Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (23rd March 2015).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
67 Replies

Hi everyone,

Last Monday I weighed 13 stone 4.8 pounds, and today I weigh 13 stone 6.2 pounds, so I've gained 1.4 pounds this week. I had a meal out mid-week, and also gave myself a 'day off' on Saturday, and consequently had quite a few salty foods that day - like crisps, and pizza, and chips, so I suspect I've gained some weight due to those excesses. However, I enjoyed my day off, and I don't regret it. I just need to get back on track this week and make healthier food choices.

I kept up my exercise, and have done more core strength exercises as well, and I feel as if my body is toning up and gaining more muscle definition - so that feels good!

I'm hoping to lose some weight this week, so I'll try to be more disciplined about my salt intake and will try to choose healthier choices overall.

"Happy Birthday" to Prin for today, and hope that yesterday's Marathon run went well. Hope you have a great day today and enjoy your Birthday.

Hope everyone has had a good week. Please join me and share your experiences in this Monday weigh-in.

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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67 Replies
trafford1 profile image

Good morning Lowcal,

I'm glad you enjoyed your day off and had a mid week meal, we are only human after all. Restricting ourselves is just like starving yourself so it's not a bad thing that you enjoyed yourself, other than gaining of course which is not what we want. Hay ho we move on and continue our journeys.

Good for you doing some core strength exercises I have attempted these but not quite got it as it does heart my back when I try and do sit ups. I have a mat now so am going to try again this week.

Keep up the good work Lowcal and have a great week ahead x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to trafford1

Hi Trafford1,

Thanks very much for your supportive words. They are much appreciated!

Regarding the core exercises, I've not really done many 'sit-ups' as yet - I do more squats and deadlifts using my own body-weight and some light to medium weights, but I'm going to move on to trying sit-ups and also push-ups at some point (maybe this week, not sure yet). Like you, I need to support my back, as I can hurt it if I extend myself too much.

Here's to a positive week ahead, and hopefully to some weight-losses. Wishing you a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Fitforit75 profile image

Hi Lowcal, sorry you've gained but glad you enjoyed your week and know what caused the gain. The regular exercise is so important for a positive mental outlook!

I have gained 7/8lb this week but I have resumed the c25k programme and feel great! As I've had a long break from the program, I went back to week 1 and the difference in my ability to do those very short runs is amazing.

I am a terrible comfort eater (and drinker :-o ) and my uni work is crushing me at the moment, so this week I am going to keep up the additional exercise as it has really helped me to unwind in the evening, and my aim is to not put any weight on rather than losing - although that would be a bonus ;)

Wishing everyone a happy healthy week :)

Kate x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fitforit75

Hi Kate,

Thanks for your supportive words - and well done for resuming the c25K programme - it's brilliant that it's making you feel great. Like you say, having a positive mental outlook is really important. You'll soon get that very slight gain off again.

Sorry to hear your Uni work is crushing you at the moment - hopefully it will get better as you go on - and your additional exercise is helping you to unwind, so that is really good. Your goal to maintain is a sensible one, and that way any loss would be a bonus.

I'm also taking that view - because as long as I stay below 13 stone 7 pounds, I'm considering that to be positive, because I'm managing to maintain a much larger loss, but ideally I'd love to one day get closer to my goal to be 12 stone 7 pounds. Maybe one day!

Wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

SineadC92 profile image

Hi lowcal, sorry to hear you gained weight this week but we're all entitled to some time off from healthy eating every once in a while.

I've lost 1.5 lbs this week which I'm pleased about though part of me wishes I'd managed 2lbs as that wld have put me at 2 stone off. However, half a lb to go is great so shld hopefully hit it next week!

Good luck to everyone in the coming week

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to SineadC92

Hi SineadC92,

Congratulations on losing 1.5 pounds this week - that's brilliant! :-) Hopefully you'll achieve that 2 stone goal next week, and that will be another thing to celebrate! You're doing really well - great progress. Really well done.

Thanks for your supportive words, they are much appreciated.

Here's to another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image

The only way is up for me - more disastrous than last week. By Friday I had lost 2.5 pounds - so was feeling confident about Mondays weigh-in. The blow out Sunday lunch with friends put paid to that - managed to gain another pound:-(

I am rather hoping that will miraculously disappear overnight.

Like you LC no particular regrets - but I really must get myself back on track!!

Have a good week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzybenj,

Sounds like you were having a very good week, and so your Sunday lunch won't have scuppered that too much - I think you're right that that pound will come off overnight - glad you don't regret it, as life is for living and you enjoyed your lunch with your friends.

We're getting back on track again for this week, and here's to losses for both of us at next week's weigh-in (here's hoping). :-)

Thanks for your support and encouragement, and I'm sure we can get back on track.

Wishing you a good week.

Lowcal :-)

Kerry82 profile image

I will do but I'm dreading it today.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Kerry82

Hi Kerry82,

Hope it's better than you're anticipating. Look forward to hearing from you - whatever happens on the scales doesn't always reflect progress accurately - there can be so many factors that can contribute, so whatever your weigh-in is on the scales, think about how your week has gone as a whole.

Lowcal :-)

Bealmor profile image

Good morning. Sorry to hear you've gained but love your positivity, I'm fairly fed up with staying the same. I have had a cold this week though so not able to get out. Yank goodness the food was so lousy at dinner I went yo on Daturday that I wasnt tempted to over do it.

I've an exam tomorrow which I'm very I'll prepared for so hoping nerves will help this week. I also know I need to look at portion sizes and just slowing down to eat.

Good luck all!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bealmor

Hi Bealmor,

Morning to you! Thanks for your encouragement. Much appreciated. :-) Sorry to hear you're feeling a bit fed-up, but glad to hear you've not gained any weight, and have managed to maintain it, despite having a cold this week, and the stress of your forthcoming exam tomorrow.

Good luck with your exam, and I hope it's better than you're anticipating.

Wishing you a good week ahead. You've got some sensible goals to aim for - portion sizes and speed of eating are both good areas to focus on.

Wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Mary55 profile image

Hi Lowcal,

Sorry that you gained this week, but at least you know what you have done. I weighed 12 2.2 this morning. Have eaten a lot of rubbish this week, so am refocusing with the aim of getting to 11 stone 7 lbs over the next 12 weeks

Good luck everyone!!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Mary55

Hi Mary55,

Thanks very much. :-)

Thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. It sounds like you're feeling positive to make some healthy changes this week and that's really great. Good luck with your goal. Are you doing the NHS 12 week structured plan? It's very good - lots of good advice. I'm presuming you are, as you mentioned the next 12 weeks. Hope you enjoy it, and look forward to hopefully catching up with you at future weigh-ins.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Mary55 profile image
Mary55 in reply to Zest

Yes I did post twice! Never was very technically minded. My aim is to fill in the Myfitnesspal journal and to actually record everything I eat as my problem is that I snack in the evening and then don't always record it- I know the only person I am cheating is myself and have resolved to stop doing it. Thank you for your support and will post next week x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Mary55

I also use Myfitnesspal for keeping track of my calories and exercise - I think it's really useful.

Good luck with your plan to stop snacking in the evening.

Catch up with you again next week. :-)

Hi Lowcal this weight loss can be a pain! It's getting to me know! I have worked so hard this week at sticking to my calories and making myself walk even when I have not really wanted to. Yesterday Hubby walked with me to make me do it. All this and my weight has stayed the same this week. We even had friends in for a meal and I didn't give in to chocolate mousse. I feel so frustrated!!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Pog1,

I can definitely feel your frustration - it is definitely frustrating when you've been disciplined and stuck to your healthy eating and exercise plan, but don't see the results on the scales - but the fact is that you know you DID adhere to it, and I suspect the loss will come very soon, as long as you keep going and don't let your feelings of frustration tempt you into over-eating.

Try not to let it get to you too much - you might notice a drop on the scales tomorrow morning (which can be frustrating when you join in a Monday weigh-in), but hopefully that will happen and you'll be feeling much more positive.

I think you've done really well, and you've maintained your weight - keep going.

Wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Mary55 profile image

Hi Lowcal

Sorry to hear about your gain but at least you know what you have done and enjoyed it. I weighed in at 12 2.2 this morning, so after a week of eating rubbish need to refocus and get back on track. Am aiming to get to 11 7 over the next 3 months and 12 1 by next Monday

Good luck everyone😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Mary55

Hi again Mary,

I think your post came up twice - I've replied to it above.

Lowcal :-)

sidcup1 profile image

sorry you have gained, but its not much and you have a good plan for this week . ive managed to get rid of the 2lb i gained last week, so am back to 13 stone 7 lb, which is good but in reality no actual proper loss for a quite a few weeks. however i still feel im doing better than i have in the past. i am really hoping to manage another pound loss this week so that i will have lost half a stone since i started, which feels significant progress. take care and ope you ave a better week. sidcup 1

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to sidcup1

Hi Sidcup1,

Congratulations to you for losing 2 pounds this week. It's definitely something to celebrate, even though I notice you term it as 'no actual proper loss' - I know what you're saying there - I got down to 13 stone 1 pound at the start of this year, and therefore now that I'm at 13 stone 6.2 pounds, I feel frustrated to have gained 5.2 pounds since then - but at the same time, I feel much fitter and think I 'look' slimmer than I did at the start of the year, so I think my core strength exercises are toning my body, and it's not necessarily showing on the scales, but is making me 'feel' better in myself. So I don't think it's all about the scales, but at the same time, I think a weekly weigh-in is really helpful to keep me on track.

What I'm trying to say is that I think it's brilliant that you've had a loss. Like you say, you've lost half a stone since you started, so you're doing brilliantly - keep positive and wishing you another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

a42h profile image

Hi may I join your weigh in please I've put on so much weight I used to be 10st 11lb I'm now a whopping 15st 12lb darn tablets don't help and I used to be active ha ha!! I bet your all saying so did I. Having said that my back is refusing to let me out of bed yet

So starting weight 15st 12lb 😢

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to a42h

Hi a42h,

You are very welcome to join us, and thanks for doing so! :-) You've weighed in and got your starting weight - and hopefully as the weeks progress you'll be lighter and feeling healthier as time goes on. Have you seen the NHS website weight loss pages? There's a 12 week structured plan that you could follow if you like the look of it. I think it's really good.

Hope your first week is a good one, and look forward to seeing you at future weigh-ins. The Healthunlocked Weight loss community is extremely supportive and there are lots of lovely people who will offer encouragement and support.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

a42h profile image
a42h in reply to Zest

Thank you, I will have a look at NHS website 😀

vickster5 profile image

Morning! I will aim to join you on the discipline this week as i have stayed the same and feel been stuck at this weight for a while! I went out for the first time in ages Saturday. ..too much wine and too much food.

Any ideas for what to do when get to end of 12 week programme to keep going as i have a long way to go.

i did go to the gym this week (only once but over come a psychological block).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to vickster5

Hi Vickster5,

Great to see you - and well done for maintaining your weight despite that big meal you had on Saturday - hope you enjoyed your evening. At least it didn't lead to a weight-gain.

I've seen some people start the 12 week programme again, just to keep the momentum up of following the structure, but at the same time you've learned all the advice by following the whole programme, so it could be a matter of trying to continue to implement it, and just setting yourself new achievable goals - i.e. perhaps aiming to lose half a stone by a certain time, or that kind of thing.

I think it's great that you overcame that psychological block and went to the gym. Really well done. It can be very tough to overcome a block, so congratulations for achieving that. Hopefully it will be easier to go another time.

Wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

catch profile image

Sorry to hear about your gain lowcal, but you seem to know where it has come from which is always better than an unexplained gain.

I have managed to lose the 2 pounds I have gained since getting to my target and so am back at my target weight of 10 stone 7. I still need to ensure I am concentrating on what I eat as I want to stay this weight and not put on again.

I think I need to follow your example and do some core exercises now, as I am happy with my weight and dress size, but my stomach could certainly do with firming up! I don't think that having a baby has helped in that area though!

Good luck to everyone this week, and I hope you all see a loss!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to catch

Hi Catch,

Thanks very much. Yes, at least I know where my gain came from, and thankfully it wasn't a big gain…! Could have been worse…!

Congratulations to you for losing 2 pounds this week, and getting back to your target weight again. I think maintenance is a challenging art, and hopefully you'll be able to work out how much you can eat before weight gain is likely, and therefore keep to your target weight.

Good luck with the core exercises. I think they definitely help.

Wishing you another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Folliegirl profile image

Hi Lowcal, sorry to see you've gained, but glad you enjoyed yourself x

Last week I weighed 11st12lb ... Today I weigh exactly the same! In all honesty I'm delighted with that - last Monday was my birthday, then I had friends round on Friday night and alcohol played a part in eating more than planned!! Plus hormones having been playing havoc, so over the weekend I had gained 2lb but it's gone today, so having psyched myself up for a gain I'm really pleased to stay the same😉

Week 5 and I'm still here ... Really proud of myself for that! Thanks Lowcal for suggesting the Banana Bran loaf, it definitely helped combat the hormonal munchies ... I think my digestion is still quite slow, butbut it does seem to be evening out, thank goodness!!

Here's to a good week ☀🌸🌼

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Folliegirl

Hi Folliegirl,

Thanks very much. I definitely enjoyed myself. :-)

Well done for maintaining your weight, as I know you had your Birthday last Monday, and I'm glad you enjoyed your celebrations with your friends. Yes, hormones can play havoc can't they as well, but at least you haven't gained any weight. I think that's really good!

It's good that you enjoyed the Banana Bran Loaf - I need to make another one of those. I usually make one and slice it up and freeze it so I can have a piece most days - but I've realised I've run out - so must do some baking. Maybe I'll make one this evening…! I use All-bran instead of Bran flakes, so I don't know what the version is like using bran flakes, but I like the All-bran version.

Hope you have another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

carolann48 profile image

Good morning all, sorry I didn't,t post last week, due to not having internet for 4 days, all sorted now. I didn,t lose anything last week, lost 2lbs this week making a total of 21 lbs which has taken me into the 11 stone bracket from my original 13 stone bracket, I,m so chuffed. I did have a day off my diet when I couldn't,t access the Internet, I had a very naughty but enjoyable day but got straight back my diet the next day. Hope you all have a good week, good luck everyone.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to carolann48

Hi Carolann48,

Great to see you again. Glad you have sorted out your internet - it must have been strange not to be able to access it for a few days.

Well done for maintaining your weight last week, and Congratulations for losing 2 pounds this week - brilliant progress to have lost a total of 21 pounds. Really well done! :-)

Glad to hear you had an enjoyable 'day off' - that sounds good.

Wishing you another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

slimjan profile image

Hi, glad your feeling better about your body you have done so well with all the weight you have lost.

I am really pleased to day as have gone down to 12's, so much better than 14's I have lost 1lb this week which I wasn't expecting as had to have treatment under general anaesthetic on Wednesday, which I have to have three times a year but always feel really tired for a few days after so have had no excercise this week. Feel back to normal today so hopeing to get plenty of walks in with the dog this week.

It's 5 weeks to my holidays so trying hard to loose 7lbs to get down to 12.5.

Hope everyone has had a good week and good luck for next week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to slimjan

Hi Slimjan,

Many thanks. :-) Your encouraging words are much appreciated.

Congratulations to you for losing 1 pound this week, and brilliant to hear you're enjoying being in the 12's, and that it feels so much better than the 14's. That's fantastic progress. Really well done. :-)

Particularly good that you lost a pound this week despite having your hospital treatment and weren't able to exercise. Glad you're feeling back to normal again now, and can enjoy plenty of walks with your dog.

Not long now till your holidays - your goal sounds achievable, and best of luck with it.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

walkthisway profile image
walkthisway2 stoneMaintainer

Hi Lowcal

Monday again - where does the time go? I know what you mean about needing a a day off - planning ahead and thinking about eating can get so boring - although we all know the benefits - and we all need a break from it some times. In fact I seem to be having most weekends 'off' or at least seriously relaxing the usual routine at the moment and my weight loss has really slowed as a result - although surprisingly I am still losing. i have lost 3/4lb over the last week and now weigh 11st 12lb. I have 12 lb to go - so the target is in sight.

Sorry you have gained - but you seem to have enjoyed your day off - maybe that will spur you on again. As you say you are actually doing something much more in maintaining a much larger loss - and that is an incredible achievement. I have found I am far happier with how I look and feel now- 2 stone 2 lbs lighter than when I started - that i am just not as driven to stick to the eating regime as I used to be. I do love exercise now though and seem able to keep that going ok.

Still have lots of work and family problems to deal with so I will just have to do my best to not gain this week.

Good luck everyone - have a great week. :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to walkthisway

Hi Walkthisway,

I think it is definitely a lifestyle change in terms of adhering to healthy eating and exercise, and it shouldn't be a chore - so I agree wholeheartedly with you that we should have 'time off' from time to time, and that as long as we're focusing the majority of the time, then we can enjoy celebrations and more leisurely days. Many thanks for your encouraging words and support.

Congratulations on losing three quarters of a pound this week - that's great! It's good that you're enjoying being 2 stone 2 pounds lighter and that you feel happier with how you look now - really good!

I know you've got quite a few stresses to contend with this week, with work and family issues, so I wish you strength and capacity to cope with those, and hope you achieve your goal not to gain this week.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Bluehills profile image

Oh bad luck, Lowcal. I've gained a lb this week too - but then, I did have a bit of a blow out last night. I'm now 11st 5 AGAIN!!!!

Feeling really cross with myself, so off to the swimming pool to get rid of my foul mood.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bluehills

Hi Bluehills,

Hopefully you're enjoying a lovely relaxing swim at this very moment, and finding that your mood is improving with every lap of the pool. Don't let that 1 pound gain get you down, you know where it came from - a bit of a blow out last night will hopefully soon be a thing of the past in terms of its impact on your weight. Just get back on track, and you'll be leaving 11 stone 5 pounds behind again.

Here's to hopefully being lighter next week. :-)

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Maxiemum profile image
Maxiemum1 stoneRestart May 2024

Hi Lowcal

As long as you know what made the gain, you enjoyed it and were prepared for the consequences then your small gain is fine

I have missed a week or two and have paid the price, weight wise have gained 4lbs.

Back on track now though. Will loose a good chunk of my gain this week, fingers crossed! Let you know how I get on next week

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Maxiemum

Hi Maxiemum,

Thanks so much for those encouraging words. :-)

You sound very positive today, and I'm sure you'll soon lose those 4 pounds that crept on over the past couple of weeks - it's great to hear you're back on track, and I hope you have a really good week.

Keeping fingers crossed for a loss next week.

Look forward to catching up with you next week. Wishing you a good week.

Lowcal :-)

googoes profile image

morning lowcal and everyone sorry its not a loss for you but we all need a day of sometimes, the most inportant bit is to remember thats all it is . at the time of writing this you have had 33 replies and i bet everyone like me might not be hear if not for you asking us to join you so good luck for this week

i have had a good week lost 2 pounds so first half stone gone now for my next half stone the warm sun up hear in lake district has lifted spirits

have a good one and all penny

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to googoes

Hi Penny,

I really appreciate your very kind words, and encouragement, so thank you very much! :-)

I'm so glad to hear you've had a good week, and Congratulations on losing 2 pounds, that's really great! It's inspiring when you reach a target like you're first half stone - it should definitely be celebrated. Really well done. :-)

I'm sure it is gorgeous in the Lake District in the warm sun. Let's hope it lasts a while.

Wishing you another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Artsoru profile image

Morning Lowcal!

I'm sorry to hear you've gained this week! But it's good you know the reason. It is nice to have a bit of a break and a treat every now and then as weight loss can be tedious every now and then! You can get back into gear this week! :) I have my fingers crossed for you!

I have had a good week. Not done loads of exercise but managed 3 days of about half an hour. I had a feeling this morning that the scales would not read a loss for me. I was right, and I know its all down to the takeaways I had Friday and Saturday! I know I shouldn't have had one both days. I hate to say I was swayed by the boyfriend. Friday was supposed to be a treat which I enjoyed. I am annoyed for letting myself get swayed for a second day. Not all bad news though as I have managed to stay the same at 12st 7lbs!

I will work hard this week to make up for not losing anything. Plus, with only 10 days left on lent, I'm worried about stuffing all the chocolate lying around at the first chance I get! :(

I need to keep my willpower going, I don't want to put the half stone I've lost back on!

Hope everyone has a good week, with more losses on Monday! :D


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Artsoru

Hi Sophie,

Thanks for your encouraging and supportive comments. They are much appreciated!

Well done for maintaining your weight despite two take-aways on consecutive days. It's great that you've managed to stick to your exercise goals, and also well done for sticking to your Lent resolutions. That must be quite tough, especially as you mentioned having quite a bit of chocolate lying around.

Maybe you could problem solve how to cope with that excess chocolate - as you have 10 days still to go before Lent finishes, and maybe having that chocolate so accessible may not be a good thing… I've already made a plan for Easter, which is that I'm going to allow myself a Malteser bunny (they are about 30g of chocolate, and a small Alpini chocolate egg from Thornton's. In previous years I would eat the large chocolate eggs plus their contents, and might have 2 or 3 of those! So I'm definitely down-scaling, and hope that will be reflected on the scales after Easter…!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Hi Lowcal. I'm the same weight still, 12st 2 I tried my old jeans yesterday and they did feel less tight. But no change on the scales... Yet

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ruth_Canal_Runner,

Great to hear that your old jeans feel less tight - that proves that your body is changing and hopefully you'll see some change on the scales soon - just keep going…! Well done for maintaining your weight, and hope you have a loss next week.

Wishing you a good week.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thanks, hoping to get below 12 some point soon, but getting into those jeans comfortably would be a good goal too, so holding onto that as well. Good luck for the week ahead

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Thanks very much, you too. :-)

HRHGaby profile image

Morning Lowcal! In week 11 I have lost 800g/1.1 lbs and my BMI is 26.9 (overweight). I've had little time to exercise but I have made good food choices.

My progress is very slow, but it's still a progress in the right direction.

Sorry to hear you gained some weight, but happy to hear that you enjoyed your day off and your meal out. The fact that you are feeling your body toning is a great sign, even better than the number on the scales. Keep it up!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to HRHGaby

Hi HRHGaby,

Congratulations on losing 1.1 pounds - that's really great. Well done on that loss and on making some good food choices . I think that losing weight gradually is healthy and like you say, it's progress in the right direction.

Many thanks for your encouraging words, which are much appreciated.

Here's to a positive week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Kerry82 profile image

I new it I put 1lb on arrrggghhhh, back to basics for me

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Kerry82

Hi Kerry82,

Great to see you back, and sorry to hear you've put on a pound this week, but hopefully you'll soon get that back off again, especially if you're going back to basics. Good luck, and hope you have a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Candystripe profile image

Hi Lowcal,

What a wise owl you are. I find that when weight loss gets a little static then the best thing is to give yourself a day off.

I find that by taking in more calories and varying your usual foods, it gives your digestive system something more to work on. I guess that's why the 5:2 diet works so well (not that I do it, I prefer calorie counting!)

Guarantee that next week you'll have lost again. Of course it also makes you feel good (and guilty afterwards) but you just get back to it knowing that you felt good at the time.

So on that happy note I only lost one pound this week (13st 13lbs), but know that my downfall has been the evening snacking. My aim this week is to kick this disgraceful habit and get my small plate of prepared fruits on the side for nibbling instead if needed. Having said that, we are going away Thursday for a long weekend so must think ahead of all meals that we'll be eating out and stick to my game plan......minimal carbs! I also aim to get to 13st 11lbs next week which is a four and a half stone weight loss.

Well done everyone and keep going!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Candystripe

Hi Candystripe,

Firstly, Congratulations on losing a pound this week - you're into the 13's now, and that's a great transition! It's great that you're pre-planning already regarding how you're going to cope with the long weekend away - I hope you have a lovely time and I'm sure you'll make some good choices whilst away.

Thanks very much for your kind and encouraging words to me. I think I definitely needed my 'day off' and thoroughly enjoyed it. It wasn't exorbitant either, just chose some salty foods that day - probably because I find them very moreish!

I hope you enjoy your plate of prepared fruits and that it helps you with your evening snacking. Sounds like a good plan. I usually have a couple of nuts with a small piece of fruit - and that is very satiating. I know that nuts are relatively calorific though, so I try to ensure I don't eat too many.

Good luck with your goals for this week, and enjoy your weekend away.

Lowcal :-)

Hi Lowcal, bad luck on the gain but good for you for treating yourself and I am sure that next weigh in will be a positive one again. With Easter coming up I am dreading trying to maintain but feel the need of a break so we all have to have treats. I have one more weigh in on Friday and will be away for a couple of weeks so that's my holiday from the diet for now! I am already losing the will to be good but will try and stick at it until Friday. Have a good week (and Easter if we are not in contact before then!)


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Juliet,

Thanks very much for your encouraging words. They are much appreciated. :-)

Good luck with your plan to stick to your resolve till Friday - hopefully it won't be as tough as you anticipate. I think you've made a good point regarding trying to 'maintain' over Easter - rather than trying to lose weight at that challenging time, and I will definitely remember that when the time comes. Otherwise I know I'll be disappointed when I don't achieve my goal.

I'll look out for your Friday weigh-in, to see how you're getting on. I think you're making great progress and I wish you a good week.

Lowcal :-)

runnerjan profile image

Hi Lowcal,

Sorry to hear you've had a gain but glad it was worth it! I have had a STS this week and remain at 11stones 12 pounds. Having read through a few replies I seem to be doing the same as others - being pretty good all week and weighing at least a couple of pounds less by Friday then going completely awry at the weekend. I'm going to aim low this week and try for a 1 pounds loss so that I don't feel too disappointed come next Monday morning if it's another STS or gain.

Good to hear that you are enjoying your exercise. I do exercise quite a lot but know that it's the nutrition side of things that will see a weight loss so I must try that little bit harder with my food.

Hope you have a great week.

Jan x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to runnerjan

Hi Jan,

Well done for maintaining your weight - it sounds like the weekends are typically challenging for most of us - but that's a good reason to weigh-in on Monday so that hopefully having that weigh-in ahead will stop us going too awry. Good idea of yours to set yourself a different goal - then hopefully any excess weight loss will be a bonus, and hopefully you'll achieve it, all being well.

Thank you for your encouraging words, as always.

Wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

size12goal profile image

Glad you enjoyed your day off. Doesn't do us any harm in the long run at all. I have a cadbury's creme egg in the fridge, this is my sunday treat, I am savouring it!

Have a good week. :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to size12goal

Hi Size12goal,

Thanks very much. :-)

Glad you're enjoying your Cadbury's Creme egg - wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Nic1976 profile image

Hi Lowcal

Couldn't make weigh in yesterday due to Internet connection issues. Last week I was 12st9 and this week am 12st8. Into week 4 of plan and lost 11lbs so far - still got 3 stones to go but feeling determined especially as I can see the results and feel the benefit - 2lbs to go and I move into overweight category.

You're a veteran at this Local so can't imagine an anticipated slight gain will impede your long term goals! X

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Nic1976

Hi Nic1976,

Really pleased you were able to get online today to join us for this weigh-in. It can be frustrating when there are connections issues, can't it.

Congratulations on losing 1 pound this week - that's really great, and I can see you're making excellent progress as you've lost 11 pounds in total, and you're only into week 4 - that's really good! Not long to go before you move into the overweight category - those kind of transitions are really inspiring.

Thanks for your kind words and encouragement. I really appreciate it.

Wishing you another great week ahead, and hope to see you in future weigh-ins. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Bubbles234 profile image

Hi Lowcal

I'm glad you're not letting it get it down. I didn't loose anything this week and I'm not bothered either. I celebrated St Patrick's Day in style so I'm delighted I still have 2lb off. I'm starting week 4 feeling more positive even though I slept in and missed my spinning class yesterday morning! I'm trying to record my calories with My Fitness Pal and get 10,000 daily steps done this week. I'm going to take it easy and be happy with a small and hopefully steady loss. Life is for living and I'll get there as long as I don't give up.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bubbles234

Hi Bubbles234,

Great that you enjoyed St. Patrick's Day in style, and you've maintained your previous 2 pound loss - really well done! Perhaps you needed that extra sleep yesterday - sorry to hear you missed your spinning class - hopefully you can catch the next one.

I think a small and steady loss is really good - and like you say, life is for living.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Bubbles234 profile image

Thanks Lowcal - you too. Hopefully we'll both have a better tale to tell next week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bubbles234

Yes, let's hope so! :-)

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