining despite a challenging week Lowcal - I think this shows that you're managing well with diet alone. A gradual return to the gym should help shift the scales downwards again, but take it easy, gently does it! :)

I've also got a slight gain to report. I'm up 1lb to 10st5. This is still well within my maintaining range of 10st0-10st7, so I'm not too concerned, although I may be if my weight continues to go up, as 10st7 is definitely the maximum I want to be for the foreseeable future. I'm trying to keep my alcohol in check and run at least twice a week. Also, even with a storm apparently on its way, I'll try to cycle to work at least twice this week too. I think these small things will help me stay well within my goal weight range.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

You're still doing beautifully Ruth and you know just what to do to keep things in check :)

It's blowing a hooley here and is set to get worse, apparently, so if you're out on your bike, please take extra care! :)

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to

A stuck with the same max maintain as me, mine is 10st 6 tho

Lardlegs profile image

Only Lost 0.2 but I don't deserve it as I have eaten too much. Now16st 4.8

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toLardlegs

You must have deserved it a little bit Ll, maybe you didn't eat quite as much as you thought :)

As you are aware of things that could be changed with your food, I'm sure that you'll see an even bigger loss next week :)

majorcagirl profile image

Just started my third week. Weighed myself this morning and I have lost 4lbs. This makes my total loss 6lbs. in two weeks. I have also lost an inch off my waist, so I'm very happy. Thanks for all the support everyone gives.


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply tomajorcagirl

Wow Betty, you're flying! Well done you! :)

The support we get from other members, is what gets us to our goals :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply tomajorcagirl

Hi Betty,

Great to see you, and hope your 3rd week will go really well, as the first 2 obviously have - you've lost a total of 6 pounds in 2 weeks, and you've lost 4 pounds this week (am I right in assuming that? - just want to make sure we have the weekly amount right for Ruth's stats). Either way, it's an excellent result, and well done for also losing an inch off your waist. I can understand you're feeling very happy and rightly so!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

majorcagirl profile image
majorcagirl in reply toZest

Thank you. yes 4lbs. is right. I'm just going to make a sandwich for lunch with my favourite filling. beetroot and salad. family think I'm daft but I love beetroot"

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply tomajorcagirl

I love beetroot too - sounds delicious! Enjoy your lunch, and glad it was a 4 pound loss this week, that is amazing!!! :-)

Claire31 profile image

2lb loss this week which puts me at 11st 6 x well done everyone x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toClaire31

Well done you Claire! :)

I wish I was at 11st 6 :)

Claire31 profile image
Claire31 in reply tomoreless

Thanks moreless and well done on your fantastic loss this week and all the encouraging messages 😀 x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toClaire31

Well thank you Claire, that's very kind of you :)


Morning everyone!

Today’s weight is 11st 5lb (that’s down 1lb up last week).

Started at 12 st 8 lb, so I’ve lost 1stone 3 lb. 11lb to go.

Got the usual problem after a 2lb weightloss the week before – COMPLACENCY! My decorating is now tailing off and is a bit less active – which also presumably didn’t help....!

So this week’s vow is ... try and be a bit more helpful to Lizzy and the Travellers!

Have a great week everyone – thanks for being there!


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Runningsoon,

Afternoon! :-)

Firstly, many Congratulations on losing a total of 1 stone 3 pounds. Just 11 pounds to go. I know you've gained 1 pound this week, but your progress overall is fantastic, so don't let that 1 pound gain put you off.

You mentioned 'complacency' and clearly you don't want that to take hold, so if you are recognising a touch of that in yourself, then take some action to stop it taking hold - you've made a vow to help out Lizzy and the Travellers, and that will definitely help motivate you forward to further weight loss.

We're glad you're here too - so a mutual thanks on that one! :-)

Here's to a great week ahead and you're doing really well - keep going. :-)

Lowcal :-)

in reply toZest

Thanks Lowcal! Need to go shopping really, healthy options are a bit thin on the ground....!


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Runningsoon,

Then shopping is your priority, as you need some healthy options in stock. :-)

Lowcal :-) xx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

I'm loving that vow, Runningsoon! :)

Your overall stats are looking fab and only 11lbs to go! Woohoo! :)

Your house must be looking lovely now that the decorating's nearly finished :) Have a great week :)

in reply tomoreless

Thank you - it's all going OK and I know my previous dieting disasters featured fairly ruthlessly efficient and speedy weight loss. That bit was OK, but what happened next (fairly speedy weight gain) was not...! I am therefore content with a steady and slow move in the right direction!

House looks great thanks.!

DartmoorDumpling profile image
DartmoorDumplingRestart Feb 2024

Happy to say I lost 1lb on this my 2nd week - total of 4lbs lost. (Slow but steady). Enjoying using the forum to interact with other healthy eaters, ...and that equals another 2 packets of lard gone!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toDartmoorDumpling

Oh well done DD, you are doing well! :)

This forum makes all the difference to our weight loss journeys, because not one of us is alone :)

runnerjan profile image

Hi afternoon gang!

Lowcal - I hope you are recovering well after surgery. I think less than a quarter of pound gain is practically non-existent - darn those scales!!

I set myself a goal of losing 2 pounds this week and am happy to report that I have lost 2 pounds. Last week I was 10 stones 12 pounds and this week 10 stones 10 pounds. I still have 6 pounds to lose to get to my pre-Christmas weight but it's a step in the right direction. I am aiming for another 2 pounds off this week.

Good luck one and all.

Jan x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply torunnerjan

Hi Jan,

Yes thanks, I am doing very well thanks. Thanks for your kind and encouraging words - much appreciated! :-)

Wow, it's so good to hear you've achieved your weekly goal to lose 2 pounds, Congratulations - that's really great! :-) You're 'all the 10's today' - which is brilliant. You're stepping ever closer to your pre-Christmas weight, and good luck with your goal to lose another 2 pounds this week.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Midnight-munchie profile image

Hello everyone !! I love how confused we all are today its makes it more fun !! :-)

I am a very happy pound down 17.6 yipee!! I dont know how or why but my scales have been very kind after my weekend !!! I hope there are lots of pleased people as just in from being back at work arghhh and thought id post quickly :-)

Wishing you all a fab week , xxx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toMidnight-munchie

Well done MM, you've done brilliantly! :)

Yup, we're all away with the fairies today, well Lowcal is anyway! :D

There are heaps of pleased people, you must read the posts, they're great :)

Midnight-munchie profile image
Midnight-munchie in reply tomoreless

ooopss back again thank you moreless, I will have a nice little read tonight with my low cal hot choc!! Hee away with the fairies is good as apparently they serve teeny tiny portions fab for weight loss!! ;-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toMidnight-munchie

Lol :-)

Just to add it's good fun with the fairies Midnight-Munchie & Moreless. :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toZest

Lol! :)

Midnight-munchie profile image
Midnight-munchie in reply toZest

Hope you are ok Lowcal and feeling better , you only had a tiny gain but on weeks with ops etc its harder as there is a lot to think of.

Hope you have a great week and enjoy your little fairy trip!! ;-) Takecare xxxx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toMidnight-munchie

Hi Midnight-Munchie,

Thanks for your kind words. I am feeling well now, and pleased it's out of the way. It's the anticipation of such things that is the worst thing I think - and as you say, there's a lot to think of.

When I entered the 'twilight zone' earlier - and got confused about which thread I was in, I certainly felt like the fairies were helping me out - they made me feel so much better about it, and I feel much better now! :-)

Appreciate your very kind words.

Moreless is still laughing about this - I can hear her!!!

Lowcal :-)

Midnight-munchie profile image
Midnight-munchie in reply toZest

So can I !! :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toZest

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! :D :D :D

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toMidnight-munchie

Lol! :)

somedayiwill profile image

Starting today, weighing in at 14 1.6 . . Accurate scales! Baby is 19 months and thinking about another in the coming months but need to get rid of some of the weight first. 4+ stone to lose to get into bmi range 😕 . Gotta start somewhere!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply tosomedayiwill

Hi and welcome somedayiwill :)

It's great that you've decided to join us and have shared your starting weight and goals :)

You've made th most important step of your journey, by joining this forum. Take some time to read everyone's posts, because they are so motivational :)

I'm going to give you some links for you to peruse the threads at your leisure

Wishing you all the best :)

Happymary profile image

I am thrilled to have lost 3 pounds. This is my week one ending. It is a really pleasing start. Have done 150 minutes of exercise and stuck to my calories limit. Took measurements too, hoping that I might see a change at some point. It hasn't been easy - at times I could have eaten most of the fridge....

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toHappymary

Hi Happymary,

Congratulations to you for losing 3 pounds, that is brilliant! :-) What a great start. Well done for doing your 150 minutes of exercise and sticking to your calories limit. Great that you took your body measurements, and you can therefore check out changes there as well as relying on the scales. Very sensible!

I know it's not been easy at times, but I hope it will get easier for you, and you'll gain greater confidence as time goes on.

Really great start!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Happymary profile image
Happymary in reply toZest

Thank you. You are spurring me on. I had a Ww leader who didn't really encourage, and actually seemed to be relieved if the class gained because hers did too over time. I really like reading through snippets of how people are getting on. It is inspiring and motivating.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toHappymary

Glad you're enjoying it Mary, and glad you're 'Happymary' - that's a great positive and inspiring name. I'm supposed to be cooking now, so I'd better get back to it, but I just wanted to thank you for your reply and kind words. :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toHappymary

Woohoo Mary, off to a flying start! :)

Cazmaz06 profile image

Lost 3lbs last week so this is me now lost the first half stone in 4 wks so I'm happy with that :) happy Monday everyone xx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toCazmaz06

Woohoo Cazmaz! 1/2 a stone down already!! Wtg you! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toCazmaz06

Hi Cazmaz06,

Congratulations on achieving a loss of 3 pounds this week, and to having lost your first half stone in 4 weeks, that is absolutely brilliant!!! :-)

I'm so glad that you're experiencing a "Happy Monday" - here's to lots of future Happy Monday's for us all.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

john-bailey profile image

Week 3 and a loss of 3 3/4lb,where did that go?Just over half a stone so far,how come no one has noticed?

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply tojohn-bailey

Hi John-Bailey,

That's a great result, to lose 3.75 pounds this week, and to have achieved just over half a stone in total weight loss - wishing you many Congratulations!

Maybe they have noticed, but not commented as yet - keep an ear out for the compliments, hopefully they will be made at some point very soon.

In the meantime please accept my virtual but no less well-meaning compliment that you are looking very fine!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply tojohn-bailey

Stato Ruth will have 😜👊🏾

jaffa89 profile image

Well done everyone. I'm on Week 2 today and I lost 1lb last week. Slowly but surely wins the race :-D Good luck this week everybody, stay strong.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply tojaffa89

Well done jaffa, that's fantastic! :)

Tortoise all the way! ;)

jaffa89 profile image
jaffa89 in reply tomoreless

Thanks moreless. Lol, yes, tortoise all the way :-)

doctorwho68 profile image

Hi all

My morning weigh in post seems to have disappeared :-(

A small loss this week, but a loss nonetheless.

18th Jan 2016: Weight: 10st 5.5lbs

25th Jan 2016: Weight: 10st 5.25lbs

So that's a loss of 0.25lbs this week.

Till next week.


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply todoctorwho68

That's a pest dw! The site has numerous glitches at the mo, but at least the tech team are aware and trying to fix it :)

We must celebrate all losses though, so bye bye nasty little 1/4 pound ;)

vickster5 profile image

Afternoon! Late post for me. Sorry to hear you had a small op Lowcal, I think you have done well to have a tiny tiny gain! I have gained 1.5lbs, which is no surprise with my hormonal sugar eating this weekend! I am an all or nothing person and find it best to avoid cakes etc, but sometimes I succumb and do not stop with a bit! Oh well onwards and downwards I hope!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply tovickster5

I can empathise with you there vickster, I am exactly the same with sugar!

Never mind, tomorrow is another day and a chance to get back on track :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply tovickster5

Hi Vickster,

Thanks for your kind words re: my op, and I'm pleased to say I'm doing fine.

Sounds like you've been in the grip of the hormones this weekend, and that is a tough situation to deal with, at least you've only gained 1.5 pounds, it could have been worse!

I hope you have a much better week to look forward to this week - like you say, Onwards and hopefully downwards!

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Ruth I found kizzie71 had posted on last week's thread, so have copied her post for you

Another weigh in, lost a 1lb, so that's now 8 in total!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply tomoreless

Hi Moreless,

Well done for locating Kizzie71 - that's a fantastic result to lose 1 pound this week, and to have achieved 8 pounds in total. She's doing really well.

Well done Kizzie71, and hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

blacksunflower profile image

Sorry I missed this mornings session, so am weighing in here. it was my birthday on Saturday and then we had some really bad news on Sunday and my back has showed little or no improvement up until now. So not surprisingly I have not lost any weight this week, but I have maintained so that's something. Anyway good luck for the coming week everyone.

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toblacksunflower

Hi BSF- sounds to me like you have done pretty good to maintain. Sometimes - life does not throw out kind 'cards'. Back problems can be miserable and on top of that bad news - poor you. But you have found the time to post - so well done and thank you for joining us.

Hope your week improves.

Good luck for next week

blacksunflower profile image
blacksunflower in reply tosuzybenj

thank you for the support it really helps

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toblacksunflower

Hi Blacksunflower,

Just spotted your reply - yes, the afternoon/evening session is still open, so great that you're posting here. I hope you enjoyed your Birthday on Saturday. I am so sorry to hear that you had some bad news on Sunday though, that must have spoiled the weekend quite a bit for you. Also sorry to hear your back hasn't improved - I really hope you can get some respite soon from that.

Like you say, you've done well to maintain in those circumstances.

I really hope you have a better week ahead, and I hope you are able to cope ok with the bad news and that you have plenty of support to help you through it.

Wishing you a better week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

blacksunflower profile image
blacksunflower in reply toZest

many thanks for the wonderful support.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

6pm I'm going to do some cooking now, but I know the other Fab 5'ers are around, so please do keep posting, and one or more of us will respond to you later. It's a great Afternoon/Evening session, and really inspiring results everyone! :-)

Lowcal :-)

Trying2BHealthy profile image

Evening all! Another week done, that's week 3 for me and I'm down another 3lbs 😃. 11lbs in total , you can't get the smile off my face! Xx

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toTrying2BHealthy

Hi F2BF - Schmazing- i would be smiling to - really well done. Great achievement--3 pounds off a stone then....

Good luck for next week - onwards and downwards :-) :-)

mummybrummy profile image

Hi not posted on here as much as currently have the C25k bug!!

Lost 2.5lb this week after a gain last week......onwards and upwards!

Good luck to all for this week ☺

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply tomummybrummy

Hi Mummybrummy,

Congratulations on losing 2.5 pounds this week, that's really great!

Glad to hear you're enjoying the C25k bug, and I can imagine your running is improving as a result of that. Really good!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply tomummybrummy

Excellent C25k programme- and you have lost weight:-)

Keep running and good luck for next week

Ps Onwards and downwards:-)

Sketchmo profile image

First weigh in... A week at 1900 calories

Was 18 st 2 lbs

am 17st 12 lbs

4 lbs loss ... Highly chuffed until wife reminds me coincides with doctor putting me on water tablets... lol

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toSketchmo

...welcome and really well done on the 4 pound loss - (whatever the reason). Great first week weigh in:-)

trafford1 profile image

Hi Lowcal :-) haven't you done very well with a teeny weeny 0.2 pound gain. You can hardly even count this as a gain really :-) Your only 1.9 pounds away from seeing what we all are cheering you on to achieve and that is well within your grasp so keep going. I know you will achieve this Lowcal I just know it. I bet you can't wait to get back into the gym this week all being well and as always I wish you every success in reaching your goal of losing 1 pound by your next weigh in :-) I didn't want to peak at your post until I found this time to relax and have a read so I have waited all day to find out how you have done and I must say I am really pleased for you hun :-) Well done x

T1 :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply totrafford1

Hi T1,

Thank you so much for your very encouraging post, and I appreciate the fact you waited till the end of the day to relax and have a read through the threads. I am pleased to have only gained a teeny weeny 0.2 pound gain, it is great. I had literally gained 3.6 pounds overnight after the operation, and that felt quite a shock! But thankfully it subsided and melted away as the week progressed, and I just thought that it would be down to inflammation, the effect of pain killers etc - and I'm sure that was what it was. Yes, I did comfort eat a bit on the afternoon of the operation, with the crisps, chocolate eclair and ice-cream, but I managed to stop it at that, and got back on track again the next day. Thank goodness, as I know it can be easy to roll back into bad habits, and I didn't want to do that.

I really appreciate your ongoing support T1 - you are lovely, and I hope you are relaxing and enjoying your evening now you're back - and I also hope that your son is doing well and enjoying being back in the comfort and care of his Mum - I bet you're a great Mum. :-)

Wishing you another great week yourself, and I'll look forward to reading your update post later in the week.

Take care,

Lowcal :-)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply toZest

Glad you didn't continue to comfort eat and that the excess melted away, but it's also nice you got to enjoy some lovely and tasty treats.

You always have my support Lowcal as you know :-) I am relaxing and enjoying my evening in bed :-) I have a very bad back at the moment so am taking the time to rest when I can. I only have myself to blame for this as I was cleaning the conservatory roof yesterday as well as the windows and managed over 15 kms of exercise lesson learned. It's a good job I'm not getting married for 3 weeks.

Thank you for your lovely words and yes my son is doing really well, such a big difference from Friday to today :-) He really didn't want to go to hospital, but yesterday he said to me, thank you for taking me to hospital :-) aww children are so precious.

Will try to relax a little more this week if that's even possible.

I'm sure you have some lovely meals planned. I managed to get some whole trout for just £1.50 per trout so I am happy :-) :-) stocked up on that, got salmon and white fish as well.

I wish you a happy and successful week Lowcal :-)

Best wishes T1 x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply totrafford1

Hi T1,

Just read your reply - it's hard to know when someone has responded sometimes, as I don't get the notifications easily at the moment, but I'm so glad I didn't miss this lovely message from you. Thanks so much!

I'm so glad to hear that your son is doing ok, but I'm sorry to hear you've got a bad back - hope you give it the rehab it needs to get better really soon. You need to be well for your Wedding day. It's exciting that it's not long away now. You must be getting excited!!! :-)

Great that your fish stocks, including the important tasty trout, is well stocked up - I had some cod on the weekend, but we had chicken tonight. :-)

Thanks again for your support, and I'll look out for your post later in the week.

Take care, and look after yourself with that poorly back.

Lowcal :-) xx

Trebor007 profile image

Hi everybody, just weighed and I'm 18st 9lbs. I had wine and cider on the weekend and was not looking forward to weighing today, but 5lbs off and pleased. Good luck everyone for this week.

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toTrebor007

:-) - well that is a good weekend - out enjoying yourself (clearly calorie free drinks) and you lost 5 pounds - well done

Good luck for next week:-)

Trebor007 profile image
Trebor007 in reply tosuzybenj

Cheers :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toTrebor007

Wow Trebor, that's a fab loss! Well done you! :)

You must have done really well with your food plan :)

SueG85 profile image

This is week one for me so I am weighing in at 12st exactly. Downhill all the way???

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toSueG85

Hi SueG85 - welcome. 12 stone you could be in the 11s next week- the holy grail for a number of us:-)

Good luck for next week- as you say downhill all the way:-)

Tinkle72 profile image

Hi lowcal, Glad to hear your minor op went went. In my book you maintained which is excellent given your op. Managed to lose 1 lb this week. Creeping nearer to the 12 stone barrier. Hoping that being disciplined this week will see me nearer to breaking that barrierby the end of the month which was one of my targets.

Hope everyone else has a good week ahead.

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toTinkle72

Hi tinkle72 - one pound off and v close to the 11s. My target for the en of this month - I have to shift 2.75 pounds - so quite a big ask - but reading posts like yours makes me feel more determined.

Good luck for next week- we can compare notes on being in he 11s:-)

Tinkle72 profile image
Tinkle72 in reply tosuzybenj

Thanks suzy. I've just read through this post. Definately motivating. Some of the losses achieved are absolutely brilliant.

Good luck with getting to your target for this month - positive thoughts are being sent your way.

Look forward to sharing notes on dropping through the 11s :o))

Britdiane profile image

First week and a pound but at least it is off !!!!! I think I used too many calories on bread based things so I will tweak that for the next week. 😉

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toBritdiane

Well done on pound loss - as you say going the right way:-) A loss of 1 or 2 pounds a week v respectable. A friend of mine did that for a few months and it all added up to a couple of stone:-)

Hope your tweaking goes well - good luck for next week:-)

Anon-E-Mouse profile image

11st 4lbs last week, was good until I went out for dinner last night, now 11 st 4.6 lbs so 0.6lbs on. I did keep to 500 calories on Saturday to offset the meal out (no dessert), but am not disheartened, this healthy eating plan is for life so onwards and hopefully next week downwards.

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toAnon-E-Mouse

...still a bit annoying that you allowed for the splurge on sat:-). Still I am sure that will disappear over the next week. As you say healthy eating is for life - good reminder.

Good luck for next week:-)

Anon-E-Mouse profile image
Anon-E-Mouse in reply tosuzybenj

Thanks Suzybenj, I did feel a little miffed, but remembered two weeks ago the same thing happened, I was good but put on .2lb then last week lost 2.6lbs, so maybe that's how its going to go. Can't give up over such a little set back, if at first you don't succeed..... 😉

Hi Lowcal, hope everything is really, really fine with you again! Hope you have fun at the Gym again. ---I belong in the morning session normally. My weight this morning at 6am in Germany was 91.7kg. I gained over one kilogramm over the past week and I am slowly creeping down again. Thursday I had a double portion of spagetti after a long day at the toothclinic in our area. Everything is fine, and the spagetti helped to unwind, if you can do this with spagetti, ooops. Hahaha :P Cheerioh

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to

So is Germany - crisp and lovely as opposed to damp and mild:-)

Bad luck on the weight gain - but sounds like you have it under control with that spaghetti unwinding:-)

Good luck for next week

Sopmarfree profile image

Hi local. 1lb loss this week. Four days in bed with flu and just grabbing anything to eat is to blame!!

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toSopmarfree

One pound loss seems pretty cool. Shame you were ill tho- a few folk are and seem to be hit quite hard.

Good luck for next week - and I hope you feel better soon:-)

emielou profile image

this week i have gained one lb. back to 9st 13 lbs. i am not surprised though, very disappointed with myself. i only exercised once this week, ate crisps, bacon and white bread - mindlessly, with abandonment. i definitely am a comfort eater, somedays are harder than others - i am dealing with grieving but not looking for sympathy! regardless of outside influences i will succeed, need to keep positive mental attitude. this week i have been sad and know that certain foods have not helped my mood - refined carbs. want to break the love hate relationship i have with food. need to push myself this week, but i will set myself smaller goals, so at least i achieve them, rather setting myself up for failure. going to do 15 minutes of exercise daily. small i know :-) sorry for going on a bit! congratulations to all who have maintained and lost weight. XOX

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toemielou

Evening emielou- sometimes our moods are hard to fight. I have a lot on my plate at the moment - including the delayed grieving of my mum. Like you not wanting to air that in public - but I just feel sad. Over weekend was positively maudlin. Sometimes that is just the way it is and we have to let some time pass. Tonight I comfort ate two helpings of delicious haggis- not looking fwd to the result on scales. Anyhoo- sounds to me like you are in a reflective mood and in control-but do be kind to yourself too:-)

Looks like awful rain tomorrow - but do try to get out for some fresh air on your 15 mins of exercise.

Take it easy- and I hope you feel better this week:-)

tubbycat profile image

Hi everyone -Bit late posting tonight, sorry- don't worry if you can't reply...I had one awful busy week at work and I didn't count my calories except in my head and I was sure I hadn't gone over- but alas I am stuck at 11 stone 8 pounds: exactly the same as last week!! Ah well. I feel a bit like you resigned to putting on .2 of a pound- as you say it is tiny. One thing cheered me up however: I found some old charts from when I began dieting way before Christmas and I recorded then that my waist was 37 " (I had forgotten I even filled this chart in) and today I measured it and it was 35". Hurrah! 2" I hope never to see again.

Anyway, getting down to recording everything again now. I really hope to lose this week...

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply totubbycat

Hi TC - I am mooching around on HU- so I can reply. I know counting calories isn't for everyone - but if I don't -I forget things and eat a bit more as well. Keeping track keeps me control (at least whilst I am on this slow downward journey).

But wowee - 2 inches of your waistline - how fab is that:-). That is why recording stuff is important - we forget how far we have come.

Back on the recording wagon - and wishing you good luck for next week.


been a tough week this week, a mix between very good eating and exercise, and on the flip side work dinners and crappy food during travel.

Weigh in is exactly the same as last week at 18st 13 lbs...

Part of me says this could have been worse, but I also seem to be stuck at or around this weight... I really need to kick start the loss again but seem to be struggling to do so..

On the exercise front, I have been doing great, but it seems that every week something is there to scupper my efforts... excuses I know....

Anyhow, well done to all who had a good week, its a good motivation to try harder next week!

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to

Evening Healthkick. I think being away from home and not able to exercise or control what we can eat- is frustrating. I have now got super boring on the food front - even to the point of taking one pot porridge and fruit for my own breakfast rather than hotel breakfasts. I even took my own pack lunch to a work event last week(claiming I was gluten free). Anyway all for a measly 1/4 of a pound loss....anyway enough of me

You stayed the same under what I would consider challenging circumstances---better than a gain. My advice - is to try not to pop over the top of 19 stone - You have worked hard to get to that weight. Aim for a small loss- you may surprise yourself a lose more:-)

Good luck for next week:-)

in reply tosuzybenj

thank for the tip and the encouragement!! much appreciated.

Good luck to you as well. We can share the delights of eating one pot porridge this week... :-)

AnewMe profile image

Hi everyone, hope I'm not too late for the Monday evening weigh in! I've just started the 12 week plan today and have around 3 stone to lose! I'd like to join you all for the weekly weigh in on a Monday as I know this will be very encouraging! So, best of luck for the week ahead & I'll report in next week with my results.

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toAnewMe

Evening - it's never to late to post - there are a few folk who post later in the week:-). That said it is good to get the vibe of the day.

So welcome anewme- you are starting in a great place with the NHS plan-getting to grips with what we are eating and making healthy changes to our diet.

Good luck for next week:-)

rcerst profile image

12 5. Gone up cos i lost motivation. This will be harder than i thought

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply torcerst

We all have blips and trips on our weight loss journey. Most of us took a long time to gain weight and therefore it comes off more slowly than we would like. It also means making long term changes to our diet and lifestyle:-)

I have had my own mini battle with motivation this last week- but picked myself up and dusted myself off and ready to start a new (healthy) week:-)

Good luck for next week- I am sure your motivation is not lost:-)

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg

Hi Local - 0.2k is so very little - a tribute to your super accurate scales.

I am holiday with no scales but weighed myself Friday morning before I left.

Last Monday 91.2 kgs

Last Friday 90.6kgs.

either a loss of 0.6kgs or we all wait baited breath until next monday to see if I can keep it off.

have a good week.

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toGonti

Thanks for posting Gonti and well done on the pre holiday loss update.

Have a great holiday - and we will see how good it has been- next week. ( good - meaning whichever way you choose :-). )

nickynoo77 profile image

Evening lovely weight loss buddies

This week I've lost 0.75lb, not as much as I would have liked, but a loss is a loss. Next week I hope to lose at least 1lb.

Start weight (before I found this forum) - 15st 1lb

Start weight (after joining this forum) - 14st 1lb

Current weight - 12st 6.5lb

Total loss so far - 2st 8.5lb (36.5lb) 😀

My long term goal is to get to 9st 12lb and I feel that I can actually achieve this now (but taking it 7lb at a time).

Nic 😀

in reply tonickynoo77

Hi Nickynoo - great to see your overall stats - they seem very solid and consistent. Your 0.75lb loss this week is definitely a loss to be proud of! I'm sure it was hard earned. It's so great to see how far you've come. I hope you have another excellent week this coming week :)

nickynoo77 profile image
nickynoo77 in reply to

Thanks Ruth I'm very proud of myself and have achieved this in 11 months and if I can get to goal by Christmas 2016 I will be one happy lady 😀. The really hard work starts when I get to goal and then maintaining (as you will know), I've been at goal a few times but never successfully maintained, this time I'm determined! I couldn't have got this far without yours and everyone elses help on here.

in reply tonickynoo77

The hard work is the losing weight part Nickynoo - what you're doing right now. Don't underestimate that. I think the fact you've achieved this over 11 months really shows your staying power. You'll definitely reach your goal by xmas 2016. Just keep visualising it and it will happen :)

nickynoo77 profile image
nickynoo77 in reply to

I'm more determined than ever before to get to goal and still be there by my 40th birthday in August 2017 and beyond!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply tonickynoo77

I love your determination Nickynoo, that should help tide you through to your 40th and beyond. :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi everyone,

It's nearly 11.55pm, and I am going to go to bed now, so wanted to wish everyone 'Night night' - hope you all sleep well.

Another great Monday group weigh-in - both threads really good, very inspiring, and well done to everyone for your continued contributions and enthusiasm.

Here's to another great week ahead for all of us.

I'll be checking the threads again tomorrow, just incase there are any late weighers, and we'll look forward to catching up with you all again next week, or out and about in the forum in the meantime.

Take care,

Lowcal :-)

Carpo82 profile image

Sadly it is another maintain for me. Really annoyed as I did a daily weigh in all week and I was about half a kg down all week. Both hey ho. I did have a few days with less exercise due to mother nature and a coil fit. I'm going back to basics this week with weighing everything that goes in!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toCarpo82

Hi Carpo82,

Just spotted you as I was about to go. Glad I didn't miss you - sorry to hear you're feeling annoyed about your weight today. I realise that you were half a kg down all week, and that must feel extremely frustrating to then be half a kilo higher on the actual weigh-in day - but at least it's a 'maintain' and not a 'gain'. You've also been affected by Mother Nature and your coil fit, so you've been through it a bit this week. That half kilo will probably be back off again by tomorrow, so don't let it affect you. You haven't gained on the scales this week at all, and next week you can hopefully look forward to a good loss on those scales, all being well - so that's something to look forward to.

Good luck with your plan to get back to basics this week, and doing lots of weighing of your portion sizes etc. That should definitely help as well.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Definitely going now, midnight strikes. :-)

Prin profile image

Whooa it's taken me a couple of hours to read all the posts and make the odd reply, some great losses this week - I think I have gained 1/2lb this week, and 3 meals out this week so a maintain is good for me this week. We have new scales at the gym that look at body fat so aim to check mine out, disappointed at my resolve over the weekend, must try harder but going to a burns night and also a couple of events planned for my mums birthday she is 81 26th. Hopefully kick some kms again this week......

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toPrin

Hi Prin (lovely Fab 5'er),

You've used new scales, so that is always difficult to tell the difference between your weight - as the new scales may be more accurate, and maybe that's where your extra 0.5 pound came from.

You've got a very social week ahead, with your Burn's Night celebration, 3 meals out and your Mum's Birthday on the 26th, so hopefully kicking those kms will help to balance it all out, and you'll achieve the 'maintain' you're hoping for. Good luck, and have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

fatty45 profile image

A tad late....since friday 1lb lost. Whooooooooo!

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply tofatty45

Fantastic fatty 1 lb loss! Keep going! You will soon have to change your name to skinny! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply tofatty45

Hi Fatty45,

Great to see you, and Congratulations on losing 1 pound this week since Friday - that is fantastic!!!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

fatty45 profile image

Not sure it worked....First weigh in....1lb lost since friday.

fatty45 profile image
fatty45 worked

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply tofatty45

Yep, it definitely worked - you've posted, and we are very glad you did. Congratulations again. :-)

Saima123 profile image

Morning, just wanted to know where to record the weight for the challenge ☺☺☺

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toSaima123

Hi Saima,

I will pop back with the current link for you! :-)

This is the link to today's post:

If you click on that link, then you can enter your weigh-in results there. I'm just having my lunch now, but someone will reply to you there in due course, there are Fab 5'ers around! :-)

Lowcal :-)

Saima123 profile image
Saima123 in reply toZest


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