Royces Newly Diagnosed (Newbie) guide 1 ... - My MSAA Community

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Royces Newly Diagnosed (Newbie) guide 1 of ?

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My name is Royce, I have Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. I have enjoyed this experience for 20 years, and my goal is to provide YOU, the newbie, with the type of help that I wish I had of had back in the day. Understand that I am not a DR a Therapist a writer or any other type of professional, I am just an ms lifer.

All CAPS do not mean I am yelling at YOU, merely that I am trying to make a point, and have not worked out how to tell YOU, that this is important.

I will tell YOU personal things about myself and people I have met in my ms travels, so please do not be shocked this is normally just to make a point, and to let YOU know that I have been where YOU are. Still am in reality, so let's get started.

1. Wear protective underwear. Amazon, grocery stores, chemists, Pharmacies have them. Buy them and wear them. YOU know when to change them, and I only wear mine in public. They have saved me several times over the years. A great deal less stressful soiling myself when nobody but me knows. I have a friend that 23 years ago, when first diagnosed soiled herself walking out of a grocery store. Maybe the change in temperature, maybe being a newbie she thought she could hold it. Either way 23 years later she still can not walk into a store alone. Do not put yourself through this, wear protective underwear.


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