I just wanted to let everyone know..... - My MSAA Community

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I just wanted to let everyone know.....

Fancy1959 profile image
36 Replies

Hello family, it's Fancy. I know I have disappeared again, but I wanted everybody to know I am once again fighting secondary health issues. Had positive results on a cologuard colonoscopy test I took. So I have to go in and find out what's wrong with the colon the end of the month. On top of that I don't know if I've mentioned that I have a rare genetic liver disease, called polycystic liver disease. Even rarer than the disease itself is getting complications from this disease. It is normally a very benign disease that most people don't even realize they have unless they bump into it taking test to look at other problem areas in the abdomen. But you all know me I never do anything halfway and yes I've had complications from the rare disease . In November of 2015 right before the chat room became so active I went to the Cleveland Clinic and have a liver reduction done because my liver ģrew too big. Play head cyst as big as Baseballs in my liver leave it or not. The wonderful doctors there for foreign delivery Dakshin and took about 20% of my left lobe off my liver where it was literally packed with cyst and then punctured and drained and cap the cyst they could reach in my right lobe that were large . Well, Wednesday I went in and had an ultrasound of my liver. Guess what, it has grown 3 and 1/2 in in volume so it is its acting up again. The surgeons and liver specialist at Cleveland Clinic told me the last time I had the reduction that they only did a reduction once and after that and they would do a liver transplant. That scares me to death with the way my Ms defecting my life right now. nI'll find out more the end of the month when I get in to see a liver specialist locally. I'm having a hard time dealing with everything needless to say. We all know how hard Ms by and of itself is to deal with so, when you throw other major health issues on top of it it's simply very overwhelming. When I'm able or have good day's I'll still drop in the chat room and talk to everybody but right now I'm taking a little time off because I'm having to deal with a lot of issues.. It's hard on the spirit and mental state if you know what I mean. I love you all and I'll miss you and know that I'm thinking about you all more than you realize. Take care until we speak again. Always remember too, that together we are stronger! Fancy.

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Fancy1959 profile image
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36 Replies
johnMSAA profile image

Please know that we are all thinking of you, Fancy! We hope to hear from you on your "good days" until you get a handle on your secondary health issues.

- John, MSAA

erash profile image

Sending hugs and wellness wishes Fancy1959

bxrmom profile image

Fancy1959 I'm sorry to hear that you have other health problems going on. Sending positive vibes and prayers your way. Check in when you can.


RoseySawyer profile image

Sending well wishes your way and prayers that all will get better. Miss ya! 😊💓 ❤🌷

RoyceNewton profile image

I hope that you can feel the strength returned and we can send you all that you need. My best wishes sister.

MarkUpnorth profile image

OMG, you're a wreck! Really sorry. M.S. is definitely a life changer, but nothing compared to what you're going through. M.S. is what it is....your liver issues....yep priority. The colon issues...I'm on the 5yr recurring plan, but that's go at it again, the prep, still the same as the first, is tasting good?...

Trick is to starve yourself a couple days prior to starting the prep. The more viscous than water prep, actually begins to resemble nutrition? Mmm! Yeah I'm crazy too! Hey, with the over growing oversized liver, can drink every one under the table? I'm probably going to regret I said that after I can research polycystic leave liver! I joke about everything bad in my life. So I go in for regular polyp mowing with each colonoscopy, but I actually had a clean one this last time after at least 5 years of healthy colon friendly eating, as red meat is not my thing. There are a lot of sea fish that are steak like enough for me, my fav: Amberjack, but swordfish it's close cousin taste wise. No....do the amberjack!

Hang in There! Give it your all!

IFwczs profile image

Fancy, feel better and good luck! We are with you in our thoughts. Keep us posted.

carolek572 profile image

You're in my prayers during this time of need. Take care of yourself, first and foremost, and we will be here when you return.

Carole :-D

Morllyn profile image

One medical problem is bad enough! So sorry! I will be sending good thoughts your way.❤️

Fancy my husband had a positive on the Cologuard test also and will have a colonoscopy done this month.

This is somewhat funny (at least to me and my sister). My sister had the cologuard test last year and the test results came back “ no human DNA”! What does that mean? So she had another one and the results were the same! We now tease her that she is an alien, not human.😬😆 The next time that I saw my Primary doctor I mentioned it to him and the look on his face made me burst out laughing.

Sorry, I have been dying to tell someone that!

greaterexp profile image

I'm sorry you've been having so many issues all at once. You're in my prayers. We miss you when you're not here. Hang in there!

jimeka profile image

🙏 🤗 💐 🍫 👍

Guava69 profile image

Lots of prayers and blessings 🙏 Stay strong ☺️🙏☺️

Kenu profile image

Prayers are with you and your family as always 🙏🙏🙏 please hang in there and let us know how it goes 👍😊. Stay positive 😉 Ken 🐾🐾

Lilith08 profile image

Take all the time you need and take good care of yourself. Be gentle with your body and your spirit. Best wishes that everything will get sorted out.

MissMewithMS1 profile image

My prayers are with you. Don't give up the courage to fight, and don't forget to smile everyday that the Lord opens your eyes. Stay strong!

livewell2 profile image

So sorry you are going through all this. You are in my thoughts and prayers wishing you a speedy recovery and that your medical staff will be guided to give you the best possible treatment

Ali_B62 profile image

All good wishes for a good outcome for you, Fancy, I hope you will soon enjoy a better quality of life. Take care! ☺

Amore55 profile image

Fancy, if we are a match and they will let me, with ms, I would gladly give you part of my liver. You are my sister after all, I am so sorry you are having such struggles. Love, Kelly

MarkUpnorth profile image

Fancy, here's a really, really easy way to fix the liver thing. Find a Traveler Medic (Netflix Travelers, people sent from the future to alter events in the 21st century to prevent the total destruction of earth in the future.) Okay, now I just dropped down a few notches in the public opinion polls, liking Sci-Fi? Hey, my wife who hates Sci-Fi even likes this one? And the walking dead, as for years she was married to one. Anyway, find one of these doc's from the future. They will give you an injection of nano-bots (or the like), which can do wonders. We are everyday getting closer to nano-technology. Back in the dark ages when I was in college, that was the new idea bio-engineers were working on. And still are. Yeah, you can figure out how long that was, as I was born in the same year as you Fancy1959. I have no clue yet as to how to how to help yourself by what you eat. I eliminated my PSA call to surgery and radiation by one or another means by eliminating peanuts, cashews, (all the other nuts are okay?), and regular doses of pomegranate juice every morning. According to doc, who sticks his fingers up my but every visit, it feels good!?? Is he??? Smooth, no bumps or hard spots! He gives me the diameter, he has micrometer fingers? But I never remember. So for the liver, I would think red meat, bad for you? Red meat gets a bad for you for everything these days? No wait....it says Limes...good for you. I always have a bowl of them on my counter....at 10 cents a piece...it's citrus on a budget, just like the early sailors! Restrict fat intake. Do away with oils? No EVOO?!?! Butter?!?! This is going to be H E double toothpicks, but we'll get through it! Avoid fermented foods. Yeah, sour kraut gives me gas too, and the only time I eat it is around St. Pat's day, part of celebration dying the river green here in Chicago, and I'm not even Irish. Fresh vegetables and fruits... let these be the mainstay of your diet. Yep I do! You should too! It helps M.S. too! Increase boiled foods easily digestable like rice (no...use cauliflower rice), and oats. I love steel cut oats! Yeah, that's not Wahl's protocol, but it its colon healthy! Add berries, nuts, heart healthy cinnamon (from the buyer of my last business, who sold MRI's and knew many cardiologists, the buyer who drove a jag (which I drove during the 6 mo. training period while he tried to keep up with contacts from prior....) - yeah, fun at first, but not for me, Jag wise. When the economy tanked more recently, and my business didn't, it looked like a healthy way financially get through that period,...let your imagination go, just skip the sugars. Avoid refined foods like refined wheat and sugar as they are difficult to digest.....yeah, I try and avoid refined these all the time. It's just anti-paleo/Wahl's diet. Increase vitamin K and vitamin C.....Okay, most vitamin supplements cannot be overdone, and I'm sure I get 1000+% of these, but better, from what I eat. Banana is a part of most of my oatmeal breakfasts, along with all the other good stuff. And vitamin C, remember the limes? If (I can't think of a famous pirate's name), but if he can do it, suck on a lime! At least you won't get scurvy! History......yeah not my thing, but from a kid, I remembered that!

I'm fighting with you! Don't even think of giving up. Do whatever it takes. Research it on line. I believe what you eat makes a difference. So why not give it a try. Let doc's do their job. You do yours. But you have to be fully into it if it's going to help. It's like the magic pills. They don't work either unless you stick to them. I like you are what you eat philosophy. Seems to be working for me?

Grannykus profile image

Praying for you!

leking1 profile image

My love and prayers are with you, Fancy. May the Angels watch over you and keep you safe and well and loved and happy.

Peruzzot profile image

Hope and pray that you will get better soon. Keep us updated when you can.

Elizt3 profile image

Thinking of you and sending hugs. Stay strong. We are all rooting for you.

goatgal profile image

Fancy1959 I keep you in my heart and send my prayers out into the cosmos, asking for healing for you.

janetb1968 profile image

Really hope ur ok Fancy1959 and such a lot for u to cope with on top of the MS bless u xxxxxxxx ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Jesmcd2 profile image

Told you that you are loved here Fancy1959 🤗💕 always a phone call away!


Texandyroe profile image

Fancy, I clicked like, even though I don't like what you are having to go through. I like that you checked in with us, and I like that you know that you have a whole army of people here praying for you. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times...it's just not fair when we get something else thrown at us, because dealing with MS is enough! Maybe we are thrown these additional health issues because He knows we are strong enough to deal with them. (At least, that's what I tell myself, anyway). Be strong and know that we're here when you need us. Let us know what you find out from your liver specialist. Prayers, hugs, and love,


hairbrain4 profile image

Sorry to hear about all the problems. It's bad enough with just MS. Will be praying for you.

lbenmaor profile image


I'm so sorry you're going through this hard time.

I will say extra prayers for you.

All my best,


Jazzihorsecat profile image

Prayers🙏🙏🙏💐As always precious Fancy1959, always know we're here for ya! & We all L💗VE YA! Sorry you have to go thru all this on top of MS! V.xxxooo

DIsneyQueen profile image

You are in my prayers Fancy🙏😇

Doubled51 profile image

So sorry you’re going they so much.

Praying for healing and quick recovery.


CraigS profile image

Jeez, Fancy.

I can only wish you well and hope that the doctors will be able to help you.

I'll be thinking of you, please keep us updated.


Brindisi1 profile image

So sorry for the many issues

Know that prayers are blanketing you so that you will have strength to deal with the liver issues, colon Issues on top of MS. Be strong and keep us apprised

Peace and joy in all this

rjoneslaw profile image

Ur in my prayers

mrsmike9 profile image

It is hard to hit "like" on this post but I do it out of support, not that I "like" the difficulties in this message. Just know that I wish you the best. The best of what? The best of health, love, hope, healing. What a frightening issue to have. It is like heaping coals on your head to deal with multiple issues, any one of which is so very, very difficult. I wish you strength and you go through the difficult times ahead. Please, when you can, touch base with us so we can know how to direct our prayers.

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