hi again my intrusive thoughts have decided to come for round 2, not even three days break this time and its the same fucking thought all over again.
essentially i go into depth on another post but my brain is telling me that when i was 13 i groomed a child. i feel disgusting typing that.
thing is logic no longer works well it barely did anyway. the thing that got it to go away last time was basically emphasising “you didnt even think about grooming until the intrusive thought popped up so how could u?” but it doesnt work now. im so stuck and i hate it. there is no logic or evidnece behind it everything points to it being intruisve but for three years ive been concivinced its not and im a dirty monster.
like literally, the thought kf doing that didnt even cross my mind until the thought came in and i had to google what grooming was as i only had a brief understanding of it.
ANY help and i mean ANY help or replies would be amazing i feel like a monster.