Today I met with a woman who I met recently online and we had sex. I felt that she enjoyed the foreplay part, but when we had intercourse, I felt she was a bit uncomfortable. I feel like I didn't go gradually and that I was a bit too rough. I feel like I went too fast and didn't really give her a chance to be ready. She didn't say anything, but I feel she was just being polite. From her facial expression though at one point I feel like she may not have been comfortable.
The worst part about this is that for a few moments I actually enjoyed the idea of her not being comfortable with it. Generally, I am very attuned to my partner's feelings and will ask if everything is ok. On this occasion I feel like I lapsed. At the end of it she did seem a bit frustrated and I felt she was trying not to show it. I asked her if I was too fast, and she said no. I feel, though, that maybe here too she was just trying to be polite.
I now wish I did not meet with her today. She may have assented to sex, but not to me being rough with her. Is this a form of rape? I feel like a horrible person. What if I scarred her mentally for life? I'm thinking back now on her expression and feel sorry for her. How do I know if this is legitimate guilt or just OCD? Is this something I can move on from and if so how?