Newbie here...: Just posting on Easter... - Weight Loss Support

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Newbie here...

Jammie17 profile image
20 Replies

Just posting on Easter Sunday surrounded by chocolate eggs and party food...! (not going to go mad though, hoping the family hordes will eat it all)

Have been trying the NHS plan for a week and found it really hard sticking to the 1400 kcals despite my careful planning and shopping, after about 3 days (although have just checked the NHS BMI weight-loss thingy and it says I can have a bit more than that, phew. Despite having fallen off the wagon a bit, I have managed to lose a couple of pounds.

I have decided to take accountability for my own weight-loss after spending the last few years going to Slimming World on and off, and before that Weight Watchers (left when they introduced Pro-Points). I have realised that the systems they peddle are a bit flawed- they work for a while but they can make you feel paranoid about certain types of food. I much prefer the idea of regulating yourself and having a good balance of food and activity. I have managed that for quite long periods but I think my whole system can get out of balance and then I put on weight because of bad habits.

The other problem is that I struggle with not allowing myself to have too much or certain things for a while, then I get a weird defiance thing going on and have to have a bit of a feast. Then I feel rubbish about myself. Then I eat to make myself feel better (doh).

Anyway, I always found it helpful to have a weigh-in to go to, and friendly people to support you who understand it can be difficult sometimes. I will be working on my psychological "need" to eat and trying to unlearn some of the slimming club habits (unlimited sized portions for one), and hope to get time to weigh in regularly, chat to some other fitness buddies, plus increase my fitness over the summer.

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Jammie17 profile image
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20 Replies
RobLandsdown91 profile image

Hi and welcome Jammie :)

Happy Easter

Take a look at the Pinned posts section to the right of your screen (bottom if you're using a mobile), read the Welcome Newbie thread, then move through to the challenges, where we hope you'll find at least one that will appeal to you.

Move down to the Topics, to find a variety of threads, collated into specific topics for ease of access and we ask that you also 'file' your own threads, so that others won't miss your important news.

Take a look at the 12 week plan, as a lot of people have been successful with it, making sure to enter your details into the BMI calculator, to get a calorie allowance tailored to your personal requirements. Don't forget to take your starting measurements and a 'before' picture, as they can be very motivating on days that the scales refuse to co-operate.

We run daily weigh-in's and you'd be very welcome to join us. The threads can always be found in the Events section, to the right of the home page, bottom on a mobile.

We've found that to get the best out of this community, we need to be active on the forum, as it's where we exchange information, get motivation and inspiration and make friends. We hope that you'll join us here, regularly, too.

It's only left for me to wish you well on your journey :)

Jammie17 profile image
Jammie17 in reply to RobLandsdown91

Thank you!

I could have written this myself! Have also decided to leave SW, have been to every group in the area, and WW. I have become a bit cynical, the longer it takes me to lose weight there, the more of my money they will have had...

We can do this. Enjoy Easter today, have some treats, and we can start with a vengeance tomorrow x

Jammie17 profile image
Jammie17 in reply to

Thank you! Happy Easter!

Hi Jammie17,

First of all welcome and would you like a Newbie badge?

1400 calories is as you've correctly worked out, just a generic amount for women and the BMI calculator gives you your own individually tailored allowance. Some people find they need to eat less than this and some need to eat a lot more. What I would suggest though is, try to eat as much as you can at the beginning, because as you lose weight your allowance will reduce.

I personally find I can lose weight on 1,800 calories which is the top end of my range and I'm almost at goal. Whilst I'm not particularly sporty, I am active, as I have 4 very young kids and spend around 15 hours a day on my feet. This helps me burn a lot of extra calories.

How are you recording your calories? Have you tried using a weight loss app?

Remember this is a lifestyle change not a diet and it's about reeducating yourself about food.

Try looking at foods that make you feel fuller for longer, whole milk, full fat cheese, more protein and wholemeal varieties of bread and pasta. Reduce refined sugar and salt and drink loads of water.

I'm tagging MrNiceGuy and Hidden in here as they have a sound knowledge of nutrition and maybe able to help further.

Good luck 🍀

Jammie17 profile image
Jammie17 in reply to

Hi there, yes please, a badge would be great. Thank you for the tips. I generally know where I go wrong and how to eat well, I like to cook and am not a stranger to vegetables and pulses, being mostly veggie, but extra help and guidance is always welcome. Thank you for your tips, much appreciated :-)

in reply to Jammie17

Badge all done :-)

You're welcome. Look forward to seeing you around :-)

Jammie17 profile image
Jammie17 in reply to

Thank you!

Hi Jammie17 can I just ask what you mean by paranoid about food types? Do they push certain foods or is it like low carb etc

A lady at work was on sw for a while, I found she constantly talked food and syns, but never mentioned any exercise?

I hope you don't think I'm being rude, I'm really not, I'm just curious

Kat xx

Jammie17 profile image
Jammie17 in reply to

Hiya, SW is based around a very low fat diet, and their USP is that you don't have to count calories; instead they designate categories of "Free foods" (eat freely as much as you like), into which most fruit and veggies fall, but also fat-free dairy such as Mullerlights and quark, baked beans, dried pasta, rice and potatoes. Then they allocate a certain amount of "Healthy Extras" (brown bread, ryvita, oats, cereals, milk, cheese etc). Then everything else is given a "Syn" total, and you are given a total number of "Syns" that you can eat each day. A syn roughly translates to being 20 calories, for example a cup of Options hot chocolate is 2 Syns.

I found it really effective at first, especially after I had a baby and a lot more to lose than I ever had before. But it can start to feel very restricted, and when things like a home made pizza or quiche, (I love cooking so I cook from scratch a lot), or even a cheese and onion pasty or something are so high in syns that they take up 2 days' allowance or more, you can start to feel terrible if you "slip" and eat one of these things. Or start planning obsessively about how you can eat a pizza but not pay for it on the scales.

I started to think that a diet advocating (theoretically) eating as many Mullerlights as you like and as many baked beans (full of sugars and calories) and saying that extra-virgin olive oil or avocado is so high-syn as to be avoided most of the time can perhaps make you a bit screwed up about what is "healthy" eating. Basically you pay for all those yogurts and unlimited pasta/potato by strictly limiting your diet in anything that contains any fat. So it's just calorie-control by another name (one which you pay for weekly).

The eating plan definitely has its good sides and lots of people have had great long-term results, but I think the most helpful thing for me was being in a group of people all trying to achive weight-loss every week.

in reply to Jammie17

There was an audible gasp when I said I didn't like muller light yogurts! I said they're so sweet from all the sweetener and I'd rather have a small higher fat yog. Oops!

Jammie17 profile image
Jammie17 in reply to

Yeah- they love to push their brands too, don't they..? :-)

in reply to Jammie17

Oh yes. I think I'm getting very cynical about clubs in general. The longer it takes me to lose weight the more of my money they'd get. I've wanted to question a few things but have decided to just leave rather than make a fuss!!

in reply to

This really sounds terrible, so own brands and loads of money 😱 I'm not so much shocked as disappointed xx

in reply to

It clearly works for a lot of people but I think that I over think things and then start questioning things. Have never liked being told what to do!! Recently I've only been going to get weighed to keep me on target but I need to be responsible for myself. I'm also not a great 'group' person, bit antisocial really!

in reply to

No I'm finding it easier on here where I'm getting the support I need but don't have to physically stand up in front of everyone. I'm only 5ft 2in and 14 stone 4 pounds so not a fan of groups either xx

in reply to Jammie17

Thank you that's a real eye opener, I can see how people are unable to maintain the weight loss and I'm a bit of everything person, omg 2 days of points to have quiche I'd never be able to stick to that.

I'm really pleased I found this forum before I joined as that would have been my next move. I hope you find here as welcoming, helpful and supportive as I have, good luck and thank you again

Kat xx

Jammie17 profile image
Jammie17 in reply to

Thanks Kat! x

LouTrev profile image

Hi Jammie! fellow newbie here, whats your main objective? :) Lou

suige profile image

This place is very supportive we are all aiming for the same goal post this site offers a lot of good support and advice to help us along the way

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