One step at a time is what it takes. Slow yourself down, this situation, our illness will not be solved in a day. Actually “YOU” may even find it a little worse in the long term if “YOU” find yourself rushing forward like a bull in a china shop trying to find all the answers in one day.
I will make life easier on “YOU” by giving “YOU” a few answers just to set your mind at ease right now. This is chronic, incurable condition and there is no good reason as to why “YOU: have it. I am not any type of medical professional. Ex pilot actually. I do not know your exact answers. I have had a little experience with this condition. Combined total of forty plus years, with male (Mine) and female (She who must be obeyed) experiences with our situation. So a little but I am far from an expert.
Okay most importantly, this is a very DOABLE condition. It is not any kind of end, so put that from your mind. A lot of the mistakes “YOU” are about to make can be reversed, trust me, “YOU” like me will make mistakes, a lot of them. Because “YOU” eventually will get your act together Goes not mean that “YOU” will not make mistakes in the future, try not to make them to big, at least ones that “YOU” can get out of are always good. So learn to start forgiving yourself and keep forgiving yourself and maybe others. They might be as scared lost and confused as “YOU” are.
Okay get your head straight. Cry if “YOU” need to. Actually just cry, this happens now and then. It does, just learn to be cool with it. Find a Disease Modifying Therapy (DMT) to take. One that “YOU” will take per instructions with no exceptions. I have taken 4 different ones in my Relapsing Remitting ms (RRms) career so changing is really not a big deal. STOPPING IS, NEVER EVER STOP taking one. As I said I am not a doctor but I do suggest taking the strongest medicine that “YOU” can, I believe today it is called Ocrevus, Why start at the oldest and weakest, start at the strongest and work down if “YOU” have to. When you pass on it is okay then to stop, but before then, naughty naughty, Changing Neurologists (Neuros) is okay as well, I have had four in twenty years. Admittedly I have changed countries three times and addresses four or five times, but not everybody does that.
So one step at a time. Calm down, find a medicine and take it. Wear protective underwear, I am big on protective underwear, I have needed it more than once and have been glad I was wearing it, She who must be obeyed did not wear them early on and now has difficulty going through public doorways alone. Psychological I am sure.
So that should be enough for “YOU” at first. Calm down, crying is okay, we all do it. If “YOU” do nothing but cry for your first month that is okay, better out than bottled up inside. I will say this, some people might leave “YOU”, now when “YOU” need them most. Not everybody can handle their own fear and apprehension. “YOU” can and “YOU” will. This is your journey to walk, your path to learn from and grow stronger living with. “YOU” are going to live a long time with your ms. Make every effort to make your time as full as “YOU” can and never surrender to RRms. Remember it is a DOABLE condition and “YOU” have within “YOU” the strength to DO it. Just let yourself find it, then nurture it.
20 years and counting