Sorry in advance for the subject matter of this post as it involves an escort arrangement I had with a woman. I have been hesitating about posting, but decided to since I need help.
A couple months ago I met a woman on Seeking Arrangement and we went on a date at a Casino. There was an immediate attraction on my end. We only spent about an hour or hour and a half together at a restaurant there for drinks after she played a few slot machines. She claimed to be Bulgarian and that she moved here ten years ago when she was 13. She also claimed to have studied computer science and could talk enough about programming so that I, with my layman's knowledge, thought it sounded legit. She told me she had her own business which helps companies integrate AI into their business, and she later even sent me a website for it. I looked her up online and saw a website with her picture advertising her web design services. I quickly realized that this is most likely all a fraud, and that's she's developed a persona like Elizabeth Holmes or the lady from "Inventing Anna". When I asked her how to say "how are you" in Bulgarian she could not even do so.
Nonetheless I did not care because I was very attracted to her, and I wanted to have something physical with her. She reminded me of my former neighbor who is Bulgarian and looks very similar to her (same blond hair, etc., except the one I went on a date with had died her hair). I could never flirt with my neighbor because our daughters had been friends and I was friends with her husband, but I thought that I could harmlessly play out my fantasy with the Seeking woman by pretending she was my neighbor.
She took an uber home that night which I paid for. We followed up by texting each other but then she stopped texting me. I got anxious that she was no longer interested but it turned out she was just busy. To make a long story short, we had agreed on the financial terms of our next meeting which would involve me giving her something if we just had drinks, and me giving her something more if we would go back to my place or hers after (but we also agreed that if either of us wanted it to be just drinks and ended up not having the energy for more, that there would be no obligation on either of us to do more). I ended up realizing that this is wrong of me to do, that I shouldn't be wasting money like that since, among other things, I was trying to save up to take me and my brother, who has been working very hard, on vacation. A few weeks later I kept thinking of her and I changed my mind again and reached out to her. This time we had plans but she was the one who changed her mind. She actually just blew me off by not responding to my text to confirm our meeting. Eventually she texted me back saying she wasn't feeling well, but it was later in the day. The chase drove me crazy and I couldn't get her off my mind. We set up another meet but this time I cancelled again and promised myself never to meet her again and to stay away from Seeking Arrangement forever. My last message to her was a polite message saying that I think we should hold off for a bit so I can get things together with my work.
A few weeks later, when I was doing great in my life, she messaged me unexpectedly. This time I couldn't resist and we met with the same financial understanding as we planned before. I came to pick her up and we decided to go for a walk. I noticed soon that there appeared to be distress in her eyes. Her expression wasn't the same as it was when we met for drinks the first time at the casino restaurant. She had told me that she had been tutoring programming to children, but that she lost her job a few days ago because, instead of showing up to work, she went to the ER after getting an earing stuck in her ear. I immediately thought the whole thing was suspect and worried that she might be doing drugs. Something was out of place, but whether or not it was drugs, or whether it's my OCD assessing too high of a likelihood to her being on drugs, I'm not sure. She was still attractive to me though. During that walk I had now debated with myself on whether or not to ask if she wanted to do the second option which was to go back to my place. Because it would involve a higher payment, I worried (not because I'd be spending more money since I wasn't concerned about money that day as my work was going well) but was concerned that with a higher of amount of money she could buy more drugs (if she was doing them) and overdose. One side of me debated with the other- the side of me that really wanted her said to the other side that you waited all this time and had all this obsessing over her- now you are finally here and are going to back out? I also told myself that if she is doing drugs, she can get money from someone else if I back out, and can also get drugs even if I give her the smaller amount that I already agreed to just for the first part of our meet. The side of me that wanted to be with her won the debate and I asked if she wanted to go back to my place. She at first said no but I convinced her by saying we could just have drinks and didn't need to do anything more unless we both wanted. We did go and have drinks and did end up having sex.
I enjoyed the experience with her and have a big crush on her still. I've been feeling guilty for the past two weeks though that what if I exacerbated a drug habit that she might have. What if she used that money for drugs and either overdoses from that use, or her use leads to further drug use which one day leads to an overdose, and that without the money I gave she never would have overdosed? Even if she was doing drugs before, what if she would have recovered eventually without getting the money from me? Part of me tries to go easy on myself saying that I tried not to meet her but she called me and I couldn't resist, but the other part of me says I was just being weak. A second separate issue in this post is that there was a brief period, like five seconds, during our walk, where I was actually turned on by the thought of taking advantage of her while she was on drugs or seeking them. I have been feeling terrible about having that thought. It quickly passed, and I felt bad about it right away. When we were actually together in my place I wasn't thinking of it. Even during our walk I wasn't thinking about it except for those five seconds. For most of the walk I was debating with myself. I don’t know whether or not that fleeting thought is similar to the “groinal response” feeling/thought that some people with OCD get which they feel very guilty about, or whether it means that I am a bad person.
I can't concentrate at work lately because of this guilt, and have been having trouble socializing with people. I am thinking very low about myself right now and wish I had the strength not to meet her when she reached out. Everything was going well for me until then- I was in a state of peace, and work was going well, and now it's all guilt and uncertainty. Did I likely cause harm to her? Is it OCD to she was on drugs based on the look in her eye and on her having lost her job from being in the ER? People on drugs are often in the ER, and the story of the earing getting stuck in her ear sounds made up (who gets an earing stuck in their ear?). Also, am I a bad person for being turned on about taking advantage of her? She messaged me yesterday asking to meet again but told her I couldn't for a while because of work although I really wanted to meet soon (I just made an excuse since the real reason is that I worried about enabling her).
Lastly, is it OCD to not meet her again solely because I worry she is on drugs?
Thank you.