Found that resolve: Hello everyone, On... - Weight Loss Support

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Found that resolve

lostconfidence profile image
13 Replies

Hello everyone,

On Friday morning I had one of those wondeful moments when I relised how much I was preventing my own happiness and that if I really did want to be a different size it was me who would need to make it happen. This has really given me the strenght to commit to a new diet and I really feel I can make a success of it this time.

I spent the rest of Friday creating a range of documents to go into my own weight loss journel - I have daily diaries to fill in, a list of rewards for myself, inspirational pictures and quotes etc. I have decided that I will do a six week plan - The idea being that whatever weight I get to in this time will be an improvement on what I am at the moment, that it will increase the number of clothes I will be able to fit into from my wardrobe and that six weeks to a manageable timescale. I had decided to start on Tuesday so I can enjoy time with the family and then use Monday to prep.

I'm 28, 5ft 4in and I think around 13st 4lbs but I will properly weigh myself on monday and check my BMI. Here goes everything!!!

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lostconfidence profile image
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13 Replies
eeek1110 profile image

Welcome! You've found somewhere for strong support and advice. It's great that you are so determined and positive. I do see it as a lifelong lifestyle change rather than a diet and have realised that I do need to get off my bum and do some exercise. My main one is brisk walking. I felt a bit rough today but still went out for my walk and came home feeling much better. It burnt up 250 calories which allows me to have a treat or two tomorrow and still lose a pound in a week. That's my goal as it's a slow and steady road for me. Good luck and have a Happy Easter!

JuliaM72 profile image

Well done to you. First step is always the hardest and you've made the decision so you're on your way. This is a great site for help, advice and motivation as eeek1110 said. I hope you get going and do well, as eeek says it's about the long haul :-)

Anna999 profile image

Hi! As the others have said you've come to the right place for support, this community is helping me alot! It's sounds as though you are in a positive place to start, I had a similar eureka moment a couple of weeks ago and haven't looked back!

Something I'd recommend would be the my fitness pal app, you just enter what you eat and it adds up all your calories for you, has been great for keeping me on track!

Good luck starting next week, let us know how you get on! And have a lovely easter weekend 🌸

ellandrhia profile image

Well done you! Had an awakening like that 70 days ago now and it's such a great feeling. My only regret is that it didn't happen until I was 60 and 20st. I think it's finally realising that you need to do it for yourself, not anyone else and once it all comes together it's such a release. I've lost a stone and a half so far and have never felt better. It is definitely a mind over matter thing as since starting the diet, I have never felt as miserable or deprived as I used to with all my diet attempts in the past and if I want something different I have it. Welcome to the losers club! Happy Easter.

eeek1110 profile image

Never thought of it as a "losers club." Brilliant! ;)

I know what you mean about that moment when something clicks - I had that last week. I had been saying for months that I should lose weight and get fitter but wasn't really feeling committed to it. Then last week it just felt right to change. You sound really well organised and all your strategies are sure to reinforce your resolve - well done. Good luck with your journey and be sure to let us know how it's going :-)

trafford1 profile image

Good for you taking that first step and good luck on your journey x best wishes x

junebride profile image

It's my first day of weight loss plan today and so nice to visit the forum and see such a positive post along with so much encouragement from others! Feel a little daunted about the 12 weeks ahead (I get married in 12 weeks so the timescale works well for me :-)) but hoping a combination of my own resolve and inspiration from the forum will carry me through. Happy Easter everyone x

June1965 profile image

First step of MANY 😄............we are with you all the way x

lostconfidence profile image

Thank you everyone. I'm actually keen to just start, really looking forward to Tuesday. I'm hopeing that being focused on this for six weeks will also result in a lifestyle change - I think theres a saying / research that if you do something for 21 days it becomes a habit? - after the six weeks I currently aim to maintain for a while and see how I do. Tomorrow I'll do my measurements and start all my planning for the week!!!

nomore profile image

Sounds like a great plan. Good luck!

SM04 profile image

The best of luck to you. :-)

I love your post. It is so true that weight loss is totally our own decision. Or so I think every morning. By 6pm the wine bottle and the cheese box are beckoning.

Having said that I too have decided to start anew this week with a straightforward routine that I can fit into our family life. I agree six weeks is a good length of time to focus on and it is wise not to set an over-specific target.

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