Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well.
If you don't mind, I would like to ask what living with OCD feels like internally.
I have OCD, and I have always heard so many misconceptions about it everywhere. Be it in the media, or just a classmate stating that they are "So OCD" because they like to organize things.
Recently, I had the opportunity to do a research project, and I decided to focus on OCD, to research it further for myself (since I have it), and to educate others about the reality of it. In the first section, I want to talk about the misconceptions surrounding it and talk about how it really affects people.
So if you don't mind contributing (this will of course remain anonymous), could you please write a statement on how it feels like to have OCD? A short statement would be optimal. It could be something like "OCD feels like __", "OCD is __", or anything you think would encapsulate your feelings and be impactful.
Thank you so much for helping me out. Each of your contributions is truly appreciated, and will have a great impact!